Life and public service [AJR-97] - JR-15
Food and beverage tax exemption for certain local retailers [Sec. 2407, 9443 (3)] -
Act 27
Sales and use tax: meal and sandwich defined; provision re food product or beverage packaged with other goods [Sec. 313bm, c, d, e, f, g, 9442 (3c)] -
Act 237
Bicycle trails: DNR report on feasibility of paving [Sec. 9137 (3g)] [vetoed] -
Bicycle trails: DNR report on feasibility of paving -
Act 86
Neenah bicycle-pedestrian overpass funding [Sec. 477m, 9149 (4z)] -
Act 27
Transportation enhancement grants program re federal funds; grants for bicycle and pedestrian facilities [Sec. 483, 484, 2475r, 2476] -
Act 27
Benevolent retirement home for the aged task force created; report and proposed legislation re property tax exemptions required [Sec. 9156 (2m)] -
Act 27
Elderly person care or foster care: report and proposed legislation re tax credit for persons providing [Sec. 9123 (12j)] -
Act 27
Fish and game approvals and admission to certain state lands: provisions revised; proposed legislation required re personally identifiable information [for section numbers and vetoes, see ``Natural resources, Department of — Administration"] -
Act 27
Long-term care: pilot project established; DHFS to submit proposed legislation re elderly and adult disabled persons; contractual authorization for counties; COP funding increased [Sec. 44, 92, 9122 (3), (4), 9222 (5)-(7), (8)]
Act 237
LRB drafting services: persons authorized to submit requests specified; privileges of certain agencies removed [Sec. 14n, np] -
Act 27
Menominee county management review task force created; report to include proposed legislation [Sec. 9156 (1c)]
Act 237
Prison impact assessment: Director of state courts to prepare for certain bill drafts; report required [Sec. 3m, 9101 (4t)] [vetoed] -
Shared revenue task force created; to recommend legislation to replace certain programs [Sec. 9156 (2n)]
Act 27
Sustainable forestry practices: DNR to submit proposed legislation [Sec. 9136 (3d)] -
Act 237
Bingo receipts: occupational tax revised [Sec. 566bp, bq, 9401 (1)] -
Act 237
Delinquent taxes: bingo supplier, racing and pari-mutuel wagering license denied for; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [Sec. 566bi-bn, 9301 (2e)] -
Act 237
Gaming board abolished, functions transferred to DOA; Division of gaming created; authority over state lottery transferred to DOR [for section numbers, see entry under ``Gambling"] -
Act 27
Nonresident gambling winnings at Native American casinos in Wisconsin: taxation of [Sec. 281e, g, 9342 (3b)]
Act 237
State lottery, pari-mutuel on-track betting and bingo net proceeds distributed for property tax relief for primary residences or agricultural land; not subject to uniformity requirement of the Wisconsin constitution (section 1, article VIII): constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [AJR-80]
- JR-19
Wildlife damage program revised; certain land required to be open to hunting; urban wildlife damage control grants, claims and abatement programs; JCF approval re release of funds; report required [for section numbers and vetoes, see ``Game"] -
Act 27
Abortion-related activities funded with public funds prohibited; family planning definition revision [Sec. 760f, 1528ym, 1529c, 1595j, k, 1701m, 1857f, 1861d, 1883m, 1942e, 1967d, 1968s, 1973t, 2169f-h, 2198r-t, 2768k, 2782j, 3404m, 3436f-3437hj, 3447Lm-mn, 9356 (4g)] -
Act 27
Abortion-related activities funded with public funds: prohibition to apply to certain program, project or service using public funds and engaging in prohibited activities [Sec. 57w, x] -
Act 237
Family planning services under MA: DHFS to request federal waiver re demonstration project [Sec. 1943c]
Act 27
Printed materials required to be given to a woman prior to abortion: county department authority to charge fee removed; information re family planning [Sec. 1446L, m, 3451t-3452s]
Act 27
CESA lease of equipment re visually handicapped pupils [Sec. 2775t] -
Act 27
Disabled hunter permit for visually handicapped: bow and arrow or crossbow hunting authorized -
Act 168
Newsline electronic information service: DPI to contract with the National federation of the blind [Sec. 9140 (5m)]
Act 27
Residential school services: nonresident tuition fees applied to [Sec. 250] -
Act 27
Residential schools: funding for maintenance; State superintendent duties set; maintenance funding removed, supplemental funding [Sec. 9132 (2r), 9140 (1)]
Act 27
Wisconsin school for the visually handicapped: JLC to study [Sec. 9139 (1)] -
Act 237
Boat shelter, pier and wharf definitions revised [Sec. 1139we-wi] -
Act 27
Boat toilet waste: onshore disposal facilities provision created
Act 330
Boating laws revised re registration, titling, intoxicated boating, absolute sobriety, safety course and certificate, capacity plate and slow-no-wake area -
Act 198
Columbia county park on Lake Winnebago: recreational boating project funding; percentage matching requirements [Sec. 9137 (8tu)] -
Act 27
Floating trash and debris removal equipment made eligible for funding re recreational boating project [Sec. 1145]
Act 27
High cliff state park harbor: recreational boating project expanded [Sec. 9137 (3)] -
Act 27
Lake Superior harbor or refuge construction; exemption from enumeration in state building program [Sec. 760, 1146]
Act 27
Linnie Lac dam: funding to Linnie Lac management district for dam repair, removal or reconstruction; considered recreational boating facility [Sec. 1146d] -
Act 27
Local boating safety enforcement: appropriation for aids payments [Sec. 381] -
Act 27
Lone Rock boat landing in Richland county re 1997 WisAct 27: location reference changed to town of Buena Vista
Act 41
Lone Rock boat landing in Richland county: recreational boating project funding [Sec. 9137 (9c)]
Act 27
Milwaukee county: title to certain submerged lands confirmed and use for recreational and marina purposes authorized; may exercise powers and perform duties but not create board of harbor commissioners -
Act 70
Petenwell lake harbor and boat launching facilities: recreational boating project funding; percentage matching requirements [Sec. 9137 (8tv)] -
Act 27
Recreational boating moneys lapse to conservation fund [Sec. 9237 (2)] -
Act 27
Recreational boating projects: percentage matching requirements [Sec. 1144q-s, 1146g, h, 9337 (7z)]
Act 27
State forest acquisition and development and recreational boating projects: appropriations created for stewardship debt service [Sec. 411-414c, 726, 727, 9437 (7)]
Act 27
Stockbridge harbor in Lake Winnebago: recreational boating project funding; percentage matching requirements [Sec. 9137 (8tt)] -
Act 27
Water ski platforms and jumps in navigable waterway: regulations created [Sec. 1139zm] -
Act 27
Wisconsin lake schooner education association: assistance provided for tall sailing ship to commemorate sesquicentennial [Sec. 378m, 9137 (12f), 9437 (10c)]
Act 27
Boating laws revised re registration, titling, intoxicated boating, absolute sobriety, safety course and certificate, capacity plate and slow-no-wake area -
Act 198
Building commission bonding authority revised re refunding general obligation bonds and discounted sale of public debt -
Act 61
Credit union laws revised re share deposits, hearings and appeals, bonding, confidentiality, destroying certain records and definition of qualified loan funds
Act 152
Veterans primary mortgage program: revisions re maximum value of home, security of loan and certification that revenue proceeds will not be used as arbitrage bonds [Sec. 1391, 1393, 1394, 1396-1399, 9354 (3)] -
Act 27
Hillcrest heights bridge in the village of Howard: DOT to complete reconstruction of [Sec. 9149 (1ypg)]
Act 27
Local bridge improvement funding [Sec. 2465j, 2473e, g] -
Act 27