Contaminated property: TIF for environmental remediation [Sec. 2216, 2446, 2447, 2864] -
Act 27
Contaminated property: voluntary party liability revision re license for period of long-term care and property acquired from a local unit of government [Sec. 484-486]
Act 237
Dairy plant financial statements and hazardous waste facility records or information: access to confidential documents required re child and spousal support
Act 191
Development zones based on job creation or retention and on costs re environmental problems or brownfields created; certain existing tax credits discontinued; historic rehabilitation credit provision [Sec. 2261, 2261h-p, 2261t-2262, 2262r, 2263, 2265, 2267, 2274, 2275, 2275bm-2276, 2277, 2277m, n, 2279, 2280, 2285, 2285bp-2286, 2287, 2287mn, 2288, 2358, 2401, 4500-4506, 4512-4532, 9310 (6), 9343 (10ia)] [2262r, 2277n, 2287mn, 9343 (10ia) — vetoed]
Act 27
DNR appropriations restructured; lapse of MacKenzie environmental center funds [Sec. 300, 302-322, 324-336, 338-342, 346-353, 358m, 360-365, 368-375, 380, 382-396, 399-407, 410, 415-431, 434, 435, 439-447, 449-452, 454, 455, 732, 744, 771, 773, 782, 783, 785-788, 844, 852f, 982, 996, 1057, 1065, 1143, 1147, 2474m, 3159, 3488, 3601, 3605, 3608, 3613, 3637, 4191-4193, 9237 (2q)] [346s, 400g, 9237 (2q) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Dry cleaner environmental council, program and fee created; sunset provided [Sec. 66r, 344m, 346m, 401m, 452m, 701m, 832e, 873r, 906e, 2410ts, 3721e, m, 9137 (10g)] [906e, 2410ts, 3721e — partial veto; 344m, 873r — vetoed]
Act 27
Dry cleaner fee revisions re 1997 WisAct 27 -
Act 41
Dry cleaning facility cleanup: delay provision eliminated [Sec. 487] -
Act 237
Environmental cleanup innovations or patented technology: waiver of competitive bidding permitted [Sec. 789, 790]
Act 27
Environmental cooperation pilot program created to evaluate innovative regulatory methods; LAB to monitor and report [Sec. 10r, 3789] -
Act 27
Environmental cooperation pilot program re 1997 WisAct 27: technical revision -
Act 41
Environmental law enforcement revisions re time limit on mining and water pollution violations and point source general permit withdrawal by DNR -
Act 193
Groundwater and environmental repair accounts merged [Sec. 355, 356, 872-898, 2512, 2581, 2983, 3494, 3600, 3604, 3638, 3641, 3643-3645, 3650, 3685, 3686, 3717, 3719] [873r — vetoed] -
Act 27
Hazardous materials emergency response computer and equipment: local match provisions [Sec. 3116s, 3117d-f]
Act 27
Hazardous substance discharge: nonprofit economic development corporation exemption from restoration and minimization requirements [Sec. 3657, 3658] -
Act 27
Hazardous substance spill cleanup: DNR enforcement authority revised; referral to DOJ permitted; DOJ study of cleanup agreements [Sec. 3651, 3652, 9131 (1t)] [9131 (1t) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Housing advisory council and Hazardous pollution prevention council: sunset of [Sec. 53r, 59e, 102apm, rs, 1167b, c, 3786f-L, 4442c-m] -
Act 27
Level A emergency response teams: DEM to report to DMA -
Act 41
Level A emergency response teams: funding for [Sec. 3117m-r] -
Act 27
New motor vehicle registration: environmental impact fee created; sunset provided [Sec. 849, 899, 4044, 9449 (7mg)] -
Act 27
Nonmetallic mining: laws revised; provisions re permit, reclamation, zoning and spills cleanup [Sec. 349g, 898m, 3731-3784] -
Act 27
Nonpoint source changes re watersheds, cost sharing grants for best management practices, bonding authority, local project funding and pilot project to evaluate trading water pollution credits [Sec. 178e, 366, 367, 397, 398, 414g, 728, 730, 730m, 731k, 735ag, 3495m, 3573-3585, 3586-3588, 3588s-3599, 3606, 9437 (3)] [3606 — partial veto]
Act 27
Nonpoint source pollution fee changed to ``supplemental title" fee; provisions revised [Sec. 719r, 849m, 873m, 899m, 2476g, 4044r, 9101 (1c), 9149 (1c), 9449 (3b)]
Act 27
Nonpoint source water pollution and environmental repair: bonding authority increased [Sec. 731]
Act 27
Nonpoint source water quality standards revised re agricultural facilities and livestock operations; ``erosion control planning program" name changed to ``land and water resource management planning program"; nutrient management provisions [Sec. 766wm, 2488g-i, s-u, 2489c-L, 2490g, 2491dg, dr, L, 3273r, 3487p, 3585m, 3588c, 5197s, 9104 (1h)] [3273r, 3487p — partial veto] -
Act 27
Ozone-depleting refrigerant in mobile air conditioners: recycling requirements revised -
Act 165
Pollution cleanup and determination of liability: DNR authorized to charge fee to property owners for assistance services [Sec. 3720] -
Act 27
Remediation professionals: certification requirements created; DNR, DATCP and Comm.Dept memorandum of understanding [Sec. 346s, 3727g, 9137 (7n), 9437 (2m)] [vetoed]
Seized fish and game: distribution to certain food programs authorized; person liable for processing costs
Act 321
MA estate recovery re certain funds, joint account or payable-on-death account; payment schedule and transfer by affidavit [Sec. 1144, 1976, 3166, 3173, 4051, 5201-5210, 9323 (1)] -
Act 27
Juvenile justice code revisions re adult court jurisdiction, restitution and forfeiture, sanctions and contempt of court, rules of evidence, disclosure of juvenile court records, violation of dispositional order, intake worker authority to take juvenile into custody, disclosure and exchange of certain information, teen court program, intensive supervision and short-term detention provisions and high school equivalency from detention facility or jail; LAB audit -
Act 205
Loans owed by deceased veterans: provision created [Sec. 1373m] [vetoed] -
MA estate recovery re certain funds, joint account or payable-on-death account; payment schedule and transfer by affidavit [Sec. 1144, 1976, 3166, 3173, 4051, 5201-5210, 9323 (1)] -
Act 27
Estate tax instalment payment modified (remedial legislation) -
Act 291
Code of ethics violations re public employes [Sec. 3308m] [vetoed] -
DOR employe conflict of interest provisions and lottery participation restrictions re 1997 WisAct 27: application narrowed [Sec. 566br-bt] -
Act 237
Code of ethics violations re public employes [Sec. 3308m] [vetoed] -
Delinquent taxes: DORL license denial, suspension, revocation or nonrenewal for; licensing departments to enter into memorandum of understanding with DOR; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Income tax — Delinquent"] -
Act 237
Delinquent taxes: lobbyist license suspended or not issued for; SSN provision [Sec. 2, 20, 9318 (1)]
Act 237
Executive director salary funding [Sec. 9218 (1)] -
Act 237
Executive salary group reassigned for executive directors of Ethics board and Elections board -
Act 29
Lobbying fee revenue: percent deposited in general fund increased [Sec. 695m] -
Act 27
Lobbying laws revised re principal reporting and registration requirements; Ethics board to make information available, fee authorized; DOA support provided -
Act 186
Nonpayment of support: lobbyist license and principal registration suspended or not issued for; SSN required; memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions
Act 191
Farmer assistance and farm mediation and arbitration programs revised; dairy farmer exit and entry program created; admissibility of evidence provision -
Act 264
Juvenile justice code revisions re adult court jurisdiction, restitution and forfeiture, sanctions and contempt of court, rules of evidence, disclosure of juvenile court records, violation of dispositional order, intake worker authority to take juvenile into custody, disclosure and exchange of certain information, teen court program, intensive supervision and short-term detention provisions and high school equivalency from detention facility or jail; LAB audit -
Act 205
Paternity statutes revised re probable cause, temporary orders for child support and health care and evidence admissibility -
Act 191
Business and education partnerships, Governor's council on, abolished [Sec. 79m] -
Act 27
Criminal penalties study committee created and report required -
Act 283
Standards development council created; duties re pupil academic standards; Governor to approve; requirements re high school graduation examination [Sec. 21m, 23d, 249, 2805-2807, 2808m, 2809, 2810, 2810m, 2811, 2871, 9140 (5r)] -
Act 27
Workforce excellence, Governor's council on: membership revised [Sec. 66b-e] -
Act 27
Adoption assistance program revised; DHFS duties specified -
Act 308
Air quality attainment areas redesignated by tribal governing bodies: DNR duty re notification, report required
Act 270
Alcohol beverage sale to underage persons: procedure for imposing a penalty revised -
Act 337
AODA treatment facility: special penalty provisions for delivery, distribution or possession with intent to deliver or distribute a controlled substance on or near -
Act 327
Bedding manufacturing and sales regulations and label requirements created; hospital bedding provision
Act 260
Boat toilet waste: onshore disposal facilities provision created
Act 330
Browsing in income or franchise tax or credit claim records prohibited; notification and private claim of action provisions -
Act 323
Budget adjustment bill [partial veto] -
Act 237
Charter schools: laws revised re contract to establish outside school district; conversion of private school; WRS provision -
Act 238
Child abuse and neglect: prevention program created; child abuse and neglect and early childhood family education center grants; domestic abuse training for certain staffs
Act 293
Child or family support: court authorized to grant credit in specified circumstances -
Act 273
Child sex offender: persistent repeater category created, life imprisonment without parole provided
Act 326
Child sex offenders and certain sexually violent persons: pharmocological treatment authorized, parole and probation conditions modified; report required -
Act 284
Child witness: testimony using closed-circuit audiovisual equipment allowed in certain cases; conditions and procedures set -
Act 319
Children's code coverage extended to unborn children of mothers with alcohol and controlled substance abuse problems; DHFS and Child abuse and neglect prevention board duties set; priority for pregnant women for private AODA treatment
Act 292
CHIPS and TPR: alternative method created based on repeat out-of-home placement -
Act 294
CHIPS substitute care providers: disclosure of information re child's religious affiliation or involvement in gang or group promoting criminal activity, sexual abuse or harmful activities -
Act 272
Civil service reform measures; evaluation required -
Act 307
Commission lien for commercial real estate brokers established -
Act 309
Common council or village board: acting member appointment procedure revised -
Act 257