Badger board and fund discontinued; mining economic development program created; funding from project reserve funds, grant to the city of Ladysmith [Sec. 84, 198, 203, 265, 379, 704, 832, 843, 2237-2251, 2685, 4352, 9110 (3g), 9143 (2n)] [9143 (2n) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Environmental law enforcement revisions re time limit on mining and water pollution violations and point source general permit withdrawal by DNR -
Act 193
Metallic mining council abolished [Sec. 67q, 3636m, p, 3730m, p] [vetoed] -
Mining tax indexation: technical change re 1997 WisAct 27 [Sec. 279bv, 9442 (3c)] -
Act 237
Nonmetallic mining council abolished [Sec. 68t] -
Act 27
Nonmetallic mining: laws revised; provisions re permit, reclamation, zoning and spills cleanup [Sec. 349g, 898m, 3731-3784] -
Act 27
Prospecting and mining fees revised re metallic minerals -
Act 169
Sulfide ore mining: permit requirements revised; moratorium provision -
Act 171
Minority business development program revised; grants for economic development, education and training and employment opportunities [Sec. 199n, 4532b-4547m] [4532g, m — vetoed] -
Act 27
Disadvantaged business demonstration and training program: sunset extended [Sec. 490-491w, 2471g, m] [491 — partial veto] -
Act 27
Minority business development program revised; grants for economic development, education and training and employment opportunities [Sec. 199n, 4532b-4547m] [4532g, m — vetoed] -
Act 27
Minority business or group member interest free loans for economic development, employment, tourism, international trade and cultural exchange opportunities; sunset provided
Act 9
Minority nonprofit organization grant re business incubator created; fees for certain Comm.Dept services permitted [Sec. 194, 195, 4339, 4339c, 4341c-4343m, 4459, 4474, 4483, 4494, 4497] -
Act 27
Food stamps to qualified aliens: DWD to submit plan to U.S. Secretary of agriculture; nutrition outreach re W-2 and community agencies -
Act 236
Milwaukee public museum grant re African American history; matching funds required [Sec. 265r, 2709r]
Act 27
Minority business or group member interest free loans for economic development, employment, tourism, international trade and cultural exchange opportunities; sunset provided
Act 9
Minority precollege scholarship funding [Sec. 9239 (1t)] -
Act 237
Minority teacher loan program funding [Sec. 9223 (4c)] -
Act 237
Mobile home dealers and salespersons: certain PR appropriation repealed [Sec. 688, 689] -
Act 27
Mobile home park water or sewer service: regulatory authority transferred from DATCP to PSC; FTE position and assessment provisions; study required [partial veto]
Act 229
Mobile home sales tax exemption modified re rental for continuous period (remedial legislation) -
Act 291
Mobile homes and camping trailer registration fee revisions [Sec. 4002, 4003] -
Act 27
Security interests in mobile homes and certain other vehicles: DOT records retention period revised [Sec. 4058gm, gq]
Act 27
Life and public service [AJR-61] - JR-10
Marquette university School of dentistry: provision of dental services expanded to certain counties
Act 221
Renewal period and fees increased [Sec. 4001, 4068, 4070, 4080, 4085-4093, 4103-4106, 9449 (8), (9)]
Act 27
Community-based organization registration re loans [Sec. 3266b-3273m] -
Act 27
Foreclosed property sale by sheriff: procedure revised [Sec. 2160r] -
Act 27
Mortgage bankers and loan originators and solicitors: regulation and registration provisions revised; ``loan solicitor" changed to ``mortgage broker" -
Act 145
Mortgage foreclosure deficiency judgments on agricultural land [Sec. 5200f-h, 5217g] -
Act 27
Mortgages: priority of future advances -
Act 44
Nonpayment of support: DFI denial, restriction or suspension of certain certificates of registration; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions
Act 191
Tax-deeded property revisions re foreclosure notice, notifying former owner of sale and recovery of costs
Act 72
MA copayments re specialized medical vehicle services [Sec. 204] -
Act 237
Nash auto museum project funding; DOA to approve [Sec. 9107 (12zt)] [partial veto] -
Act 27
Stalking and violation of certain restraining orders and injunctions: vehicle and property forfeiture provisions; DA exempt from certain court fees -
Act 285
Motor vehicle operating privileges: laws revised re operating while suspended or after revocation and proof of financial responsibility or deposit of security after an accident
Act 84
Records of motor vehicle operators, accidents and traffic citations: sunset re DOT sale to contractors repealed; report to JCF modified [Sec. 5504-5506, 9349 (9gz)] [5505 — partial veto; 5505g-5506 — vetoed] -
Act 27
Vehicles obstructing freeway or expressway: removal of disabled vehicle; civil liability immunity re damage from removal or storage; stopping at scene of accident
Act 258
Certificate of vehicle title and VIN: application information revised [Sec. 3964, 4035, 9349 (1)]
Act 27
Certificates of title: revisions re electronic delivery, automated format, title transfer and special transaction fee [Sec. 3189, 3242, 3253, 3975mm, 3984, 3985, 3992, 3993, 3999, 4000, 4003p, r, 4029-4033, 4036, 4037-4043m, 4044m, 4048, 4052, 9349 (4), (10m), 9449 (2), (6m)] -
Act 27
Leased vehicle registration and financial responsibility revisions [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Lease"] -
Act 27
Motor vehicle subject to seizure for OWI-related crime: transfer of ownership provisions revised -
Act 199
Nonpoint source pollution fee changed to ``supplemental title" fee; provisions revised [Sec. 719r, 849m, 873m, 899m, 2476g, 4044r, 9101 (1c), 9149 (1c), 9449 (3b)]
Act 27
Security interests in mobile homes and certain other vehicles: DOT records retention period revised [Sec. 4058gm, gq]
Act 27
Motor vehicle leases: revisions re disclosure requirements, financial responsibility and motor vehicle dealer definition to conform to federal regulations -
Act 48
Motor vehicles owned by dealerships: use tax on [Sec. 2392, 9443 (4)] -
Act 27
Nonpayment of support: DOA, DHFS and DOT may deny, suspend or revoke licenses; SSN, subpoena or warrant provisions -
Act 191
Temporary operation plates for automobiles and station wagons revised, includes motor trucks under 8,000 pounds; local police departments to issue; DOT duties expanded [Sec. 3961m- 3962m, 3971g-3973jm, 4036g, 5212g-k, 9349 (9sm), 9449 (8nm)] [3961p, 3971g-hb, 4036g, 9349 (9sm), 9449 (8nm) — partial veto; 3972jm — vetoed]
Act 27
Unlicensed motor vehicle dealer or salesperson, salvage dealer or sales finance company: fine increased
Act 120
Applicant's documentary proof of place of birth: requirement removed [Sec. 4065, 4084] -
Act 27
Delinquency victim and witness assistance surcharge required; suspension of operator's privilege or hunting and fishing license for nonpayment; disposition of inmate earnings in work programs [Sec. 646m-r, 1418, 2160m, p, 2163m, p, 3857, 3910bb, d, 5220-5222, 5263, 5265, 5346d, 9331 (1x), 9431 (1x)] -
Act 27
Delinquent taxes: DOT licensing penalties for; SSN and federal employer ID provision [Sec. 422m-443p, 512g-k, 513c, 514m-527b, 9301 (1gx), 9348 (1g)] -
Act 237
Driver improvement surcharge increased; portion used to purchase and maintain breath screening instruments; funding for training and services by state traffic patrol [Sec. 498d, 500d, 597, 605, 4169, 4170, 9201 (3h), 9349 (3)]
Act 27
Motor vehicle driver's license: DMV may enter reciprocal agreement with another country [Sec. 512L, m, p, t]
Act 237
Motor vehicle operating privileges: laws revised re operating while suspended or after revocation and proof of financial responsibility or deposit of security after an accident
Act 84
Nonpayment of support: DOA, DHFS and DOT may deny, suspend or revoke licenses; SSN, subpoena or warrant provisions -
Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DWD to establish system to suspend operator's licenses, professional certificates and recreational licenses for failure to pay; SSN required on professional license applications, written judgments in actions affecting the family and marriage documents; driver's license number required on recreation licenses; memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -
Act 191
Nonresident's revoked operating privilege: reinstatement re proof of financial responsibility revised [Sec. 4099, 4100] -
Act 27
OWI penalty: counting prior convictions, suspensions and revocations revised; permanent retention of certain records by DOT; occupational license provision re ignition interlock device [Sec. 512km-kr, n, tm, u-x, 513d-n, 527yg-yx, 722g, i, 9348 (2f), 9448 (2f)] -
Act 237
Photograph background color requirement revised; documents for underage persons must be distinct in appearance [Sec. 4083, 4101] -
Act 27
Photographs for driver's license or ID cards: DOT authorized to release to law enforcement agencies; reports required
Act 119
Photographs for driver's license or ID cards: release by DOT re 1997 WisAct 119 [Sec. 512tp, 727t]
Act 237