Fox and Wolf rivers basin and certain designated areas: DNR to issue general permits; fee and sunset provisions; report required -  Act 174
Kickapoo reserve management board membership and duties revised; certain waste prohibitions expanded; penalties increased re Kickapoo valley reserve  -  Act 194
Linnie Lac dam: funding to Linnie Lac management district for dam repair, removal or reconstruction; considered recreational boating facility [Sec. 1146d] -  Act 27
Permit guarantee program of DNR expanded -  Act 301
Public access to navigable lakes or streams: vacating or discontinuing restricted; adjacent land owners may request shoreline erosion control measures -  Act 172
Root river watershed designated a priority watershed for the nonpoint source water pollution abatement program  -  Act 209
South fork of the Hay river designated a priority watershed [Sec. 3599am, 9137 (1hm)] [9137 (1hm) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox river commission created [Sec. 152m, 378m, no, 1148p, t] [1148t — partial veto; 378m, no — vetoed] -  Act 27
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox river commission: DNR funding requirement [Sec. 34, 35, 9136 (2), 9436 (2)]  -  Act 237
Stewardship program changes re bluff protection and certain projects [Sec. 762g-L, 766b-d, i-L, m-u, v, x, 768m] [766b — partial veto; 762g-L, 766c, d, i, m-s, x — vetoed] -  Act 27
Sunken logs on submerged state lands: offset program repealed; percentage of value retained by state revised; maritime project grants created; provisions re Fox river and lakes in certain counties [Sec. 242m, 244e, 693m, 1346e, m, s, 3121g-3129w, 4337m, 9156 (5y), 9350 (1), 9356 (8y)] [693m, 3124, 3129c, 9356 (8y) — partial veto; 244e, 1346e — vetoed] -  Act 27
Water ski platforms and jumps in navigable waterway: regulations created [Sec. 1139zm] -  Act 27
Wausau river edge parkway project enhancement funding [Sec. 9149 (1rm)] -  Act 27
Willow flowage classified as an outstanding water resource [Sec. 3487d] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Joint local water authorities created; PSC duties set -  Act 184
Mobile home park water or sewer service: regulatory authority transferred from DATCP to PSC; FTE position and assessment provisions; study required [partial veto]  -  Act 229
waukesha countyWaukesha county
Rail passenger service assistance and promotion program revisions; Amtrak extension and commuter rail bonding [Sec. 472m, 476, 477, 732m, 2477-2481h, 9149 (4g)] [9149 (4g) — vetoed] -  Act 27
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox river commission created [Sec. 152m, 378m, no, 1148p, t] [1148t — partial veto; 378m, no — vetoed] -  Act 27
waupaca countyWaupaca county
USH 10 interchanges in Waupaca county: lighting for [Sec. 9148 (2t)] -  Act 237
waushara countyWaushara county
Big silver lake in Waushara county: DNR to set high-water mark [Sec. 1139zr] -  Act 27
Marquette university School of dentistry: provision of dental services expanded to certain counties  -  Act 221
waysideWayside, see Recreation
Emergency weather warning system: ECB to administer [Sec. 235m, 670g, 1213d] -  Act 27
Aquatic nuisance control council eliminated [Sec. 67s, 1139x-zb] -  Act 27
Noxious weeds notice: publication by municipalities revised -  Act 287
weights and measuresWeights and measures
Weights and measures laws revised re liquified petroleum gas meters and fees, licenses for certain persons and fees for commercial scale licenses [Sec. 170, 2548-2568b, 9304 (1t), (2), 9404 (4t), (4x)] -  Act 27
Well compensation fee increased [Sec. 3639, 9337 (3)] -  Act 27
Wells: installation of certain devices prohibited -  Act 122
Wetlands and increase in cases of blastomycosis: DHFS to study [Sec. 3394e, 9123 (4t)] [9123 (4t) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
wharfWharf, see Port
wheelchairWheelchair, see Handicapped
wic _women, infants and children program_WIC (Women, infants and children program), see Maternal and infant care
wild animalWild animal, see Game
wildlifeWildlife, see Game
Probate code revised and updated -  Act 188
wisconsin conservation corpsWisconsin conservation corps
Crew leader wages [Sec. 2681m, r] -  Act 27
Project funding [Sec. 2680m] -  Act 27
Tuition voucher re WCC enrollee: maximum increased [Sec. 2683] -  Act 27
UC eligibility of certain WCC enrollees; certain federal law provisions retained [Sec. 2682, 2686]  -  Act 27
UC: various changes re benefits, taxation, employe service companies, determinations and decisions, WCC and Wisconsin service corps coverage; chapter title changed to ``Unemployment insurance and reserves" -  Act 39
WCC service appropriations transfer between DWD and its subunits [Sec. 641-642g] -  Act 27
wisconsin geography allianceWisconsin geography alliance
Funding for [Sec. 265mp, 2708e] -  Act 27
wisconsin lake schooner education associationWisconsin lake schooner education association, see Boat
wisconsin land councilWisconsin land council
Land information board and Wisconsin land council restructured; memorandum of understanding, report and sunset provision [Sec. 44, 51, 55, 97, 133am-142am, 666g, h, p, q, 669, 669am, 672, 672m, 682ad-684ad, 769ad, 774am, 775am, 1156ad, 1164ad, 2164am-e, 2175aj-c, 2489ad, 9101 (1), (2), (11m), 9456 (3m)] [133c — partial veto]  -  Act 27
wisconsin school for the visually handicappedWisconsin school for the visually handicapped, see Blind
wisconsin sesquicentennialWisconsin sesquicentennial
Historical legacy trust and Historical society endowment funds created [Sec. 23j-p, 92m, 244m, n, 697j, m, 698c-m, 832k, m, 852fb, 912j, k, 1345g, 5508td-5510d, 9256 (1m), 9456 (2m)] -  Act 27
Matching of pledged gifts to the Commission [Sec. 3r] -  Act 27
Sesquicentennial commission supplemental appropriation [Sec. 38g, gm, 48r, s, 9101 (1x), 9128 (1x), 9448 (1f)]  -  Act 237
Wisconsin lake schooner education association: assistance provided for tall sailing ship to commemorate sesquicentennial [Sec. 378m, 9137 (12f), 9437 (10c)]  -  Act 27
Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission: specific termination date set [Sec. 19m, 757s, 3306m, 5510em]  -  Act 27
wisconsin state historical societyWisconsin state historical society, see Historical society
wisconsin waterways commissionWisconsin waterways commission
Columbia county park on Lake Winnebago: recreational boating project funding; percentage matching requirements [Sec. 9137 (8tu)] -  Act 27
Lake Superior harbor or refuge construction; exemption from enumeration in state building program [Sec. 760, 1146]  -  Act 27
Recreational boating projects: percentage matching requirements [Sec. 1144q-s, 1146g, h, 9337 (7z)]  -  Act 27
Stockbridge harbor in Lake Winnebago: recreational boating project funding; percentage matching requirements [Sec. 9137 (8tt)] -  Act 27
wisconsin worksWisconsin works
Child care certification and eligibility [Sec. 1409, 1653-1655, 1765-1776, 1778-1788, 1838-1845, 1853-1857, 9426 (5)]  -  Act 27