DFI lapse to general fund delayed [Sec. 9220 (1k)] -
Act 33
LLCs organized under the laws of this state: annual report required; DFI may administratively dissolve for failure to file [Sec. 2122-2132, 9120 (1)] -
Act 33
Payday loan providers: additional notice requirements created; cancellation, criminal prosecution, and maximum loan term provisions [vetoed] -
Register of deeds and DFI: changes re recording and filing of documents -
Act 206
Technology commercialization grant and loan program and angel investment and early stage seed investment tax credits created; investor networks development provisions; study and report required [partial veto] -
Act 255
Motor vehicle dealer, salesperson, sales finance company, distributor, manufacturer, or transporter operating without a license or failing to report to DOT a change in its place of business: fines changed to forfeitures
Act 215
Fire Prevention Week and Wisconsin Firefighters Memorial Day designated in October -
Act 56
Fire calls on certain highways re vehicle fire: reimbursement procedure for town and certain cities and villages modified -
Act 205
Fire dues program: grant eligibility requirements modified; administrative expenses defined by rule
Act 219
Fire Prevention Week and Wisconsin Firefighters Memorial Day designated in October -
Act 56
Firearm intentionally pointed at and bodily fluids thrown or discharged at law enforcement officer or public safety worker: felony penalties created -
Act 190
Public Health Council created; quarantine cost reimbursement; mutual assistance re state of emergency; incident command system requirements and definition; certain exemption from liability -
Act 186
STH 27 designated and marked ``Citizen Soldier Heritage Highway"; contributions required -
Act 218
STH 54 designated and marked ``Wisconsin Fire Fighters and Emergency Medical Technicians Highway" and portion of certain bridge on STH 29 as ``Wisconsin Fire Fighters-EMT/Citizen Soldier Bridge"; contributions required
Act 218
Bomb scares or firearm violations involving property owned or leased by the state or political subdivision or school premises: motor vehicle operating privilege suspension
Act 200
Concealed weapon: procedure to acquire license to carry created; DOJ and sheriff duties; penalties specified; background check, implied consent, and private employer provisions; going armed in own home or place of business permitted; reports required [vetoed] -
Faith-based initiative to create jobs and counsel families impacted by gun violence: DWD to secure federal funds [Sec. 9159 (9d)] [vetoed] -
Firearm intentionally pointed at and bodily fluids thrown or discharged at law enforcement officer or public safety worker: felony penalties created -
Act 190
Laser sighting device used by visually handicapped person while hunting permitted -
Act 75
Restricted controlled substances: operating a motor vehicle, ATV, snowmobile, or motorboat or operating or going armed with a firearm with detectable amounts in person's blood prohibited; definition provided -
Act 97
Sighting a firearm in 24-hour period prior to opening of deer season re land owned or leased by the person or immediate family: DNR may not promulgate or enforce rules prohibiting -
Act 244
Special prosecution clerks re cases involving unlawful possession or use of firearms: appropriation lapse to general fund [Sec. 563d, 2804d, 9212 (1x)] -
Act 33
Toll-free hotline for reporting dangerous weapons in schools: funding revised [Sec. 2099xd-xz] -
Act 33
Fireworks permit issued by a municipality: civil liability exemption for certain damages -
Act 298
Fish and wildlife resources management by DNR: administrative costs report required [vetoed]
Fishing tournaments: DNR to establish program to authorize and regulate; bass fishing tournament pilot program provision -
Act 249
Indian gaming revenue use for coaster brook trout activities: funding repealed [Sec. 398m, 609j]
Act 33
Right to fish, hunt, trap, and take game: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) [AJR-1] - JR-8
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re certain recreational fishing facilities
Act 246
Fish health certificate eliminated; DATCP to require fish farm to provide evidence of health -
Act 136
Fish and game approvals paid for with worthless check: DNR must revoke -
Act 138
Hunting and fishing license fees and Great Lakes trout and salmon stamps fees increased; approval fee increases; junior conservation and junior sports licenses added [Sec. 876-905, 9438 (1q)] -
Act 33
Sturgeon spearing license age requirement -
Act 274
County development plan affecting a town: town board approval required; exception for shoreland and floodplain zoning ordinances [vetoed] -
Nonpoint source, urban storm water runoff, flood control, and riparian restoration programs: general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 681, 683]
Act 33
Urban nonpoint, storm water management, municipal flood control, and riparian restoration appropriations made biennial [Sec. 407] -
Act 33
Wild rivers: DNR prohibited from promulgating certain rule re snowmobiles and ATVs crossing certain bridges; locations and trail conditions specified -
Act 248
Weight gain, obesity, or related health condition caused by the consumption of food: civil liability exemption from claims for food manufacturers, marketers, packers, advertisers, distributors, and sellers; attorney fee provision [vetoed]
Food stamp administrative contract costs: funding revised; elimination of food stamp retailer fee prohibited [Sec. 455, 461, 463, 1450m] [1450m — vetoed] -
Act 33
BCPL sale of timber and firewood: treatment of proceeds [Sec. 829c, r] [vetoed] -
Best forestry management practices for water quality required; JCF may provide exemption [Sec. 868p] [vetoed]
Damaged timber for sale by DNR or county: procedures revised -
Act 242
DNR field forester educational requirements specified; persons authorized to mark certain trees for cutting revised
Act 66
Forestry appropriation structure revised [Sec. 399, 400, 404, 869, 1647, 1652, 1653] -
Act 33
Gypsy moth suppression program: DNR may establish under certain conditions; aerial insecticide treatment provision; landowner and tenant notification requirements
Act 57
Managed forest land program revisions; DNR provisions [partial veto] -
Act 228
Managed forest land program revisions: effective date re 2003 WisAct 228 (AB-323) revised [vetoed]
Stewardship program debt service payment; reduction in stewardship bonding authority; funds obligated re land acquisition for Peshtigo River State Forest [Sec. 412, 413, 680r, 801c-t, 802g-n, 804f-k] [802m — partial veto; 680r, 801c-t, 802g-L, n, 804f-k — vetoed] -
Act 33
Undeveloped land and agricultural forest: assessment of [Sec. 1536b, d-i, p, 1545d, e, 1620, 1628d, e, 1632d, e, 1646d, 2737d-f, 9345 (2d), 9460 (2b)] [1536b, h — partial veto] -
Act 33
Agricultural forest land definition revised for property tax purposes -
Act 230
Managed forest land program revisions; DNR provisions [partial veto] -
Act 228
Managed forest land program revisions: effective date re 2003 WisAct 228 (AB-323) revised [vetoed]
County board may establish fee for certain court-related sheriff's service; fee limited re seized property or eviction -
Act 182
Damages caused by dogs to persons, animals, or property: liability and forfeiture revisions; court order to kill a dog modified [vetoed] -
Environmental Results Program and Environmental Improvement Program created; DNR, Comm.Dept, and DOJ duties specified; waiver of enforcement record requirements and forfeiture provisions -
Act 276
Human service vehicle operator qualifications established; specialized transportation service requirements; criminal history search, school bus endorsement, forfeiture, DOT, DOJ, and county provisions -
Act 297
Mortgage banking and mortgage brokering laws revised; Division of Banking and TCS Board duties
Act 260
Motor vehicle dealer, salesperson, sales finance company, distributor, manufacturer, or transporter operating without a license or failing to report to DOT a change in its place of business: fines changed to forfeitures
Act 215
Shopping cart re intentional removal: forfeiture increased -
Act 159
Intoxicating liquor retailer advertising requirements revised re franchises -
Act 124
Dairy farm operation expenses: income and franchise tax credits created -
Act 135