Invasive fish species or eggs: possessing, releasing, controlling, storing, selling, or transporting prohibited; transporting a boat, boat trailer, or boating equipment on a highway with invasive species on or in it prohibited; exceptions provided
Act 226
Marina condominium: riparian rights, easement, boat slips and docking facilities, and definition provisions [Sec. 717g, r, 3703g, r] -
Act 20
Mirror Lake: Stewardship 2000 Program funding to improve navigability for recreational boating [Sec. 658]
Act 20
Navigable waters regulation revisions re permit exemption for certain piers and wharves, boat slips, exemption for certain existing structures, repair and maintenance, solid piers, and funding; DNR prohibited from certain enforcement
Act 204
Safety programs for boating, snowmobile, and ATV operation: fees for duplicate certificates authorized [Sec. 280, 665, 726, 3437] -
Act 20
Stewardship 2000 program reauthorized; provisions re 10 year extension, annual bonding authority, land acquisition subprogram, property development and local assistance subprogram, and recreational boating aids subprogram [Sec. 584b, 636b-638b, 638r-646m, 647, 647m, 648b-656b, 659, 718b, 719b] -
Act 20
Boating fee increases [Sec. 720-725] -
Act 20
Life and public service [AJR-86] - JR-23
Bond Health Center project in City of Oconto: grant for expansion [Sec. 9nf, 583, 9105 (7j)] -
Act 20
Civil War exhibit at the Kenosha Public Museums: bonding authorized; DOA duties [Sec. 9nx, 583, 596k, 606h, 9105 (1)(n), (6i)] -
Act 20
Educational technology infrastructure loans: excess bonding reduced re program sunset [Sec. 596nd, np]
Act 20
General obligation debt and operating notes: prior law authorizing agreements or ancillary agreements modified; report required [for section numbers, see entry under ``Debt, Public"] -
Act 20
Lower Fox River Remediation Authority created; duties defined [for section numbers, see entry under ``Lower Fox River Remediation Authority"] -
Act 20
Tobacco settlement permanent endowment fund revisions; MA trust fund, MA and Badger Care Plus benefits, appropriation obligation bonds, and DOA provisions [partial veto]
Act 226
Appropriation bonds issued by populous county to pay for unfunded prior service liability re county employee retirement system authorized; conditions, report, and DOR duties
Act 115
Life and public service [AJR-10] - JR-15
``Avery Wilber Memorial Bridge": DOT directed to designate and mark the planned STH 156 bridge across the Shioc River in the Town of Navarino as; contributions provision
Act 30
CTH CP overpass re USH 141 in Marinette County: DOT to affix signs identifying the overpass [Sec. 9148 (15c)]
Act 20
Military memorial highways and bridges on STHs: DOT to bear some of the cost of maintaining markers, local and private funding provision -
Act 167
Pedestrian bridge in Milwaukee County: transportation enhancements grant, local match required [Sec. 9148 (12x)] -
Act 20
Red Bridge restoration in Town of Armstrong Creek: transportation enhancements grant, local match required [Sec. 9148 (9b)] -
Act 20
Stillwater Bridge across the St. Croix River: DOT to contract with financial consultant re financing construction of [Sec. 9148 (9y)] -
Act 20
``Veterans Memorial Bridge": DOT directed to designate and mark the 4th Street bridge over the Wisconsin River in the City of Tomahawk as; contributions from interested parties required -
Act 6
``Veterans of the American Revolution Memorial Bridge": certain bridge across the Wisconsin River in Columbia County designated as; DOT duty set; contributions provision
Act 161
Child advocacy centers: funding for [Sec. 125g, 536m] -
Act 20
Ledgeview, Town of, may hold referendum to become village; boundary agreement with City of De Pere specified [Sec. 1875m] -
Act 20
Appropriation changes for 2006-07 fiscal year; DOA Secretary authority specified (budget adjustment bill) [partial veto] -
Act 5
Budget bill [partial veto] -
Act 20
Budget stabilization fund transfers to general fund -
Act 226
DOA Secretary required to transfer or lapse to general fund from unencumbered balances of executive branch state agencies, other than sum sufficient or federal appropriations for 2007-09 and 2009-11 fiscal biennia; does not apply to U.W. System or TCS [Sec. 9201 (1c)] -
Act 20
DOT required to submit a 10 year bonding policy plan to DOA and LFB with each biennial budget request [Sec. 2542p] [vetoed] -
State finances and appropriations adjustments [partial veto] -
Act 226
Transportation fund use restrictions re executive budget bill [Sec. 85b, 687f] [vetoed] -
Community youth center in City of Mondovi: grant from WDF required [Sec. 195, 9108 (7c)] -
Act 20
Automatic fire sprinklers in places of employment and public buildings under 60 feet in height: eliminating Comm.Dept authority to grant a variance to the rules relating to (remedial legislation) -
Act 149
Fire detection, prevention, and suppression rules re places of employment and public buildings under 60 feet in height: rules based on International Code Council, Inc., building code (remedial legislation) -
Act 148
Fire occurrence reports and records: requiring fire departments to report certain information to the U.S. Fire Administration -
Act 75
Load-bearing dimension lumber: exemption from construction standards under certain conditions; lumber grading training program created, certification requirement and U.W. Stevens Point and DNR provisions -
Act 208
Overweight vehicle combinations transporting granular roofing material: DOT may issue multiple trip permits under certain conditions; approval of municipality or county with jurisdiction over streets; sunset provision -
Act 171
Superinsulated requirement for one- and two-family dwellings and manufactured buildings using electricity for space heating -
Act 67
Authorized state building program for 2007-09; U.W. Madison Memorial Union theatre wing renovation project enumeration specified [Sec. 9105 (1), 9405 (1q)]
Act 20
Bond Health Center project in City of Oconto: grant for expansion [Sec. 9nf, 583, 9105 (7j)] -
Act 20
Building and financing authority enumerated under previous state building program continued into 2007-09 biennium [Sec. 9105 (2)] -
Act 20
Building program bonding authorizations [Sec. 583g, r, 591m, p, 595g, r, 596c-k, kd, o-s, 597e, s]
Act 20
Building program projects: certain bonding authorizations delayed re Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Facility and certain U.W. projects [Sec. 9105 (1)(d), (1)(j), 9105 (7), (8), (9)] -
Act 20
Building program projects funded from non-GPR sources: loans authorized [Sec. 9105 (3)] -
Act 20
Capital equipment acquisition bonding [Sec. 9105 (4)(b)] -
Act 20
Civil War exhibit at the Kenosha Public Museums: bonding authorized; DOA duties [Sec. 9nx, 583, 596k, 606h, 9105 (1)(n), (6i)] -
Act 20
Columbia St. Mary's Columbia Campus medical facilities project at U.W. Milwaukee: time periods for borrowing delayed [Sec. 3936m] -
Act 20
General obligation debt and operating notes: prior law authorizing agreements or ancillary agreements modified; report required [for section numbers, see entry under ``Debt, Public"] -
Act 20
Major highway projects and transportation administrative facilities: level of revenue bonding revised [Sec. 2538]
Act 20
Project contingency funding reserve [Sec. 9105 (4)(a)] -
Act 20
Racine Discovery Place Museum project: grant requirements and project in 2001-03 building program deleted [Sec. 9nb, 583, 596kb, 606d, 3934b, 9105 (9p)]
Act 20
State-owned real property: DOA sale provisions; Regents use of net proceeds for operation of U.W. System; DOA cannot sell certain properties [Sec. 9, 113, 114, 252, 254, 255, 258, 657, 694, 787, 2532, 2544, 2682, 3108, 3936, 3937]
Act 20
SWIB investment authority and statutory standard of responsibility revisions, Building Commission provision
Act 212
Tax-supported or self-amortizing facilities: amount of indebtedness the state may contract to refund increased [Sec. 2] -
Act 5
U.W. Platteville hotel facility purchase deleted [Sec. 583r, 9105 (9t)] -
Act 20
Life and commitment to his company, Trek Bicycles, and community commended [Mr8 SJR-2] - JR-52
Crex Meadows Youth Conservation Camp in Grantsburg: grants provided [Sec. 206e, g, 9108 (3d)]
Act 20
Diesel truck idling reduction grant program revisions [Sec. 3564p-t] -
Act 20
Three-vehicle combinations operated on certain highways without permit: 2005 WisAct 363 correction (remedial legislation) -
Act 93
Truck weight enforcement facility: DOT prohibited from locating in or adjacent to Village of Rockland [Sec. 2523p]
Act 20
Unified carrier registration system authorized [Sec. 2925-2928]
Act 20