Prescription drug monitoring program transferred to CSB from the Pharmacy Examining Board; rule provisions re record disclosure and failure to comply; CSB membership modified; definition provisions [Sec. 175, 524, 3483, 4474, 4477, 4731f-k, 9138 (1)] -
Act 55Prescription refills: pharmacist may dispense varying quantities under certain conditions; limited to 90-day supply; excludes controlled substances -
Act 291Abortion law revisions re postfertilization age of unborn child, prohibition at or after 20 weeks, hospital and clinic reporting requirements, and informed consent; exemption, civil remedies, injunction, and penalty provisions -
Act 56Behavioral health care coordination pilot projects and psychiatric consultation reimbursement pilot projects authorized; grant to develop Internet site and system re availability of inpatient psychiatric beds; DHS duties and reports required -
Act 153Body cavity search: immunity from civil and criminal liability for physician, physician assistant, or registered nurse conducting the search -
Act 238DHS authorization to charge assessments to health care providers eliminated [Sec. 671, 3484] -
Act 55Emergency detention pilot program in Milwaukee County sunset delayed; crisis assessment by certain health care providers provisions [Sec. 1881, 1883k, 9418 (3)] -
Act 55Epinephrine auto-injectors: physician, physician assistant, or advanced nurse practitioner may prescribe to an authorized entity, definition provisions; liability exemption for trained employees of authorized entity -
Act 35Guidelines issued by certain credentialing boards allowed re best practices when prescribing controlled substances; MEB examination authority re physician license applicants -
Act 269Interstate Medical Licensure Compact ratified; MEB annual report required; sunset provision -
Act 116Opioid antagonists, such as naloxone: clarifications to prescribing, dispensing, and delivery provisions; standing orders allowed -
Act 115Pain clinic certification provisions created, requirements specified; DHS duties -
Act 265Physician assessment appropriation in DHS: lapse to general fund [Sec. 9218 (2c)] -
Act 55Physician assistants and advanced practice nurse prescribers authorized to provide information for or certify that a person with disabilities is eligible for certain DNR hunting and fishing approvals -
Act 97``Unarmed combat sports" replaces ``mixed martial arts fighting" and regulations modified, exemptions specified; definition, physician, and DSPS provisions -
Act 277Trees, shrubs, or hedges along highways: town authority to allow another person to plant on town land -
Act 236Wild ginseng license fees deposited in the conservation fund [Sec. 620] -
Act 55Public fire protection charges on municipal water utility bill: person who owns certain adjacent parcels are billed as one parcel [Sec. 3528k] -
Act 55Town zoning ordinance provision revised re approval by county board; withdrawing from coverage of a county zoning ordinance and county development plan; shoreland and floodplain zoning ordinances; and plat and certified survey map approval -
Act 178Guidelines issued by certain credentialing boards allowed re best practices when prescribing controlled substances; MEB examination authority re physician license applicants -
Act 269Accompaniment by victim advocate: victims of certain crimes have right to request re examination, consultation, proceedings, or interviews; hospital and law enforcement civil liability immunity and confidentiality provisions -
Act 351Alcohol beverage server issued citation for selling or providing alcohol beverages to underage person on licensed premises, not the retail licensee; undercover law enforcement operation provision -
Act 339Battery or threats to cause harm to a current or former judge, prosecutor, law enforcement officer, or their families: felony penalty provisions -
Act 78Certification cards for concealed weapons: qualified former law enforcement officers may receive from a successor agency and DOJ may issue to former out-of-state law enforcement officers who are Wisconsin residents -
Act 68Child and family support obligations: public employee income continuation insurance and duty disability benefits may be assigned for support or arrearage payments [Sec. 1401, 1473, 1782, 4252, 4605-4607, 9306 (2)] -
Act 55Child sex trafficking crime expanded; child abuse definition and investigation, and juvenile court orders provisions -
Act 367Crime prevention funding board (CPFB) created in each county that receives funding from certain surcharge; grants to nonprofit organizations and law enforcement agencies for crime prevention purposes; reports required [Sec. 1004, 1908, 1910, 1915, 4619, 4620, 4733, 4734, 9129 (1)] -
Act 55Firearm possession in a school zone: exemption for qualified law enforcement and former law enforcement officers; trespass provision -
Act 23High-deductible health plan option for municipal police officers, fire fighters, and EMTs [Sec. 1952c] [partial veto] -
Act 55Hit-and-run incidents: law enforcement agency to disseminate reports through the integrated crime alert network under certain conditions -
Act 315Law enforcement agency required to report controlled-substance violations, opioid-related drug overdoses or deaths, reports of stolen prescription drugs, and certain other information to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program -
Act 268Missing child who is the responsibility of DCF, Corr.Dept, county services, or licensed child welfare agency: reporting requirements to local law enforcement and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children -
Act 368Officer-involved death reports released by DAs: information not subject to public records laws must be deleted [Sec. 3523p] -
Act 55Public libraries may report to collection agencies and law enforcement agencies certain information about delinquent accounts over set amount -
Act 169Strip search of certain detained persons: requirement repealed re detained for at least 12 hours -
Act 206Switchblade prohibition eliminated; local governments prohibited from regulating the sale, purchase, and possession of knives; disorderly conduct provision; license to carry concealed weapon does not include knives; going armed with a concealed knife prohibition modified; ordinance or resolution prohibiting possession of knives in certain buildings permitted -
Act 149Violent sex offenders on supervised release: procedures and residency requirements revised; restricting certain local ordinance or resolution provision -
Act 156Campaign finance laws (chapter 11) revised including requiring specified entities to register with GAB and file periodic reports, contribution limits, and coordination; reconciliation provision -
Act 117GAB eliminated and replaced with an Elections Commission and an Ethics Commission; investigations, advisory opinions, and reports provisions; DOA, JCF, and JCLO duties [partial veto] -
Act 118Dental reimbursement pilot project for certain services in certain counties; MA waiver required [Sec. 1798, 9318 (2)] [9318 (2) -- vetoed; 1798 -- partial veto] -
Act 55Hospitals with disproportionate share of low-income patients: supplemental payments from DHS, conditions set [Sec. 1791r] -
Act 55Regulation of navigable waters, artificial water bodies, wetlands, and nonpoint source pollution revised; DNR duties -
Act 387Submerged land under the waters of Green Bay conveyed to Brown County for same purposes as Chapter 15, Laws of 1977; DNR appendix report -
Act 111Iola Car Show: DOT required to erect directional signs; contributions from interested parties provision -
Act 213Habitually truant pupil: notification to parent or guardian by first class mail and simultaneously by electronic communication permitted -
Act 52Postage appropriation in DOA for state agency costs [Sec. 789] -
Act 55Zoning ordinance amendment or petition to amend: notification by registered mail changed to certified mail and email -
Act 214Establishments that slaughter animals or poultry, or that process meat or poultry products: licensing and inspection program revisions; fee, ordinance, and exemptions provisions -
Act 243Wisconsin Digital Property Act (Chapter 711) created -
Act 300Vacancies on a school board of a common, union high, or unified school district: appointment provisions revised; primary for election in certain election districts required; adoption of apportionment plan after decennial census required -
Act 63Corrections System Formulary Board created in Corr.Dept re therapeutic alternate drug selections in the state correctional system -
Act 40Drones operated over state correctional institutions prohibited; penalty provisions -
Act 318