Town zoning ordinances affecting shorelands; county shoreland zoning ordinance requirements; county zoning ordinance that applies to all or part of a town’s territory -
Act 145Repossession of collateral or leased goods: determination of breach of peace and limits on liability re vehicle repossession [vetoed] -
SB613County snowmobile trails and area aids: appropriation increased -
Act 141Soil and water resource management program: funding provision and bonding authority increased [Sec. 130m, 307] -
Act 9COVID-19 pandemic: state government response -
Act 185Governmental deadlines and training requirements suspended during the 2020 public health emergency, exceptions specified [Sec. 81, 106 (2)] -
Act 185State entity allowed to waive any in-person requirement during the 2020 public health emergency, definition provision [Sec. 80] -
Act 185State capitol and grounds: DOA to study safety and security in consultation with City of Madison Police Department, report required [Sec. 9101 (1f)] [vetoed] -
Act 9Certificate of qualification for employment procedure created for persons convicted of a crime, conditions and civil liability exemption provisions; Council on Offender Employment, created; report required -
Act 123Circuit court: additional branches allocated by the Director of State Courts; biennial budget request provision -
Act 184Insect repellant for sale in state parks and forests: DNR to make available -
Act 74Lyme disease: DNR awareness campaign requirements, state park brochure provision -
Act 158Lyme disease informational signs: DNR and DHS to collaborate on signs for state parks, trails, recreational areas, and forests -
Act 73State trails: repair funding, trails specified [Sec. 180m, 9132 (3x)] [9132 (3x) -- vetoed] -
Act 9Stewardship Program: amount obligated for water infrastructure projects in state parks increased -
Act 93Read to Lead Development Council and fund repealed [Sec. 39, 166, 214, 218, 336, 341, 522] -
Act 9Teacher preparatory program: Superintendent of Public Instruction may approve, conditions set -
Act 84Mileage-based fees and tolling study [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1082m] [vetoed] -
Act 9State capitol and grounds: DOA to study safety and security in consultation with City of Madison Police Department, report required [Sec. 9101 (1f)] [vetoed] -
Act 9Wireless services and infrastructure provider regulatory framework for state and political subdivisions, right-of-way provisions; setback requirements by political subdivisions for mobile service support structures authorized; Rights-of-Way Study Committee created, study required -
Act 14sunsetSunset, see also specific subject
Agricultural development loan guarantee program changes, sunset and fee provisions -
Act 62Autocycles exempt from emission inspections; registration plates for autocycles previously registered as motorcycles, sunset provision -
Act 173Child care quality rating system incentives, sunset provision [Sec. 9106 (5f)] [vetoed] -
Act 9Dam safety aid program: sunset extended [Sec. 348p] -
Act 9Intelligent transportation systems and traffic control signals appropriations: sunset removed [Sec. 185-187] -
Act 9Interstate Medical Licensure Compact: repeal provision of 2015 WisAct 116 that authorizes repeal of the statutes authorizing the compact -
Act 49Mental health consultation reimbursement sunset repealed [Sec. 678] -
Act 9Motor vehicle fuel tax: retailer refunds for evaporation sunsetted [Sec. 311m, 1067i-p, 9437 (6f)] -
Act 9Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: certain sunsets extended -
Act 121Supplemental transportation aids to towns created, sunset provision [Sec. 182m, 1091m] [1091m -- partial veto] -
Act 9TEACH program extended and modified [Sec. 88-117, 275, 1570, 1570f, 1811m, 9434 (4)] -
Act 9Treatment and diversion (TAD) pilot program for nonviolent offenders: sunset extended, report to JCF [Sec. 234, 235, 9127 (2), 9427 (2)] [9127 (2) -- partial veto] -
Act 9Wisconsin Reading Corps grant made annual, sunset eliminated [Sec. 167, 1421, 9434 (1)] -
Act 9"Ghostwriting," a form of limited scope representation (Wis. Stats. s. 802.05 (2m)), 4/17/20 -
SCO 19-16Making the record and court reporters (Wis. Stats. s. 751.02, 751.025, 757.46, 757.57), 4/22/19 -
SCO 19-01Online access to petitions for review and response, privacy considerations (Wis. Stats. s. 809.86), 1/29/20 -
SCO 19-19Transferring Iron County from the ninth judicial district to the tenth judicial district (Wis. Stats. s. 753.06 (9)(d), 757.60 (9), (10)), 2/13/20 -
SCO 19-21Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, and Professional Land Surveyors required to promulgate rules re retired credential holder exemption from continuing education requirements but maintain professional title -
Act 94Interest and penalties due on general fund taxes or taxes and fees deposited in the transportation fund: Secretary of DOR may waive on case-by-case basis if failure to file is due to effects of 2020 public health emergency [Sec. 105 (14)] -
Act 185Minority teacher loan program eligibility modified -
Act 35