Selective abortions and disability-selective abortion prohibited; civil remedies and injunctive relief provisions [vetoed] -
SB593De novo review in actions affecting the family: procedures and parameters established -
Act 205DETF administered programs: various changes re WRS, abandoned retirement accounts, domestic relations orders, and other corrections (remedial legislation suggested by DETF) -
Act 245Order for child support, family support, or maintenance: annual exchange of financial information specifics -
Act 259Stipulated orders before judgment: judge allowed to enter terms as initial orders in actions for divorce, annulment, or legal separation -
Act 204dnrDNR, see natural resources department of -- specific subheading
doaDOA, see administration department of -- specific subheading
Beaver Dam Lake restoration appropriation, sunset provision [Sec. 41, 42, 9432 (1)] [41 -- partial veto] -
Act 58Dog licenses, rabies control, and related services: funding transfer [Sec. 22, 9202 (1)] -
Act 58Dogs on the premises of certain retail food establishments: DATCP cannot promulgate rule prohibiting -
Act 143Gibraltar, Town of, authorized to create TIDs in the same manner as a city or village -
Act 233dotDOT, see transportation department of -- specific subheading
DOT to establish programs to increase number of individuals with CDLs; sunset provision [vetoed] -
AB941Abortion-inducing drug regimen: informed consent requirements and hospital, clinic, or other facility reporting requirement [vetoed] -
SB591Epinephrine prefilled syringes: authorities for prescription, possession, and administration of epinephrine auto-injectors expanded to include; statewide standing order provision -
Act 218Intentional destruction of a vaccine or drug rendering it ineffective or unusable made a felony -
Act 120Multidistrict opiate litigation settlement: AG to cooperate with local governments; conditions specified -
Act 57Opioid and methamphetamine data system: DOA to establish, collect data from other departments, and submit report to JCF -
Act 181Pharmacists authorized to extend a prescription order: 2019 WisAct 185 provisions extended [vetoed] -
AB1Pharmacy benefit manager licensure requirements and regulations; cost-sharing limitation; specified disclosures to customers; notification of drug substitution -
Act 9Pharmacy technicians authorized to administer vaccines and specified drugs for adverse reactions; any health care provider authorized to administer vaccines may supervise pharmacy students administering vaccines; use of title “pharmacist” provision -
Act 3Prescription drug limits prohibition enacted in 2019 WisAct 185 reinstated [vetoed] -
AB1Third-party logistics providers: optional license created; Pharmacy Examining Board duties -
Act 25Third-party logistics providers: optional license created; Pharmacy Examining Board duties [vetoed] -
AB1Butane extraction used to manufacture marijuana or separate plant resin from marijuana plants: penalty revisions [vetoed] -
AB440Fentanyl and fentanyl analogs: felony penalties for manufacture, distribution, delivery, or possession revised -
Act 179Fentanyl testing strips excluded from definition of drug paraphernalia -
Act 180Driver safety plan re intoxicated driver assessment: administrative rules modified to include medication-assisted treatment [Admin.Code DHS 62.07] -
Act 155Circuit courts designated to begin operation in 2021 [Sec. 413-416, 9107 (1), 9407 (1)] -
Act 58Exception to 40-year recording requirement for recorded access easements created -
Act 174Federal moneys for statewide public safety interoperable communications system, emergency services IP network contracts, geographic information systems database, and psychiatric bed capacity expansion in certain hospitals [vetoed] -
AB240Agricultural exports increase: DATCP and WEDC to submit 5-year proposal to JCF [Sec. 23, 24, 9102 (1)] [24, 9102 (1) -- vetoed] -
Act 58Agricultural exports program established; plan, report, and audit required -
Act 92Business development tax credit: report on unallocated tax benefit [Sec. 365] [vetoed] -
Act 58Cooperative feasibility studies grants from WEDC [Sec. 9149 (1)] -
Act 58Farmers and WEDC rural economic development programs: allocating certain federal moneys re COVID-19 pandemic [vetoed] -
AB235Laws administered by DOR: revisions re shared revenue, property assessment, income taxes, sales tax, and payments from counties to towns; income tax exemption for certain income and grants related to COVID-19 relief -
Act 1“Pro-Cop Wisconsin Campaign”: WEDC and DOJ to collaborate on marketing campaign; Governor to allocate federal moneys [vetoed] -
AB831Qualified new business venture: eligibility for angel and early stage seed investment tax credits revised -
Act 224Shovel-ready workforce development site program established [vetoed] -
SB629Talent attraction and retention initiatives: allocation of federal moneys to focus on veterans [vetoed] -
AB888Talent attraction and retention initiatives re 2021 WisAct 58: WEDC to submit expenditure plan to JCF [vetoed] -
AB940Talent attraction and retention initiatives [Sec. 9149 (2)] -
Act 58Verso Paper Mill and Park Falls Pulp and Paper Mill: loans for purchase of from certain federal moneys [vetoed] -
AB367CESA employees may request wage payments over a 12-month period -
Act 144Actions for violations of election laws revisions re venue and filing a complaint [vetoed] -
SB213Election administration: acceptance or use of private resources by state agency or political subdivision or officer or employee of prohibited; only election officials designated by law may perform tasks. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [SJR101] -
JR 17Election prohibitions: use of private resources for election administration, nonresidents counting or tabulating votes, and poll workers who are employees of candidate groups, political organization, or issue advocacy group [vetoed] -
AB173Noncandidacy for incumbent local elected officials: public notice requirements -
Act 33Oversight of elections in this state: changes re federal funds, federal election guidance, registration and voting statistics, Elections Commission legal counsel, and archived copy of the registration list; reports and LAB duties [vetoed] -
SB941Qualified electors may vote in Wisconsin. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [SJR32] -
JR 13Voting at retirement homes and residential care facilities during public health emergency or infectious disease incident; use of private resources for election administration; election fraud committed by election officials; appointment of poll workers prohibitions; recess of municipal board of canvassers [vetoed] -
SB935Absentee ballot changes: applications, automatic receipt, photo ID, unsolicited mailing or transmission, and secure delivery; voter registration provisions [vetoed] -