6.87 (4) Except as otherwise provided in s. 6.875, the elector voting absentee shall make and subscribe to the certification before one witness. The absent elector, in the presence of the witness, shall mark the ballot in a manner that will not disclose how the elector's vote is cast. The elector shall then, still in the presence of the witness, fold the ballots so each is separate and so that the elector conceals the markings thereon and deposit them in the proper envelope. If a consolidated ballot under s. 5.655 is used, the elector shall fold the ballot so that the elector conceals the markings thereon and deposit the ballot in the proper envelope. If the elector has registered by mail and has not, or is not certain whether the elector has, previously voted in an election for national office in this state, the elector shall enclose identification in the envelope. Identification is required if the elector is not a military elector or an overseas elector, as defined in s. 6.36 (2) (c), and the elector registered by mail and has not voted in an election for national office in the municipality where the elector is voting this state. The elector may receive assistance under sub. (5). The return envelope shall then be sealed. The witness may not be a candidate. The envelope shall be mailed by the elector, postage prepaid, or delivered in person, to the municipal clerk issuing the ballot or ballots. Failure to return an unused ballot in a primary does not invalidate the ballot on which the elector's votes are cast. Return of more than one marked ballot in a primary or return of a ballot prepared under s. 5.655 or a ballot used with an electronic voting system in a primary which is marked for candidates of more than one party invalidates all votes cast by the elector for candidates in the primary.
113. 6.88 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
6.88 (3) (a) Any time between the opening and closing of the polls on election day, the inspectors shall open the carrier envelope only, and announce the name of the absent elector or the identification serial number of the absent elector if the elector has a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2). When the inspectors find that the certification has been properly executed, the applicant is a qualified elector of the ward or election district, and the applicant has not voted in the election, they shall enter an indication on the poll or registration list next to the applicant's name indicating an absentee ballot is cast by the elector. They shall then open the envelope containing the ballot in a manner so as not to deface or destroy the certification thereon. The inspectors shall take out the ballot without unfolding it or permitting it to be unfolded or examined. Unless the ballot is cast under s. 6.95, the inspectors shall verify that the ballot has been endorsed by the issuing clerk. If the poll list indicates that identification is required and no identification is enclosed or the name or address on the document that is provided is not the same as the name and address shown on the poll list, the inspectors shall proceed as provided under s. 6.97 (2). The inspectors shall then deposit the ballot into the proper ballot box and enter the absent elector's name or voting number after his or her name on the poll or registration list in the same manner as if the elector had been present and voted in person.
114. 6.94 of the statutes is amended to read:
6.94 Challenged elector oath. If the person challenged refuses to answer fully any relevant questions put to him or her by the inspector under s. 6.92, the inspectors shall reject the elector's vote. If the challenge is not withdrawn after the person offering to vote has answered the questions, one of the inspectors shall administer to the person the following oath or affirmation: "You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that: you are 18 years of age; you are a citizen of the United States; you are now and for 10 days have been a resident of this ward except under s. 6.02 (2); you have not voted at this election; you have not made any bet or wager or become directly or indirectly interested in any bet or wager depending upon the result of this election; you are not on any other ground disqualified to vote at this election". If the person challenged refuses to take the oath or affirmation, the person's vote shall be rejected. If the person challenged answers fully all relevant questions put to the elector by the inspector under s. 6.92, takes the oath or affirmation, and fulfills the applicable registration requirements, where applicable, and if the answers to the questions given by the person indicate that the person meets the voting qualification requirements, the person's vote shall be received.
115. 6.95 of the statutes is amended to read:
6.95 Voting procedure for challenged electors. Whenever the inspectors under ss. 6.92 to 6.94 receive the vote of a person offering to vote who has been challenged, they shall give the elector a ballot. Before depositing the inspectors shall, before giving the elector a ballot, the inspectors shall write on the back of the ballot the serial number of the challenged person corresponding to the number kept at the election on the registration or poll list, or other list maintained under s. 6.79, and the notation "s. 6.95". If voting machines are used in the municipality where the person is voting, the person's vote may be received only upon an absentee ballot furnished by the municipal clerk which shall have the corresponding serial number from the registration or poll list or other list maintained under s. 6.79 and the notation "s. 6.95" written on the back of the ballot before the ballot is deposited by the inspectors before the ballot is given to the elector. The inspectors shall indicate on the list the reason for the challenge. The inspectors shall then deposit the ballot. The challenged ballots shall be counted under s. 5.85 or 7.51. The municipal board of canvassers may decide any challenge when making its canvass under s. 7.53. If the returns are reported under s. 7.60, a challenge may be reviewed by the county board of canvassers. If the returns are reported under s. 7.70, a challenge may be reviewed by the chairperson of the board or the chairperson's designee. The decision of any board of canvassers or of the chairperson or chairperson's designee may be appealed under s. 9.01. The standard for disqualification specified in s. 6.325 shall be used to determine the validity of challenged ballots.
116. 6.96 of the statutes is created to read:
6.96 Voting procedure for electors voting pursuant to federal court order. Whenever any elector is allowed to vote at a polling place pursuant to a federal court order after the closing time provided under s. 6.78, the inspectors shall, before giving the elector a ballot, write on the back of the ballot the notation "s. 6.96". If voting machines are used in the municipality where the elector is voting, the elector's vote may be received only upon an absentee ballot furnished by the municipal clerk which shall have the notation "s. 6.96" written on the back of the ballot by the inspectors before the ballot is given to the elector. When receiving the elector's ballot, the inspectors shall provide the elector with the written voting information prescribed by the board under s. 7.08 (8). The inspectors shall indicate on the list the fact that the elector is voting pursuant to a federal court order. The inspectors shall then deposit the ballot. The ballot shall be counted under s. 5.85 or 7.51 unless the order is vacated. If the order is vacated after the ballot is counted, the appropriate board or boards of canvassers or the chairperson of the board or his or her designee shall reopen the canvass to discount any ballots that were counted pursuant to the vacated order and adjust the statements, certifications, and determinations accordingly.
117. 6.97 of the statutes is created to read:
6.97 Voting procedure for individuals not providing required identification. (1) Whenever any individual who is required to provide identification in order to be permitted to vote appears to vote at a polling place and cannot provide the required identification, the inspectors shall offer the opportunity for the individual to vote under this section. If the individual wishes to vote, the inspectors shall provide the elector with an envelope marked "Ballot under s. 6.97, stats." on which the serial number of the elector is entered and shall require the individual to execute on the envelope a written affirmation stating that the individual is a qualified elector of the ward or election district where he or she offers to vote and is eligible to vote in the election. The inspectors shall, before giving the elector a ballot, write on the back of the ballot the serial number of the individual corresponding to the number kept at the election on the poll list or other list maintained under s. 6.79 and the notation "s. 6.97". If voting machines are used in the municipality where the individual is voting, the individual's vote may be received only upon an absentee ballot furnished by the municipal clerk which shall have the corresponding number from the poll list or other list maintained under s. 6.79 and the notation "s. 6.97" written on the back of the ballot by the inspectors before the ballot is given to the elector. When receiving the individual's ballot, the inspectors shall provide the individual with written voting information prescribed by the board under s. 7.08 (8). The inspectors shall indicate on the list the fact that the individual is required to provide identification but did not do so. The inspectors shall notify the individual that he or she may provide identification to the municipal clerk or executive director of the municipal board of election commissioners. The inspectors shall also promptly notify the municipal clerk or executive director of the name, address, and serial number of the individual. The inspectors shall then place the ballot inside the envelope and place the envelope in a separate carrier envelope.
(2) Whenever any individual who votes by absentee ballot is required to provide identification in order to be permitted to vote and does not provide the required identification, the inspectors shall write on the back of the absentee ballot the serial number of the individual corresponding to the number kept at the election on the poll list or other list maintained under s. 6.79 and the notation "s. 6.97". The inspectors shall indicate on the list the fact that the individual is required to provided identification but did not do so. The inspectors shall promptly notify the municipal clerk or executive director of the municipal board of election commissioners of the name, address, and serial number of the individual. The inspectors shall then place the ballot inside an envelope on which the name and serial number of the elector is entered and shall place the envelope in a separate carrier envelope.
(3) Whenever the municipal clerk or executive director of the municipal board of election commissioners is informed by the inspectors that a ballot has been cast under this section, the clerk or executive director shall promptly provide written notice to the board of canvassers of each municipality, special purpose district, and county that is responsible for canvassing the election of the number of ballots cast under this section in each ward or election district. The municipal clerk or executive director then shall determine whether each individual voting under this section is qualified to vote in the ward or election district where the individual's ballot is cast. The municipal clerk or executive director shall make a record of the procedure used to determine the validity of each ballot. If, prior to 4 p.m. on the day after the election, the municipal clerk or executive director determines that the individual is qualified to vote in the ward or election district where the individual's ballot is cast, the municipal clerk or executive director shall notify the board of canvassers for each municipality, special purpose district and county that is responsible for canvassing the election of that fact.
(4) Whenever a board of canvassers receives timely notification from the municipal clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners under sub. (3) that an individual who has voted under this section is qualified to vote in the ward or election district where the individual's ballot is cast, the board of canvasers shall promptly reconvene and, if the ballot cast by the individual is otherwise valid, shall count the ballot and adjust the statements, certifications and determinations accordingly. If the municipal clerk or executive director transmits returns of the election to the county clerk or board of election commissioners, the municipal clerk or executive director shall transmit to the county clerk or board of election commissioners a copy of the amended returns together with all additional ballots counted by each board of canvassers.
118. 7.08 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.08 (1) (c) Prescribe forms required by ss. 6.24 (3) and (4), 6.30 (4), 6.33 (1), 6.40 (1) (b) (a), 6.47 (1) (a) 2. and (3), 6.55 (2) and (3), 6.79 (5) and 6.86 (2) and (3). All such forms shall contain a statement of the penalty applicable to false or fraudulent registration or voting through use of the form. Forms are not required to be furnished by the board.
119. 7.08 (6) and (8) of the statutes are created to read:
7.08 (6) Enforcement of federal voting system standards. Following each general election, audit the performance of each voting system used in this state to determine the error rate of the system in counting ballots that are validly cast by electors. If the error rate exceeds the rate permitted under standards of the federal election commission in effect on October 29, 2002, the board shall take remedial action and order remedial action to be taken by affected counties and municipalities to ensure compliance with the standards. Each county and municipality shall comply with any order received under this subsection.
(8) Electors voting without identification or pursuant to court order. Prescribe a written notice to be distributed to electors who vote under s. 6.96 or 6.97 that informs an elector how to obtain information regarding whether his or her vote has been counted, and if the vote will not be counted, the reason that the vote will not be counted.
120. 7.10 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.10 (1) (b) The county clerk shall supply sufficient poll list forms for municipalities that do not have elector registration and other election supplies for national, state and county elections to municipalities within the county. The poll list forms and other election supplies shall be enclosed in the sealed package containing the official ballots and delivered to the municipal clerk.
121. 7.10 (7) to (9) of the statutes are created to read:
7.10 (7) Voter education. Each county clerk shall assist the board in conducting educational programs under s. 5.05 (12) to inform electors about the voting process.
(8) Free election information exchange. Each county clerk shall assist the board and municipal clerks in maintaining toll-free telephone lines and other free access systems under s. 5.05 (13) for exchange of voting information.
(9) Training of election officials. Each county clerk shall assist the board in the training of election officials under ss. 5.05 (7) and 7.31.
122. 7.10 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
7.10 (10) Information to board. Each county clerk shall provide to the board any information requested under s. 5.05 (14).
123. 7.15 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.15 (1) (c) Prepare ballots for municipal elections, and distribute ballots and provide other supplies for conducting all elections. The municipal clerk shall deliver poll list forms received from the county clerk to the polling places with the ballots to the polling places before the polls open.
124. 7.15 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.15 (4) Recording electors. After Within 30 days after each election where registration is used, the municipal clerk shall make a record of enter on the registration list under the name of each elector of the municipality who has voted at the election by stamping or writing the date of the election in the appropriate space on the original registration form of the elector. Municipalities employing data processing may, in lieu of this requirement, record voting information in such a manner that it is readily available for retrieval by computer an indication of the date of the election in which the elector voted.
125. 7.15 (9) to (14) of the statutes are created to read:
7.15 (9) Voter education. Each municipal clerk shall assist the board in conducting educational programs under s. 5.05 (12) to inform electors about the voting process.
(10) Free election information exchange. Each municipal clerk shall assist the board in maintaining toll-free telephone lines and any other free access systems under s. 5.05 (13) for exchange of voting information.
(11) Training of election officials. Each municipal clerk shall assist the board in the training of election officials under ss. 5.05 (7) and 7.31.
(12) Free vote counting information. Each municipal clerk shall maintain a free access information system under which an elector who votes under s. 6.96 or 6.97 may ascertain current information concerning whether the elector's vote has been counted, and if the vote will not be counted, the reason that it will not be counted.
(13) Information to board. Each municipal clerk shall provide to the board any information requested under s. 5.05 (14).
(14) Voting accommodations for individuals with disabilities. Each municipal clerk shall make reasonable efforts to comply with requests for voting accommodations made by individuals with disabilities whenever feasible.
126. 7.23 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.23 (1) (c) Registration cards which are canceled forms of electors whose registrations are changed to ineligible status under s. 6.50 (7) may be destroyed 4 years after cancellation the change, unless an elector becomes eligible again during that period.
127. 7.23 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.23 (1) (e) Registration and poll
Poll lists created at a nonpartisan primary or election may be destroyed 2 years after the primary or election at which they were created and registration and poll lists created at a partisan primary or election may be destroyed 4 years after the primary or election at which they were created.
128. 7.37 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.37 (7) Registration and poll Poll lists. Two inspectors shall be assigned to have charge of the registration or poll lists at each election.
129. 7.51 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (2) (a) The inspectors shall first compare the poll or registration lists, correcting any mistakes until the poll or registration lists agree. The chief inspector and the inspectors who are responsible for recording electors under s. 6.79 shall verify the correctness of the poll or registration lists after the polls close by each signing their name thereto. Where ballots are distributed to electors, the inspectors shall then open the ballot box and remove and count the number of ballots therein without examination except as is necessary to ascertain that each is a single ballot. If 2 or more ballots are folded together so as to appear as a single ballot, the inspectors shall lay them aside until the count is completed; and if, after a comparison of the count and the appearance of the ballots it appears to a majority of the inspectors that the ballots folded together were voted by the same person they may not be counted but the inspectors shall mark them as to the reason for removal, set them aside and carefully preserve them. The inspectors shall then proceed under par. (b).
130. 7.51 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (2) (c) Whenever the number of ballots exceeds the number of voting electors as indicated on the poll or registration list, the inspectors shall place all ballots face up to check for blank ballots. In this paragraph, "blank ballot" means a ballot on which no votes are cast for any office or question. The inspectors shall mark, lay aside and preserve any blank ballots. If the number of ballots still exceeds the number of voting electors, the inspectors shall place all ballots face down and proceed to check for the initials. The inspectors shall mark, lay aside and preserve any ballot not bearing the initials of 2 inspectors or any absentee ballot not bearing the initials of the municipal clerk. During the count the inspectors shall count those ballots cast by challenged electors the same as the other ballots.
131. 7.51 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (2) (e) If, after any ballots have been laid aside, the number of ballots still exceeds the total number of electors recorded on the registration or poll list, the inspectors shall separate the absentee ballots from the other ballots. If there is an excess number of absentee ballots, the inspectors shall place the absentee ballots in the ballot box and one of the inspectors shall publicly and without examination draw therefrom by chance the number of ballots equal to the excess number of absentee ballots. If there is an excess number of other ballots, the inspectors shall place those ballots in the ballot box and one of the inspectors shall publicly and without examination draw therefrom by chance the number of ballots equal to the excess number of those ballots. All ballots so removed may not be counted but shall be specially marked as having been removed by the inspectors on original canvass due to an excess number of ballots, set aside and preserved. When the number of ballots and total shown on the poll or registration list agree, the inspectors shall return all ballots to be counted to the ballot box and shall turn the ballot box in such manner as to thoroughly mix the ballots. The inspectors shall then open, count and record the number of votes. When the ballots are counted, the inspectors shall separate them into piles for ballots similarly voted. Objections may be made to placement of ballots in the piles at the time the separation is made.
132. 7.51 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (3) (a) The inspectors shall place together all ballots counted by them which relate to any national, state or county office or any state, county or technical college district referendum and secure them together so that they cannot be untied or tampered with without breaking the seal. The secured ballots together with any ballots marked "Defective" shall then be secured by the inspectors in the ballot container in such a manner that the container cannot be opened without breaking the seals or locks, or destroying the container. The inspectors shall place the ballots cast under s. 6.97 in a separate, securely sealed carrier envelope which is clearly marked "Section 6.97 ballots". The chief inspector and 2 other inspectors shall sign the carrier envelope. The carrier envelope shall not be placed in the ballot container. The inspectors shall then deliver the ballots to the municipal clerk in the ballot container and carrier envelope.
133. 7.51 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (4) (a) The tally sheets shall state the total number of votes cast for each office and for each individual receiving votes for that office, whether or not the individual's name appears on the ballot, and shall state the vote for and against each proposition voted on. Upon completion of the tally sheets, the inspectors shall immediately complete inspectors' statements in duplicate. The inspectors shall state the excess, if any, by which the number of ballots exceeds the number of electors voting as shown by the poll or registration list, if any, and shall state the number of the last elector as shown by the registration or poll lists. At least 3 inspectors, including the chief inspector and, unless election officials are appointed under s. 7.30 (4) (c) without regard to party affiliation, at least one inspector representing each political party, shall then certify to the correctness of the statements and tally sheets and sign their names. All other election officials assisting with the tally shall also certify to the correctness of the tally sheets. When the tally is complete, the inspectors shall publicly announce the results from the statements.
134. 7.51 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
7.51 (5) (a) The inspectors shall make full and accurate return of the votes cast for each candidate and proposition on tally sheet forms provided by the municipal clerk for that purpose. Each tally sheet shall record the returns for each office or referendum by ward, unless combined returns are authorized in accordance with s. 5.15 (6) (b) in which case the tally sheet shall record the returns for each group of combined wards. After recording the votes, the inspectors shall seal in a carrier envelope outside the ballot bag or container one inspectors' statement under sub. (4) (a), one tally sheet, and one poll or registration list for delivery to the county clerk, unless the election relates only to municipal or school district offices or referenda. The inspectors shall also similarly seal one inspectors' statement, one tally sheet, and one poll or registration list for delivery to the municipal clerk. For school district elections, except in 1st class cities, the inspectors shall similarly seal one inspectors' statement, one tally sheet, and one poll or registration list for delivery to the school district clerk. The inspectors shall immediately deliver all ballots, statements, tally sheets, lists, and envelopes to the municipal clerk.
135. 8.17 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
8.17 (1) (a) Political parties qualifying for a separate ballot under s. 5.62 (1) (b) or (2) shall elect their party committeemen and committeewomen as provided under sub. (5) (b). The function of committeemen and committeewomen is to represent their neighborhoods in the structure of a political party. Committeemen and committeewomen shall act as liaison representatives between their parties and the residents of the election districts in which they serve. Activities of committeemen and committeewomen shall include, but not be limited to, voter identification identifying voters; assistance in voter registration drives; increasing voter participation in political parties; polling and other methods of passing information from residents to political parties and elected public officials; and dissemination of information from public officials to residents. For assistance in those and other activities of interest to a political party, each committeeman and committeewoman may appoint a captain to engage in these activities in each ward, if the election district served by the committeeman or committeewoman includes more than one ward. In an election district which includes more than one ward, the committeeman or committeewoman shall coordinate the activities of the ward captains in promoting the interests of his or her party.
136. 9.01 (1) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
9.01 (1) (b) 1. The board of canvassers shall first compare the registration or poll lists and determine the number of voting electors.
137. 10.02 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
10.02 (3) (a) Upon entering the polling place and before being permitted to vote, an elector shall give state his or her name and address before being permitted to vote and provide identification if required by federal law. Where ballots are distributed to electors, the initials of 2 inspectors must appear on the ballot. Upon being permitted to vote, the elector shall retire alone to a voting booth or machine and cast his or her ballot, except that an elector who is a parent or guardian may be accompanied by the elector's minor child or minor ward. An election official may inform the elector of the proper manner for casting a vote, but the official may not in any manner advise or indicate a particular voting choice.
138. 11.30 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
11.30 (title) Identification
Attribution of political contributions, disbursements and communications.
139. 12.13 (3) (u) of the statutes is amended to read:
12.13 (3) (u) Present Provide false identification documentation of identity for the purpose of inducing an election official to permit the person or another person to vote.
140. 15.617 of the statutes is created to read:
15.617 Same; council. (1) Election administration council. There is created in the elections board an election administration council consisting of members appointed by the executive director of the elections board, including the clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners of the 2 counties or municipalities in this state having the largest population, one or more election officials of other counties or municipalities, representatives of organizations that advocate for the interests of individuals with disabilities and organizations that advocate for the interests of the voting public, and other electors of this state.
141. 19.69 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
19.69 (4) Nonapplicability. This section does not apply to any matching program established between the secretary of transportation and the commissioner of the federal social security administration pursuant to an agreement specified under s. 85.61 (2).
144. 59.05 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
59.05 (2) If a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 is filed with the board by at least two-fifths of the legal voters of any county, to be determined by the registration or poll lists of list for the last previous general election held in the county at the time of filing, the names of which voters shall appear on some one of the registration or poll lists of list for such election, present to the board a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 asking for a change of the county seat to some other place designated in the petition, the board shall submit the question of removal of the county seat to a vote of the qualified voters of the county. The board shall file the question as provided in s. 8.37. The election shall be held only on the day of the general election, notice of the election shall be given and the election shall be conducted as in the case of the election of officers on that day, and the votes shall be canvassed, certified and returned in the same manner as other votes at that election. The question to be submitted shall be "Shall the county seat of .... county be removed to ....?".
145. 85.61 of the statutes is created to read:
85.61 Compliance with federal Help America Vote Act. (1) The secretary of transportation and the executive director of the elections board shall enter into an agreement to match personally identifiable information on the official registration list maintained by the elections board under s. 6.36 (1) with personally identifiable information in the operating record file database under ch. 343 and vehicle registration records under ch. 341 to the extent required to enable the secretary of transportation and the executive director of the elections board to verify the accuracy of the information provided for the purpose of voter registration.
(2) The secretary of transportation shall enter into an agreement with the commissioner of the federal social security administration for the purpose of verifying whether the name, date of birth, and social security number of an individual in the operating record file database under ch. 343 or vehicle registration records under ch. 341 match the information contained in the records of the social security administration. The agreement shall include safeguards to ensure the maintenance of the confidentiality of any personally identifiable information disclosed and procedures to permit the secretary of transportation to use any applicable personally identifiable information disclosed for purposes related to maintenance of departmental records.
146. 117.20 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
117.20 (2) The clerk of each affected school district shall publish notice, as required under s. 8.55, in the territory of that school district. The procedures for school board elections under s. 120.06 (5), (9), (11), (13) and (14) apply to a referendum held under this section. The school board and school district clerk of each affected school district shall each perform, for that school district, the functions assigned to the school board and the school district clerk, respectively, under those subsections. The form of the ballot shall correspond to the form prescribed by the elections board under ss. 5.64 (2) and 7.08 (1) (a). The clerk of each affected school district shall file with the secretary of the board a certified statement prepared by the school district board of canvassers of the results of the referendum in that school district.
147. 120.06 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
148. 125.05 (2) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
125.05 (2) (h) Number of electors. The number of electors in a residence district shall equal not less than the number of names with residences in the district which appear on a the registration list
, as defined in s. 5.02 (17). If there is no registration list, the number of electors shall equal the number of names with residences in the district which appear on a poll list as defined in s. 5.02 (14) compiled at the last gubernatorial or presidential election, whichever is most recent, for the residence district on the date that the remonstrance, consent, or counter petition is filed. A person whose name does not appear on a registration list or poll list may not sign a protest petition, consent or counter petition.
Nonstatutory provisions.
(1) The legislative audit bureau is directed to perform a program evaluation audit relating to compliance by the state and local governments with election laws and the appropriateness of procedures used to implement those laws. In its audit, the bureau shall address compliance by the state and local governments with the requirements of this act, specifically including the polling place accessibility requirements under section 5.25 (4) (a) of the statutes, as affected by this act. The bureau shall also address the treatment of any complaints of electors concerning alleged violations of the law, specifically including complaints relating to denial of the right to vote and denial of the right to corroborate registration information on behalf of electors; any attempts to require electors to provide identification that is not authorized by law; any incidence of an inadequate availability of ballots for all electors who wish to vote; any allegations of elector fraud and the treatment of those allegations; and the appropriateness and legality of procedures used to identify ineligible electors whose names may appear on the registration list. The bureau shall file a report of its findings as described under section 13.94 (1) (b) of the statutes within an appropriate time period following the effective date of this subsection that is determined by the bureau upon consultation with the elections board.
Initial applicability.
(1) The treatment of sections 5.02 (17), 5.05 (15), 6.20, 6.24 (3), (4) (a) and (c), and (8), 6.26 (1) and (2) (am), (b), and (c), 6.27, 6.275 (1) (b) to (d), 6.28 (2) (b) and (3), 6.29 (2) (a) and (b), 6.32 (4), 6.33 (1) and (2) (a) (by Section 49b), (3), (4), and (5), 6.36 (1), (2) (a) (by Section 58b), and (3), 6.40 (1) (b) and (2) (b), 6.47 (6), 6.48 (1) (d) and (2) (b), 6.50 (1), (2), (2m), (3) to (6), (7), (9), and (10), 6.55 (2) (a) 1. (intro.) and 2., (b), and (c) 1. and 2., (3), and (7) (c) 2., 6.56 (3) and (4), 6.57, 6.79 (intro.), (1), (4), (5), and (6) (a) and (b), 6.86 (3) (a) 1. and 2., 6.87 (4) (by Section 112a), 6.94, 6.95, 7.08 (1) (c), 7.10 (1) (b), 7.15 (1) (c) and (4), 7.23 (1) (c), 7.37 (7), 7.51 (2) (a), (c), and (e), (4) (a), and (5) (a), 9.01 (1) (b) 1., 59.05 (2), 117.20 (2), 120.06 (5), and 125.05 (2) (h) of the statutes, the renumbering and amendment of section 6.40 (1) (a) of the statutes, the amendment of section 6.36 (2) (c) 2. of the statutes, the repeal and recreation of section 6.79 (2) of the statutes, and the creation of section 6.40 (1) (a) 2. and 3. of the statutes first apply with respect to the 2006 spring primary election.
Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication, except as follows:
(1) The treatment of sections 5.02 (24w), 5.05 (12), 5.25 (4) (a) and (c), 5.91 (15) to (18), 6.869, 7.08 (6), 7.10 (7) and 7.15 (9) of the statutes, the renumbering of section 5.87 of the statutes, and the creation of section 5.87 (2) of the statutes take effect on January 1, 2006.
(2) The treatment of sections 5.02 (6m), 5.05 (13), 5.35 (6) (a) 2m., 4., 4a., and 4b., 6.33 (1), 6.36 (2) (a) (by Section 58a), 6.36 (2) (c) 1., 6.82 (1) (a), 6.86 (3) (c), 6.87 (3) (d), and (4) (by Section 112), 6.88 (3) (a), 6.96, 6.97, 7.08 (8), 7.10 (8), 7.15 (10) and (12), 7.51 (3) (a), and 10.02 (3) (a) of the statutes, the renumbering of section 6.79 (2) of the statutes, and the creation of sections 6.36 (2) (c) 2. and 6.79 (2) (b) of the statutes take effect on January 1, 2004, or on the day after publication, whichever is later.
(3) The treatment of sections 6.33 (1) and (2) (a) (by Section 49b), 6.36 (2) (a) (by Section 58b), and 6.87 (4) (by Section 112a) of the statutes, the amendment of section 6.36 (2) (c) 2. of the statutes, and the repeal and recreation of section 6.79 (2) of the statutes take effect on January 1, 2006.