2003 Wisconsin Act 1 (PDF: ) - Relating to: decreasing appropriations; lapsing moneys from certain program revenue appropriation accounts to the general fund; transferring moneys from certain segregated funds to the general fund; increasing funding for out-of-state inmate contracts and for health care for inmates of state prisons; increasing funding for the Medical Assistance and Badger Care programs; increasing segregated funding for the payment of principal and interest costs incurred in financing land acquisition and development under the stewardship program; restricting distribution of funds by the Tobacco Control Board to the Tobacco Research and Intervention Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; lapsing or reestimating expenditures from certain general purpose revenue appropriations; exempting the actions of the legislature on this bill from the required general fund structural balance and the required general fund statutory balance; and making appropriations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 2 (PDF: ) - Relating to: service as a commissioner on uniform state laws.
2003 Wisconsin Act 3 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24, and its appropriate affiliated locals, AFL-CIO, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the blue collar and nonbuilding trades collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 4 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24, and its appropriate affiliated locals, AFL-CIO, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the administrative support collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 5 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24, and its appropriate affiliated locals, AFL-CIO, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the technical collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 6 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24, and its appropriate affiliated locals, AFL-CIO, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the security and public safety collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 7 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24, and its appropriate affiliated locals, AFL-CIO, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the professional social services collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 8 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24, and its appropriate affiliated locals, AFL-CIO, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the law enforcement collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 9 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Professional Employees Council, WFT/AFT, AFL-CIO, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the professional fiscal and staff services collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 10 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Science Professionals, AFT, Local 3732, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the professional science collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 11 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Professional Employees in Research, Statistics, and Analysis, WFT/AFT, AFL-CIO, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the professional research, statistics, and analysis collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 12 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Public Defenders Association, WFT/AFT, Local 4822, AFL-CIO, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the public defenders collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 13 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Physicians and Dentists Association, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the professional patient treatment collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 14 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Teaching Assistants' Association, AFT, Local 3220, AFL-CIO, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the program, project, and teaching assistants of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Wisconsin-Extension collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 15 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Milwaukee Graduate Assistants Association, AFT/WFT, Local 2169, AFL-CIO, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the program, project, and teaching assistants of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 16 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Education Association Council, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the professional education collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 17 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the District 1199W/United Professionals for Quality Health Care, SEIU, AFL-CIO, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the professional patient care collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 18 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Association of State Prosecutors for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the assistant district attorneys collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 19 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Attorneys Association, Inc., for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the professional legal collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 20 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the State Engineering Association for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the professional engineering collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 21 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee, AFL-CIO, and its appropriate affiliated locals, for the 2001-03 biennium, covering employees in the building trades crafts collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 22 (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing additional paid vacation leave for certain state agency employees.
2003 Wisconsin Act 23 (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing an exception to the law prohibiting discrimination in public places of accommodation to permit a fitness center whose facilities and services are intended for the exclusive use of persons of the same sex to provide the use of those facilities and services exclusively to persons of that sex.
2003 Wisconsin Act 24 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the date of the presidential preference primary.
2003 Wisconsin Act 25 (PDF: ) - Relating to: staffing and military rank changes in the Department of Military Affairs.
2003 Wisconsin Act 26 (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing certain school buses to tow trailers.
2003 Wisconsin Act 27 (PDF: ) - Relating to: membership on the State Fair Park Board.
2003 Wisconsin Act 28 (PDF: ) - Relating to: prisoner reimbursement to a municipality.
2003 Wisconsin Act 29 (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating termination of the Trauma Advisory Council.
2003 Wisconsin Act 30 (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibited alcohol concentration.
2003 Wisconsin Act 31 (PDF: ) - Relating to: payments to local governments for public utilities.
2003 Wisconsin Act 32 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the size of the county board of supervisors in populous counties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 33 (PDF: ) - Relating to: state finances and appropriations, constituting the executive budget act of the 2003 legislature.
2003 Wisconsin Act 34 (PDF: ) - Relating to: extending the expenditure period and the life of tax incremental districts in Kenosha.
2003 Wisconsin Act 35 (PDF: ) - Relating to: financing of election administration costs, creation of an election administration fund, and making an appropriation.
2003 Wisconsin Act 36 (PDF: ) - Relating to:
2003 Wisconsin Act 37 (PDF: ) - Relating to: single sales factor apportionment of income for corporate income tax and franchise tax purposes and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 38 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the agricultural producer security program, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
2003 Wisconsin Act 39 (PDF: ) - Relating to: official action in return for providing or withholding political contributions, services, or other things of value and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 40 (PDF: ) - Relating to: powers and duties of transmission company with responsibilities for electric transmission in this state.
2003 Wisconsin Act 41 (PDF: ) - Relating to: including dentists and dental hygienists as health care professionals for the purpose of forming service corporations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 42 (PDF: ) - Relating to: tuition vouchers for students who sound Taps at military honors funerals.
2003 Wisconsin Act 43 (PDF: ) - Relating to: promissory notes issued by the city of Milwaukee to pay for unfunded prior service liability contributions of the Milwaukee Public Schools under the Wisconsin Retirement System.
2003 Wisconsin Act 44 (PDF: ) - Relating to: reduction in amount recoverable by a liquidator from a reinsurer.
2003 Wisconsin Act 45 (PDF: ) - Relating to: prohibiting methyl tertiary-butyl ether in automotive gasoline, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 46 (PDF: ) - Relating to: extending the expenditure period and the life of a tax incremental district in Sheboygan.
2003 Wisconsin Act 47 (PDF: ) - Relating to: access to public records.
2003 Wisconsin Act 48 (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a wireless 911 fund; imposing a surcharge on wireless telephone customers; making grants for wireless 911 emergency telephone service; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; and making appropriations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 49 (PDF: ) - Relating to: possession of methamphetamine and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 50 (PDF: ) - Relating to: invasion of privacy and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 51 (PDF: ) - Relating to: sexual activity involving jail, prison, or community corrections staff or contractors and jail inmates or persons in the custody or under the supervision of the Department of Corrections and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 52 (PDF: ) - Relating to: name changes and names used by sex offenders and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 53 (PDF: ) - Relating to: failing to register as a sex offender and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 54 (PDF: ) - Relating to: dispensing of returned prescription drugs by state prison pharmacies.
2003 Wisconsin Act 55 (PDF: ) - Relating to: open enrollment in public schools and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 56 (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating Fire Prevention Week and Wisconsin Firefighters Memorial Day.
2003 Wisconsin Act 57 (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the establishment of a program for the suppression of gypsy moths, specifying areas eligible for aerial insecticide treatment for the suppression of gypsy moths, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 58 (PDF: ) - Relating to: burial at veterans cemeteries.
2003 Wisconsin Act 59 (PDF: ) - Relating to: bear hunting by certain minors.
2003 Wisconsin Act 60 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the frequency of local lodge meetings.
2003 Wisconsin Act 61 (PDF: ) - Relating to: requiring certain college students to be vaccinated against or be informed about meningococcal disease.
2003 Wisconsin Act 62 (PDF: ) - Relating to: capital expenditures by technical college district boards for applied technology centers.
2003 Wisconsin Act 63 (PDF: ) - Relating to: credit union membership, powers, operation, and regulation; the application of agriculture, trade, and consumer protection statutes to credit unions; the creation of a new type of financial institution; the powers of and requirements applicable to the new type of financial institution; the discharge of governmental liens under the Uniform Commercial Code; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 64 (PDF: ) - Relating to: decreasing the level of authorized general obligation bonding, and payment of debt service on such bonding, for certain highway projects, and making an appropriation.
2003 Wisconsin Act 65 (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing the name of a minor.
2003 Wisconsin Act 66 (PDF: ) - Relating to: educational requirements for foresters employed by the Department of Natural Resources and persons authorized to designate trees for cutting in state forests.
2003 Wisconsin Act 67 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the issuance of wild turkey hunting licenses to qualified resident landowners.
2003 Wisconsin Act 68 (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating and marking the bridge on STH 13 across the south fork of the Flambeau River in the town of Fifield in Price County as Freedoms Bridge.
2003 Wisconsin Act 69 (PDF: ) - Relating to: benefits and eligibility of Wisconsin residents who are members of the national guard in another state.
2003 Wisconsin Act 70 (PDF: ) - Relating to: burial of veterans and certain family members at cemeteries.
2003 Wisconsin Act 71 (PDF: ) - Relating to: registration plate decal for recipients of the Purple Heart Medal military honor.
2003 Wisconsin Act 72 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the method of calculating technology zone tax credits and the certification of businesses under the technology zone program.
2003 Wisconsin Act 73 (PDF: ) - Relating to: tobacco settlement agreement enforcement and providing penalties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 74 (PDF: ) - Relating to: leaving the scene of an accident and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 75 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the use of a laser sighting device by a visually handicapped person while hunting.
2003 Wisconsin Act 76 (PDF: ) - Relating to: wholesale motor vehicle dealers.
2003 Wisconsin Act 77 (PDF: ) - Relating to: manufacturers, importers, and distributors of motor vehicles and franchised motor vehicle dealers.
2003 Wisconsin Act 78 (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing municipal insurance mutuals to provide property insurance.
2003 Wisconsin Act 79 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the eligibility of employees of cities, villages, towns, and counties to be candidates for elective public office.
2003 Wisconsin Act 80 (PDF: ) - Relating to: failure to pay for gasoline or diesel fuel and suspension of operating privileges after conviction for theft of gasoline or diesel fuel and providing penalties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 81 (PDF: ) - Relating to: housing of county prisoners from Michigan in Wisconsin county jails.
2003 Wisconsin Act 82 (PDF: ) - Relating to: dispositional orders for truancy or habitual truancy and the disclosure of juvenile records by a juvenile court or a municipal court.
2003 Wisconsin Act 83 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Veterans Mortgage Loan Program, veterans tuition and fee reimbursement, authority for the Department of Veterans Affairs to acquire a headquarters building, departmental delivery of services to veterans, veterans personal loans, eligibility for burial at a veterans cemetery, part-time study grants for veterans, housing loans for veterans, mortgage loan repayment fund, grants to county veteran service offices, national guard tuition grants, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
2003 Wisconsin Act 84 (PDF: ) - Relating to: limitations on the amount of revenue obligations and appropriation obligations that may be contracted to pay the state's unfunded prior service liability under the Wisconsin Retirement System and the state's unfunded liability under the unused accumulated sick leave conversion credit and supplemental credit programs and making appropriations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 85 (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual and corporate income tax exemption for interest on bonds or notes issued by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority for purposes related to multifamily and elderly housing projects.
2003 Wisconsin Act 86 (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating the negotiation and collection of demand drafts.
2003 Wisconsin Act 87 (PDF: ) - Relating to: eliminating recovery for persons injured while involved in a felony.
2003 Wisconsin Act 88 (PDF: ) - Relating to: immunity for the use of solid waste for public projects.
2003 Wisconsin Act 89 (PDF: ) - Relating to: construction of electric generating facilities and transmission lines, and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 90 (PDF: ) - Relating to: enforcement of the one- and two-family dwelling code in certain cities, villages, and towns.
2003 Wisconsin Act 91 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the historic sites operated by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, the purposes of which the State Historical Society of Wisconsin may contract with the Wisconsin Historical Foundation, Inc., or any other nonprofit corporation, and making an appropriation.
2003 Wisconsin Act 92 (PDF: ) - Relating to: provision of dental and dental hygiene services to Medical Assistance recipients by a volunteer health care provider.
2003 Wisconsin Act 93 (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a new method for towns to consolidate.
2003 Wisconsin Act 94 (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating public depositories for the payment of property taxes.
2003 Wisconsin Act 95 (PDF: ) - Relating to: mailing property tax bills.
2003 Wisconsin Act 96 (PDF: ) - Relating to: disposal of oil-absorbent materials.
2003 Wisconsin Act 97 (PDF: ) - Relating to: operating a vehicle or operating or going armed with a firearm after using certain controlled substances and providing penalties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 98 (PDF: ) - Relating to: recruitment, training, certification, and compensation of election officials.
2003 Wisconsin Act 99 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the income and franchise tax credit for sales tax and use tax paid on fuel and electricity consumed in manufacturing.
2003 Wisconsin Act 100 (PDF: ) - Relating to: supplemental Medical Assistance payments to county, city, town, or village nursing homes and making an appropriation.
2003 Wisconsin Act 101 (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing a health benefit purchasing cooperative pilot project and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 102 (PDF: ) - Relating to: veterans facilities and programs in northwestern Wisconsin.
2003 Wisconsin Act 103 (PDF: ) - Relating to: continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technicians and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 104 (PDF: ) - Relating to: threats to release or disseminate harmful chemical, biological, or radioactive substances and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 105 (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting the amount of bond set by a court in a civil action.
2003 Wisconsin Act 106 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the newspaper recycling fee and the recycled content of newsprint used in newspapers.
2003 Wisconsin Act 107 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the District 1199W/United Professionals for Quality Health Care, SEIU, AFL-CIO, for the 2003-05 biennium, covering employees in the professional patient care collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 108 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Science Professionals, AFT, Local 3732, for the 2003-05 biennium, covering employees in the professional science collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 109 (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing the Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority to issue bonds to finance a project undertaken for a facility used for education by a private, tax-exempt institution.
2003 Wisconsin Act 110 (PDF: ) - Relating to: live birth or the circumstance of being born alive.
2003 Wisconsin Act 111 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the purpose and integrity of the patients compensation fund and changing its name to the injured patients and families compensation fund.
2003 Wisconsin Act 112 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Physicians and Dentists Association, for the 2003-05 biennium, covering employees in the professional patient treatment collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 113 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Professional Employees Council, WFT/AFT, AFL-CIO, for the 2003-05 biennium, covering employees in the professional fiscal and staff services collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 114 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Association of State Prosecutors for the 2003-05 biennium, covering employees in the assistant district attorneys collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 115 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Milwaukee Graduate Assistants Association, AFT/WFT, Local 2169, AFL-CIO, for the 2003-05 biennium, covering employees in the program, project, and teaching assistants of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 116 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee, AFL-CIO, and its appropriate affiliated locals, for the 2003-05 biennium, covering employees in the building trades crafts collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 117 (PDF: ) - Relating to: state employee travel and expense reimbursement; supplemental credits for the purchase of health insurance for dependents of state employees who die while employed by the state and state employees who are laid off and their surviving insured dependents; and use of earned annual leave under the state civil service system and granting an additional paid personal holiday for nonrepresented state employees.
2003 Wisconsin Act 118 (PDF: ) - Relating to: administrative rules, guidelines, policies, and hearings; air pollution control; structures, deposits, and other activities in or near navigable waters; notice, hearing, and review procedures related to permits to place structures and materials and to conduct activities in or near navigable waters; nonmetallic mining reclamation financial assurances; strategic energy assessments; partial deregulation of telecommunications services; contributions by electric and gas utilities to the utility public benefits fund; grants for energy conservation and other programs; reciprocal agreements for real estate licenses; comprehensive planning by local governmental units; fees imposed by political subdivisions; the confidentiality of patient health care records; apprentice-to-journeyman job-site ratios; the acquisition of in-state banks and in-state bank holding companies; credit agreements; extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures; and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 119 (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax subtract modification for certain individuals who donate a human organ.
2003 Wisconsin Act 120 (PDF: ) - Relating to: inclusion of social security numbers and employer identification numbers in Uniform Commercial Code financing statements.
2003 Wisconsin Act 121 (PDF: ) - Relating to: notice regarding ineligibility to vote.
2003 Wisconsin Act 122 (PDF: ) - Relating to: access for sheriffs and jailers to reports regarding the competency of criminal defendants.
2003 Wisconsin Act 123 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sale of tax delinquent real property.
2003 Wisconsin Act 124 (PDF: ) - Relating to: advertising by intoxicating liquor retailers.
2003 Wisconsin Act 125 (PDF: ) - Relating to: petitions by certain telecommunications utilities regarding unbundled network or service elements.
2003 Wisconsin Act 126 (PDF: ) - Relating to: making technical and policy changes in the tax incremental financing program based in part on the recommendations of the governor's December 2000 working group on tax incremental finance, authorizing certain counties to create tax incremental financing districts, and making a modification to the environmental remediation tax incremental financing program.
2003 Wisconsin Act 127 (PDF: ) - Relating to: making changes to the Tax Incremental Financing program, authorizing the Department of Revenue to impose a fee to determine or redetermine the tax incremental base of a tax incremental financing district, and requiring the department to prepare a tax incremental financing manual.
2003 Wisconsin Act 128 (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a sales tax and use tax exemption for the sale of game birds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 129 (PDF: ) - Relating to: refunding public debt that is used to finance tax-supported or self-amortizing facilities, transferring moneys from the general fund to the Medical Assistance trust fund, and making appropriations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 130 (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a rebuttable presumption against awarding a parent joint or sole legal custody if the court finds that the parent has engaged in a pattern or serious incident of abuse, requiring a guardian ad litem and a mediator to have training related to domestic violence, and requiring a guardian ad litem to investigate and a mediator to inquire whether a party in an action affecting the family engaged in domestic violence.
2003 Wisconsin Act 131 (PDF: ) - Relating to: school district youth options programs, which allow pupils to attend an institution of higher education under certain circumstances.
2003 Wisconsin Act 132 (PDF: ) - Relating to: school board contracts for yearbook photographs.
2003 Wisconsin Act 133 (PDF: ) - Relating to: dog licensing and claims for damage that is caused by dogs in certain populous counties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 134 (PDF: ) - Relating to: comprehensive planning by local governmental units and fees imposed by political subdivisions.
2003 Wisconsin Act 135 (PDF: ) - Relating to: an income and franchise tax credit for expenses related to operating a dairy farm.
2003 Wisconsin Act 136 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the requirement that operators of fish farms provide evidence of fish health and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 137 (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating the first weekend in March Aldo Leopold Weekend.
2003 Wisconsin Act 138 (PDF: ) - Relating to: parental liability for acts of their minor child, recovery of damages for certain criminal actions, increasing the jurisdictional amount in small claims court, garnishment, attorney fees, exemption from execution of accounts, civil actions by collection agencies, earnings garnishment, retail theft, recovery in actions involving worthless checks, and revocation of fish and game approvals for which payment is made by worthless checks.
2003 Wisconsin Act 139 (PDF: ) - Relating to: assessments, costs, fees, and surcharges.
2003 Wisconsin Act 140 (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing municipal courts to contract with collection agencies and the sharing of collection costs by cities, villages, towns, and counties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 141 (PDF: ) - Relating to: circumstances under which a prisoner may be permitted to leave a jail.
2003 Wisconsin Act 142 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the removal by towing services of unregistered, abandoned, or illegally parked vehicles.
2003 Wisconsin Act 143 (PDF: ) - Relating to: requirements for certification for a chief inspector position.
2003 Wisconsin Act 144 (PDF: ) - Relating to: making various changes in the worker's compensation law and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 145 (PDF: ) - Relating to: administrative rule making regarding small businesses, data used by administrative agencies in preparing proposed rules, increasing attorney fees, creating an Internet site for proposed rules, and creating a Small Business Regulatory Review Board.
2003 Wisconsin Act 146 (PDF: ) - Relating to: increasing bonding authority for the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 147 (PDF: ) - Relating to: directing the governor to annually proclaim February as African American History and Cultural Heritage Month.
2003 Wisconsin Act 148 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the reduction and recovery of damages and admissibility of evidence in civil actions related to use or nonuse of protective headgear by operators and passengers of motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, and snowmobiles.
2003 Wisconsin Act 149 (PDF: ) - Relating to: providing certain orientation information for University of Wisconsin System students electronically.
2003 Wisconsin Act 150 (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating athlete agents, granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing penalties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 151 (PDF: ) - Relating to: criminal background investigations by the Department of Regulation and Licensing of applicants for certain professional credentials.
2003 Wisconsin Act 152 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the issuance of debt by natural gas and electric public utilities to finance certain environmental activities.
2003 Wisconsin Act 153 (PDF: ) - Relating to: payment of fixed annuity increases under the Wisconsin Retirement System.
2003 Wisconsin Act 154 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the practice of physical therapist assistants and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 155 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 156 (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility to attend Woodlands School, a charter school located in a 1st class city school district.
2003 Wisconsin Act 157 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the retainage on public construction contracts.
2003 Wisconsin Act 158 (PDF: ) - Relating to: multiple municipal local health departments in Milwaukee County.
2003 Wisconsin Act 159 (PDF: ) - Relating to: removal of a shopping cart and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 160 (PDF: ) - Relating to: qualified domestic relations orders.
2003 Wisconsin Act 161 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the display of the United States flag by condominium owners.
2003 Wisconsin Act 162 (PDF: ) - Relating to: differential pay and accumulation of sick leave and annual leave for certain state employees activated into service in the U.S. armed forces or the U.S. public health service.
2003 Wisconsin Act 163 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the duties of county veterans' service officers.
2003 Wisconsin Act 164 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the calculation of municipal aid payments.
2003 Wisconsin Act 165 (PDF: ) - Relating to: waiver of filing fee if parties stipulate to certain revisions of judgment or order.
2003 Wisconsin Act 166 (PDF: ) - Relating to: calculating the estimated snowmobile gas tax payment; operation of snowmobiles by law enforcement officers on highways; operation of snowmobiles proceeding in opposite directions or in excess of roadway speed limits; tampering with odometers of snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles and with hour meters of boats, snowmobiles, and all-terrain vehicles; transfer of snowmobile registration certificates; exempting accidents occurring in certain snowmobile races or derbies from requirements to render aid and from reporting and investigation requirements; and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 167 (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing funeral directors and operators of funeral establishments to copy vital records.
2003 Wisconsin Act 168 (PDF: ) - Relating to: reciprocal agreements for real estate licenses.
2003 Wisconsin Act 169 (PDF: ) - Relating to: maximum allowable grants under the Private Sewage System Replacement or Rehabilitation Grant Program.
2003 Wisconsin Act 170 (PDF: ) - Relating to: collecting fees for the assessment of manufacturing property.
2003 Wisconsin Act 171 (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing the procedures for the incorporation of cities and villages, creating a board to review incorporation petitions, and changing annexation procedures affected by incorporation petitions.
2003 Wisconsin Act 172 (PDF: ) - Relating to: Legislative Council staff director attendance at certain midwest and national meetings in which the Commission on Uniform State Laws participates (suggested as remedial legislation by the Legislative Council staff).
2003 Wisconsin Act 173 (PDF: ) - Relating to: a grievance procedure for resolving complaints of employment displacement under the Wisconsin Works program and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 174 (PDF: ) - Relating to: designating the cranberry as the Wisconsin state fruit.
2003 Wisconsin Act 175 (PDF: ) - Relating to: establishing a cancer drug repository program and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 176 (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax checkoff for a breast cancer research program, creating a breast cancer research program, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 177 (PDF: ) - Relating to: setoffs against tax refunds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 178 (PDF: ) - Relating to: treatment of prescription drug costs, diagnostic testing, and payments under mandated insurance coverage of treatment for nervous and mental disorders and alcoholism and other drug abuse problems, and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 179 (PDF: ) - Relating to: possession of certain white-tailed deer in Walworth County.
2003 Wisconsin Act 180 (PDF: ) - Relating to: dissolution of the Racine County children with disabilities education board.
2003 Wisconsin Act 181 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the administration of vaccines by persons supervised by a pharmacist.
2003 Wisconsin Act 182 (PDF: ) - Relating to: sheriff's fees established by the county.
2003 Wisconsin Act 183 (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating an individual income tax exemption for pay received from the federal government by members of a reserve component of the armed forces who serve on active duty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 184 (PDF: ) - Relating to: issuance of motor vehicle certificates of title and special distinguishing registration plates that identify the bearer as a member of the national guard.
2003 Wisconsin Act 185 (PDF: ) - Relating to: exemption from nonresident tuition at the University of Wisconsin System for certain veterans.
2003 Wisconsin Act 186 (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a public health council, reimbursement for quarantine costs, intrastate mutual aid, requiring use of the incident command system in an emergency, exemption from liability during a state of emergency, threats to release or disseminate harmful chemical, biological, or radioactive substances, making appropriations, and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 187 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the definition of sexually violent person and criteria for supervised release.
2003 Wisconsin Act 188 (PDF: ) - Relating to: notification to law enforcement of a sexual offender's residence.
2003 Wisconsin Act 189 (PDF: ) - Relating to: burglary and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 190 (PDF: ) - Relating to: pointing a firearm at certain persons and throwing or expelling bodily substances and providing penalties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 191 (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating the resale of tickets to entertainment or sporting events.
2003 Wisconsin Act 192 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the operation of off-road utility vehicles and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 193 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ordinances in certain counties regarding drug paraphernalia and the possession of marijuana.
2003 Wisconsin Act 194 (PDF: ) - Relating to: extending the expenditure period and the life of a tax incremental district in West Bend.
2003 Wisconsin Act 195 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the property tax exemption for property that is leased as residential housing.
2003 Wisconsin Act 196 (PDF: ) - Relating to: time limits for the prosecution of 2nd-degree intentional homicide and 2nd-degree reckless homicide.
2003 Wisconsin Act 197 (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes in the unemployment insurance law, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 198 (PDF: ) - Relating to: waiver of a requirement under hemophilia treatment program to apply for other coverage.
2003 Wisconsin Act 199 (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing municipal courts to hold refusal hearings.
2003 Wisconsin Act 200 (PDF: ) - Relating to: mandatory operating privilege suspension for certain firearm offenses and bomb scares.
2003 Wisconsin Act 201 (PDF: ) - Relating to: towing and storage charges associated with nonmoving traffic violations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 202 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the traffic violation and registration program and making an appropriation.
2003 Wisconsin Act 203 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the administration of local exposition district taxes.
2003 Wisconsin Act 204 (PDF: ) - Relating to: changing the bonding requirements for city, village, and county officers.
2003 Wisconsin Act 205 (PDF: ) - Relating to: procedures that towns and certain cities and villages must follow to be reimbursed for fire calls on highways.
2003 Wisconsin Act 206 (PDF: ) - Relating to: recording and filing documents with the offices of register of deeds and the Department of Financial Institutions.
2003 Wisconsin Act 207 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the disclosure of public library records.
2003 Wisconsin Act 208 (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility for the Harbor Assistance Program administered by the Department of Transportation.
2003 Wisconsin Act 209 (PDF: ) - Relating to: vehicle owner liability for violations of certain traffic laws relating to railroad crossings and providing penalties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 210 (PDF: ) - Relating to: golf cart trailers as towed vehicles in 3-vehicle combinations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 211 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sale or donation of state property by the Department of Transportation.
2003 Wisconsin Act 212 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the sale of surplus county highway land.
2003 Wisconsin Act 213 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the maximum permissible length and width of motor homes and recreational vehicles operated without a permit.
2003 Wisconsin Act 214 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the reorganization, modernization, and modification of chapters 80 and 81.
2003 Wisconsin Act 215 (PDF: ) - Relating to: unlicensed motor vehicle dealers, motor vehicle salespersons, and sales finance companies, and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 216 (PDF: ) - Relating to: motor vehicle buyers, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 217 (PDF: ) - Relating to: major highway projects, southeast Wisconsin freeway rehabilitation projects, and the transportation projects commission.
2003 Wisconsin Act 218 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the designation and marking of certain highways and bridges.
2003 Wisconsin Act 219 (PDF: ) - Relating to: eligibility for a grant under the fire dues program.
2003 Wisconsin Act 220 (PDF: ) - Relating to: motor vehicle emission inspections.
2003 Wisconsin Act 221 (PDF: ) - Relating to: issuance of operators' licenses to persons previously licensed in another state.
2003 Wisconsin Act 222 (PDF: ) - Relating to: stalking.
2003 Wisconsin Act 223 (PDF: ) - Relating to: causing substantial bodily harm to another person and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 224 (PDF: ) - Relating to: lie detector tests of sexual assault victims.
2003 Wisconsin Act 225 (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing counties to use the marriage license fee for purposes related to domestic violence and increasing the assessment imposed on persons convicted of domestic abuse offenses.
2003 Wisconsin Act 226 (PDF: ) - Relating to: housing of county prisoners from border states in Wisconsin county jails.
2003 Wisconsin Act 227 (PDF: ) - Relating to: contracts with persons who take depositions.
2003 Wisconsin Act 228 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Managed Forest Land Program, providing funding for grants for land acquisition for outdoor recreation, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
2003 Wisconsin Act 229 (PDF: ) - Relating to: registration of livestock premises and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 230 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the definition of agricultural forest land for property tax purposes.
2003 Wisconsin Act 231 (PDF: ) - Relating to: granting towns limited authority to create tax incremental financing districts.
2003 Wisconsin Act 232 (PDF: ) - Relating to: expenditure of $17,568.12 from the general fund in payment of a claim against the state made by Mullins Cheese, Inc.
2003 Wisconsin Act 233 (PDF: ) - Relating to: making changes to the comprehensive planning statute known as Smart Growth.
2003 Wisconsin Act 234 (PDF: ) - Relating to: trailers used to transport livestock.
2003 Wisconsin Act 235 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the siting and expansion of certain livestock facilities, local zoning ordinances relating to livestock facilities, creating a Livestock Facility Siting Review Board, and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 236 (PDF: ) - Relating to: limits under the agricultural production loan guarantee program.
2003 Wisconsin Act 237 (PDF: ) - Relating to: exempting farm truck tractors being operated in intrastate transportation for certain agricultural purposes from vehicle registration.
2003 Wisconsin Act 238 (PDF: ) - Relating to: financial information required to be provided by milk contractors.
2003 Wisconsin Act 239 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the types of captive animals that may be used in training hound dogs.
2003 Wisconsin Act 240 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the feeding of deer and elk.
2003 Wisconsin Act 241 (PDF: ) - Relating to: annual or consecutive month permits for vehicles or combinations of vehicles transporting loads near the Wisconsin-Michigan border.
2003 Wisconsin Act 242 (PDF: ) - Relating to: sales of damaged timber by the department of natural resources and by counties from county forest lands.
2003 Wisconsin Act 243 (PDF: ) - Relating to: crimes affecting the U.S. flag and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 244 (PDF: ) - Relating to: restrictions on promulgating or enforcing certain rules regulating the sighting of a firearm.
2003 Wisconsin Act 245 (PDF: ) - Relating to: reciprocity for alcohol beverages operators' licenses.
2003 Wisconsin Act 246 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the prohibition against underage persons entering or being on any premises operating under an alcohol beverage license.
2003 Wisconsin Act 247 (PDF: ) - Relating to: control and possession of the head, antlers, or skin of a deer or an elk.
2003 Wisconsin Act 248 (PDF: ) - Relating to: suspending the Department of Natural Resources rule related to limits on bridges over wild rivers.
2003 Wisconsin Act 249 (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating fishing tournaments, granting rule-making authority, and providing penalties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 250 (PDF: ) - Relating to: transferring certain alcohol beverage licenses to premises in another municipality within the same county.
2003 Wisconsin Act 251 (PDF: ) - Relating to: intoxicated operation of all-terrain vehicles, registration fees for all-terrain vehicles, nonresident trail passes for all-terrain vehicles, safety training for operating all-terrain vehicles, a study concerning the recreational operation of all-terrain vehicles, noise level requirements for all-terrain vehicles, the formula used for calculating the all-terrain vehicle gas tax payment, granting rule-making authority, making appropriations, and providing penalties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 252 (PDF: ) - Relating to: failure to pay for tickets at recreational attractions and providing penalties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 253 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the content of the program of instruction on snowmobile laws and safety.
2003 Wisconsin Act 254 (PDF: ) - Relating to: leasing of school property.
2003 Wisconsin Act 255 (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a qualified new business venture tax credit and a capital gains tax exemption regarding investments in certified venture capital funds and qualified new business ventures, requiring a study of new Wisconsin businesses, facilitating the development of certain investor networks, and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 256 (PDF: ) - Relating to: manufacturing extension center grants and making an appropriation.
2003 Wisconsin Act 257 (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating certain consumer mortgage lenders, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 258 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the imposition of the estate tax on the transfer of property within this state's jurisdiction.
2003 Wisconsin Act 259 (PDF: ) - Relating to: meetings of the board and members of nonprofit corporations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 260 (PDF: ) - Relating to: qualifications of certain agents of mortgage bankers and mortgage brokers, consumer mortgage brokerage agreements, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 261 (PDF: ) - Relating to: requirements for recommendations made by insurers and insurance intermediaries to senior consumers in annuity transactions; committees of the board of directors of domestic stock and mutual corporations; annuity minimum nonforfeiture amount; merger of town mutual and domestic mutual insurance corporation into a town mutual; the insurance security fund; other miscellaneous changes to the insurance provisions; and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 262 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the deceptive or misleading use of the name of a state-chartered bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, or credit union, the deceptive or misleading use of a name that is deceptively similar to the name of a state-chartered bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, or credit union, and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 263 (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulatory examinations of savings banks and savings and loan associations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 264 (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulating the investments of personal representatives, trustees, conservators, and guardians of the estate.
2003 Wisconsin Act 265 (PDF: ) - Relating to: election administration, voter registration and voting requirements and procedures and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 266 (PDF: ) - Relating to: state contribution towards certain federally financed election administration costs and making appropriations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 267 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the income and franchise tax credit for sales tax and use tax paid on fuel and electricity consumed in manufacturing.
2003 Wisconsin Act 268 (PDF: ) - Relating to: banning smoking in and around University of Wisconsin System residence halls and dormitories and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 269 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the 2003-05 Authorized State Building Program and granting bonding authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 270 (PDF: ) - Relating to: various changes to the regulation of hearing instrument specialists, speech-language pathologists, and audiologists and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 271 (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing an employee of a school district, cooperative educational service agency, charter school, private school, the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, or a social worker to subject an individual's blood to a test for the presence of the virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
2003 Wisconsin Act 272 (PDF: ) - Relating to: use of federal registration numbers required for prescribers of controlled substances and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 273 (PDF: ) - Relating to: authorizing a hospice nurse to make a pronouncement of death.
2003 Wisconsin Act 274 (PDF: ) - Relating to: age requirement for sturgeon spearing license.
2003 Wisconsin Act 275 (PDF: ) - Relating to: public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district meetings, duties of members of the district's board of commissioners, lake monitoring contracts, and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 276 (PDF: ) - Relating to: environmental compliance audits, environmental management systems, providing incentives for improving environmental performance, providing immunity from civil penalties for certain violations of environmental requirements, access to certain information, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 277 (PDF: ) - Relating to: review of legislative proposals and proposed state agency rules impacting energy policies.
2003 Wisconsin Act 278 (PDF: ) - Relating to: local government telecommunications utilities and public hearings for ordinances and resolutions authorizing local government cable television, telecommunications, and Internet access facilities.
2003 Wisconsin Act 279 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the reporting of child abuse or neglect, and actions related to sexual exploitation brought against members of the clergy and religious organizations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 280 (PDF: ) - Relating to: qualifications for endorsements authorizing the operation of a school bus and for operators of certain other motor vehicles transporting pupils, school board contracts for the transportation of pupils, studying the use of video cameras on school buses and the training of operators of school buses and certain other motor vehicles transporting pupils, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures and from rule-making procedures, granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing penalties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 281 (PDF: ) - Relating to: making patient health care records concerning health care operations inapplicable to restrictions on release without informed consent.
2003 Wisconsin Act 282 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the use of a person's social security number in his or her student identification number at a private institution of higher education.
2003 Wisconsin Act 283 (PDF: ) - Relating to: revisions and additions to condominium law.
2003 Wisconsin Act 284 (PDF: ) - Relating to: proceedings involving an American Indian juvenile who is alleged to have committed a delinquent act while physically outside the boundaries of a reservation and off-reservation trust land because of certain tribal court orders.
2003 Wisconsin Act 285 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the regulation of professional boxing contests.
2003 Wisconsin Act 286 (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing counties to request that certain platted land be vacated.
2003 Wisconsin Act 287 (PDF: ) - Relating to: a statute of limitations for bringing an action to collect child support.
2003 Wisconsin Act 288 (PDF: ) - Relating to: tax warrants and liens on property.
2003 Wisconsin Act 289 (PDF: ) - Relating to: allowing an individual income tax deduction for certain amounts contributed by a great-grandparent, aunt, or uncle to a college savings account or a college tuition and expenses program.
2003 Wisconsin Act 290 (PDF: ) - Relating to: declarations to physicians regarding life-sustaining measures and powers of attorney for health care.
2003 Wisconsin Act 291 (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a property tax exemption for outdoor theaters.
2003 Wisconsin Act 292 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the confidentiality of pupil records and the exchange of information between a pupil's school, the juvenile justice system, and law enforcement agencies.
2003 Wisconsin Act 293 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the acquisition of in-state banks and in-state bank holding companies.
2003 Wisconsin Act 294 (PDF: ) - Relating to: electronic transactions and records.
2003 Wisconsin Act 295 (PDF: ) - Relating to: enforcement on the one-family and 2-family dwelling code in certain cities, villages, and towns.
2003 Wisconsin Act 296 (PDF: ) - Relating to: transfer of certain moneys by the Joint Committee on Finance for purposes of election administration.
2003 Wisconsin Act 297 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the specialized transportation assistance program, minimum qualifications for the operator of a human service vehicle, the registration of human service vehicles, and providing penalties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 298 (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a civil liability exemption for certain municipalities and their agents that issue fireworks permits.
2003 Wisconsin Act 299 (PDF: ) - Relating to: reports required to be submitted by the investment board and contracting with outside investment advisors for certain investments.
2003 Wisconsin Act 300 (PDF: ) - Relating to: a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth.
2003 Wisconsin Act 301 (PDF: ) - Relating to: qualifications for a clinical social worker license and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 302 (PDF: ) - Relating to: vehicle protection product warranties.
2003 Wisconsin Act 303 (PDF: ) - Relating to: compensation of fermented malt beverages wholesalers for termination of distribution rights.
2003 Wisconsin Act 304 (PDF: ) - Relating to: life insurance and annuity contract exemptions from creditor claims.
2003 Wisconsin Act 305 (PDF: ) - Relating to: special observance days in school.
2003 Wisconsin Act 306 (PDF: ) - Relating to: writing bad checks and providing a penalty.
2003 Wisconsin Act 307 (PDF: ) - Relating to: comprehensive planning by local governmental units and fees imposed by political subdivisions.
2003 Wisconsin Act 308 (PDF: ) - Relating to: nonmetallic mining reclamation financial assurances.
2003 Wisconsin Act 309 (PDF: ) - Relating to: creating a Joint Committee on Court Judgments and Settlements made on behalf of the state.
2003 Wisconsin Act 310 (PDF: ) - Relating to: regulation of high capacity wells, notification of well construction, groundwater quantity management, granting rule-making authority, and making appropriations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 311 (PDF: ) - Relating to: use of hybrid-electric vehicles by state officers and employees and residents of this state.
2003 Wisconsin Act 312 (PDF: ) - Relating to: the Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Program and the administration of dry cleaning license fees.
2003 Wisconsin Act 313 (PDF: ) - Relating to: hunting deer in a chronic wasting disease intensive harvest or heard reduction zone without a deer hunting license, the receipt of a deer hunting license during an open season for hunting deer, and granting rule-making authority.
2003 Wisconsin Act 314 (PDF: ) - Relating to: brownfield revolving loan programs and making appropriations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 315 (PDF: ) - Relating to: making private insurance available to facilitate environmental cleanups.
2003 Wisconsin Act 316 (PDF: ) - Relating to: Clean Water Fund Program financial hardship assistance for the Elcho Sanitary District.
2003 Wisconsin Act 317 (PDF: ) - Relating to: limiting the authority of cities and villages to annex territory and specifying the boundaries for certain annexations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 318 (PDF: ) - Relating to: Medical Assistance Program and Community Aids Program funding and programs and making appropriations.
2003 Wisconsin Act 319 (PDF: ) - Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24, and its appropriate affiliated locals, AFL-CIO, for the 2003-05 biennium, covering employees in the professional social services collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.
2003 Wisconsin Act 320 (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending, and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities, and obsolete provisions, reconciling conflicts, and repelling unintended repeals (Revisor's Correction Bill).
2003 Wisconsin Act 321 (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending, and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities, and obsolete provisions, reconciling conflicts, and repelling unintended repeals (Revisor's Correction Bill).
2003 Wisconsin Act 322 (PDF: ) - Relating to: revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors and supplying omissions (Revisor's Correction Bill).
2003 Wisconsin Act 323 (PDF: ) - Relating to: amending s. 35.18 (1) of the statutes to eliminate the requirement that the revisor print a list of numerical cross-references in the statutes to other parts of the statutes in each biennial issue of the Wisconsin Statutes (Revisor's Revision Bill).
2003 Wisconsin Act 324 (PDF: ) - Relating to: amending and revising under section 10.53 of the statutes various provisions of sections 10.62 to 10.82 of the statutes for the purpose of correcting conflicts between the listings in sections 10.62 to 10.82 of the statutes and the substantive statutes to which those sections refer (Revisor's Correction Bill).
2003 Wisconsin Act 325 (PDF: ) - Relating to: amending and revising sections 961.41 (2) (bm) and 961.41 (2) (cm) of the statutes for the purpose of reconciling conflicts and supplying omissions. (Revisor's Correction Bill).
2003 Wisconsin Act 326 (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending, and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities, and obsolete provisions, reconciling conflicts, and repelling unintended repeals (Revisor's Correction Bill).
2003 Wisconsin Act 327 (PDF: ) - Relating to: repealing, consolidating, renumbering, amending, and revising various provisions of the statutes for the purpose of correcting errors, supplying omissions, correcting and clarifying references, eliminating defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities, and obsolete provisions, reconciling conflicts, and repelling unintended repeals (Revisor's Correction Bill).