781. 22.07 (9) of the statutes is renumbered 16.973 (9).
782. 22.09 (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 16.974 (intro.) and amended to read:
16.974 Powers of the chief information officer department. (intro.) The chief information officer department may:
783. 22.09 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 16.974 (1).
784. 22.09 (2) and (3) of the statutes are renumbered 16.974 (2) and (3) and amended to read:
16.974 (2) Subject to s. 22.05 16.972 (2) (b), enter into and enforce an agreement with any agency, any authority, any unit of the federal government, any local governmental unit, or any entity in the private sector to provide services authorized to be provided by the department to that agency, authority, unit, or entity at a cost specified in the agreement.
(3) Develop or operate and maintain any system or device facilitating Internet or telephone access to information about programs of agencies, authorities, local governmental units, or entities in the private sector, or otherwise permitting the transaction of business by agencies, authorities, local governmental units, or entities in the private sector by means of electronic communication. The chief information officer department may assess executive branch agencies, other than the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System, for the costs of systems or devices relating to information technology or telecommunications that are developed, operated, or maintained under this subsection in accordance with a methodology determined by the officer department. The chief information officer department may also charge any agency, authority, local governmental unit, or entity in the private sector for such costs as a component of any services provided by the department to that agency, authority, local governmental unit, or entity.
Section 785c. 22.09 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 16.974 (5).
786. 22.11 of the statutes is renumbered 16.975.
787. 22.13 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 16.976 (title).
788. 22.13 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 16.976 (1) and amended to read:
16.976 (1) As a part of each proposed strategic plan submitted under s. 22.03 16.971 (2) (L), the department shall require each executive branch agency to address the business needs of the agency and to identify all proposed information technology development projects that serve those business needs, the priority for undertaking such projects, and the justification for each project, including the anticipated benefits of the project. Each proposed plan shall identify any changes in the functioning of the agency under the plan. In each even-numbered year, the plan shall include identification of any information technology development project that the agency plans to include in its biennial budget request under s. 16.42 (1).
789. 22.13 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 16.976 (2).
790. 22.13 (3) to (5) of the statutes are renumbered 16.976 (3) to (5) and amended to read:
16.976 (3) Following receipt of a proposed strategic plan from an executive branch agency, the chief information officer department shall, before June 1, notify the agency of any concerns that the officer department may have regarding the plan and provide the agency with his or her its recommendations regarding the proposed plan. The chief information officer department may also submit any concerns or recommendations regarding any proposed plan to the board for its consideration. The board shall then consider the proposed plan and provide the chief information officer department with its recommendations regarding the plan. The executive branch agency may submit modifications to its proposed plan in response to any recommendations.
(4) Before June 15, the chief information officer department shall consider any recommendations provided by the board under sub. (3) and shall then approve or disapprove the proposed plan in whole or in part.
(5) No executive branch agency, other than the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System, may implement a new or revised information technology development project authorized under a strategic plan until the implementation is approved by the chief information officer department in accordance with procedures prescribed by the officer department.
791. 22.13 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 16.976 (6).
792. 22.15 (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 16.977 (intro.).
793. 22.15 (1) to (3) of the statutes are renumbered 16.977 (1) to (3).
794. 22.17 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 16.978 (title).
795. 22.17 (1) to (4) of the statutes are renumbered 16.978 (1) to (4) and amended to read:
16.978 (1) The board shall provide the chief information officer department with its recommendations concerning any elements of the strategic plan of an executive branch agency that are referred to the board under s. 22.13 16.976 (3).
(2) The board may advise the chief information officer department with respect to management of the information technology portfolio of state government under s. 22.15 16.977.
(3) The board may, upon petition of an executive branch agency, review any decision of the chief information officer department under this chapter subchapter affecting that agency. Upon review, the board may affirm, modify, or set aside the decision. If the board modifies or sets aside the decision of the chief information officer department, the decision of the board stands as the decision of the chief information officer
department and the decision is not subject to further review or appeal.
(4) The board may monitor progress in attaining goals for information technology and telecommunications development set by the chief information officer department or executive branch agencies, other than the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System, and may make recommendations to the officer department or agencies concerning appropriate means of attaining those goals.
796. 22.19 of the statutes is renumbered 16.9785.
797. 22.41 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 16.979 (title).
798. 22.41 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 16.979 (2) (intro.).
799. 22.41 (2) (a) to (f) of the statutes are renumbered 16.979 (2) (a) to (f).
800. 22.41 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 16.979 (3).
801. 23.09 (17m) (j) of the statutes is repealed.
Section 801c. 23.0917 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
23.0917 (3) (b) In obligating moneys under the subprogram for land acquisition, the department shall set aside in each fiscal year, except in fiscal years 2003-04 and 2004-05, $3,000,000 that may be obligated only for state trails and the ice age trail and for grants for the state trails and the ice age trails under s. 23.096. The period of time during which the moneys shall be set aside in each fiscal year shall begin on the July 1 of the fiscal year and end on the June 30 of the same fiscal year.
Section 801f. 23.0917 (3) (dm) 1r. of the statutes is created to read:
23.0917 (3) (dm) 1r. For fiscal year 2002-03, $45,000,000.
Section 801h. 23.0917 (3) (dm) 1t. of the statutes is created to read:
23.0917 (3) (dm) 1t. For fiscal year 2003-04, $10,000,000.
Section 801j. 23.0917 (3) (dm) 1v. of the statutes is created to read:
23.0917 (3) (dm) 1v. For fiscal year 2004-05, $5,000,000.
Section 801m. 23.0917 (3) (dm) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
23.0917 (3) (dm) 2. For each fiscal year beginning with 2002-03 2005-06 and ending with fiscal year 2009-10, $45,000,000 $22,500,000.
Section 801p. 23.0917 (4) (d) 1. of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
23.0917 (4) (d) 1. Except as provided in sub. (5), the department may not obligate under this subprogram more than the following amounts:
a. For fiscal year 2000-01, $11,500,000.
b. For fiscal year 2001-02, $11,500,000.
c. For fiscal year 2002-03, $15,000,000.
d. For each of fiscal years 2003-04 and 2004-05, $2,000,000 for property development.
e. For each of fiscal years 2003-04 and 2004-05, $3,000,000 for local assistance.
f. For each fiscal year beginning with 2005-06 and ending with fiscal year 2009-10, $7,500,000.
Section 801t. 23.0917 (4) (d) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
23.0917 (4) (d) 3. The Except as provided in par. (d) 1. d. and e., the department shall obligate at least $3,500,000 in each fiscal year for property development.
802. 23.0917 (4m) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
23.0917 (4m) (a) 2. "Federal nontransportation moneys" means moneys received from the federal government that are not deposited in the transportation fund and that are not credited to the appropriations appropriation under ss. s. 20.115 (2) (m) and 20.445 (1) (ox).
Section 802g. 23.0917 (5m) (b) 3. of the statutes is renumbered 23.0917 (5m) (bn) 2.
Section 802h. 23.0917 (5m) (b) 4. of the statutes is renumbered 23.0917 (5m) (bn) 3.
Section 802j. 23.0917 (5m) (bn) 1. of the statutes is created to read:
23.0917 (5m) (bn) 1. Subdivisions 2. and 3. apply to land acquired by the department on or after the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date].
Section 802k. 23.0917 (5m) (br) of the statutes is created to read:
23.0917 (5m) (br) 1. Subdivisions 2. and 3. apply to land acquired by the department before the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date].
2. For bonds that are retired from the proceeds of the sale of the acquired land within 5 years after the date on which the land was acquired by the department, the department shall adjust the available bonding authority for the subprogram for land acquisition by increasing the available bonding authority for the fiscal year in which the bonds are retired by an amount equal to the total amount of the bonds issued for the sale that have been retired in that fiscal year.
3. For bonds that are not retired from the proceeds of the sale of the acquired land within 5 years after the date on which the land was acquired by the department, the department shall adjust the available bonding authority for the subprogram for land acquisition by decreasing the available bonding authority for the next fiscal year beginning after the end of that 5-year period by an amount equal to the total amount of the bonds that have not been retired from such proceeds in that fiscal year and, if necessary, shall decrease for each subsequent fiscal year the available bonding authority in an amount equal to that available bonding authority or equal to the amount still needed to equal the total amount of the bonds that have not been retired from such proceeds, whichever is less, until the available bonding authority has been decreased by an amount equal to the total of the bonds that have not been retired.
Section 802L. 23.0917 (6) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 23.0917 (6) and amended to read:
23.0917 (6) Review by joint committee on finance. The department may not obligate from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) for a given project or activity, except for a grant under sub. (4) that does not exceed $250,000, any moneys unless it first notifies the joint committee on finance in writing of the proposal. If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the department within 14 working days after the date of the department's notification that the committee has scheduled a meeting to review the proposal, the department may obligate the moneys. If, within 14 working days after the date of the notification by the department, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the department that the committee has scheduled a meeting to review the proposal, the department may obligate the moneys only upon approval of the committee.
Section 802m. 23.0917 (6)
(b) of the statutes is repealed.
Section 802n. 23.0917 (6) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
803. 23.092 (7) of the statutes is repealed.
Section 803m. 23.0963 of the statutes is created to read:
23.0963 Payments to television production company. From the appropriation under s. 20.370 (9) (mu), the department shall annually pay Discover Wisconsin Productions, or its successor, $750,000 to enter into an agreement with the department for the production of a nature-based television series that highlights the outdoors of Wisconsin.
804. 23.15 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
23.15 (1) The natural resources board may sell, at public or private sale, lands and structures owned by the state under the jurisdiction of the department of natural resources when the natural resources board determines that said lands are no longer necessary for the state's use for conservation purposes and, if real property, the real property is not the subject of a petition under s. 16.375 560.9810 (2).
Section 804f. 23.197 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 23.197 (1m).
Section 804g. 23.197 (1b) of the statutes is created to read:
23.197 (1b) Definition. In this section, "obligate" has the meaning given in s. 23.0917 (1) (e).
Section 804k. 23.197 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
23.197 (10) Peshtigo River State Forest. From the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta), during fiscal year 2003-04 , the department shall obligate $5,000,000 to acquire land for the Peshtigo River State Forest. For purposes of s. 23.0917, moneys provided from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) shall be treated as moneys obligated under the subprogram for land acquisition.
Section 804n. 23.22 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
23.22 (2) (c) Under the program established under par. (a), the department shall promulgate rules to establish a procedure to award cost-sharing grants to public and private entities for up to 50% of the costs of projects to control invasive species. Any The rules promulgated under this paragraph shall establish criteria for determining eligible projects and eligible grant recipients and
. Eligible projects shall include education and inspection activities at boat landings. The rules shall allow cost-share contributions to be in the form of money or in-kind goods or services or any combination thereof. In promulgating these rules, the department shall consider the recommendations of the council under sub. (3) (c). From the appropriation under s. 20.370 (6) (ar), the department shall make available in each fiscal year at least $500,000 for cost-sharing grants to be awarded to local governmental units for the control of invasive species that are aquatic species.
805. 23.49 of the statutes is amended to read:
23.49 Credit card use charges. The department shall certify to the state treasurer secretary of administration the amount of charges associated with the use of credit cards that is assessed to the department on deposits accepted under s. 23.66 (1m) by conservation wardens, and the state treasurer secretary of administration shall pay the charges from moneys received under s. 59.25 (3) (j) and (k) that are reserved for payment of the charges under s. 14.58 (21) 20.907 (5) (e) 12e.
806. 23.85 of the statutes is amended to read:
23.85 Statement to county board; payment to state. Every county treasurer shall, on the first day of the annual meeting of the county board of supervisors, submit to it a verified statement of all forfeitures, penalty assessments, jail assessments, weapons assessments, environmental assessments, wild animal protection assessments, natural resources assessments, fishing shelter removal assessments, snowmobile registration restitution payments, and natural resources restitution payments money received during the previous year. The county clerk shall deduct all expenses incurred by the county in recovering those forfeitures, penalty assessments, weapons assessments, environmental assessments, wild animal protection assessments, natural resources assessments, fishing shelter removal assessments, snowmobile registration restitution payments, and natural resources restitution payments from the aggregate amount so received, and shall immediately certify the amount of clear proceeds of those forfeitures, penalty assessments, weapons assessments, environmental assessments, wild animal protection assessments, natural resources assessments, fishing shelter removal assessments, snowmobile registration restitution payments, and natural resources restitution payments to the county treasurer, who shall pay the proceeds to the state treasurer as provided in s. 59.25 (3). Jail assessments shall be treated separately as provided in s. 302.46.
807. 24.17 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
24.17 (1) (intro.) When the purchaser of any such lands shall make payment to the treasurer secretary of administration of the amount required to be paid on such sale, and, in case of a private sale, shall also produce the memorandum mentioned in s. 24.16, the treasurer secretary of administration shall give a receipt therefor to such purchaser, and unless such sale be made wholly for cash the board shall execute and deliver to such person a duplicate certificate of sale, in which it shall certify:
808. 24.17 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
24.17 (2) When the sale is wholly for cash, upon payment as above provided, the treasurer secretary of administration shall thereupon give to such purchaser a receipt stating the amount paid and giving a description of the lot or tract of land sold and that such purchaser is entitled to receive a patent according to law.
809. 24.20 of the statutes is amended to read:
24.20 Payments and accounts. All money paid on account of sales of public lands shall be paid to the state treasurer secretary of administration who shall credit the proper fund therewith, crediting the general fund with the proceeds of sales of Marathon County lands, and the secretary of administration or the secretary's designee, upon countersigning the receipt given therefor, shall charge the treasurer therewith, and shall also enter the name of the person paying the same, the number of the certificate, if any, upon which the amount shall be paid, and the time of the payment.
810. 24.25 of the statutes is amended to read: