Commissioner's consent, DFI-CU 59.04
Definitions, DFI-CU 59.02
Miscellaneous investments, DFI-CU 59.01
Requirements, minimum, DFI-CU 59.03
Member business loans, Ch. DFI-CU 72
Membership defined, DFI-CU 51.01
Officials, loan treatment, non-preferential, Ch. DFI-CU 69
Personal property, leasing, Ch. DFI-CU 71
Real estate mortgages:
Documentation required, DFI-CU 54.05
Limitations, DFI-CU 54.03
Loan policies, DFI-CU 54.04
Purpose, scope and definitions, DFI-CU 54.01, 54.02
Remote service units, Ch. DFI-CU 63
Review board, Ch. DFI-CU 56
Savings, dividend periods, early withdrawal penalties, Ch. DFI-CU 60
Supervisory orders, Ch. DFI-CU 62
crime victims compensation CRIME VICTIMS COMPENSATION
Attorney fees, Jus 11.12
Awards, limitations, Jus 11.07
Filing, Jus 11.02
Investigation and decision, Jus 11.03
Victim and witness assistance program, Ch. Jus 12
Victim and witness assistance surcharge, DOC 309.465
Victim rights, Ch. CVRB 1
crime victims rights board CRIME VICTIMS RIGHTS BOARD
Complaint procedure, Ch. CVRB 1
dairy DAIRY
dams DAMS
Construction requirements, Ch. NR 333
Municipal grant program, Ch. NR 335
Removal grant program, Ch. NR 336
Warning signs and portages, Ch. NR 330
day camps DAY CAMPS
Requirements, Ch. DCF 252
day care DAY CARE
deer DEER
Closed areas, Ch. NR 11
CWD eradication zone permits, NR 12.06
Deer farm fence specifications, NR 16.45
Deer management assistance program, Subch. II of ch. NR 10
Diseases, Subch. VII of ch. ATCP 10
Farm-raised deer, Subch. VII of ch. ATCP 10
Generally, Subch. I of ch. NR 10
Disabled hunters, NR 10.40
From highway prohibited, NR 10.05
Guns, ammunition, and other devices, NR 10.09
Harvest authorizations, NR 10.103, 10.104
Hours, NR 10.06
Registration, NR 10.086
Seasons, NR 10.01
Tagging, NR 10.08, 10.085, 10.106
Transportation, NR 10.105
Killed by motor vehicle, NR 19.13
Management units, NR 10.28
Population management, NR 10.104
Recording kills during hunting season, NR 10.106
dentistry DENTISTRY
Advertising, unprofessional, Ch. DE 6
Anesthesia, standards for use of, Ch. DE 11
Authority and definitions, Ch. DE 1
Conduct, standards, Ch. DE 5
Continuing education, Ch. DE 13
Delegation of function, Ch. DE 12
Dental hygiene, practice of, Ch. DE 3
Nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia, Ch. DE 15
Expanded function dental auxiliaries, Ch. DE 16
Hygienists, local anesthesia, certificate to administer, Ch. DE 7
Laboratories, work authorizations, Ch. DE 9
Informed consent, Ch. DE 14
Licensure, Ch. DE 2
Mobile dentistry, Ch. DE 10
Patient dental record retention, Ch. DE 8
Unlicensed persons, delegation of functions, Ch. DE 12
designers DESIGNERS
detectives and detective agencies DETECTIVES AND DETECTIVE AGENCIES
Firearms and other weapons, Ch. SPS 34
Authority and definitions, Ch. SPS 30
Disciplinary action, Ch. SPS 35
Examination, Ch. SPS 31
Renewal, Ch. SPS 32