Sprinklers, automatic, SPS 375.28, 376.10
Heating, ventilating and air conditioning, commercial buildings, Ch. SPS 364
Hotel, motel and tourist rooming house, ATCP 72.14
Sprinkler systems, alarms, detection, Ch. SPS 362
Smoke detectors, dwellings, SPS 321.09, Ch. SPS 328
Suppression systems, Ch. SPS 362
fire departmentsFIRE DEPARTMENTS
See also Fire
Fire prevention, Ch. SPS 314
Public education and related activities, SPS 314.03
Safety and health standards:
Administration and enforcement, Subch. III of ch. SPS 330
Definitions, SPS 330.01
Diving operations, SPS 330.22
Emergency operations, SPS 330.14
Facility safety, SPS 330.145
Medical, SPS 330.15
Member assistance referral program, SPS 330.16
Organization, Subch. V of ch. SPS 330
Protective clothing and equipment, Subch. VIII of ch. SPS 330
Purpose and scope, Subch. I of ch. SPS 330
Technical standards incorporated by reference, SPS 330.02
Training and education, SPS 330.07, 330.08
Vehicles and equipment, SPS 330.09, 330.10
Volunteer fire fighter-EMT service awards, Ch. Adm 95
Inspection and license fees, SPS 302.19
Manufacturing operations, SPS 307.50, 307.51
fish and fishingFISH AND FISHING
flammable, combustible and hazardous liquidsFLAMMABLE, COMBUSTIBLE AND HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS
Generally, Ch. ATCP 93
flood plain managementFLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT
Generally, Ch. NR 116
flood plainsFLOOD PLAINS
Flood plain and shoreland mapping grant program, Ch. NR 129
floor loadsFLOOR LOADS
Commodity sales by weight, measure or count, Ch. ATCP 91
Label statements of quantity, Ch. ATCP 90
food processing plantsFOOD PROCESSING PLANTS
Generally, Ch. ATCP 70
Bottling establishments, Subch. V of ch. ATCP 70
Canning operations, Subch. III of ch. ATCP 70
Fish and shellfish processing plants, Subch. IV of ch. ATCP 70
General requirements, Subch. II of ch. ATCP 70
Local ordinances, effect of rules, ATCP 70.62
Meat and poultry products, Ch. ATCP 55
Scope and definitions, ATCP 70.01, 70.02
food safetyFOOD SAFETY
Butter grading and labeling, Ch. ATCP 85
Buttermakers and cheesemakers, Ch. ATCP 69
Cheese grading, packaging and labeling, Ch. ATCP 81
Egg grade and quality standards, Ch. ATCP 88
Food processing plants, Ch. ATCP 70
Food warehouses, Ch. ATCP 71
Meat products:
Generally, Ch. ATCP 55
Freezer, trade practices, Ch. ATCP 109
Inedible; processing, identification and transportation, Ch. ATCP 57
Inspection, processing, marketing and storage, Ch. ATCP 55
Micro markets, Subch. VI of ch. ATCP 75
Milk and milk products, see Dairy
Mobile food establishment, Ch. ATCP 75
Poultry products:
Inedible; processing, identification and transportation, Ch. ATCP 57
Inspection, processing, marketing and storage, Ch. ATCP 55
Ready-to-eat foods, reporting pathogens and toxins, ATCP 70.30
Restaurants and retail food establishments, Ch. ATCP 75
Warehouses, license, fees, Ch. ATCP 71
food serviceFOOD SERVICE
Restaurants and retail food establishments, Ch. ATCP 75
Trade practices, Ch. ATCP 109
County forests, loans and grants, Subch. VI of ch. NR 47
County forest withdrawal, Ch. NR 48
Fire control, Ch. NR 30
Forest fire protection grant, Subch. VIII of ch. NR 47
Forestry grant and state aid administration, Ch. NR 47
Jack pine budworm, NR 35.01
National, federal payment in lieu of taxes program, Ch. NR 55
Use and control, Ch. ATCP 29
Use on land and water, Ch. NR 80
Protection districts:
Emergency use regulations, NR 30.06