AB130-SA1,15,10 10150. Page 366, line 16: delete "or legal custo-".
AB130-SA1,15,11 11151. Page 366, line 17: delete "dy".
AB130-SA1,15,12 12152. Page 366, line 21: delete "of health and".
AB130-SA1,15,13 13153. Page 366, line 22: delete "social services, department of corrections".
AB130-SA1,15,14 14154. Page 367, line 4: on lines 4, 8 and 9, delete "of health and social services".
AB130-SA1,15,15 15155. Page 367, line 6: on lines 6, 12, 15 and 18, delete "or legal custody".
AB130-SA1,15,17 16156. Page 372, line 12: delete "as a sanction" and substitute: "while the
17alleged violation is being investigated".
AB130-SA1,15,18 18157. Page 372, line 14: delete "sanction" and substitute "placement".
AB130-SA1,15,20 19158. Page 372, line 19: delete "as a sanction," and substitute: "as crisis
20intervention, if the juvenile is in need of crisis intervention and".
AB130-SA1,15,21 21159. Page 372, line 20: delete "sanction" and substitute "placement".
1160. Page 373, line 6: delete lines 6 and 7, and substitute: "while a violation
2of a condition of a juvenile's participation in the program is being investigated and
3the use of placement in a place of nonsecure custody for not more than 30 days as
4crisis intervention.".
AB130-SA1,16,5 5161. Page 373, line 15: delete lines 15 to 24.
AB130-SA1,16,6 6162. Page 374, line 1: delete lines 1 to 25.
AB130-SA1,16,7 7163. Page 375, line 1: delete lines 1 to 25.
AB130-SA1,16,8 8164. Page 376, line 1: delete lines 1 to 25.
AB130-SA1,16,9 9165. Page 377, line 1: delete lines 1 to 17.
AB130-SA1,16,10 10166. Page 385, line 23: after the comma insert " or s. 938.183 or 938.34 (4m)".
AB130-SA1,16,11 11167. Page 385, line 24: after "stats.," insert "or s. 938.34 (4n)".
AB130-SA1,16,13 12168. Page 386, line 3: delete "938.183 or 938.366" and substitute "48.366 or
AB130-SA1,16,15 14169. Page 386, line 4: delete "938.183 or 938.366 (8)" and substitute "48.366
15(8) or 938.183".
AB130-SA1,16,16 16170. Page 386, line 13: after that line insert:
AB130-SA1,16,23 17"(f) If an agency discloses information in its records about a juvenile under par.
18(b) 1., (d) or (e), the agency shall immediately notify the juvenile who is the subject
19of the record and the juvenile's parent, guardian or legal custodian of that disclosure
20and shall immediately provide to the juvenile and the parent, guardian or legal
21custodian the information disclosed, unless the agency determines that provision of
22that information to the parent, guardian or legal custodian would result in imminent
23danger to the juvenile.".
1171. Page 388, line 11: on lines 11 and 12, delete "or other persons".
AB130-SA1,17,3 2172. Page 388, line 14: after "(15m)" insert: ", a secure detention facility, as
3defined in s. 938.02 (16)
AB130-SA1,17,4 4173. Page 389, line 24: delete "(4h) or".
AB130-SA1,17,5 5174. Page 391, line 1: delete "(4h) or".
AB130-SA1,17,6 6175. Page 392, line 1: delete "committed to the supervision".
AB130-SA1,17,8 7176. Page 392, line 2: delete that line and substitute "or placed in a secured
AB130-SA1,17,9 9177. Page 393, line 4: delete "committed to the supervision".
AB130-SA1,17,11 10178. Page 393, line 5: delete that line and substitute: "or placed in a secured
AB130-SA1,17,12 12179. Page 395, line 23: delete "knowingly" and substitute "knowingly".
AB130-SA1,17,13 13180. Page 399, line 13: delete lines 13 to 25.
AB130-SA1,17,14 14181. Page 400, line 1: delete lines 1 and 2 and substitute:
AB130-SA1,17,15 15" Section 617m. 970.032 (title) and (1) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB130-SA1,18,4 16970.032 (title) Preliminary examination; child accused of committing
17assault or battery in a secured correctional facility
child under original
18adult court jurisdiction
. (1) Notwithstanding s. 970.03, if a preliminary
19examination is held regarding a child who is accused of violating s. 940.20 (1) or
20946.43 while placed in a secured correctional facility, as defined in s. 48.02 (15m)

21subject to the original jurisdiction of the court of criminal jurisdiction under s.
22938.183 (1)
, the court shall first determine whether there is probable cause to believe
23that the child has committed a violation of s. 940.20 (1) or 946.43 while placed in a

1secured correctional facility, as defined in s. 48.02 (15m)
the violation of which he or
2she is accused
. If the court does not make that finding, the court shall order that the
3child be discharged but proceedings may be brought regarding the child under ch.
AB130-SA1,18,5 5182. Page 400, line 12: delete lines 12 to 17 and substitute:
AB130-SA1,18,6 6" Section 620m. 970.032 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-SA1,18,107 970.032 (2) (c) That retaining jurisdiction is not necessary to deter the child or
8other children from committing violations of s. 940.20 (1) or 946.43 or other similar
9offenses while placed in a secured correctional facility, as defined in s. 48.02 (15m)

10the violation of which the child is accused.".
AB130-SA1,18,11 11183. Page 402, line 24: on lines 24 and 25, delete the underscored material.
AB130-SA1,18,12 12184. Page 409, line 22: delete lines 22 to 25.
AB130-SA1,18,13 13185. Page 410, line 1: delete lines 1 to 6.
AB130-SA1,18,14 14186. Page 412, line 6: delete lines 6 to 9.
AB130-SA1,18,15 15187. Page 412, line 12: delete lines 12 to 25.
AB130-SA1,18,16 16188. Page 413, line 1: delete lines 1 to 6 and substitute:
AB130-SA1,18,21 17"(1h) Miscellaneous provisions. The treatment of sections 20.435 (3) (au) and
18(bg), 46.26 (4) (d) 3., 48.275 (2) (b) and 60.23 (22m) of the statutes and the
19amendment of sections 48.275 (2) (a) (by Section 190m) and 48.505 (by Section
20343m) of the statutes take effect on July 1, 1995, or on the day after publication,
21whichever is later.
AB130-SA1,19,12 22(2h) Youthful offender program. The treatment of sections 20.410 (1) (am),
2320.435 (3) (k), 46.03 (6) (a), 46.26 (4) (dr), 48.18 (2m), 48.33 (3m), 48.34 (4g), 48.537,
24301.03 (9m), 301.28 (1) and 304.06 (1) (b) of the statutes and the amendment of

1sections 20.435 (3) (hm) (by Section 11m), 46.26 (3) (d) (by Section 41m) and (4) (a)
2(by Section 43m), (b) 1. (by Section 44m), (c) (by Section 45m) and (cm) 1. (by
3Section 46m), 48.02 (15m) (by Section 77m), 48.065 (3) (f) (by Section 92m), 48.18
4(5) (c) (by Section 115g), 48.19 (1) (d) 6., (by Section 119m), 48.205 (1) (c) (by Section
5135m), 48.208 (1) (by Section 135r), 48.23 (1) (a) (by Section 148m), 48.345 (1) (a)
6(by Section 273m), 48.355 (4) (a) (by Section 288m) and (b) (by Section 288r), 48.365
7(7) (by Section 303m), 48.38 (3) (a) (by Section 309m), 48.49 (by Section 341m),
848.51 (1) (intro.) (by Section 345d), 48.78 (3) (by Section 370m), 118.125 (4) (by
9Section 427m), 227.03 (4) (by Section 494m), 946.42 (1) (a) (by Section 587m) and
10(3) (c) (by Section 591m), 946.44 (1) (a) (by Section 593m) and (2) (d) (by Section
11595m) and 946.45 (1) (by Section 596m) and (2) (d) (by Section 598m) of the statutes
12take effect on December 1, 1995.".