AB150-ASA1-AA13,2,22 2226. Page 366, line 8: delete lines 8 and 9.
127. Page 369, line 18: delete lines 18 to 23.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,2 228. Page 370, line 11: delete lines 11 to 15.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,3 329. Page 441, line 4: delete lines 4 to 12.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,4 430. Page 497, line 22: delete lines 22 to 24.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,5 531. Page 512, line 20: delete lines 20 and 21.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,7 632. Page 540, line 24: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
7with page 541, line 3.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,8 833. Page 606, line 10: delete lines 10 to 19.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,10 934. Page 611, line 3: substitute "department of public instruction" for
10"education commission".
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,12 1135. Page 628, line 24: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
12with page 629, line 7.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,14 1336. Page 629, line 11: substitute "department of public instruction" for
14"education commission".
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,16 1537. Page 629, line 15: delete "state superintendent department" and
16substitute "state superintendent".
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,18 1738. Page 629, line 23: delete "state superintendent department of public
" and substitute "state superintendent".
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,19 1939. Page 630, line 1: delete lines 1 to 7.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,20 2040. Page 631, line 14: delete lines 14 to 21.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,3,22 2141. Page 641, line 1: substitute "Department" for "Education
142. Page 641, line 2: substitute "department of public instruction" for
2"education commission".
AB150-ASA1-AA13,4,4 343. Page 641, line 6: on lines 6 and 7, delete "education commission" and
4substitute "department of public instruction".
AB150-ASA1-AA13,4,6 544. Page 641, line 17: on lines 17 and 18, substitute "department of public
6instruction" for "education commission".
AB150-ASA1-AA13,4,7 745. Page 668, line 13: delete lines 13 to 18.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,4,9 846. Page 681, line 20: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
9with page 683, line 14.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,4,11 1047. Page 684, line 12: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
11with page 685, line 13.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,4,12 1248. Page 879, line 12: delete lines 12 to 24.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,4,13 1349. Page 892, line 8: delete lines 8 to 10.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,4,14 1450. Page 1058, line 8: delete lines 8 to 10.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,4,16 1551. Page 1058, line 25: delete the material beginning with that line and
16ending with page 1059, line 23.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,4,18 1752. Page 1063, line 22: delete the material beginning with that line and
18ending with page 1065, line 14.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,4,19 1953. Page 1068, line 9: delete lines 9 to 18.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,4,21 2054. Page 1090, line 8: on lines 8 and 9, delete the underscored material and
21restore the stricken material.
155. Page 1168, line 15: on lines 15 and 16, restore the stricken material and
2delete the underscored material.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,5,3 356. Page 1241, line 20: delete lines 20 to 25.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,5,4 457. Page 1314, line 1: delete lines 1 to 5.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,5,5 558. Page 1334, line 9: delete lines 9 to 21.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,5,6 659. Page 1335, line 11: delete lines 11 to 22.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,5,7 760. Page 1336, line 4: delete lines 4 to 19.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,5,9 861. Page 1338, line 17: delete the material beginning with that line and
9ending with page 1339, line 4.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,5,11 1062. Page 1339, line 5: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
11with page 1340, line 2.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,5,13 1263. Page 1346, line 24: delete the material beginning with that line and
13ending with page 1347, line 15.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,5,15 1464. Page 1347, line 25: delete the material beginning with that line and
15ending with page 1348, line 24.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,5,17 1665. Page 1349, line 23: delete the material beginning with that line and
17ending with page 1350, line 25.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,5,18 1866. Page 1351, line 8: delete lines 8 to 12.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,5,20 1967. Page 1351, line 22: delete the material beginning with that line and
20ending with page 1352, line 10.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,5,22 2168. Page 1352, line 13: on lines 13 and 15, delete the underscored material and
22restore the stricken material.
169. Page 1359, line 3: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
2with page 1360, line 5.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,6,4 370. Page 1360, line 12: delete the material beginning with that line and
4ending with page 1361, line 17.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,6,6 571. Page 1363, line 18: delete the material beginning with that line and
6ending with page 1364, line 8.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,6,8 772. Page 1364, line 17: delete the material beginning with that line and
8ending with page 1366, line 3.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,6,9 973. Page 1366, line 10: delete lines 10 to 18.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,6,10 1074. Page 1383, line 7: delete lines 7 and 8.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,6,11 1175. Page 1388, line 9 delete lines 9 to 12.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,6,12 1276. Page 1392, line 10: delete lines 10 to 13.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,6,14 1377. Page 1393, line 21: delete the material beginning with that line and
14ending with page 1394, line 2.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,6,15 1578. Page 1399, line 9: delete lines 9 to 23.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,6,16 1679. Page 1401, line 3: delete lines 3 to 8.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,6,17 1780. Page 1402, line 3: delete lines 3 to 21.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,6,19 1881. Page 1407, line 25: delete the material beginning with that line and
19ending with page 1408, line 8.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,6,22 2082. Page 1440, line 3: on lines 3 and 4, delete "state superintendent of public
department of education" and substitute "state superintendent of public
183. Page 1864, line 13: delete lines 13 to 15.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,7,2 284. Page 1914, line 10: delete lines 10 to 14.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,7,4 385. Page 2210, line 20: delete the material beginning with that line and
4ending with page 2211, line 9.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,7,5 586. Page 2227, line 6: delete lines 6 to 8.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,7,7 687. Page 2234, line 25: delete the material beginning with that line and
7ending with page 2235, line 17.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,7,8 888. Page 2389, line 10: delete lines 10 to 21.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,7,9 989. Page 2391, line 4: delete lines 4 to 13.
AB150-ASA1-AA13,7,11 1090. Page 2392, line 2: delete the material beginning with "and" and ending
11with "shall" on line 3 and substitute "shall".
AB150-ASA1-AA13,7,12 1291. Page 2392, line 5: after that line insert:
AB150-ASA1-AA13,7,15 13"(17g)Advisory referendum. There shall be submitted to the voters of this
14state at the spring election in 1996, for advisory purposes only, the following
AB150-ASA1-AA13,7,17 16"Do you favor amending the Wisconsin Constitution to provide that the state
17superintendent of public instruction be appointed by the governor?".
AB150-ASA1-AA13,7,19 1892. Page 2478, line 15: delete the material beginning with that line and
19ending with page 2479, line 11.