AB557-CA1,9,1511 4. a. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (dt), the uniform percentage
12for each eligible applicant served by an urban mass transit system operating within
13an urbanized area having a population as shown in the 1990 federal decennial census
14of at least 50,000 or receiving federal mass transit aid for such area, and not specified
15in subd. 1., 2. or 3.
AB557-CA1,9,1916 b. For the purpose of making allocations under subd. 4. a., the amounts for aids
17are $13,582,400 in calendar year 1996 and $13,989,900 in calendar year 1997 and
18thereafter. These amounts, to the extent practicable, shall be used to determine the
19uniform percentage in the particular calendar year.
AB557-CA1,9,2320 5. a. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (du), the uniform percentage
21for each eligible applicant served by an urban mass transit system operating within
22an urbanized area having a population as shown in the 1990 federal decennial census
23of less than 50,000 or receiving federal mass transit aid for such area.
AB557-CA1,9,2524 b. For the purpose of making allocations under subd. 5. a., the amounts for aids
25are $4,258,800 in calendar year 1996 and $4,386,600 in calendar year 1997 and

1thereafter. These amounts, to the extent practicable, shall be used to determine the
2uniform percentage in the particular calendar year.".
AB557-CA1,10,3 332. Page 37, line 3: substitute "5" for "4".
AB557-CA1,10,4 433. Page 37, line 9: substitute ", (dt) or (du)" for "or (dt)".
AB557-CA1,10,5 534. Page 37, line 13: substitute "5." for "4.".
AB557-CA1,10,6 635. Page 38, line 4: delete lines 4 to 11.
AB557-CA1,10,7 736. Page 38, line 21: substitute "$215,781,800" for "$213,381,800".
AB557-CA1,10,8 837. Page 38, line 22: substitute "$222,255,300" for "$219,855,300".
AB557-CA1,10,9 938. Page 39, line 5: on lines 5 and 8, substitute "$300" for "$400".
AB557-CA1,10,10 1039. Page 39, line 10: after that line insert:
AB557-CA1,10,11 11" Section 83m. 86.32 (2) (am) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB557-CA1,10,1712 86.32 (2) (am) 7. For 1995 and thereafter, $10,468 per lane mile for
13municipalities having a population over 500,000; $9,696 per lane mile for
14municipalities having a population of 150,001 to 500,000; $8,641 per lane mile for
15municipalities having a population of 35,001 to 150,000; $7,612 per lane mile for
16municipalities having a population of 10,000 to 35,000; and $6,558 per lane mile for
17municipalities having a population under 10,000.".
AB557-CA1,10,18 1840. Page 43, line 12: after that line insert:
AB557-CA1,10,20 19" Section 107b. 166.20 (7g) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 166.20 (7g)
20(b) and amended to read:
AB557-CA1,10,2321 166.20 (7g) (b) The board shall base the amount of the fees under this
22subsection on one or more of the following factors: shall be the amount of the fees
23established in s. ERB 4.03 (2), Wis. adm. code, as shown on June 30, 1995.
AB557-CA1, s. 107g
1Section 107g. 166.20 (7g) (b) 1. to 8. of the statutes are repealed.".
AB557-CA1,11,4 241. Page 49, line 22: delete "dealers. The" and substitute "contractors.
3(1m) In this section, "contractor" means a person who has contracted with the
4department to provide services under this section.
AB557-CA1,11,5 5(2) The".
AB557-CA1,11,7 642. Page 49, line 23: delete "a motor vehicle dealer" and substitute "any
AB557-CA1,11,8 843. Page 49, line 25: delete "motor vehicle dealer" and substitute "contractor".
AB557-CA1,11,10 944. Page 50, line 1: delete "with a motor vehicle dealer" and substitute "under
10this section".
AB557-CA1,11,12 1145. Page 50, line 3: delete "(1)" and substitute "(a)"; and delete "motor vehicle
12dealer" and substitute "contractor".
AB557-CA1,11,13 1346. Page 50, line 6: delete "(2)" and substitute "(b)"; and delete "motor".
AB557-CA1,11,14 1447. Page 50, line 7: delete "vehicle dealer" and substitute "contractor".
AB557-CA1,11,16 1548. Page 50, line 9: delete "(3)" and substitute "(c)"; and delete "motor vehicle
16dealer" and substitute "contractor".
AB557-CA1,11,17 1749. Page 50, line 11: delete "(4)" and substitute "(d)".
AB557-CA1,11,18 1850. Page 50, line 12: delete "motor vehicle dealer" and substitute "contractor".
AB557-CA1,11,19 1951. Page 62, line 13: after that line insert:
AB557-CA1,11,20 20" Section 172b. 343.24 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB557-CA1,12,1121 343.24 (2m) If the department, in maintaining a computerized operating
22record system, makes copies of its operating record file data base, or a portion thereof,
23on computer tape or other electronic media, copies of the tape or media may be

1furnished to any person on request. The department may also furnish to any person
2upon request records on computer tape or other electronic media that contain
3information from files of uniform traffic citations or motor vehicle accidents and
4which were produced for or developed by the department for purposes related to
5maintenance of the operating record file data base.
The department shall charge a
6fee of $3 for each file of vehicle operators' records contained in the tape or media. The
7department shall charge a fee of not more than $3 for each file of uniform traffic
8citations or motor vehicle accidents contained in the tape or media.
Nothing in this
9subsection requires the department to produce records of particular files or data in
10a particular format except as those records or data are made by the department for
11its purposes.".
AB557-CA1,12,12 1252. Page 76, line 9: after that line insert:
AB557-CA1,12,13 13" Section 205m. 349.02 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB557-CA1,12,1614 349.02 (3) (a) In this subsection, "photo radar speed detection" means the
15detection of a vehicle's speed by use of a radar device combined with photographic
16identification of the vehicle.
AB557-CA1,12,2017 (b) Notwithstanding sub. (1), the state and local authorities may not use photo
18radar speed detection to determine compliance with any speed restriction imposed
19by s. 346.57, 346.58, 346.59, 346.595 or 349.11 or a local ordinance in conformity
AB557-CA1,12,21 2153. Page 77, line 4: delete lines 4 to 16 and substitute:
AB557-CA1,13,3 22"(1gx) S tudies of the department of transportation. The joint legislative
23audit committee is requested to direct the legislative audit bureau to perform a
24performance evaluation audit of the department of transportation. If the committee

1directs the legislative audit bureau to perform an audit, the committee shall
2determine the scope of the audit and the bureau shall file its report as described
3under section 13.94 (1) (b) of the statutes by September 1, 1996.".
AB557-CA1,13,4 454. Page 78, line 21: delete lines 21 and 22.
AB557-CA1,13,5 555. Page 79, line 1: substitute "January 1, 1996" for "December 1, 1995".
AB557-CA1,13,6 656. Page 79, line 10: delete lines 10 to 13 and substitute:
AB557-CA1,13,7 7"(3g)Fiscal year segregated revenues certification.
AB557-CA1,13,10 8(a) The department of transportation shall, by January 1, 1996, certify to the
9joint committee on finance the total amount of estimated segregated transportation
10fund revenues for fiscal year 1995-96 and for fiscal year 1996-97.
AB557-CA1,13,16 11(b)1. If the amount certified by the department under paragraph (a) for fiscal
12year 1995-96 exceeds $974,283,800, the difference between that certified amount
13and $974,283,800 shall be credited to the appropriation account under section 20.395
14(3) (cq) of the statutes, as affected by this act, for fiscal year 1995-96 if the committee
15approves such action, or does not schedule a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the
16proposed action within 14 working days after such certification.
AB557-CA1,13,22 172. If the amount certified by the department under paragraph (a) for fiscal year
181996-97 exceeds $981,099,800, the difference between that certified amount and
19$981,099,800 shall be credited to the appropriation account under section 20.395 (3)
20(cq) of the statutes, as affected by this act, for fiscal year 1996-97 if the committee
21approves such action, or does not schedule a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the
22proposed action within 14 working days after such certification.".
157. Page 80, line 13: after the period insert: "The committee shall also study
2state and local revenue sources for financing mass transit and possible alternatives
3to the current formulas used to distribute mass transit aid in this state.".
AB557-CA1,14,4 458. Page 80, line 22: after that line insert:
AB557-CA1,14,5 5"(4m)Department records.
AB557-CA1,14,14 6(a) Notwithstanding section 343.24 (2m) of the statutes, as affected by this act,
7the department of transportation may contract with a person to periodically furnish
8that person with any records on computer tape or other electronic media that contain
9information from files of motor vehicle accidents or uniform traffic citations and
10which were produced for or developed by the department for purposes related to
11maintenance of the operating record file data base. The department and the person
12desiring to contract with the department shall make a good faith effort to negotiate
13the purchase price for the records to be provided under this paragraph. No record
14may be furnished under this subsection after June 30, 1997.
AB557-CA1,14,21 15(b) The department of transportation shall, no later than March 1, 1996,
16submit a report to each member of the joint committee on finance summarizing the
17terms and conditions of any contract entered into under paragraph (a). If the
18department enters into a contract under paragraph (a) after March 1, 1996, the
19department shall, prior to the next regular quarterly meeting of the joint committee
20on finance, submit to each member of that committee a report summarizing the
21terms and conditions of that contract.
AB557-CA1,15,4 22(c) If, during the period of any contract entered into under paragraph (a), the
23department determines that the cost of providing operators' records, uniform traffic
24citations and motor vehicle accident reports under this subsection and section 343.24

1(2m) of the statutes, as affected by this act, exceeds the total revenues received from
2the sale of those records, the department shall submit a report to each member of the
3joint committee on finance summarizing the expenditures and revenues related to
4the sale of those records.
AB557-CA1,15,5 5(d) This subsection does not apply after June 30, 1997.".
AB557-CA1,15,6 659. Page 81, line 8: delete "the".
AB557-CA1,15,7 760. Page 81, line 9: delete that line and substitute: "October 1, 1996, for the".
AB557-CA1,15,8 861. Page 82, line 2: after that line insert:
AB557-CA1,15,15 9"(9xg) Positions deauthorization. The authorized FTE positions for the
10department of transportation for the division of highways and transportation
11services are decreased by 18.0 SEG positions and by 22.0 FED positions. In
12deauthorizing positions under this subsection, the department shall deauthorize
13positions vacant on the effective date of this subsection that are directly related to
14highway design and production functions within the division of highways and
15transportation services.".
AB557-CA1,15,16 1662. Page 83, line 7: after that line insert:
AB557-CA1,15,19 17"(3xg)Railroad rolling stock. The treatment of sections 76.02 (10), 76.03 (1),
18and 76.07 (1), (2) and (4g) (a) 16. of the statutes first applies to taxes due on May 10,
AB557-CA1,15,20 2063. Page 83, line 25: substitute ", (dt) and (du)" for "and (dt)".
AB557-CA1,15,21 2164. Page 84, line 1: substitute "5." for "4.".
AB557-CA1,15,22 2265. Page 84, line 4: after that line insert:
AB557-CA1,15,23 23" Section 9448. Effective dates; revenue.
1(1g) Railroad rolling stock. The treatment of sections 76.02 (10), 76.03 (1)
2and 76.07 (1), (2) and (4g) (a) 16. of the statutes takes effect on January 1, 1997.".
AB557-CA1,16,3 366. Page 84, line 24: substitute ", (dt) and (du)" for "and (dt)".
AB557-CA1,16,4 467. Page 85, line 1: substitute "5." for "4.".