1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
March 5, 1996 - Offered by Committee on Judiciary.
AB721-ASA1,1,9 1An Act to repeal 971.23 (2) (title), 971.23 (4), 971.23 (9) (title), 971.24 (title) and
2(1) and 971.25 (title); to renumber 971.23 (3) (b); to renumber and amend
3971.23 (1), 971.23 (2), 971.23 (3) (a), 971.23 (9), 971.24 (2), 971.24 (3), 971.25 (1)
4and 971.25 (2); to amend 165.79 (1), 908.08 (6), 938.293 (2), 967.08 (3) (c),
5971.23 (5), 971.23 (6), 971.23 (7), 971.23 (8) (a), 971.23 (8) (d), 971.31 (5) (b) and
6972.10 (5); to repeal and recreate 971.23 (1) (title) and 971.23 (3) (title); and
7to create 304.06 (3d), 971.23 (1) (g) and (h), 971.23 (2m), 971.23 (6m) (title),
8971.23 (7m) (title), 971.23 (7m) (b), 971.23 (8) (e) and 973.10 (2g) of the statutes;
9relating to: discovery in criminal cases.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB721-ASA1, s. 1 10Section 1. 165.79 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB721-ASA1,2,1311 165.79 (1) Evidence, information and analyses of evidence obtained from law
12enforcement officers by the laboratories is privileged and not available to persons
13other than law enforcement officers nor is the defendant entitled to an inspection of
14information and evidence submitted to the laboratories by the state or of a

1laboratory's findings, or to examine laboratory personnel as witnesses concerning
2the same, prior to trial, except to the extent that the same is used by the state at a
3preliminary hearing and except as provided in s. 971.23. Upon request of a defendant
4in a felony action, approved by the presiding judge, the laboratories shall conduct
5analyses of evidence on behalf of the defendant. No prosecuting officer is entitled to
6an inspection of information and evidence submitted to the laboratories by the
7defendant, or of a laboratory's findings, or to examine laboratory personnel as
8witnesses concerning the same, prior to trial, except to the extent that the same is
9used by the accused at a preliminary hearing and except as provided in s. 971.23.
10Employes who made examinations or analyses of evidence shall attend the criminal
11trial as witnesses, without subpoena, upon reasonable written notice from either
12party requesting the attendance. Nothing in this section limits the right of a court
13to order the production of evidence or reports under s. 971.23 prior to trial.
AB721-ASA1, s. 2 14Section 2. 304.06 (3d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB721-ASA1,2,2315 304.06 (3d) Upon demand prior to a revocation hearing under sub. (3), the
16district attorney shall disclose to a defendant the existence of any videotaped oral
17statement of a child under s. 908.08 which is within the possession, custody or control
18of the state and shall make reasonable arrangements for the defendant and defense
19counsel to view the videotaped statement. If, subsequent to compliance with this
20subsection, the state obtains possession, custody or control of such a videotaped
21statement, the district attorney shall promptly notify the defendant of that fact and
22make reasonable arrangements for the defendant and defense counsel to view the
23videotaped statement.
AB721-ASA1, s. 3 24Section 3. 908.08 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
1908.08 (6) Videotaped oral statements of children under this section in the
2possession, custody or control of the state are discoverable under ss. 48.293 (3) and
3971.24 (3)
, 304.06 (3d), 971.23 (1) (e) and 973.10 (2g).
AB721-ASA1, s. 4 4Section 4. 938.293 (2) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 77, is
5amended to read:
AB721-ASA1,3,176 938.293 (2) All records relating to a juvenile which are relevant to the subject
7matter of a proceeding under this subchapter shall be open to inspection by a
8guardian ad litem or counsel for any party, upon demand and upon presentation of
9releases where necessary, at least 48 hours before the proceeding. Persons entitled
10to inspect the records may obtain copies of the records with the permission of the
11custodian of the records or with the permission of the court. The court may instruct
12counsel not to disclose specified items in the materials to the juvenile or the parent
13if the court reasonably believes that the disclosure would be harmful to the interests
14of the juvenile. Sections 971.23 to 971.25 and 972.11 (5) shall be applicable in all
15delinquency proceedings under this subchapter, except that the court shall establish
16the timetable for the disclosures required under ss. 971.23 (3), (1), (2m) and (8) and
and 972.11 (5).
AB721-ASA1, s. 5 18Section 5. 967.08 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB721-ASA1,3,2019 967.08 (3) (c) Motions for inspection or testing of physical evidence under s.
20971.23 (4) or (5) or for protective orders under s. 971.23 (6).
AB721-ASA1, s. 6 21Section 6. 971.23 (1) (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB721-ASA1,3,2222 971.23 (1) (title) What a district attorney must disclose to a defendant.
AB721-ASA1, s. 7 23Section 7. 971.23 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 971.23 (1) (intro.) and
24amended to read:
1971.23 (1) (intro.) Upon demand, the district attorney shall, within a
2reasonable time before trial, disclose to the defendant or his or her attorney and

3permit the defendant within a reasonable time before trial or his or her attorney to
4inspect and copy or photograph any all of the following materials and information,
5if it is within the possession, custody or control of the state:
AB721-ASA1,4,10 6(a) Any written or recorded statement concerning the alleged crime made by
7the defendant which is within the possession, custody or control of the state,
8including the testimony of the defendant in an s. 968.26 a secret proceeding under
9s. 968.26
or before a grand jury. Upon demand, the district attorney shall furnish the
10defendant with a
, and the names of witnesses to the defendant's written statements.
AB721-ASA1,4,14 11(b) A written summary of all oral statements of the defendant which the district
12attorney plans to use in the course of the trial. The and the names of witnesses to
13the written and defendant's oral statements which the state plans to use in the course
14of the trial shall also be furnished
AB721-ASA1, s. 8 15Section 8. 971.23 (1) (g) and (h) of the statutes are created to read:
AB721-ASA1,4,1716 971.23 (1) (g) Any physical evidence that the district attorney intends to offer
17in evidence at the trial.
AB721-ASA1,4,1818 (h) Any exculpatory evidence.
AB721-ASA1, s. 9 19Section 9. 971.23 (2) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB721-ASA1, s. 10 20Section 10. 971.23 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 971.23 (1) (c) and
21amended to read:
AB721-ASA1,4,2422 971.23 (1) (c) Upon demand prior to trial, the district attorney shall furnish the
23defendant a
A copy of the defendant's criminal record which is within the possession,
24custody or control of the state
AB721-ASA1, s. 11 25Section 11. 971.23 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
1971.23 (2m) What a defendant must disclose to the district attorney. Upon
2demand, the defendant or his or her attorney shall, within a reasonable time before
3trial, disclose to the district attorney and permit the district attorney to inspect and
4copy or photograph all of the following materials and information, if it is within the
5possession, custody or control of the defendant:
AB721-ASA1,5,86 (a) A list of all witnesses, other than the defendant, whom the defendant
7intends to call at trial, together with their addresses. This paragraph does not apply
8to rebuttal witnesses or those called for impeachment only.
AB721-ASA1,5,159 (am) Any relevant written or recorded statements of a witness named on a list
10under par. (a), including any reports or statements of experts made in connection
11with the case or, if an expert does not prepare a report or statement, a written
12summary of the expert's findings or the subject matter of his or her testimony, and
13including the results of any physical or mental examination, scientific test,
14experiment or comparison that the defendant intends to offer in evidence at trial.
15This paragraph does not apply to reports subject to disclosure under s. 972.11 (5).
AB721-ASA1,5,1716 (c) Any physical evidence that the defendant intends to offer in evidence at the
AB721-ASA1, s. 12 18Section 12. 971.23 (3) (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB721-ASA1,5,1919 971.23 (3) (title) Comment or instruction on failure to call witness.
AB721-ASA1, s. 13 20Section 13. 971.23 (3) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 971.23 (1) (d) and
21amended to read:
AB721-ASA1,6,522 971.23 (1) (d) A defendant may, not less than 15 days nor more than 30 days
23before trial, serve upon the district attorney an offer in writing to furnish the state
24a list of all witnesses the defendant intends to call at the trial, whereupon within 5
25days after the receipt of such offer, the district attorney shall furnish the defendant

list of all witnesses and their addresses whom the district attorney intends to call
2at the trial. Within 5 days after the district attorney furnishes such list, the
3defendant shall furnish the district attorney a list of all witnesses and their
4addresses whom the defendant intends to call at the trial.
This section shall
5paragraph does not apply to rebuttal witnesses or those called for impeachment only.
AB721-ASA1, s. 14 6Section 14. 971.23 (3) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 971.23 (3).
AB721-ASA1, s. 15 7Section 15. 971.23 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
AB721-ASA1, s. 16 8Section 16. 971.23 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB721-ASA1,6,149 971.23 (5) Scientific testing. On motion of a party subject to s. 971.31 (5), the
10court may order the production of any item of physical evidence which is intended
11to be introduced at the trial for scientific analysis under such terms and conditions
12as the court prescribes. Except as provided in s. 972.11 (5), the court may also order
13the production of reports or results of any scientific tests or experiments made by any
14party relating to evidence intended to be introduced at the trial.
AB721-ASA1, s. 17 15Section 17. 971.23 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB721-ASA1,6,2416 971.23 (6) Protective order. Upon motion of a party, the court may at any time
17order that discovery, inspection or the listing of witnesses required under this section
18be denied, restricted or deferred, or make other appropriate orders. If the district
19attorney or defense counsel certifies that to list a witness may subject the witness
20or others to physical or economic harm or coercion, the court may order that the
21deposition of the witness be taken pursuant to s. 967.04 (2) to (6). The name of the
22witness need not be divulged prior to the taking of such deposition. If the witness
23becomes unavailable or changes his or her testimony, the deposition shall be
24admissible at trial as substantive evidence.
AB721-ASA1, s. 18 25Section 18. 971.23 (6m) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
1971.23 (6m) (title) In camera proceedings.
AB721-ASA1, s. 19 2Section 19. 971.23 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB721-ASA1,7,83 971.23 (7) (title) Continuing duty to disclose; failure to comply. If,
4subsequent to compliance with a requirement of this section, and prior to or during
5trial, a party discovers additional material or the names of additional witnesses
6requested which are subject to discovery, inspection or production hereunder under
7this section
, the party shall promptly notify the other party of the existence of the
8additional material or names.
AB721-ASA1,7,12 9(7m) (a) The court shall exclude any witness not listed or evidence not
10presented for inspection or copying required by this section, unless good cause is
11shown for failure to comply. The court may in appropriate cases grant the opposing
12party a recess or a continuance.
AB721-ASA1, s. 20 13Section 20. 971.23 (7m) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
AB721-ASA1,7,1414 971.23 (7m) (title) Sanctions for failure to comply.
AB721-ASA1, s. 21 15Section 21. 971.23 (7m) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB721-ASA1,7,2016 971.23 (7m) (b) In addition to or in lieu of any sanction specified in par. (a), a
17court may, subject to sub. (3), advise the jury of any failure or refusal to disclose
18material or information required to be disclosed under sub. (1) or (2m), or of any
19untimely disclosure of material or information required to be disclosed under sub.
20(1) or (2m).
AB721-ASA1, s. 22 21Section 22. 971.23 (8) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB721-ASA1,8,822 971.23 (8) (a) If the defendant intends to rely upon an alibi as a defense, the
23defendant shall give notice to the district attorney at the arraignment or at least 15
2430 days before trial stating particularly the place where the defendant claims to have
25been when the crime is alleged to have been committed together with the names and

1addresses of witnesses to the alibi, if known. If at the close of the state's case the
2defendant withdraws the alibi or if at the close of the defendant's case the defendant
3does not call some or any of the alibi witnesses, the state shall not comment on the
4defendant's withdrawal or on the failure to call some or any of the alibi witnesses.
5The state shall not call any alibi witnesses not called by the defendant for the purpose
6of impeaching the defendant's credibility with regard to the alibi notice. Nothing in
7this section may prohibit the state from calling said alibi witnesses for any other
AB721-ASA1, s. 23 9Section 23. 971.23 (8) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB721-ASA1,8,1510 971.23 (8) (d) Within 10 15 days after receipt of the notice of alibi, or such other
11time as the court orders, the district attorney shall furnish the defendant notice in
12writing of the names and addresses, if known, of any witnesses whom the state
13proposes to offer in rebuttal to discredit the defendant's alibi. In default of such
14notice, no rebuttal evidence on the alibi issue shall be received unless the court, for
15cause, orders otherwise.
AB721-ASA1, s. 24 16Section 24. 971.23 (8) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
AB721-ASA1,8,2017 971.23 (8) (e) A witness list required under par. (a) or (d) shall be provided in
18addition to a witness list required under sub. (1) (d) or (2m) (a), and a witness
19disclosed on a list under sub. (1) (d) or (2m) (a) shall be included on a list under par.
20(a) or (d) if the witness is required to be disclosed under par. (a) or (d).
AB721-ASA1, s. 25 21Section 25. 971.23 (9) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB721-ASA1, s. 26 22Section 26. 971.23 (9) of the statutes is renumbered 971.23 (1) (bm) and
23amended to read:
AB721-ASA1,9,324 971.23 (1) (bm) Notwithstanding sub. (1), if the district attorney intends to use
Evidence obtained in the manner described under s. 968.31 (2) (b), if the

1district attorney shall notify the defendant of that intention not less than 30 days
2before trial. The district attorney shall permit the defendant to inspect, listen to or
3copy the evidence upon demand
intends to use the evidence at trial.
AB721-ASA1, s. 27 4Section 27. 971.24 (title) and (1) of the statutes are repealed.
AB721-ASA1, s. 28 5Section 28. 971.24 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 971.23 (6m) and amended
6to read:
AB721-ASA1,9,117 971.23 (6m) Either party may move for an in camera inspection by the court
8of the documents referred to in sub. (1) any document required to be disclosed under
9sub. (1) or (2m)
for the purpose of masking or deleting any material which is not
10relevant to the case being tried. The court shall mask or delete any irrelevant
AB721-ASA1, s. 29 12Section 29. 971.24 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 971.23 (1) (e) and
13amended to read:
AB721-ASA1,9,2514 971.23 (1) (e) Upon demand prior to trial or revocation hearing under s. 304.06
15(3) or 973.10 (2), the district attorney shall disclose to a defendant the existence of

16Any relevant written or recorded statements of a witness named on a list under par.
17(d), including
any videotaped oral statement of a child under s. 908.08 which is
18within the possession, custody or control of the state and shall make reasonable
19arrangements for the defendant and defense counsel to view the videotaped
20statement. If, subsequent to compliance with this subsection, the state obtains
21possession, custody or control of such a videotaped statement, the district attorney
22shall promptly notify the defendant of that fact and make reasonable arrangements
23for the defendant and defense counsel to view the videotaped statement
, any reports
24or statements of experts made in connection with the case or, if an expert does not
25prepare a report or statement, a written summary of the expert's findings or the

1subject matter of his or her testimony, and the results of any physical or mental
2examination, scientific test, experiment or comparison that the district attorney
3intends to offer in evidence at trial. This paragraph does not apply to reports subject
4to disclosure under s. 972.11 (5)
AB721-ASA1, s. 30 5Section 30. 971.25 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB721-ASA1, s. 31 6Section 31. 971.25 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 971.23 (1) (f) and amended
7to read:
AB721-ASA1,10,108 971.23 (1) (f) The district attorney shall disclose to the defendant, upon
9demand, the
criminal record of a prosecution witness which is known to the district
AB721-ASA1, s. 32 11Section 32. 971.25 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 971.23 (2m) (b) and
12amended to read:
AB721-ASA1,10,1513 971.23 (2m) (b) The defense attorney shall disclose to the district attorney, upon
14demand, the
criminal record of a defense witness, other than the defendant, which
15is known to the defense attorney.