SB274-SSA1,7,2421 i. If, in the reasonable medical judgment of the physician, the woman's unborn
22child has reached viability, that the physician who is to perform or induce the
23abortion is required to take all steps necessary under s. 940.15 to preserve and
24maintain the life and health of the child.
1j. Any other information that a reasonable patient would consider material and
2relevant to a decision of whether or not to carry a child to birth or to undergo an
SB274-SSA1,8,54 k. That the woman may withdraw her consent to have an abortion at any time
5before the abortion is performed or induced.
SB274-SSA1,8,86 L. That the woman is not required to pay any amount for performance or
7inducement of the abortion until at least 24 hours have elapsed after the
8requirements of this paragraph are met.
SB274-SSA1,8,129 2. At least 24 hours before the abortion is to be performed or induced, the
10physician who is to perform or induce the abortion, a qualified person assisting the
11physician or another qualified physician has, in person, orally informed the woman
12of all of the following:
SB274-SSA1,8,1413 a. That benefits under the medical assistance program may be available for
14prenatal care, childbirth and neonatal care.
SB274-SSA1,8,1615 b. That the father of the unborn child is liable for assistance in the support of
16the woman's child, if born, even if the father has offered to pay for the abortion.
SB274-SSA1,8,2017 c. That the woman has a legal right to continue her pregnancy and to keep the
18child, place the child in foster care, place the child with a relative for adoption or
19petition the court for placement of the child for adoption in the home of a person who
20is not a relative.
SB274-SSA1,9,221 d. That the woman has the right to receive and review the printed materials
22described in par. (d). The physician or qualified person assisting the physician shall
23physically give the materials to the woman and shall, in person, orally inform her
24that the materials are free of charge, have been provided by the state and describe

1the unborn child and list agencies that offer alternatives to abortion and shall
2provide her with the current updated copies of the printed materials free of charge.
SB274-SSA1,9,73 e. If the woman has received a diagnosis of disability for her unborn child, that
4the printed materials described in par. (d) contain information on community-based
5services and financial assistance programs for children with disabilities and their
6families, information on support groups for people with disabilities and parents of
7children with disabilities and information on adoption of children with special needs.
SB274-SSA1,9,128 f. If the woman asserts that her pregnancy is the result of sexual assault or
9incest, that the printed materials described in par. (d) contain information on
10counseling services and support groups for victims of sexual assault and incest and
11legal protections available to the woman and her child if she wishes to oppose
12establishment of paternity or to terminate the father's parental rights.
SB274-SSA1,9,1813 3. The information that is required under subds. 1. and 2. is provided to the
14woman in an individual setting that protects her privacy, maintains the
15confidentiality of her decision and ensures that the information she receives focuses
16on her individual circumstances. This subdivision may not be construed to prevent
17the woman from having a family member, or any other person of her choice, present
18during her private counseling.
SB274-SSA1,9,2319 4. Whoever provides the information that is required under subd. 1. or 2., or
20both, provides adequate opportunity for the woman to ask questions, including
21questions concerning the pregnancy, her unborn child, abortion, foster care and
22adoption, and provides the information that is requested or indicates to the woman
23where she can obtain the information.
SB274-SSA1,9,2524 5. The woman certifies in writing on a form that the department shall provide,
25prior to performance or inducement of the abortion, that the information that is

1required under each subdivision paragraph of subds. 1. and 2. has been provided to
2her in the manner specified in subd. 3., that she has been offered the information
3described in par. (d) and that all of her questions, as specified under subd. 4., have
4been answered in a satisfactory manner. The physician who is to perform or induce
5the abortion or the qualified person assisting the physician shall write on the
6certification form the name of the physician who is to perform or induce the abortion.
7The woman shall indicate on the certification form who provided the information to
8her and when it was provided.
SB274-SSA1,10,149 6. Prior to the performance or the inducement of the abortion, the physician
10who is to perform or induce the abortion or the qualified person assisting the
11physician receives the written certification that is required under subd. 5. The
12physician or qualified person assisting the physician shall place the certification in
13the woman's medical record and shall provide the woman with a copy of the
SB274-SSA1,10,2115 7. If the woman considering an abortion is a minor, unless s. 48.375 (4) (a) 2.
16applies, the requirements to provide information to the woman under subds. 1. to 6.
17apply to also require provision of the information to the individual whose consent is
18also required under s. 48.375 (4) (a) 1. If the woman considering an abortion has been
19adjudicated incompetent under ch. 880, the requirements to provide information to
20the woman under subds. 1. to 6. apply to also require provision of the information to
21the person appointed as the woman's guardian.
SB274-SSA1,11,322 (cm) List upon request. Upon request of the woman receiving information
23under par. (c), the physician who is to perform or induce the abortion, a qualified
24person assisting the physician or another qualified physician shall provide the
25woman with the list distributed under s. 46.245 (2) by a county department. The list

1shall specify public and private agencies and services that are available to provide
2the woman with birth control information, including natural family planning
SB274-SSA1,11,144 (d) Printed information. By the date that is 60 days after the effective date of
5this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], the department shall cause to be published
6in English, Spanish, and other languages spoken by a significant number of state
7residents, as determined by the department, materials that are in an easily
8comprehensible format and are printed in type of not less than 12-point size. The
9department shall distribute a reasonably adequate number of the materials to
10county departments as specified under s. 46.245 (1) and upon request, annually
11review the materials for accuracy and exercise reasonable diligence in providing
12materials that are accurate and current. The department may charge a fee not to
13exceed the actual cost of the preparation and distribution of the materials. The
14materials shall be all of the following:
SB274-SSA1,12,2115 1. Geographically indexed materials that are designed to inform a woman
16about public and private agencies, including adoption agencies, and services that are
17available to provide ultrasound imaging services, to assist her if she has received a
18diagnosis that her unborn child has a disability or if her pregnancy is the result of
19sexual assault or incest and to assist her through pregnancy, upon childbirth and
20while the child is dependent. The materials shall include a comprehensive list of the
21agencies available, a description of the services that they offer and a description of
22the manner in which they may be contacted, including telephone numbers and
23addresses, or, at the option of the department, the materials shall include a toll-free,
2424-hour telephone number that may be called to obtain an oral listing of available
25agencies and services in the locality of the caller and a description of the services that

1the agencies offer and the manner in which they may be contacted. The materials
2shall provide information on the availability of governmentally funded programs
3that serve pregnant women and children. Services identified for the woman shall
4include aid to families with dependent children under s. 49.19, medical assistance
5for pregnant women and children under s. 49.47 (4) (am), the job opportunities and
6basic skills program under s. 49.193, the availability of family or medical leave under
7s. 103.10, child care services, child support laws and programs and the credit for
8expenses for household and dependent care and services necessary for gainful
9employment under section 21 of the internal revenue code. The materials shall state
10that it is unlawful for any person to coerce a woman to undergo an abortion, that any
11physician who performs or induces an abortion without obtaining the woman's
12voluntary and informed consent is liable to her for damages in a civil action and is
13subject to a civil penalty, that the father of a child is liable for assistance in the
14support of the child, even in instances in which the father has offered to pay for an
15abortion, and that adoptive parents may pay the costs of prenatal care, childbirth
16and neonatal care. The materials shall include information, for a woman whose
17pregnancy is the result of sexual assault or incest, on legal protections available to
18the woman and her child if she wishes to oppose establishment of paternity or to
19terminate the father's parental rights. The materials shall state that the state of
20Wisconsin encourages the woman to view an ultrasonic image and hear or view the
21heartbeat of her unborn child before she decides to have an abortion.
SB274-SSA1,13,1322 2. Materials, including photographs, pictures or drawings, that are designed
23to inform the woman of the probable anatomical and physiological characteristics of
24the unborn child at 2-week gestational increments for the first 16 weeks of her
25pregnancy and at 4-week gestational increments from the 17th week of the

1pregnancy to full term, including any relevant information regarding the time at
2which the unborn child could possibly be viable. The pictures or drawings must
3contain the dimensions of the unborn child and must be realistic and appropriate for
4the stage of pregnancy depicted. The materials shall be objective, nonjudgmental
5and designed to convey only accurate scientific information about the unborn child
6at the various gestational ages, including appearance, mobility, brain and heart
7activity and function, tactile sensitivity and the presence of internal organs and
8external members. The materials shall also contain objective, accurate information
9describing the methods of abortion procedures commonly employed, the medical and
10psychological risks commonly associated with each such procedure, including the
11risks of infection, psychological trauma, hemorrhage, endometriosis, perforated
12uterus, incomplete abortion, failed abortion, danger to subsequent pregnancies and
13infertility, and the medical risks commonly associated with carrying a child to birth.
SB274-SSA1,13,1514 3. A certification form for use under par. (c) 5. that lists, in a check-off format,
15all of the information required to be provided under that subdivision.
SB274-SSA1,13,2116 (e) Requirement to obtain materials. A physician who intends to perform or
17induce an abortion or another qualified physician, who reasonably believes that he
18or she might have a patient for whom the information under par. (d) is required to
19be given, shall request a reasonably adequate number of the materials that are
20described under par. (d) from the department under par. (d) or from a county
21department as specified under s. 46.245 (1).
SB274-SSA1,14,622 (f) Medical emergency. If a medical emergency exists, the physician who is to
23perform or induce the abortion necessitated by the medical emergency shall inform
24the woman, prior to the abortion if possible, of the medical indications supporting the
25physician's reasonable medical judgment that an immediate abortion is necessary

1to avert her death or that a 24-hour delay in performance or inducement of an
2abortion will create a serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of one
3or more of the woman's major bodily functions. If possible, the physician shall obtain
4the woman's written consent prior to the abortion. The physician shall certify these
5medical indications in writing and place the certification in the woman's medical
SB274-SSA1,14,147 (g) Presumptions. Satisfaction of the conditions required under par. (c) creates
8a rebuttable presumption that the woman's consent and, if the woman is a minor and
9if s. 48.375 (4) (a) 2. does not apply, the consent of the individual who also gives
10consent under s. 48.375 (4) (a) 1. to an abortion is informed. The presumption of
11informed consent may be overcome by a preponderance of evidence that establishes
12that the consent was obtained through fraud, negligence, deception,
13misrepresentation or omission of a material fact. There is no presumption that
14consent to an abortion is voluntary.
SB274-SSA1,14,16 15(4) Hotline. The department may maintain a toll-free telephone number that
16is available 24 hours each day, to provide the materials specified in sub. (3) (d) 1.
SB274-SSA1,14,18 17(5) Penalty. Any person who violates sub. (3) shall be required to forfeit not
18less than $5,000 nor more than $10,000.
SB274-SSA1,14,22 19(6) Civil remedies. (a) A person who violates sub. (3) is liable to the woman
20on or for whom the abortion was performed or induced for damages arising out of the
21performance or inducement of the abortion, including damages for personal injury
22and emotional and psychological distress.
SB274-SSA1,15,223 (b) A person who has been awarded damages under par. (a) shall, in addition
24to any damages awarded under par. (a), be entitled to not less than $5,000 nor more

1than $10,000 in punitive damages for a violation that satisfies a standard under s.
2895.85 (3).
SB274-SSA1,15,43 (c) A conviction under sub. (5) is not a condition precedent to bringing an action,
4obtaining a judgment or collecting the judgment under this subsection.
SB274-SSA1,15,75 (d) Notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), a person who recovers damages under par.
6(a) or (b) may also recover reasonable attorney fees incurred in connection with the
SB274-SSA1,15,88 (e) A contract is not a defense to an action under this subsection.
SB274-SSA1,15,109 (f) Nothing in this subsection limits the common law rights of a person that are
10not in conflict with sub. (3).
SB274-SSA1,15,18 11(7) Affirmative defense. No person is liable under sub. (5) or (6) or under s.
12441.07 (1) (f) or 457.26 (2) (gm) for failure under sub. (3) (c) 2. d. to provide the printed
13materials described in sub. (3) (d) to a woman or for failure under sub. (3) (c) 2. d.,
14e. or f. to describe the contents of the printed materials if the person has made a
15reasonably diligent effort to obtain the printed materials under sub. (3) (e) and s.
1646.245 (1) and the department and the county department under s. 46.215, 46.22 or
1746.23 have not made the printed materials available at the time that the person is
18required to give them to the woman.
SB274-SSA1,16,2 19(8) Confidentiality. (a) Notwithstanding ss. 801.09 (1), 801.095, 802.04 (1)
20and 815.05 (intro.), in an action brought under sub. (5) or (6), the plaintiff may
21substitute her initials, or fictitious initials, and her age and county of residence for
22her name and address on the summons and complaint. The plaintiff's attorney shall
23supply the court with the name and other necessary identifying information of the
24plaintiff. The court shall maintain the name and other identifying information, and

1supply the information to other parties to the action, in a manner that reasonably
2protects the information from being disclosed to the public.
SB274-SSA1,16,73 (b) Upon motion by the plaintiff, and for good cause shown, or upon its own
4motion, the court may make any order that justice requires to protect a plaintiff who
5is using initials in an action under sub. (5) or (6) from annoyance, embarrassment,
6oppression or undue burden that would arise if any information identifying the
7plaintiff were made public.
SB274-SSA1,16,10 8(9) Construction. Nothing in this section may be construed as creating or
9recognizing a right to abortion or as making lawful an abortion that is otherwise
SB274-SSA1, s. 5 11Section 5. 441.07 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB274-SSA1,16,1212 441.07 (1) (f) Violated the requirements of s. 253.10 (3) (c) 2., 3., 4., 5., 6. or 7.
SB274-SSA1, s. 6 13Section 6. 441.07 (1r) of the statutes is created to read:
SB274-SSA1,16,2214 441.07 (1r) (a) In a hearing brought to determine if a violation of sub. (1) (f) has
15occurred, the person who files the informal complaint may substitute her initials, or
16fictitious initials, and her age and county of residence for her name and address to
17the extent that her name and address may appear on any pleading, notice, order or
18other paper filed in the disciplinary proceeding. The attorney of the person who files
19the informal complaint shall supply the board with the name and other necessary
20identifying information of the person. The board shall maintain the name and other
21identifying information, and supply the information to parties to the hearing, in a
22manner that reasonably protects the information from being disclosed to the public.
SB274-SSA1,17,323 (b) Upon request by the person who files the informal complaint, and for good
24cause shown, or upon its own motion, the board may make any order that justice
25requires to protect a person who files the informal complaint, who is using initials

1in a hearing brought to determine if a violation of sub. (1) (f) has occurred, from
2annoyance, embarrassment, oppression or undue burden that would arise if any
3information identifying the person were made public.
SB274-SSA1, s. 7 4Section 7. 448.02 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB274-SSA1,17,245 448.02 (3) (a) The board shall investigate allegations of unprofessional conduct
6and negligence in treatment by persons holding a license, certificate or limited
7permit granted by the board. An allegation that a physician has violated s. 253.10
448.30 or 450.13 (2) or has failed to mail or present a medical certification
9required under s. 69.18 (2) within 21 days after the pronouncement of death of the
10person who is the subject of the required certificate or that a physician has failed at
11least 6 times within a 6-month period to mail or present a medical certificate
12required under s. 69.18 (2) within 6 days after the pronouncement of death of the
13person who is the subject of the required certificate is an allegation of unprofessional
14conduct. Information contained in reports filed with the board under s. 49.45 (2) (a)
1512r., 50.36 (3) (b), 609.17 or 632.715 or under 42 CFR 1001.109 (e) and 42 CFR
(a) (3) and (b) shall be investigated by the board. Information contained
17in a report filed with the board under s. 655.045 (1), as created by 1985 Wisconsin
18Act 29
, which is not a finding of negligence or in a report filed with the board under
19s. 50.36 (3) (c) may, within the discretion of the board, be used as the basis of an
20investigation of the persons named in the reports. The board may require a person
21holding a license, certificate or limited permit to undergo and may consider the
22results of one or more physical, mental or professional competency examinations if
23the board believes that the results of any such examinations may be useful to the
24board in conducting its investigation.
SB274-SSA1, s. 8 25Section 8. 448.02 (3) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
1448.02 (3) (bm) 1. In a hearing brought to determine if a violation of s. 253.10
2(3) has occurred, the person who files the informal complaint may substitute her
3initials, or fictitious initials, and her age and county of residence for her name and
4address to the extent that her name and address may appear on any pleading, notice,
5order or other paper filed in the disciplinary proceeding. The attorney of the person
6who files the informal complaint shall supply the board with the name and other
7necessary identifying information of the person. The board shall maintain the name
8and other identifying information, and supply the information to parties to the
9hearing, in a manner that reasonably protects the information from being disclosed
10to the public.
SB274-SSA1,18,1611 2. Upon request by the person who files the informal complaint, and for good
12cause shown, or upon its own motion, the board may issue any order that justice
13requires to protect a person who files the informal complaint, who is using initials
14in a hearing brought to determine if a violation of s. 253.10 (3) has occurred, from
15annoyance, embarrassment, oppression or undue burden that would arise if any
16information identifying the person were made public.
SB274-SSA1, s. 9 17Section 9. 457.26 (2) (gm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB274-SSA1,18,1918 457.26 (2) (gm) Violated the requirements of s. 253.10 (3) (c) 2., 3., 4., 5., 6. or
SB274-SSA1, s. 10 20Section 10. 457.26 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB274-SSA1,19,521 457.26 (2m) (a) In a hearing brought to determine if a violation of sub. (2) (gm)
22has occurred, the person who files the informal complaint may substitute her initials,
23or fictitious initials, and her age and county of residence for her name and address,
24to the extent that her name and address may appear on any pleading, notice, order
25or other paper filed in the disciplinary proceedings. The attorney of the person who

1files the informal complaint shall supply the social worker section of the examining
2board with the name and other necessary identifying information of the person. The
3social worker section of the examining board shall maintain the name and other
4identifying information, and supply the information to parties to the hearing, in a
5manner that reasonably protects the information from being disclosed to the public.
SB274-SSA1,19,126 (b) Upon request by the person who files the informal complaint, and for good
7cause shown, or upon its own motion, the social worker section of the examining
8board may issue any order that justice requires to protect a person who files the
9informal complaint, who is using initials in a hearing brought to determine if a
10violation of sub. (2) (gm) has occurred, from annoyance, embarrassment, oppression
11or undue burden that would arise if any information identifying the person were
12made public.
SB274-SSA1, s. 11 13Section 11. 893.55 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB274-SSA1,19,2314 893.55 (3m) (a) Notwithstanding ss. 801.09 (1), 801.095, 802.04 (1) and 815.05
15(intro.), in an action brought under this section resulting from a violation of s. 253.10
16(3) or in an action to recover damages for injury that arises from the performance or
17inducement of an abortion, the plaintiff may substitute her initials, or fictitious
18initials, and her age and county of residence for her name and address on the
19summons and complaint. The plaintiff's attorney shall supply the court with the
20name and other necessary identifying information of the plaintiff. The court shall
21maintain the name and other identifying information, and supply the information
22to other parties to the action, in a manner that reasonably protects the information
23from being disclosed to the public.
SB274-SSA1,20,524 (b) Upon motion by the plaintiff, and for good cause shown, or upon its own
25motion, the court may make any order that justice requires to protect a plaintiff who

1is using initials in an action under this section resulting from a violation of s. 253.10
2(3) or in an action to recover damages for injury that arises from the performance or
3inducement of an abortion from annoyance, embarrassment, oppression or undue
4burden that would arise if any information identifying the plaintiff were made