SB324-SSA1, s. 3 8Section 3. 234.265 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB324-SSA1,2,169 234.265 (2) Records or portions of records consisting of personal or financial
10information provided by a person seeking a grant or loan under s. 234.08, 234.49,
11234.59, 234.65, 234.67, 234.68, 234.69, 234.70, 234.765, 234.82, 234.83, 234.84,
12234.87, 234.90, 234.905 or 234.907, seeking a loan under ss. 234.621 to 234.626,
13seeking financial assistance under s. 234.66 or under ss. 234.75 to 234.802, seeking
14investment of funds under s. 234.03 (18m) or in which the authority has invested
15funds under s. 234.03 (18m), unless the person consents to disclosure of the
SB324-SSA1, s. 4 17Section 4. 234.84 of the statutes is created to read:
SB324-SSA1,2,19 18234.84 Job training loan guarantee program. (1) Definition. In this
19section, "department" means the department of development.
SB324-SSA1,2,22 20(2) Guarantee requirements. The authority may use money from the
21Wisconsin job training reserve fund to guarantee a loan under this section if, at the
22time application is made for the loan, all of the following apply:
SB324-SSA1,2,2423 (a) The borrower is an employer in this state, regardless of the number of
SB324-SSA1,2,2525 (b) The loan qualifies as an eligible loan under sub. (3).
1(c) The lender is a financial institution that enters into an agreement under s.
2234.932 (3) (a).
SB324-SSA1,3,4 3(3) Eligible loans. A loan is eligible for guarantee of collection from the
4Wisconsin job training reserve fund under s. 234.932 if all of the following apply:
SB324-SSA1,3,75 (a) The borrower certifies that it will use the loan proceeds for expenses related
6to employe training or retraining or for purchasing equipment or upgrading facilities
7for purposes related to employe training or retraining.
SB324-SSA1,3,98 (b) The borrower certifies that loan proceeds will not be used to refinance
9existing debt or for operating or entertainment expenses.
SB324-SSA1,3,1110 (c) The interest rate on the loan, including any origination fees or other charges,
11is approved by the department.
SB324-SSA1,3,1512 (d) The original loan term does not extend beyond 3 years if the loan proceeds
13are used exclusively for expenses related to instruction or training, or beyond 5 years
14if the loan proceeds are used for purchasing equipment or upgrading facilities that
15will be used for instructing or training employes.
SB324-SSA1,3,1716 (e) The total outstanding principal amount of all loans to the borrower that are
17guaranteed under this section does not exceed $250,000.
SB324-SSA1,3,2018 (f) The lender obtains a security interest in the physical plant, equipment or
19other assets if the loan proceeds are to be used for purchasing equipment or
20upgrading facilities that will be used for instructing or training employes.
SB324-SSA1,3,2221 (g) The lender confirms that the borrower satisfies all applicable loan
22underwriting criteria.
SB324-SSA1,4,4 23(4) Guarantee of collection. (a) Subject to par. (b), the authority shall
24guarantee collection of a percentage of the principal of, and all interest and any other
25amounts outstanding on, any loan eligible for a guarantee under sub. (2). The

1department shall establish the percentage of the principal of an eligible loan that will
2be guaranteed, using the procedures described in the agreement under s. 234.932 (3)
3(a). The department may establish a single percentage for all guaranteed loans or
4establish different percentages for eligible loans on an individual basis.
SB324-SSA1,4,75 (b) Except as provided in s. 234.932 (4), the total outstanding guaranteed
6principal amount of all loans that the authority may guarantee under par. (a) may
7not exceed $9,333,300.
SB324-SSA1,4,17 8(5) Administration. (a) The program under this section shall be administered
9by the department with the cooperation of the authority. The department shall enter
10into a memorandum of understanding with the authority setting forth the respective
11responsibilities of the department and the authority with regard to the
12administration of the program, including the functions and responsibilities specified
13in s. 234.932. The memorandum of understanding shall provide for reimbursement
14to the department by the authority for costs incurred by the department in the
15administration of the program. The department shall deposit all moneys received
16in reimbursement of its administrative costs in the appropriation account under s.
1720.143 (1) (g).
SB324-SSA1,4,2118 (b) The department may charge a premium, fee or other charge to a borrower
19of a guaranteed loan under this section for the administration of the loan guarantee.
20The department shall deposit all moneys received under this paragraph in the
21appropriation account under s. 20.143 (1) (g).
SB324-SSA1, s. 5 22Section 5. 234.932 of the statutes is created to read:
SB324-SSA1,4,24 23234.932 Wisconsin job training reserve fund. (1) Definition. In this
24section, "department" means the department of development.
1(2)Establishment of fund. There is established under the jurisdiction and
2control of the authority, for the purpose of providing funds for guaranteeing loans
3under s. 234.84, a Wisconsin job training reserve fund, consisting of all of the
SB324-SSA1,5,75 (a) Moneys appropriated to the authority under s. 20.490 (6) (a) and (k) or
6received by the authority for the Wisconsin job training reserve fund from any other
SB324-SSA1,5,98 (b) Any income from investment of money in the Wisconsin job training reserve
9fund by the authority under s. 234.03 (18).
SB324-SSA1,5,15 10(3) Program administration. (a) The authority or department shall enter into
11a guarantee agreement with any bank, production credit association, credit union,
12savings bank, savings and loan association or other person who wishes to participate
13in the loan program guaranteed by the Wisconsin job training reserve fund. The
14authority or department may determine all of the following, consistent with the
15terms of the loan guarantee program:
SB324-SSA1,5,1616 1. The form of the agreement.
SB324-SSA1,5,1817 2. Any conditions upon which the authority or department may refuse to enter
18into such an agreement.
SB324-SSA1,5,2019 3. Any procedures required to carry out the agreement, including default
20procedures and procedures for determining the guaranteed percentage of each loan.
SB324-SSA1,5,2421 (b) The authority may not use any moneys other than those in the Wisconsin
22job training reserve fund for the job training loan guarantee program, and may not
23use moneys in the Wisconsin job training reserve fund for any programs other than
24the job training loan guarantee program.
1(c) The authority or department may establish an eligibility criteria review
2panel, consisting of experts in finance and in the subject area of the job training loan
3guarantee program, to provide advice about lending requirements and issues related
4to the job training loan guarantee program.
SB324-SSA1,6,15 5(4) Increases or decreases in loan guarantees. The authority or department
6may request the joint committee on finance to take action under s. 13.10 to permit
7the authority to increase or decrease the total outstanding guaranteed principal
8amount of loans that it may guarantee under the job training loan guarantee
9program. Included with its request, the authority or department shall provide a
10projection, for the next June 30, that compares the amounts required on that date
11to pay outstanding claims and to fund guarantees under the job training loan
12guarantee program, and the balance remaining in the Wisconsin job training reserve
13fund on that date after deducting such amounts, if the increase or decrease is
14approved, with such amounts and the balance remaining, if the increase or decrease
15is not approved.
SB324-SSA1,6,22 16(5) Annual report. On or before November 1 annually, the authority or
17department shall submit to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for
18distribution under s. 13.172 (2) and to the joint committee on finance an annual
19report on the number and total dollar amount of guaranteed loans under the job
20training loan guarantee program, the default rate on the loans and any other
21information on the program that the authority or department determines is
SB324-SSA1,6,25 23(6) Moral obligation. Recognizing its moral obligation, the legislature
24expresses its expectation that, if called upon to do so, it shall make an appropriation
25to meet all demands for funds guaranteed by the Wisconsin job training reserve fund.
SB324-SSA1, s. 6
1Section 6. 600.01 (1) (b) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB324-SSA1,7,42 600.01 (1) (b) 8. Guarantees of the Wisconsin housing and economic
3development authority under ss. 234.67, 234.68, 234.69, 234.765, 234.82, 234.83,
4234.84, 234.87, 234.90, 234.905 and 234.907.
SB324-SSA1, s. 7 5Section 7 . Appropriation changes.
SB324-SSA1,7,6 6(1)   Transfer from department of commerce appropriations.
SB324-SSA1,7,18 7(a)  Notwithstanding section 20.001 (3) (a), (b) and (c) of the statutes and
8subject to the approval of the joint committee on finance under paragraph (c), if the
9amount that was encumbered before July 1, 1995, under the appropriation under
10section 20.143 (1) (c) of the statutes and that will lapse to the general fund after July
111, 1995, and before July 1, 1997, because the moneys are unexpended and no longer
12needed for the purposes for which they were encumbered is less than $2,000,000, on
13June 30, 1997, the secretary of administration shall transfer to the appropriation
14account under section 20.490 (6) (k) of the statutes, as created by this act, from one
15or more appropriations made to the department of commerce, the difference between
16that amount and $2,000,000. The department of commerce shall indicate its
17preference for allocation among its appropriations of the amount to be transferred
18in the plan to be submitted to the joint committee on finance under paragraph (c).
SB324-SSA1,7,24 19(b)  If the department desires to include in its allocation preference plan
20moneys from program revenue or program revenue-service appropriations in excess
21of the amounts appropriated under those appropriations, the department shall
22transfer all or a portion of the unappropriated balance in each such appropriation
23account that it desires to include in its allocation preference plan to the appropriation
24account under section 20.143 (4) (kd) of the statutes, as created by this act.
1(c)  If paragraph (a) applies, before June 30, 1997, the department of commerce
2shall submit to the joint committee on finance for review and approval a plan
3identifying the department's preference for allocation among its appropriations of
4the amount to be transferred under paragraph (a) . If the cochairpersons of the
5committee do not notify the department that the committee has scheduled a meeting
6for the purpose of reviewing the proposed plan within 14 working days after the date
7of the department's submittal, the secretary of administration may transfer the
8amount under paragraph (a) in conformance with the department's plan. If within
914 working days after the date of the department's submittal the cochairpersons of
10the committee notify the department that the committee has scheduled a meeting for
11the purpose of reviewing the proposed plan, the secretary of administration may not
12transfer the amount under paragraph (a) in conformance with the plan until it is
13approved by the committee, as submitted or as modified.
SB324-SSA1, s. 8 14Section 8. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after
15publication, except as follows:
SB324-SSA1,8,18 16(1) Transfer from department of commerce appropriations. The treatment of
17sections 20.143 (4) (kd) and 20.490 (6) (k) of the statutes and Section 7 of this act
18take effect on July 1, 1996.