March 19, 1996 - Offered by Committee on Environment and Energy.
SB614-SA5,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
SB614-SA5,1,2 21. Page 8, line 25: delete that line and substitute:
SB614-SA5,1,3 3" Section 13b. 66.898 (4) (a) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:".
SB614-SA5,1,4 42. Page 9, line 3: on lines 3 and 4, delete the stricken material.
SB614-SA5,1,5 53. Page 9, line 7: delete lines 7 to 13 and substitute:
SB614-SA5,1,6 6" Section 14b. 66.898 (4) (b) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB614-SA5,1,117 66.898 (4) (b) The charges assessed under this subsection shall be proposed by
8the commission in accordance with s. 66.91 (5) and shall be established by the public
9service commission. In computing the schedule of charges under this subsection, the
10public service commission may consider the factors specified in s. 66.91 (5). In
11computing the schedule of charges under this subsection, the public service".
SB614-SA5,1,12 124. Page 10, line 12: delete "ch." and substitute "chs. 184 and".
SB614-SA5,1,14 135. Page 10, line 17: delete "User" and substitute "User Revenue requirements
14used to calculate user
SB614-SA5,1,15 156. Page 10, line 21: on lines 21 and 22, delete the underscored material.
17. Page 11, line 1: after the underscored period insert: "In proposing user and
2service charges under this subsection, the commission shall first determine the
3revenue required by the district and shall propose user and service charges expected
4to generate that amount of revenue.
SB614-SA5,2,5 58. Page 13, line 22: after that line insert:
SB614-SA5,2,6 6" Section 33g. 184.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SA5,2,247 184.01 (2) "Public service corporation" means and embraces every corporation,
8except municipalities and other political subdivisions that are not regulated districts
9under s. 196.01 (6m)
, which is a public utility or regulated district as defined in s.
10196.01, and every corporation which is a railroad as defined in s. 195.02, but shall
11not include a public utility corporation receiving an annual gross revenue of less than
12$1,000 for the calendar year next preceding the issuance of any securities by it.
13"Public service corporation" includes a holding company, as defined under s. 196.795
14(1) (h), which is a public utility, as defined under s. 196.01 (5). "Public service
15corporation" does not include a telecommunications utility, as defined in s. 196.01
16(10). "Public service corporation" does not include any other holding company unless
17the holding company was formed after November 28, 1985, and unless the
18commission has determined, under s. 196.795 (7) (a), that each nonutility affiliate,
19as defined under s. 196.795 (1) (j), does not and cannot reasonably be expected to do
20at least one of the items specified in s. 196.795 (7) (a). "Public service corporation"
21does not include a company, as defined in s. 196.795 (1) (f), which owns, operates,
22manages or controls a telecommunications utility, as defined in s. 196.01 (10), unless
23such company also owns, operates, manages or controls a public utility which is not
24a telecommunications utility.
SB614-SA5, s. 33r
1Section 33r. 184.03 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB614-SA5,3,42 184.03 (1m) A public service corporation that is a regulated district under s.
3196.01 (6m) may not issue any security that confers any ownership interest in the
4public service corporation.".
SB614-SA5,3,5 59. Page 21, line 20: after that line insert:
SB614-SA5,3,6 6" Section 53m. 196.09 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB614-SA5,3,107 196.09 (7) (b) Be subject to the same restrictions and regulations in its
8accounting for the entire amount to be credited to the depreciation reserve as are
9applicable to other public utilities which account for depreciation by other methods
10under this section.".
SB614-SA5,3,12 1110. Page 40, line 21: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
12with page 41, line 2.
SB614-SA5,3,14 1311. Page 51, line 1: on lines 1 and 2, delete "196.20 and 196.39" and substitute
14"196.03, 196.20 and 196.37".
SB614-SA5,3,17 1512. Page 51, line 21: on lines 21 and 22, delete "No later than June 30, 1998"
16and substitute: "No later than 6 months after the public service commission
17completes its review of the initial filing of the schedule under subsection (1) (b)".
SB614-SA5,3,19 1813. Page 52, line 3: delete "Milwaukee County residents" and substitute
19"customers of the district who are residents of Milwaukee County".
SB614-SA5,3,20 2014. Page 52, line 5: after that line insert:
SB614-SA5,4,2 21"(6)Project position authorization. The authorized FTE positions for the
22public service commission are increased by 1.0 PR project position to support the
23public service commission's regulatory responsibilities associated with regulated
24districts, as defined under section 196.01 (6m) of the statutes, as created by this act,

1for the period beginning on July 1, 1996, and ending on June 30, 1998, to be funded
2from the appropriation under section 20.155 (1) (g) of the statutes.
SB614-SA5, s. 145m 3Section 145m. Appropriation changes.
SB614-SA5,4,11 4(1) Permanent position authorizations and funding. In the schedule under
5section 20.005 (3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the public service
6commission under section 20.155 (1) (g) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 1995,
7the dollar amount is increased by $230,100 for fiscal year 1996-97 to increase the
8authorized FTE positions for the public service commission by 5.0 PR positions to
9support the public service commission's regulatory responsibilities associated with
10regulated districts, as defined under section 196.01 (6m) of the statutes, as created
11by this act.
SB614-SA5,4,16 12(2) Project position funding. In the schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the
13statutes for the appropriation to the public service commission under section 20.155
14(1) (g) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 1995, the dollar amount is increased
15by $43,400 for fiscal year 1996-97 to fund 1.0 PR project position authorized under
16Section 145 (6) of this act.
SB614-SA5,4,22 17(3)Regulation of regulated districts. In the schedule under section 20.005
18(3) of the statutes for the appropriation to the public service commission under
19section 20.155 (1) (g) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 1995, the dollar amount
20is increased by $214,800 for fiscal year 1996-97 for the purpose of performing the
21public service commission's regulatory responsibilities associated with regulated
22districts, as defined under section 196.01 (6m) of the statutes, as created by this act.".