SB2-SSA1, s. 13 4Section 13. 17.26 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,6,65 17.26 (2) In a 1st class city school district operating under subch. I of ch. 119,
6by special election as provided under s. 119.08 (4).
SB2-SSA1, s. 14 7Section 14. 17.27 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB2-SSA1,6,108 17.27 (3m) Milwaukee Public Schools governing commission. A vacancy in
9the membership of the Milwaukee Public Schools governing commission shall be
10filled by the appointing authority.
SB2-SSA1, s. 15 11Section 15. 20.255 (2) (ac) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,6,1813 20.255 (2) (ac) General equalization aids. A sum sufficient for the payment of
14educational aids under ss. 121.08, 121.09 and 121.105 and subch. VI of ch. 121 equal
15to $3,318,488,800 in the 1997-98 fiscal year, equal to $3,485,173,800 in the 1998-99
16fiscal year
and equal to the amount determined by the joint committee on finance
17under s. 121.15 (3m) (c) in each fiscal year thereafter, less the amount appropriated
18under par. (bi).
SB2-SSA1, s. 16 19Section 16. 20.255 (2) (ec) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,7,521 20.255 (2) (ec) Aid to Milwaukee public schools. The amounts in the schedule
22to correct the academic deficiencies of educationally and economically
23disadvantaged pupils, to create after-school educational, recreational and health
and to achieve a more effective and responsive educational program in the
25school district operating under ch. 119. In the 1993-94 fiscal year and in each fiscal

1year thereafter, the amount in the schedule shall be distributed according to the
2spending plan under s. 119.80. The department of public instruction may not
3distribute any funds in the appropriation under this paragraph in the 1993-94 fiscal
4year or in any fiscal year thereafter until the spending plan for that fiscal year has
5been approved under s. 119.80.
SB2-SSA1, s. 17 6Section 17. 20.255 (2) (ed) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,7,117 20.255 (2) (ed) (title) Youth service centers, truancy Truancy abatement and
8burglary suppression.
The amounts in the schedule for youth service centers,
9truancy abatement and burglary suppression under 1993 Wisconsin Act 16, section
109145 (1t) (b)
s. 119.55 (3). No moneys may be encumbered under this paragraph after
11June 30, 1996 2000.
SB2-SSA1, s. 18 12Section 18. 20.255 (2) (fs) of the statutes is created to read:
SB2-SSA1,7,1513 20.255 (2) (fs) Summer school; 1st class city school districts. A sum sufficient
14to pay 50% of the costs of summer school in the school district operating under ch.
15119, as provided in s. 119.83.
SB2-SSA1, s. 19 16Section 19. 111.70 (4) (cm) 2m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB2-SSA1,7,2417 111.70 (4) (cm) 2m. `Open meetings.' The contract negotiation meetings
18between a board of school directors under ch. 119 and a labor organization recognized
19or certified to represent school district professional employes shall be open to the
20public at the request of either party or the parties jointly. This subdivision shall
21apply only to contract negotiation meetings that are conducted after the presentation
22of initial collective bargaining proposals under subd. 2. but before the
23commencement of mediation under subd. 3. Failure to comply with this subdivision
24is not cause to invalidate a collective bargaining agreement under this subchapter.
SB2-SSA1, s. 20
1Section 20. 111.70 (4) (m) (intro.), 1., 2. and 4. of the statutes are repealed and
2recreated to read:
SB2-SSA1,8,43 111.70 (4) (m) Prohibited subjects of bargaining. (intro.) In a school district,
4the municipal employer is prohibited from bargaining collectively with respect to:
SB2-SSA1,8,105 1. Reassignment of municipal employes who perform services for a board of
6school directors under ch. 119, with or without regard to seniority, as a result of a
7decision of the board of school directors to contract with an individual or group to
8operate a school as a charter school, as defined in s. 115.001 (1), or to convert a school
9to a charter school, or the impact of any such reassignment on the wages, hours or
10conditions of employment of the municipal employes who perform those services.
SB2-SSA1,8,1511 2. Reassignment of municipal employes who perform services for a board of
12school directors, with or without regard to seniority, as a result of the decision of the
13board to reorganize a school under s. 119.18 (23), or the impact of any such
14reassignment on the wages, hours or conditions of employment of the municipal
15employes who perform those services.
SB2-SSA1,8,1916 4. Any decision of a board of school directors to contract with a school or agency
17to provide educational programs under s. 119.235, or the impact of any such decision
18on the wages, hours or conditions of employment of the municipal employes who
19perform services for the board.
SB2-SSA1, s. 21 20Section 21. 118.01 (2) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB2-SSA1,8,2221 118.01 (2) (e) Applicability. This subsection does not apply to the school district
22operating under subch. II of ch. 119.
SB2-SSA1, s. 22 23Section 22. 118.40 (1m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,8,2524 118.40 (1m) (a) 1. A written petition requesting the school board to establish
25a charter school under this section may be filed with the school district clerk.
12. The petition shall be signed by at least 10% of the teachers employed by the
2school district or by at least 50% of the teachers employed at one school of the school
3district. This subdivision does not apply to the school district operating under subch.
4II of ch. 119.
SB2-SSA1, s. 23 5Section 23. 118.40 (3) (c) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB2-SSA1,9,126 118.40 (3) (c) A school board may not enter into a contract for the establishment
7of a charter school located outside the school district, except that if 2 or more school
8boards enter into an agreement under s. 66.30 to establish a charter school, the
9charter school shall be located within one of the school districts. A school board, other
10than the school board of the school district operating under ch. 119, may not enter
11into a contract that would result in the conversion of a private school to a charter
SB2-SSA1, s. 24 13Section 24. 118.40 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,9,1714 118.40 (5) (b) The pupils enrolled in the charter school failed to make sufficient
15progress toward attaining the educational goals under s. 118.01 (2). This paragraph
16does not apply to a charter school under contract with the Milwaukee Public Schools
17governing commission
SB2-SSA1, s. 25 18Section 25. Chapter 119 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,9,2119 CHAPTER 119
21SYSTEM systems
SB2-SSA1, s. 26 22Section 26. Subchapter I (title) of chapter 119 [precedes 119.01] of the statutes
23is created to read:
SB2-SSA1,9,2424 CHAPTER 119
2 Board of school directors
SB2-SSA1, s. 27 3Section 27. 119.01 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,10,54 119.01 Applicability. This chapter subchapter applies only to cities of the 1st
SB2-SSA1, s. 28 6Section 28. 119.02 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,10,8 7119.02 Definitions. (intro.) In this chapter subchapter, unless the context
8clearly requires otherwise:
SB2-SSA1, s. 29 9Section 29. 119.06 (3) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are repealed.
SB2-SSA1, s. 30 10Section 30. 119.06 (3) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 119.06 (3) and
11amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,10,2112 119.06 (3) Four of the combined aldermanic district Except as provided in sub.
13(4), the
members first appointed to the board by the commission shall serve for a term
14terms beginning on the 4th Monday of the month next following their appointment
15and. The at-large member and the 4 members representing the even-numbered
16election districts shall be appointed for terms
expiring on the 4th first Monday in
17April in December of the 4th first even-numbered year following the year in which
18a city becomes a 1st class city and the 4 members representing the odd-numbered
19election districts shall be appointed for terms expiring on the first Monday in
20December of the 2nd even-numbered
year following the year in which a city becomes
21a city of the 1st class city.
SB2-SSA1, s. 31 22Section 31. 119.06 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,11,323 119.06 (4) (b) The board members elected at the special election shall be
24nominated and elected to succeed the board members appointed for the terms
under sub. (3) (a) and (b) (2) and for the same terms. The terms of office of

1the board members appointed under sub. (2) shall expire on the 4th Monday
2following the special election.
The terms of office of the board members elected at the
3special election shall begin on the 4th Monday following the special election.
SB2-SSA1, s. 32 4Section 32. 119.06 (4) (c) and (d) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,11,75 119.06 (4) (c) Candidates for the board at the special election shall be
6nominated in the same manner as for the spring general election, except that the
7nomination paper format under s. 8.10 (2) (b) shall apply
SB2-SSA1,11,98 (d) The special election shall be held at the polling places and shall be conducted
9in the manner of and by the election officials for the spring general election.
SB2-SSA1, s. 33 10Section 33. 119.06 (5) and (6) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,11,1511 119.06 (5) The board first appointed under sub. (2) or first elected at a special
12election under sub. (4) shall hold an organizational meeting under s. 119.10 (2) on
13the 4th Monday of the month following its appointment or election, or the next day
14if the 4th Monday is a legal holiday, following their appointment or election, and
15annually thereafter shall meet in accordance with s. 119.10 (2).
SB2-SSA1,11,18 16(6) Successors to board members appointed under sub. (3) (2) or elected under
17sub. (4) shall be elected at the spring general election immediately preceding the
18expiration of the terms of such board members and shall serve for 4-year terms.
SB2-SSA1, s. 34 19Section 34. 119.07 of the statutes is created to read:
SB2-SSA1,12,2 20119.07 Revised method of election of board; transitional provisions. (1)
21Notwithstanding s. 119.08 (1) (a) and (3), the terms of the members of the board of
22school directors of each 1st class city in existence on the effective date of this
23subsection .... [revisor inserts date], whose terms expire on the 4th Monday in April,
241999, are extended until the 4th Monday in November, 2000, and the terms of office
25of the members of the board of school directors of each such city whose terms expire

1on the 4th Monday in April, 2001, are extended until the 4th Monday in November,
SB2-SSA1,12,10 3(2) At the general election to be held in November, 2000, there shall be elected
4in each 1st class city in existence on the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor
5inserts date], 5 members of the board of school directors elected, one of whom shall
6be elected at large and 4 of whom shall be from even-numbered election districts
7prescribed under s. 119.08 (1) (b). At the general election to be held in November,
82002, there shall be elected in each such city 4 members of the board of school
9directors, who shall be elected from odd-numbered election districts prescribed
10under s. 119.08 (1) (b).
SB2-SSA1,12,17 11(3) Notwithstanding s. 119.10 (1) and (2), the board of school directors of each
121st class city in existence on the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts
13date], shall hold an organizational meeting on the 4th Monday in April, 1999, and
14shall not hold any other organizational meeting in 1999. On the 4th Monday in April,
151999, the board of school directors of each such city shall elect officers, who shall hold
16office until the board holds its next organizational meeting under s. 119.10 (2) in
SB2-SSA1, s. 35 18Section 35. 119.07 of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act .... (this
19act), is repealed.
SB2-SSA1, s. 36 20Section 36. 119.08 (1) (a) and (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,12,2521 119.08 (1) (a) The board shall consist of one member elected at-large and 8
22members elected from numbered election districts determined by the board. The
23election districts shall consist of whole contiguous wards and shall be substantially
24equal in population and the. The boundaries of the election districts shall be drawn
25so as to reflect a balanced representation of citizens in all areas within the city.
1(b) Within 60 days after the common council of the city enacts an ordinance
2determining or adopts a resolution adjusting the boundaries of the aldermanic
wards in the city following the federal decennial census under s. 62.08 (1)
45.15 (1), the board shall, by vote of a majority of the membership of the board, adopt
5an election district apportionment plan for the election of board members which shall
6be effective until the city enacts a new ordinance under s. 62.08 (1) 5.15 (1)
7redetermining the aldermanic district ward boundaries.
SB2-SSA1, s. 37 8Section 37. 119.08 (2) and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,13,199 119.08 (2) The electors of each election district shall elect one member residing
10within the election district to represent the election district. The at-large member
11shall be elected by the electors of the city. Board members shall be electors of the city
12and shall be elected on a nonpartisan ballot at the spring general election.
13Candidates shall file nomination papers for full terms or, when vacancies are to be
14filled, for unexpired terms. The format for the nomination papers shall be as
15prescribed in s. 8.10 (2) (b).
The primary and spring elections election for board
16members shall be conducted by the election officials for the election of judicial or
17other officers held on that date. The polling places for the state , municipal or judicial
elections shall be the polling places for the board election and the municipal
19election hours shall apply.
SB2-SSA1,13,22 20(3) The regular terms of board members shall be 4 years. The term of each
21member expires on the first Monday in December of the 4th year following the year
22in which the member's office is regularly filled.
SB2-SSA1, s. 38 23Section 38. 119.08 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,14,224 119.08 (4) A vacancy on in the membership of the board occurring on or before
25June 1 preceding expiration of the member's term of office
shall be filled by a special

1election ordered by the board. At such election the vacancy shall be filled for the
2unexpired term. The board shall follow procedures under s. 8.50, so far as applicable.
SB2-SSA1, s. 39 3Section 39. 119.10 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,14,144 119.10 (1) The board is a continuing body. Any unfinished business before the
5board or any of its standing or special committees on the date of the annual meeting
6under sub. (2) shall be considered as pending before the board newly organized on
7such date. At its annual meeting, after the election of the new board president and
8the designation of the clerk, the clerk shall report to the board items of business
9pending before the board as a whole. After the annual April meeting, unless
10otherwise directed by the board, the clerk shall report items of business which had
11been pending before committees of the board to the corresponding committees of the
12board appointed by the new president. Matters thus reported may be acted upon by
13the board in the same manner and with the same effect as if the board had not been
14newly organized.
SB2-SSA1, s. 40 15Section 40. 119.10 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB2-SSA1,14,2216 119.10 (2) Annually, no earlier than the 4th first Monday in April December
17and no later than the first 3rd Monday in May December, the board shall hold its
18organizational meeting, shall elect a president from among its members to serve for
19one year and until a successor is chosen and shall designate an individual to serve
20as clerk. In the absence or during the disability of the board president, the board
21shall elect an acting president. The board president shall appoint standing
22committees to serve for one year.
SB2-SSA1, s. 41 23Section 41. 119.18 (23) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB2-SSA1,15,524 119.18 (23) School reorganizations. The board may reorganize any school
25that it determines is low in performance by adopting a resolution to that effect. If

1the superintendent of schools recommends to the board that a school be reorganized,
2he or she shall state the reasons for the recommendation in writing. If the board
3reorganizes a school, the superintendent of schools may reassign the school's staff
4members without regard to seniority in service and may reassign other employes of
5the board to the school without regard to seniority in service.
SB2-SSA1, s. 42 6Section 42. 119.235 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB2-SSA1,15,14 7119.235 Contracts with private schools and agencies. (1) The board may
8contract with any nonsectarian private school located in the city or any nonsectarian
9private agency located in the city to provide educational programs to pupils enrolled
10in the school district operating under this chapter. The board shall ensure that each
11private school or agency under contract with the board complies with ss. 118.125 and
12118.13, 20 USC 1232g, 20 USC 1681 to 1688, 20 USC 3171 to 3197, 29 USC 794, 42
13USC 2000d
and 42 USC 6101 to 6107, and all health and safety laws and rules that
14apply to public schools.
SB2-SSA1,15,16 15(2) Each private school or agency under contract with the board shall do all of
16the following:
SB2-SSA1,15,1717 (a) Offer a full school year educational program.
SB2-SSA1,15,1818 (b) Participate in the board's parent information program.
SB2-SSA1,15,2019 (c) Offer diverse opportunities for parents to participate in the school's
SB2-SSA1,15,2121 (d) Meet insurance and financial requirements established by the board.
SB2-SSA1,15,2322 (e) Develop a pupil recruitment and enrollment plan that incorporates all of the
SB2-SSA1,15,2424 1. A good faith effort to achieve racial balance.
12. A pupil selection process that gives preference to the siblings of enrolled
2pupils and that gives no other preferences except those approved by the board.
SB2-SSA1,16,43 3. A statement describing how the plan will serve the needs of low-academic
4achievers and pupils from low-income families.
SB2-SSA1,16,55 (f) Report to the board any information requested by the board.
SB2-SSA1,16,8 6(3) Any pupil enrolled in the school district operating under this chapter may
7attend, at no charge, any private school or agency with which the board has
8contracted under sub. (1) if space is available in the private school or agency.
SB2-SSA1,16,12 9(4) The board shall establish appropriate, quantifiable performance standards
10for pupils at each private school or agency with which it contracts in such areas as
11attendance, reading achievement, pupil retention, pupil promotion, parent surveys,
12credits earned and grade point average.
SB2-SSA1,16,16 13(5) Annually, the board shall monitor the performance of the program under
14this section. The board may use the results of standardized basic educational skills
15tests to do so. The board shall include a summary of its findings in its annual report
16to the state superintendent under s. 119.44.
SB2-SSA1, s. 43 17Section 43. 119.32 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
SB2-SSA1,16,2018 119.32 (8) This section does not apply to the Milwaukee Public Schools
19beginning on the date that the board of school directors of the Milwaukee Public
20Schools is abolished under s. 119.92 (2).
SB2-SSA1, s. 44 21Section 44. 119.55 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB2-SSA1,17,222 119.55 (3) The board shall contract with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater
23Milwaukee to provide case managers at selected middle schools and high schools to
24work with school staff and pupils and their families to improve the attendance rate
25of pupils enrolled in the selected schools. The board shall use the funds appropriated

1under s. 20.255 (2) (ed) to pay the costs of the contracts. No contract under this
2subsection may extend beyond June 30, 2000.
SB2-SSA1, s. 45 3Section 45. 119.76 of the statutes is created to read:
SB2-SSA1,17,6 4119.76 After-school programs. From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2)
5(ec), the state superintendent shall pay to the board the amounts specified in the
6spending plan under s. 119.80 for the following programs in each school year:
SB2-SSA1,17,7 7(1) After-school educational programs.