AB100-SA1,63,1716 3. STH 20 beginning at West Boulevard and extending to Marquette Street in
17the city of Racine by December 31, 2002.".
AB100-SA1,63,18 18348. Page 1266, line 21: after that line insert:
AB100-SA1,63,19 19" Section 2471c. 84.013 (3m) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-SA1,63,2220 84.013 (3m) (c) The department shall complete the design work for any major
21highway project involving STH 57 between CTH "A" near Dyckesville and STH 42
22in Kewaunee and Door counties by December 31, 2003.".
AB100-SA1,63,23 23349. Page 1267, line 8: after that line insert:
AB100-SA1,63,24 24" Section 2471dm. 84.04 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
184.04 (4) Notwithstanding sub. (2), the department may not commence
2construction after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], of any
3wayside along I 94. This section does not prohibit the reconstruction or maintenance
4of any wayside in its present location.".
AB100-SA1,64,5 5350. Page 1269, line 19: after that line insert:
AB100-SA1,64,6 6" Section 2473m. 84.1048 of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-SA1,64,12 784.1048 Polish Heritage Highway. (1) In recognition of the outstanding
8contributions that Polish Americans have made to the vitality and quality of life in
9central Wisconsin, the department shall designate STH 66, commencing at Stevens
10Point and proceeding easterly to Rosholt, as the "Polish Heritage Highway" to
11commemorate and honor the achievements of central Wisconsin residents of Polish
AB100-SA1,64,15 13(2) Upon receipt of contributions totaling not less than $800 from interested
14parties, including any city, village, town or county, the department shall erect
15markers along STH 66 in the following locations:
AB100-SA1,64,1716 (a) One marker at the east end of Stevens Point to clearly identify the
17designation of the route to motorists proceeding easterly.
AB100-SA1,64,1918 (b) One marker at the east end of Rosholt to clearly identify the designation of
19the route to motorists proceeding westerly.
AB100-SA1,64,21 20(3) No state funds may be used for the erection of any marker under this
AB100-SA1,64,22 22351. Page 1269, line 20: before that line insert:
AB100-SA1,64,23 23" Section 2473gr. 84.1049 of the statutes is created to read:
184.1049 Polish Veterans Memorial Highway. In recognition of their
2courageous, dutiful and selfless service to this state and the U.S. armed forces, the
3department shall designate and mark STH 160, commencing at STH 29 at Angelica
4and proceeding easterly to STH 32 at Pulaski, as the "Polish Veterans Memorial
5Highway" to commemorate and honor the military service and patriotism shown by
6this state's Polish veterans throughout its history.".
AB100-SA1,65,7 7352. Page 1271, line 23: delete lines 23 and 24.
AB100-SA1,65,8 8353. Page 1271, line 25: delete that line.
AB100-SA1,65,9 9354. Page 1272, line 1: delete lines 1 to 8.
AB100-SA1,65,10 10355. Page 1272, line 9: delete lines 9 to 14.
AB100-SA1,65,11 11356. Page 1275, line 20: delete that line.
AB100-SA1,65,13 12357. Page 1275, line 21: delete the material beginning with that line and
13ending with page 1276, line 6.
AB100-SA1,65,15 14358. Page 1276, line 20: delete the material beginning with that line and
15ending with page 1277, line 24.
AB100-SA1,65,16 16359. Page 1288, line 16: after that line insert:
AB100-SA1,65,17 17" Section 2485g. 85.53 of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-SA1,65,19 1885.53 Pretrial intoxicated driver intervention grant program. (1) In
19this section:
AB100-SA1,65,2120 (a) "Defendant" means a person accused of or charged with a 2nd or subsequent
21violation of operating while intoxicated.
AB100-SA1,65,2322 (b) "Eligible applicant" means a city, village, town, county or private nonprofit
1(c) "Intoxicant" means any alcohol beverage, controlled substance, controlled
2substance analog or other drug or any combination thereof.
AB100-SA1,66,43 (d) "Operating while intoxicated" means a violation of s. 346.63 (1) or (2m) or
4a local ordinance in conformity therewith or of s. 346.63 (2) or (6), 940.09 (1) or 940.25.
AB100-SA1,66,9 5(2) The department shall administer the pretrial intoxicated driver
6intervention grant program. The program shall award grants to eligible applicants
7to administer a local pretrial intoxicated driver intervention program that, prior to
8the sentencing of a defendant for operating while intoxicated, does all of the
AB100-SA1,66,1210 (a) Identifies the defendant and notifies him or her of the availability and cost
11of the program and that, if the defendant is convicted, a court will consider the
12defendant's participation in the program when imposing a sentence.
AB100-SA1,66,1313 (b) Monitors the defendant's use of intoxicants to reduce the incidence of abuse.
AB100-SA1,66,1414 (c) Treats the defendant's abuse of intoxicants to reduce the incidence of abuse.
AB100-SA1,66,1515 (d) Reports to the court on the defendant's participation in the program.
AB100-SA1,66,1716 (e) Requires program participants to pay a reasonable fee to participate in the
17program. Such a fee may not exceed 20% of the actual per capita cost of the program.
AB100-SA1,66,21 18(3) Grants under this section shall be paid from the appropriation under s.
1920.395 (5) (jr). The amount of a grant may not exceed 80% of the amount expended
20by an eligible applicant for services related to the program. The total amount of
21grants awarded under this section may not exceed $500,000.
AB100-SA1,67,7 22(4) (a) Not later than December 31 of each even-numbered year, the
23department shall submit a report to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) that states the
24number of individuals arrested for a 2nd or subsequent offense of operating while
25intoxicated; the number of individuals who completed a local pretrial intoxicated

1driver intervention program; the percentage of successful completion of all
2individuals who commence such a program; the number of individuals who, after
3completing such a program, are arrested for a 3rd or subsequent offense of operating
4while intoxicated; and the number of individuals eligible to participate in a program
5who did not complete a program and who, after becoming eligible to participate in
6the program, are arrested for a 3rd or subsequent offense of operating while
AB100-SA1,67,138 (b) An eligible applicant who receives a grant under sub. (2) shall, not later than
9December 31 of the year for which the grant was made, submit a report to the speaker
10of the assembly and to the president of the senate in the manner described in s.
1113.172 (3) summarizing the results of the pretrial intoxicated driver intervention
12program administered by the eligible applicant and providing any additional
13information required by the department.
AB100-SA1,67,19 14(5) Consent to participate in a local pretrial intoxicated driver intervention
15program funded under this section is not an admission of guilt and the consent may
16not be admitted in evidence in a trial for operating while intoxicated. No statement
17relating to operating while intoxicated, made by the defendant in connection with
18any discussions concerning the program or to any person involved in the program,
19is admissible in a trial for operating while intoxicated.".
AB100-SA1,67,20 20360. Page 1289, line 11: delete lines 11 to 18.
AB100-SA1,67,22 21361. Page 1290, line 22: delete the material beginning with that line and
22ending with page 1291, line 23.
AB100-SA1,67,23 23362. Page 1295, line 8: after that line insert:
AB100-SA1,67,24 24" Section 2488c. 88.41 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
188.41 (1) All assessments for costs are due and payable at once 4 months after
2the date on which the order making the assessments is issued
unless the drainage
3board by order directs that the assessments may be paid in instalments.
4Assessments shall be paid to the county treasurer as treasurer of the drainage
AB100-SA1,68,6 6363. Page 1300, line 2: after "(qd)" insert "or 20.866 (2) (we)".
AB100-SA1,68,9 7364. Page 1300, line 9: delete "or from the appropriation under s. 20.115 (7)
" and substitute "or from the appropriation under s. 20.115 (7) (qd) 20.866 (2)
AB100-SA1,68,10 10365. Page 1304, line 15: after that line insert:
AB100-SA1,68,11 11" Section 2498v. 93.41 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-SA1,68,1412 93.41 (2m) The department shall conduct research on the incidence, levels and
13effects of stray voltage on agriculture in this state, including the prevalence and
14economic effects of stray voltage on milk production in this state.".
AB100-SA1,68,15 15366. Page 1304, line 23: substitute "(c) and (i)" for " (i) and (q)".
AB100-SA1,68,17 16367. Page 1365, line 20: delete the material beginning with that line and
17ending with page 1368, line 13.
AB100-SA1,68,18 18368. Page 1369, line 8: delete "to (o)".
AB100-SA1,68,19 19369. Page 1369, line 23: after that line insert:
AB100-SA1,68,20 20" Section 2692tce. 111.70 (1) (fm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-SA1,69,321 111.70 (1) (fm) "Fringe benefit savings" means the amount, if any, by which
221.7% of the total compensation and fringe benefit costs for all municipal employes in
23a collective bargaining unit for any 12-month period covered by a proposed collective
24bargaining agreement exceeds the increased cost required to maintain the

1percentage contribution by the municipal employer to the municipal employes'
2existing fringe benefit costs and to maintain all fringe benefits provided to the
3municipal employes, as determined under sub. (4) (cm) 8s.
AB100-SA1, s. 2692tcm 4Section 2692tcm. 111.70 (1) (nc) 1. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-SA1,70,75 111.70 (1) (nc) 1. b. In any collective bargaining unit in which the municipal
6employe positions were on August 12, 1993, assigned to salary ranges with steps that
7determine the levels of progression within each salary range during a 12-month
8period, a proposal to provide for a salary increase of at least one full step for each
912-month period covered by the proposed collective bargaining agreement,
10beginning with the expiration date of any previous collective bargaining agreement,
11for each municipal employe who is eligible for a within range salary increase, unless
12the increased cost of providing such a salary increase, as determined under sub. (4)
13(cm) 8s., exceeds 2.1% of the total compensation and fringe benefit costs for all
14municipal employes in the collective bargaining unit for any 12-month period
15covered by the proposed collective bargaining agreement plus any fringe benefit
, or unless the increased cost required to maintain the percentage
17contribution by the municipal employer to the municipal employes' existing fringe
18benefit costs and to maintain all fringe benefits provided to the municipal employes,
19as determined under sub. (4) (cm) 8s., in addition to the increased cost of providing
20such a salary increase, exceeds 3.8% of the total compensation and fringe benefit
21costs for all municipal employes in the collective bargaining unit for any 12-month
22period covered by the proposed collective bargaining agreement, in which case the
23offer shall include provision for a salary increase for each such municipal employe
24in an amount at least equivalent to that portion of a step for each such 12-month
25period that can be funded after the increased cost in excess of 2.1% of the total

1compensation and fringe benefit costs for all municipal employes in the collective
2bargaining unit plus any fringe benefit savings is subtracted, or in an amount
3equivalent to that portion of a step for each such 12-month period that can be funded
4from the amount that remains, if any, after the increased cost of such maintenance
5exceeding 1.7% of the total compensation and fringe benefit costs for all municipal
6employes in the collective bargaining unit for each 12-month period is subtracted on
7a prorated basis, whichever is the lower amount.
AB100-SA1, s. 2692tcr 8Section 2692tcr. 111.70 (1) (nc) 1. c. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-SA1,71,159 111.70 (1) (nc) 1. c. A proposal to provide for an average salary increase for each
1012-month period covered by the proposed collective bargaining agreement,
11beginning with the expiration date of any previous collective bargaining agreement,
12for the municipal employes in the collective bargaining unit at least equivalent to an
13average cost of 2.1% of the total compensation and fringe benefit costs for all
14municipal employes in the collective bargaining unit for each 12-month period
15covered by the proposed collective bargaining agreement plus any fringe benefit
, beginning with the expiration date of any previous collective bargaining
17agreement, including that percentage required to provide for any step increase and
18any increase due to a promotion or the attainment of increased professional
19qualifications, as determined under sub. (4) (cm) 8s., unless the increased cost of
20providing such a salary increase, as determined under sub. (4) (cm) 8s., exceeds 2.1%
21of the total compensation and fringe benefit costs for all municipal employes in the
22collective bargaining unit for any 12-month period covered by the proposed collective
23bargaining agreement plus any fringe benefit savings, or unless the increased cost
24required to maintain the percentage contribution by the municipal employer to the
25municipal employes' existing fringe benefit costs and to maintain all fringe benefits

1provided to the municipal employes, as determined under sub. (4) (cm) 8s., in
2addition to the increased cost of providing such a salary increase, exceeds 3.8% of the
3total compensation and fringe benefit costs for all municipal employes in the
4collective bargaining unit for any 12-month period covered by the collective
5bargaining agreement, in which case the offer shall include provision for a salary
6increase for each such period for the municipal employes covered by the agreement
7at least equivalent to an average of that percentage, if any, for each such period of
8the prorated portion of 2.1% of the total compensation and fringe benefit costs for all
9municipal employes in the collective bargaining unit plus any fringe benefit savings
10that remains, if any, after the increased cost of such maintenance exceeding 1.7% of
11the total compensation and fringe benefit costs for all municipal employes in the
12collective bargaining unit for each 12-month period and the cost of a salary increase
13of at least one full step for each municipal employe in the collective bargaining unit
14who is eligible for a within range salary increase for each 12-month period is
15subtracted from that total cost.".
AB100-SA1,71,17 16370. Page 1369, line 24: delete the material beginning with that line and
17ending with page 1370, line 20.
AB100-SA1,71,19 18371. Page 1370, line 23: delete the material beginning with that line and
19ending with page 1371, line 8.
AB100-SA1,71,20 20372. Page 1419, line 1: delete lines 1 to 5 and substitute:
AB100-SA1,72,2 21"115.882 Proration of state aid. If the sum of the appropriations under s.
2220.255 (2) (b) and (u) (br) in any one year is insufficient to pay the full amount of aid
23under ss. 115.88 and 118.255, state aid payments funds in the appropriations shall
24be used first for the purpose of s. 115.88 (4) and any remaining funds
shall be

1prorated among the counties, school districts and cooperative educational service
2agencies entitled thereto.".
AB100-SA1,72,3 3373. Page 1420, line 17: after that line insert:
AB100-SA1,72,4 4" Section 2769b. 115.93 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-SA1,72,75 115.93 (2) If Subject to s. 115.882, if the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (b)
6in any year is insufficient to pay the full amount of aid under sub. (1), state aid
7payments shall be prorated among the entitled school districts.".
AB100-SA1,72,9 8374. Page 1428, line 14: delete the material beginning with that line and
9ending with page 1429, line 4.
AB100-SA1,72,10 10375. Page 1456, line 1: delete lines 1 to 6.
AB100-SA1,72,11 11376. Page 1456, line 11: delete lines 11 to 24.
AB100-SA1,72,12 12377. Page 1461, line 10: after that line insert:
AB100-SA1,72,13 13" Section 2842s. 118.43 (2) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-SA1,72,1714 118.43 (2) (b) In the 1996-97 and 1998-99 school year years, the school board
15of an eligible school district may enter into a 5-year achievement guarantee contract
16with the department on behalf of one school in the school district if all of the following
AB100-SA1, s. 2842t 18Section 2842t. 118.43 (2) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-SA1,72,2019 118.43 (2) (f) The department may not enter into an achievement guarantee
20contract with a school board on behalf of a school after June 30, 1997 1999.
AB100-SA1, s. 2842tm 21Section 2842tm. 118.43 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-SA1,72,2422 118.43 (3) Contract requirements. (intro.) An Except as provided in par. (am),
achievement guarantee contract shall require the school board to do all of the
24following in each participating school:
AB100-SA1, s. 2842tn
1Section 2842tn. 118.43 (3) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-SA1,73,32 118.43 (3) (am) Class size; additional contracts. For contracts that begin in the
31998-99 school year, reduce each class size to 15 in the following manner:
AB100-SA1,73,44 1. In the 1998-99 school year, in at least grades kindergarten and one.
AB100-SA1,73,55 2. In the 1999-2000 school year, in at least grades kindergarten to 2.
AB100-SA1,73,76 3. In the 2000-01 to 2002-03 school years, in at least grades kindergarten to
AB100-SA1, s. 2842tr 8Section 2842tr. 118.43 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-SA1,73,129 118.43 (4) (a) A description of how the school will implement each of the
10elements under sub. (3), including any alternative class configurations for specific
11educational activities that may be used to meet the class size requirement under sub.
12(3) (a).
AB100-SA1, s. 2842ts 13Section 2842ts. 118.43 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-SA1,73,2314 118.43 (5) (b) At the end of the 1997-98, 1998-99 and, 1999-2000, 2000-01 and
school years, a committee consisting of the state superintendent, the
16chairpersons of the education committees in the senate and assembly and the
17individual chiefly responsible for the evaluation under sub. (7) shall review the
18progress made by each school for which an achievement guarantee contract has been
19entered into. The committee may recommend to the department that the
20department terminate a contract if the committee determines that the school board
21has violated the contract or if the school has made insufficient progress toward
22achieving its performance objectives under sub. (4) (c). The department may
23terminate the contract if it agrees with the committee's recommendation.".
AB100-SA1,73,24 24378. Page 1461, line 19: after that line insert:
1" Section 2842xm. 118.43 (6) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: