SB218-SSA1,14,107 (e) The commissioner may exempt an insurer from the requirements of sub. (2)
8if the commissioner determines that it is in the public interest to exempt the insurer
9from the requirements under sub. (2) because the insurer is in financially hazardous
SB218-SSA1,14,1511 (f) If an employer loses coverage under a group health benefit plan for failure
12to pay a premium when due, an insurer that is otherwise required to provide
13coverage under sub. (2) may refuse to issue a group health benefit plan to that
14employer during the 12-month period beginning on the day on which the employer
15lost coverage.
SB218-SSA1,14,2116 (g) An insurer that previously issued group health benefit plans but, prior to
17the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], discontinued offering
18such plans to small employers shall within 60 days after the effective date of this
19paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], again offer group health benefit plans to small
20employers or be subject to the requirements under s. 632.749 as if the insurer had
21elected to discontinue offering a group health benefit plan.
SB218-SSA1,14,24 22(5) (a) In this subsection, "high-risk individual" means an individual with a
23high-risk medical condition who has coverage under a group health benefit plan
24with a premium rate at the insurer's highest premium rate level.
1(b) An insurer that is otherwise required to provide coverage under sub. (2)
2shall be exempt from the requirement under sub. (2) for the remainder of a calendar
3year after all of the following occur:
SB218-SSA1,15,54 1. The number of high-risk individuals covered by the insurer at least equals
5the threshold level determined under par. (e) 3.
SB218-SSA1,15,126 2. The insurer applies for exemption from the requirement under sub. (2) by
7certifying its qualification under subd. 1. to the commissioner and the commissioner,
8within 30 days after the insurer submits its certifying information, makes no
9objection and does not request additional information. If the commissioner does
10timely object or request additional information, the insurer shall be exempt from the
11requirements under sub. (2) 30 days after the commissioner objects or the insurer
12submits the additional information if the commissioner takes no further action.
SB218-SSA1,15,1613 (c) Whenever an insurer becomes exempt from the requirement under sub. (2)
14by satisfying the criteria under par. (b), the commissioner shall provide notice of that
15exemption to all insurers offering group health benefit plans to employers in this
16state and to all insurance agents listed under s. 628.11 by those insurers.
SB218-SSA1,15,1917 (d) An insurer that satisfies the criterion under par. (b) 1. is not required to
18apply for exemption from the requirement under sub. (2). An insurer that does not
19apply for exemption shall remain subject to the requirement under sub. (2).
SB218-SSA1,15,2220 (e) In consultation with the committee on risk adjustment, the commissioner
21shall promulgate rules for the operation of the risk adjustment mechanism under
22this subsection, including rules that specify at least all of the following:
SB218-SSA1,15,2423 1. What diagnostic conditions constitute high-risk medical conditions for
24purposes of the definition of a high-risk individual.
12. How to determine an insurer's highest premium rate level for purposes of
2the definition of a high-risk individual.
SB218-SSA1,16,43 3. What percentage of an insurer's total enrollment under group health benefit
4plans issued by the insurer constitutes the threshold level for purposes of par. (b) 1.
SB218-SSA1, s. 36 5Section 36. 632.747 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,16,7 6632.747 (title) Guaranteed acceptance under group health benefit
SB218-SSA1, s. 37 8Section 37. 632.748 (title) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,16,10 10632.748 Prohibiting discrimination under group health benefit plans.
SB218-SSA1, s. 38 11Section 38. 632.748 (4) (c) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,16,1413 632.748 (4) (c) Provide an exception from, or limit, the rate regulation under
14s. 635.05 632.7497.
SB218-SSA1, s. 39 15Section 39. 632.749 (title) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,16,18 17632.749 (title) Contract termination and renewability for group health
18benefit plans
SB218-SSA1, s. 40 19Section 40. 632.749 (2) (e) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,16,2521 632.749 (2) (e) In the case of a group health benefit plan that the insurer offers
22through a network plan, there is no longer an enrollee under the plan who resides,
23lives or works in the service area of the insurer or in an area in which the insurer is
24authorized to do business and, in the case of the small group market, the insurer
25would deny enrollment under the plan under s. 635.19 (2) (a) 1
SB218-SSA1, s. 41
1Section 41. 632.7491 of the statutes is created to read:
SB218-SSA1,17,4 2632.7491 Disclosure of rating factors and renewability provisions for
3group health benefit plans.
(1) Before the sale of a group health benefit plan, an
4insurer shall disclose to an employer all of the following:
SB218-SSA1,17,65 (a) The insurer's right to increase premium rates and any factors limiting the
6amount of increase.
SB218-SSA1,17,87 (b) The extent to which benefit design characteristics and case characteristics
8affect premium rates.
SB218-SSA1,17,109 (c) The extent to which rating factors and changes in benefit design benefit
10design characteristics and case characteristics affect changes in premium rates.
SB218-SSA1,17,1111 (d) The employer's renewability rights.
SB218-SSA1,17,1312 (e) As part of the insurer's solicitation and sales materials, the availability of
13the information under par. (f).
SB218-SSA1,17,1414 (f) Upon the request of the employer, the following information:
SB218-SSA1,17,1615 1. The provisions, if any, of the plan or policy relating to preexisting condition
SB218-SSA1,17,1817 2. The benefits and premiums available under all health insurance coverage
18offered by the insurer for which the employer is qualified.
SB218-SSA1,17,22 19(2) Information required to be disclosed under this section shall be provided
20in a manner that is understandable to an employer and shall be sufficient to
21reasonably inform an employer of the employer's rights and obligations under the
22health insurance coverage.
SB218-SSA1,17,24 23(3) An insurer is not required under this section to disclose information that
24is proprietary or trade secret information under applicable law.
SB218-SSA1, s. 42 25Section 42. 632.7492 of the statutes is created to read:
1632.7492 Annual certification of compliance for group health benefit
2plans. (1)
Records. An insurer that issues group health benefit plans to employers,
3as defined in s. 632.7497 (1), shall maintain at its principal place of business
4complete and detailed records with respect to those group health benefit plans
5relating to its rating methods and practices and its renewal underwriting methods
6and practices, and shall make the records available to the commissioner upon
SB218-SSA1,18,12 8(2) Certification. An insurer that issues group health benefit plans to
9employers, as defined in s. 632.7497 (1), shall file with the commissioner on or before
10May 1 annually an actuarial opinion by a member of the American Academy of
11Actuaries certifying all of the following with respect to those group health benefit
SB218-SSA1,18,1313 (a) That the insurer is in compliance with the rate provisions of s. 632.7497.
SB218-SSA1,18,1514 (b) That the insurer's rating methods are based on generally accepted and
15sound actuarial principles, policies and procedures.
SB218-SSA1,18,1816 (c) That the opinion is based on the actuary's examination of the insurer's
17records and a review of the insurer's actuarial assumptions and statistical methods
18used in setting rates and procedures used in implementing rating plans.
SB218-SSA1, s. 43 19Section 43. 632.7494 of the statutes is created to read:
SB218-SSA1,18,23 20632.7494 Preexisting conditions and portability for individual health
21benefit plans. (1)
(a) An individual health benefit plan may not impose a
22preexisting condition exclusion with respect to a covered individual for losses
23incurred more than 12 months after the individual's enrollment date under the plan.
SB218-SSA1,18,2524 (b) An individual health benefit plan may not define a preexisting condition
25more restrictively than any of the following:
11. A condition that would have caused an ordinarily prudent person to seek
2medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment during the 18 months immediately
3preceding the individual's enrollment date under the plan and for which the
4individual did not seek medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment.
SB218-SSA1,19,75 2. A condition for which medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment was
6recommended or received during the 18 months immediately preceding the
7individual's enrollment date under the plan.
SB218-SSA1,19,108 (c) Notwithstanding pars. (a) and (b), an individual health benefit plan may not
9impose a preexisting condition exclusion relating to pregnancy as a preexisting
SB218-SSA1,19,15 11(2) An individual health benefit plan shall waive any period applicable to a
12preexisting condition exclusion period with respect to particular services for the
13period that the individual was covered with respect to those services under creditable
14coverage, if the creditable coverage terminated not more than 31 days before the
15individual applied for coverage under the individual health benefit plan.
SB218-SSA1, s. 44 16Section 44. 632.7497 of the statutes is created to read:
SB218-SSA1,19,24 17632.7497 Rate regulation for individual and group health benefit
(1) In this section, "employer" means, with respect to a calendar year and
19a plan year, an employer that employed an average of at least 2 but not more than
20100 employes on business days during the preceding calendar year, or that is
21reasonably expected to employ an average of at least 2 but not more than 100
22employes on business days during the current calendar year if the employer was not
23in existence during the preceding calendar year, and that employs at least 2 employes
24on the first day of the plan year.
1(2) Notwithstanding ch. 625, the commissioner shall promulgate rules that do
2all of the following:
SB218-SSA1,20,73 (a) Establish restrictions on premium rates that an insurer may charge an
4employer for coverage under a group health benefit plan such that the premium rates
5charged to employers with similar case characteristics for the same or similar benefit
6design characteristics do not vary from the midpoint rate for those employers by
7more than 30% of that midpoint rate.
SB218-SSA1,20,128 (b) Establish restrictions on premium rates that an insurer may charge an
9individual for coverage under an individual health benefit plan such that the
10premium rates charged to individuals with similar case characteristics for the same
11or similar benefit design characteristics do not vary from the midpoint rate for those
12individuals by more than 35% of that midpoint rate.
SB218-SSA1,20,1413 (c) Establish restrictions on increases in premium rates that an insurer may
14charge an employer for coverage under a group health benefit plan such that:
SB218-SSA1,20,1615 1. The percentage increase in the premium rate for a new rating period does
16not exceed the sum of the following:
SB218-SSA1,20,1817 a. The percentage change in the new business premium rate measured from
18the first day of the prior rating period to the first day of the new rating period.
SB218-SSA1,20,2319 b. An adjustment, not to exceed 15% per year for small employers or 25% per
20year for large employers, adjusted proportionally for rating periods of less than one
21year, for such rating factors as claims experience, health condition and duration of
22coverage, determined in accordance with the insurer's rate manual or rating
1c. An adjustment for a change in case characteristics or in benefit design
2characteristics, determined in accordance with the insurer's rate manual or rating
SB218-SSA1,21,74 2. The percentage increase in the premium rate for a new rating period for a
5group health benefit plan issued before the effective date of this subdivision ....
6[revisor inserts date], does not exceed the sum of subd. 1. a. and c., unless premium
7rates are in compliance with the rules promulgated under par. (a).
SB218-SSA1,21,118 (d) Require the premium rate of a health benefit plan issued before the effective
9date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], to comply with the rules promulgated
10under par. (a) or (b) no later than 2 years after the effective date of this paragraph
11.... [revisor inserts date].
SB218-SSA1,21,1212 (e) Define the terms necessary for compliance with this section.
SB218-SSA1,21,1313 (f) Ensure that employers are classified using objective criteria.
SB218-SSA1,21,1514 (g) Ensure that rating factors are applied objectively and consistently to small
SB218-SSA1, s. 45 16Section 45. 632.7498 of the statutes is created to read:
SB218-SSA1,21,19 17632.7498 Temporary suspension of rate regulation for individual and
18group health benefit plans.
(1) In this section, "employer" has the meaning given
19in s. 632.7497 (1).
SB218-SSA1,21,25 20(2) The commissioner may suspend the operation of all or any part of s.
21632.7497 with respect to one or more employers or one or more individuals for one
22or more rating periods upon the written request of an insurer and a finding by the
23commissioner that the suspension is necessary in light of the financial condition of
24the insurer or that the suspension would enhance the efficiency and fairness of the
25health insurance market.
SB218-SSA1, s. 46
1Section 46. 632.7499 of the statutes is created to read:
SB218-SSA1,22,6 2632.7499 Fair marketing standards for group and individual health
3benefit plans. (1)
Every insurer that provides coverage under a health benefit plan
4shall actively market such health benefit plan coverage. In addition to other
5marketing limitations that the commissioner may authorize by rule, an insurer may
6limit its marketing under this subsection to any of the following:
SB218-SSA1,22,77 (a) Health benefit plans for employer groups of all sizes.
SB218-SSA1,22,88 (b) Health benefit plans for individuals.
SB218-SSA1,22,10 9(2) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), an insurer or an intermediary may not,
10directly or indirectly, do any of the following:
SB218-SSA1,22,1411 1. Discourage an employer or an individual from applying, or direct an
12employer or an individual not to apply, for coverage with the insurer because of the
13health condition, claims experience, industry, occupation or geographic area of the
14employer or individual.
SB218-SSA1,22,1715 2. Encourage or direct an employer or an individual to seek coverage from
16another insurer because of the health condition, claims experience, industry,
17occupation or geographic area of the employer or individual.
SB218-SSA1,22,2018 (b) Paragraph (a) does not prohibit an insurer or an intermediary from
19providing an employer or an individual with information about an established
20geographic service area or a restricted network provision of the insurer.
SB218-SSA1,23,2 21(3) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), an insurer may not, directly or indirectly,
22enter into any contract, agreement or arrangement with an intermediary that
23provides for or results in compensation to the intermediary for the sale of a health
24benefit plan that varies according to the health condition, claims experience,

1industry, occupation or geographic area of the employer, eligible employes, insured
2individual or dependents.
SB218-SSA1,23,63 (b) Payment of compensation on the basis of percentage of premium is not a
4violation of par. (a) if the percentage does not vary based on the health condition,
5claims experience, industry, occupation or geographic area of the employer, eligible
6employes, insured individual or dependents.
SB218-SSA1,23,11 7(4) An insurer may not terminate, fail to renew or limit its contract or
8agreement of representation with an intermediary for any reason related to the
9health condition, claims experience, occupation or geographic area of the employers,
10eligible employes, insured individuals or dependents placed by the intermediary
11with the insurer.
SB218-SSA1,23,14 12(5) An insurer or an intermediary may not induce or otherwise encourage an
13employer to separate or otherwise exclude an employe from health coverage or
14benefits provided in connection with the employe's employment.
SB218-SSA1,23,16 15(6) Denial by an insurer of an application for coverage under a health benefit
16plan shall be in writing and shall state the reason or reasons for the denial.
SB218-SSA1,23,20 17(7) A 3rd-party administrator that enters into a contract, agreement or other
18arrangement with an insurer to provide administrative, marketing or other services
19related to the offering of health benefit plans to employers or individuals in this state
20is subject to this section and ss. 632.745 to 632.7498 as if it were an insurer.
SB218-SSA1,23,23 21(8) The commissioner may by rule establish additional standards to provide for
22the fair marketing and broad availability of health benefit plans to employers and
23individuals in this state.
SB218-SSA1, s. 47 24Section 47. 632.76 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
25is amended to read:
1632.76 (2) (a) No claim for loss incurred or disability commencing after 2 years
2from the date of issue of the policy may be reduced or denied on the ground that a
3disease or physical condition existed prior to the effective date of coverage, unless the
4condition was excluded from coverage by name or specific description by a provision
5effective on the date of loss. This paragraph does not apply to a group health benefit
6plan, as defined in s. 632.745 (9) (11), which is subject to s. 632.746 or 632.7494.
SB218-SSA1, s. 48 7Section 48. 632.896 (4) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
8is amended to read:
SB218-SSA1,24,149 632.896 (4) Preexisting conditions. Notwithstanding ss. 632.746, 632.7494 and
10632.76 (2) (a), a disability insurance policy that is subject to sub. (2) and that is in
11effect when a court makes a final order granting adoption or when the child is placed
12for adoption may not exclude or limit coverage of a disease or physical condition of
13the child on the ground that the disease or physical condition existed before coverage
14is required to begin under sub. (3).
SB218-SSA1, s. 49 15Section 49. Chapter 635 of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27,
16is repealed.
SB218-SSA1, s. 50 17Section 50 . Nonstatutory provisions.
SB218-SSA1,24,2318 (1) Risk adjustment committee. The commissioner of insurance shall appoint
19a committee on risk adjustment under section 15.04 (1) (c) of the statutes, consisting
20of 5 to 8 members, to advise the commissioner on, and to assist the commissioner in
21developing rules for, the group risk adjustment mechanism under section 633.7465
22(4) of the statutes, as created by this act. The commissioner shall appoint at least
235 representatives of insurers to be members of the committee.
SB218-SSA1,25,624 (2) Risk adjustment mechanism emergency rule-making authority. Using the
25procedure under section 227.24 of the statutes, the commissioner of insurance may

1promulgate rules under section 632.7465 (5) (e) of the statutes, as created by this act,
2for the period before the effective date of the permanent rules promulgated under
3section 632.7465 (5) (e) of the statutes, as created by this act, but not to exceed the
4period authorized under section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes.
5Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) and (3) of the statutes, the commissioner is not
6required to make a finding of emergency.