SB494-SSA2,62,22 16(17) Delegation and power to contract. The department may delegate any
17duties or powers given to the department under this section to county child support
18agencies, except that the department must approve the initiation of any levy
19proceedings under sub. (7). The department shall promulgate rules prohibiting a
20county child support agency from using the powers delegated under this subsection
21to enforce a child support lien, if the value of the property that is subject to the lien
22is below the dollar amount specified in the rules.
SB494-SSA2,62,24 23(18) Preservation of remedies. The availability of the remedies under this
24section does not abridge the right of the department to pursue other remedies.
SB494-SSA2, s. 74 25Section 74. 49.856 of the statutes is created to read:
149.856 Notification of delinquent payments. (1) In this section:
SB494-SSA2,63,22 (a) "Agency" means the county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5).
SB494-SSA2,63,33 (b) "Department" means the department of workforce development.
SB494-SSA2,63,84 (c) "Obligor" means a person who owes a delinquent child support, family
5support or maintenance payment or who owes an outstanding amount that has been
6ordered by a court for past support, medical expenses or birth expenses and that
7delinquent payment or outstanding amount is specified in the statewide support lien
8docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b).
SB494-SSA2,63,21 9(2) If an obligor receives a judgment against another person or has settled a
10lawsuit against another person that provides for the payment of money, the
11department or agency may send a notice to any person who is ordered to pay the
12judgment, who has agreed to the settlement or who holds the amount of the judgment
13or settlement in trust. The notice shall inform the person that the amount of the
14judgment or settlement due the obligor is subject to a lien by the department for the
15payment of the delinquent payment or outstanding amount specified in the
16statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b). The notification shall include
17the name and address of the obligor and the total amount specified in the statewide
18support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b). Upon receipt of a notification, the person
19receiving the notification shall withhold an amount equal to the amount specified in
20the statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b) before making any payment
21under the judgment or pursuant to the settlement.
SB494-SSA2,63,24 22(3) When the department or agency notifies a person under sub. (2), the
23department or agency shall send a notice to the last-known address of the obligor.
24The notice shall do all of the following:
1(a) Inform the obligor that the department or agency notified the person who
2owes money to the obligor or who holds money in trust for the obligor under a
3judgment or pursuant to a settlement to withhold the amount that was specified in
4the statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b) from any lump sum payment
5that may be paid to the obligor as a result of the judgment or settlement.
SB494-SSA2,64,96 (b) Inform the obligor that he or she may request a hearing before the circuit
7court that rendered the order to pay support, maintenance, medical expenses or birth
8expenses within 20 business days after receipt of this notice. The request shall be
9in writing and the obligor shall mail or deliver a copy of the request to the agency.
SB494-SSA2,64,1310 (c) Inform the obligor that if a hearing is requested under par. (b) the
11department or agency will not require the person withholding the amount to send the
12amount to that department or agency until a final decision is issued in response to
13the request for a hearing.
SB494-SSA2,64,1514 (d) Request that the obligor inform the department or agency if a bankruptcy
15stay is in effect with respect to the obligor.
SB494-SSA2,64,20 16(4) If the obligor requests a hearing under sub. (3) (b), the circuit court shall
17schedule a hearing within 10 business days after receiving the request. The only
18issue at the hearing shall be whether the person owes the delinquent payment or
19outstanding amount specified in the statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854
20(2) (b). A family court commissioner may conduct the hearing.
SB494-SSA2,65,10 21(5) Receipt of a notification by a person under sub. (2) shall constitute a lien,
22equal to the amount specified in the statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854
23(2) (b), on any lump sum payment resulting from a judgment or settlement that may
24be due the obligor. The department or agency shall notify the person who received
25the notification under sub. (2) that the obligor has not requested a hearing or, if he

1or she has requested a hearing, of the results of that hearing, and of the
2responsibilities of the person who received the notification under sub. (2), including
3the requirement to submit the amount specified in the statewide support lien docket
4under s. 49.854 (2) (b). Use of the procedures under this section does not prohibit the
5department or agency from attempting to recover the amount specified in the
6statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b) through other legal means. The
7department or agency shall promptly notify any person who receives notification
8under sub. (2) if the amount specified in the statewide support lien docket under s.
949.854 (2) (b) has been recovered by some other means and no longer must be
10withheld from the judgment or settlement under this section.
SB494-SSA2,65,17 11(6) After receipt of notification by a person under sub. (2) and before receipt of
12notice from the department under sub. (5) that the amount specified in the statewide
13support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b) has been otherwise recovered, no release
14of any judgment, claim or demand by the obligor shall be valid as against a lien
15created under sub. (5), and the person making any payment to the obligor to satisfy
16the judgment or settlement shall remain liable to the department for the amount of
17the lien.
SB494-SSA2, s. 75 18Section 75. 49.857 of the statutes is created to read:
SB494-SSA2,65,20 1949.857 Administrative enforcement of support; denial, nonrenewal,
20restriction and suspension of licenses.
(1) In this section:
SB494-SSA2,65,2221 (a) "Child support agency" means a county child support agency under s. 59.53
SB494-SSA2,65,2423 (b) "Credential" means a license, permit, certificate or registration that is
24granted under chs. 440 to 480.
1(c) "Credentialing board" means a board, examining board or affiliated
2credentialing board in the department of regulation and licensing that grants a
SB494-SSA2,66,44 (d) "License" means any of the following:
SB494-SSA2,66,55 1. A license issued under s. 13.63 or a registration issued under s. 13.64.
SB494-SSA2,66,66 2. An approval specified in s. 29.09 (11m).
SB494-SSA2,66,77 2m. A fishing approval issued under s. 29.138.
SB494-SSA2,66,88 3. A license issued under s. 48.66 (1).
SB494-SSA2,66,129 4. A certification, license, training permit, registration, approval or certificate
10issued under s. 49.45 (2) (a) 11., 146.50 (5) (a) or (b), (6g) (a) or (8) (a), 250.05 (5),
11252.23 (2), 252.24 (2), 254.176 (1) or (3) (a), 254.178 (2) (a), 254.20 (2), (3) or (4), 254.47
12(1), 254.64 (1) (a) or (b), 254.71 (2) or 255.08 (2).
SB494-SSA2,66,1313 5. A business tax registration certificate issued under s. 73.03 (50).
SB494-SSA2,66,1514 6. A license, registration, registration certificate or certification specified in s.
1593.135 (1).
SB494-SSA2,66,1716 7. A license, permit or certificate of certification or registration specified in s.
17101.02 (21) (a).
SB494-SSA2,66,1818 8. A license issued under s. 102.17 (1) (c), 104.07 or 105.05.
SB494-SSA2,66,1919 10. A certificate issued under s. 103.275, 103.91 or 103.92.
SB494-SSA2,66,2020 11. A license or permit issued under chs. 115 and 118.
SB494-SSA2,66,2221 12. A license or certificate of registration issued under s. 138.09, 138.12, 217.06,
22218.01, 218.02, 218.04, 218.05 or 224.72 or subch. III of ch. 551.
SB494-SSA2,66,2323 13. A permit issued under s. 170.12.
SB494-SSA2,66,2424 14. A certification under s. 165.85.
115. A license, permit or registration issued under s. 218.01, 218.11, 218.12,
2218.22, 218.32, 218.41, 218.51, 341.51, 343.305 (6), 343.61 or 343.62.
SB494-SSA2,67,33 16. A license, registration or certification specified in s. 299.08 (1) (a).
SB494-SSA2,67,54 17. A license issued under ch. 343 or, with respect to restriction, limitation or
5suspension, an individual's operating privilege, as defined in s. 340.01 (40).
SB494-SSA2,67,66 18. A credential.
SB494-SSA2,67,77 19. A license issued under s. 563.24 or ch. 562.
SB494-SSA2,67,98 20. A license issued under s. 628.04, 632.68 (2) or (4) or 633.14 or a temporary
9license issued under s. 628.09.
SB494-SSA2,67,1010 21. A license to practice law.
SB494-SSA2,67,1311 (e) "Licensing agency" means a board, office or commissioner, department or
12division within a department that grants or issues a license, but does not include a
13credentialing board.
SB494-SSA2,67,1514 (em) "Licensing authority" means the supreme court or the Lac du Flambeau
15band of the Lake Superior Chippewa.
SB494-SSA2,67,1816 (f) "Subpoena or warrant" means a subpoena or warrant issued by the
17department of workforce development or a child support agency and relating to
18paternity or support proceedings.
SB494-SSA2,67,2019 (g) "Support" means child or family support, maintenance, birth expenses,
20medical expenses or other expenses related to the support of a child or former spouse.
SB494-SSA2,68,3 21(2) (a) The department of workforce development shall establish a system, in
22accordance with federal law, under which a licensing authority is requested, and a
23licensing agency or credentialing board is required, to restrict, limit, suspend,
24withhold, deny, refuse to grant or issue or refuse to renew or revalidate a license in
25a timely manner upon certification by and in cooperation with the department of

1workforce development, if the individual holding or applying for the license is
2delinquent in making court-ordered payments of support or fails to comply, after
3appropriate notice, with a subpoena or warrant.
SB494-SSA2,68,74 (b) Under the system, the department of workforce development shall enter
5into a memorandum of understanding with a licensing authority, if the licensing
6authority agrees, and with a licensing agency. A memorandum of understanding
7under this paragraph shall address at least all of the following:
SB494-SSA2,68,208 1. The circumstances under which the licensing authority or the licensing
9agency must restrict, limit, suspend, withhold, deny, refuse to grant or issue or refuse
10to renew or revalidate a license and guidelines for determining the appropriate
11action to take. The memorandum of understanding with the department of
12regulation and licensing shall include the circumstances under which the
13department of regulation and licensing shall direct a credentialing board to restrict,
14limit, suspend, withhold, deny or refuse to grant a credential and guidelines for
15determining the appropriate action to take. The guidelines under this subdivision
16for determining the appropriate action to take shall require the consideration of
17whether the action is likely to have an adverse effect on public health, safety or
18welfare or on the environment, and of whether the action is likely to adversely affect
19individuals other than the individual holding or applying for the license, such as
20employes of that individual.
SB494-SSA2,68,2221 2. Procedures that the department of workforce development shall use for
22doing all of the following:
SB494-SSA2,69,523 a. Certifying to the licensing authority or licensing agency a delinquency in
24support or a failure to comply with a subpoena or warrant. The memorandum of
25understanding with the department of regulation and licensing shall include

1procedures for the department of regulation and licensing to notify a credentialing
2board that a certification of delinquency in support or failure to comply with a
3subpoena or warrant has been made by the department of workforce development
4with respect to an individual who holds or applied for a credential granted by the
5credentialing board.
SB494-SSA2,69,76 b. Notifying an individual who is delinquent in making court-ordered
7payments of support under sub. (3) (a).
SB494-SSA2,69,98 bg. Notifying an individual who is delinquent in making court-ordered
9payments of support and who fails to request a hearing under sub. (3) (am).
SB494-SSA2,69,1110 br. Notifying an individual who fails to comply with a subpoena or warrant
11under sub. (3) (b).
SB494-SSA2,69,1912 c. Notifying the licensing authority or licensing agency that an individual has
13paid delinquent support or made satisfactory alternative payment arrangements or
14satisfied the requirements under a subpoena or warrant. The memorandum of
15understanding with the department of regulation and licensing shall include
16procedures for the department of regulation and licensing to notify a credentialing
17board that an individual who holds or applied for a credential granted by the
18credentialing board has paid delinquent support or made satisfactory alternative
19payment arrangements or satisfied the requirements under a subpoena or warrant.
SB494-SSA2,69,2120 3. Procedures that the licensing authority or licensing agency shall use for
21doing all of the following:
SB494-SSA2,70,222 a. Restricting, limiting, suspending, withholding, denying, refusing to grant or
23issue or refusing to renew or revalidate a license. The memorandum of
24understanding with the department of regulation and licensing shall include

1procedures for the department of regulation and licensing to direct a credentialing
2board to restrict, limit, suspend, withhold, deny or refuse to grant a credential.
SB494-SSA2,70,33 b. Notifying an individual of action taken under sub. (3) (c) 2.
SB494-SSA2,70,174 c. Issuing or reinstating a license if the department of workforce development
5notifies the licensing authority or licensing agency that an individual who was
6delinquent in making court-ordered payments of support has paid the delinquent
7support or made satisfactory alternative payment arrangements or that an
8individual who failed to comply with a subpoena or warrant has satisfied the
9requirements under the subpoena or warrant. The memorandum of understanding
10with the department of regulation and licensing shall include procedures for the
11department of regulation and licensing to direct a credentialing board to grant or
12reinstate a credential if the department of workforce development notifies the
13department of regulation and licensing that an individual who holds or applied for
14a credential granted by the credentialing board has paid the delinquent support or
15made satisfactory alternative payment arrangements or that an individual who
16failed to comply with a subpoena or warrant has satisfied the requirements under
17the subpoena or warrant.
SB494-SSA2,70,2218 d. Issuing or reinstating a license after the maximum time has elapsed if an
19individual who was delinquent in making court-ordered payments of support does
20not pay the delinquent support or make satisfactory alternative payment
21arrangements and if an individual who failed to comply with a subpoena or warrant
22fails to satisfy the requirements under the subpoena or warrant.
SB494-SSA2,70,2423 4. Procedures for the use under the system of social security numbers obtained
24from license applications.
15. Procedures for safeguarding the confidentiality of information about an
2individual, including social security numbers obtained by the department of
3workforce development, the licensing authority, the licensing agency or a
4credentialing board.
SB494-SSA2,71,115 (c) 1. The system shall provide for adequate notice to an individual who is
6delinquent in making court-ordered payments of support, an opportunity for the
7individual to make alternative arrangements for paying the delinquent support, an
8opportunity for the individual to request and obtain a hearing before a court or family
9court commissioner as provided in sub. (3) and prompt reinstatement of the
10individual's license upon payment of the delinquent support or upon making
11satisfactory alternative payment arrangements.
SB494-SSA2,71,1612 2. The system shall provide for adequate notice to an individual who fails to
13comply with a subpoena or warrant, an opportunity for the individual to satisfy the
14requirements under the subpoena or warrant and prompt reinstatement of the
15individual's license upon satisfaction of the requirements under the subpoena or
SB494-SSA2,71,2017 (d) Notwithstanding pars. (b) 3. c. and (c), under the system a license may not
18be restricted, limited, suspended, withheld, denied or refused granting, issuing,
19renewing or revalidating for a delinquency in support for more than 5 years, or for
20a failure to comply with a subpoena or warrant for more than 6 months.
SB494-SSA2,72,2 21(3) (a) Before the department of workforce development certifies to a licensing
22authority or a licensing agency under the system established under sub. (2) that an
23individual is delinquent in making court-ordered payments of support, the
24department of workforce development or a child support agency shall provide notice

1to the individual by regular mail. The notice shall inform the individual of all of the
SB494-SSA2,72,53 1. That a certification of delinquency in paying support will be made to a
4licensing authority, a licensing agency or, with respect to a credential granted by a
5credentialing board, the department of regulation and licensing.
SB494-SSA2,72,66 2. When the certification under subd. 1. will occur.
SB494-SSA2,72,147 3. That, upon certification, for a period of 5 years any license that the individual
8holds from any licensing agency or credentialing board, or from any licensing
9authority if the licensing authority agrees, will be restricted, limited, suspended or
10not renewed or revalidated, and any license for which the individual applies or has
11applied from any licensing agency or credentialing board, or from any licensing
12authority if the licensing authority agrees, will not be granted or issued. The notice
13shall inform the individual that he or she may be eligible for an occupational license
14under s. 343.10 if his or her operating privilege is suspended.
SB494-SSA2,72,1915 4. That the certification will not be made if the individual pays the delinquent
16amount in full or makes satisfactory alternative payment arrangements with the
17department of workforce development or a child support agency. The notice shall
18inform the individual of how he or she may pay the delinquent amount or make
19satisfactory alternative payment arrangements.
SB494-SSA2,72,2320 5. That, within 20 business days after receiving the notice, the individual may
21request a hearing before the circuit court that rendered the order or judgment
22requiring the payments. The request shall be in writing and the individual shall mail
23or deliver a copy of the request to the child support agency.
SB494-SSA2,73,524 (ac) 1. If an individual timely requests a hearing under par. (a) 5., the court
25shall schedule a hearing within 10 business days after receiving the request. The

1family court commissioner may conduct the hearing. The only issues at the hearing
2shall be whether the individual is delinquent in making court-ordered payments of
3support and whether any alternative payment arrangement offered by the
4department of workforce development or the county child support agency is
SB494-SSA2,73,106 2. If at a hearing under subd. 1. the court or family court commissioner finds
7that the individual does not owe delinquent support, or if within 20 business days
8after receiving a notice under par. (a) the individual pays the delinquent amount in
9full or makes satisfactory alternative payment arrangements, the department of
10workforce development shall not place the individual's name on a certification list.
SB494-SSA2,73,1711 3. If at a hearing under subd. 1. the court or family court commissioner makes
12a written determination that alternative payment arrangements proposed by the
13department of workforce development or a child support agency are not reasonable,
14the court or family court commissioner may order for the individual an alternative
15payment arrangement. If the court or family court commissioner orders an
16alternative payment arrangement, the department of workforce development may
17not place the individual's name on a certification list.
SB494-SSA2,73,2318 (am) If an individual, after receiving notice under par. (a), does not timely
19request a hearing or pay the delinquent amount of support or make satisfactory
20alternative payment arrangements, the department of workforce development shall
21place the individual's name on a certification list. Thereafter, the department of
22workforce development or a child support agency shall provide a 2nd notice to the
23individual by regular mail that informs the individual of all of the following:
11. That the individual's name has been placed on a certification list, which will
2be provided to a licensing authority, a licensing agency or, with respect to a credential
3granted by a credentialing board, the department of regulation and licensing.
SB494-SSA2,74,44 2. When the certification will be made.
SB494-SSA2,74,105 3. That, upon certification, for a period of 5 years any license that the individual
6holds from any licensing agency or credentialing board, or from any licensing
7authority if the licensing authority agrees, will be restricted, limited, suspended or
8not renewed or revalidated, and any license for which the individual applies or has
9applied from any licensing agency or credentialing board, or from any licensing
10authority if the licensing authority agrees, will not be granted or issued.
SB494-SSA2,74,1511 4. That the certification will not be made if the individual pays the delinquent
12amount in full or makes satisfactory alternative payment arrangements with the
13department of workforce development or a child support agency. The notice shall
14inform the individual of how he or she may pay the delinquent amount or make
15satisfactory alternative payment arrangements.
SB494-SSA2,74,1916 5. That, within 20 business days after receiving the notice, the individual may
17request a hearing before the circuit court that rendered the order or judgment
18requiring the payments. The request shall be in writing and the individual shall mail
19or deliver a copy of the request to the child support agency.
SB494-SSA2,75,220 (ar) 1. If an individual timely requests a hearing under par. (am) 5., the court
21shall schedule a hearing within 10 business days after receiving the request. The
22family court commissioner may conduct the hearing. The only issues at the hearing
23shall be whether the individual is delinquent in making court-ordered payments of
24support and whether any alternative payment arrangement offered by the

1department of workforce development or the county child support agency is
SB494-SSA2,75,73 2. If at a hearing under subd. 1. the court or family court commissioner finds
4that the individual does not owe delinquent support, or if within 20 business days
5after receiving a notice under par. (am) the individual pays the delinquent amount
6in full or makes satisfactory alternative payment arrangements, the department of
7workforce development shall remove the individual's name from the certification list.
SB494-SSA2,75,148 3. If at a hearing under subd. 1. the court or family court commissioner makes
9a written determination that alternative payment arrangements proposed by the
10department of workforce development or a child support agency are not reasonable,
11the court or family court commissioner may order for the individual an alternative
12payment arrangement. If the court or family court commissioner orders an
13alternative payment arrangement, the department of workforce development may
14not place the individual's name on a certification list.
SB494-SSA2,75,2315 (b) Any subpoena or warrant shall include notice to the individual of the effect
16that a failure to comply with the subpoena or warrant may have on any license that
17the individual holds or for which the individual applies. If the individual fails to
18comply, before the department of workforce development certifies to a licensing
19authority or a licensing agency under the system established under sub. (2) that an
20individual has failed to comply with a subpoena or warrant, the department of
21workforce development or a child support agency shall provide notice to the
22individual by regular mail. The notice shall inform the individual of all of the
11. That a certification of the failure to comply with a subpoena or warrant will
2be made to a licensing authority, a licensing agency or, with respect to a credential
3granted by a credentialing board, the department of regulation and licensing.
SB494-SSA2,76,44 2. When the certification under subd. 1. will occur.
SB494-SSA2,76,105 3. That, upon certification, for a period of 6 months any license that the
6individual holds from any licensing agency or credentialing board, or from any
7licensing authority if the licensing authority agrees, will be restricted, limited,
8suspended or not renewed or revalidated, and any license for which the individual
9applies or has applied from any licensing agency or credentialing board, or from any
10licensing authority if the licensing authority agrees, will not be granted or issued.
SB494-SSA2,76,1311 4. That certification will not be made if the individual satisfies the
12requirements under the subpoena or warrant. The notice shall inform the individual
13of how he or she may satisfy those requirements.