November 4, 1997 - Offered by Senators Clausing, C. Potter, Risser, Burke and
SB7-SSA1-SA12,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the substitute amendment as follows:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,1,4 21. Page 2, line 13: delete the material beginning with "designations" and
3ending with "returns" on page 14 and substitute "public financing of elections for
4certain state offices,".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,1,6 52. Page 2, line 18: delete the material beginning with "public" and ending with
6"committees," on line 21.
SB7-SSA1-SA12,1,7 73. Page 3, line 12: after that line insert:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,1,8 8" Section 1m. 5.02 (18) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,1,129 5.02 (18) "September primary" means the primary held the 2nd Tuesday in
10September to nominate candidates to be voted for at the general election , and to
11determine which candidates for state offices other than district attorney may
12participate in the Wisconsin election campaign fund
14. Page 4, line 9: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with
2page 6, line 13, and substitute:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,2,3 3" Section 4b. 5.62 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,2,224 5.62 (1) (a) At September primaries, the following ballot shall be provided for
5the nomination of candidates of recognized political parties for national, state and
6county offices and independent candidates for state office in each ward, in the same
7form as prescribed by the board under s. 7.08 (1) (a). The ballots shall be made up
8of the several party tickets with each party entitled to participate in the primary
9under par. (b) or sub. (2) having its own ballot. The independent candidates for state
10office other than district attorney shall have a separate ballot for all such candidates
11as under s. 5.64 (1) (e).
The ballots shall be secured together at the bottom. The party
12ballot of the party receiving the most votes for president or governor at the last
13general election shall be on top with the other parties arranged in descending order
14based on their vote for president or governor at the last general election. The ballots
15of parties qualifying under sub. (2) shall be placed after the parties qualifying under
16par. (b), in the same order in which the parties filed petitions with the board. The
17ballot listing the independent candidates shall be placed at the bottom.
At polling
18places where voting machines are used, each party and the independent candidates
19shall be represented in one or more separate columns or rows on the ballot. At polling
20places where an electronic voting system is used other than an electronic voting
21machine, each party and the independent candidates may be represented in separate
22columns or rows on the ballot.
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 4c 23Section 4c. 5.62 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
15.62 (3) The board shall designate the official primary ballot arrangement for
2statewide offices and district attorney within each prosecutorial district by using the
3same procedure as provided in s. 5.60 (1) (b). On each ballot and on each separate
4column or row on the ballot, the candidates for office shall be listed together with the
5offices which they seek in the following order whenever these offices appear on the
6September primary ballot: governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general,
7secretary of state, state treasurer, U.S. senator, U.S. representative in congress,
8state senator, representative to the assembly, district attorney and the county offices.
9Below the names of the independent candidates shall appear the party or principle
10of the candidates, if any, in 5 words or less, as shown on their nomination papers.
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 4d 11Section 4d. 5.62 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,3,1712 5.62 (5) At the September primary, an elector may vote for the candidates of
13only one party, or the elector may vote for any of the independent candidates for state
14office listed
; but the elector may not vote for more than one candidate for a single
15office. A space shall be provided on the ballot for an elector to write in the name of
16his or her choice as a party candidate for any office, but no space shall be provided
17to write in the names of independent candidates
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 4e 18Section 4e. 7.08 (2) (c) and (cm) of the statutes are repealed.
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 4f 19Section 4f. 7.70 (3) (e) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 4g 20Section 4g. 8.10 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,3,2421 8.10 (3) (intro.) The affidavit of a qualified elector under s. 8.15 (4) (a) shall be
22appended to each nomination paper. The Except as otherwise required under s. 11.51
23for a candidate who accepts a grant from the clean elections fund, the
number of
24required signatures on nomination papers filed under this section is:
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 4h 25Section 4h. 8.15 (6) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
18.15 (6) (intro.)  The Except as otherwise required under s. 11.51 for a
2candidate who accepts a grant from the clean elections fund, the
number of required
3signatures on nomination papers shall be as follows:
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 4i 4Section 4i. 8.16 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,4,115 8.16 (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), the person who receives the greatest
6number of votes for an office on a party ballot at any partisan primary, regardless of
7whether the person's name appears on the ballot, shall be the party's candidate for
8the office, and the person's name shall so appear on the official ballot at the next
9election. All independent candidates shall appear on the general election ballot
10regardless of the number of votes received by such candidates at the September
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 4j 12Section 4j. 8.16 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 4k 13Section 4k. 8.20 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,4,1914 8.20 (4) The Except as otherwise required under s. 11.51 for a candidate who
15accepts a grant from the clean elections fund, the
number of required signatures on
16nomination papers for independent candidates shall be the same as the number
17specified in s. 8.15 (6). For independent presidential electors intending to vote for
18the same candidates for president and vice president, the number of required
19signatures shall be not less than 2,000 nor more than 4,000 electors.".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,4,20 205. Page 6, line 17: delete " party," and substitute "party or".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,4,22 216. Page 6, line 18: delete the underscored material beginning with "or" and
22ending with "fund" on line 19.
SB7-SSA1-SA12,4,24 237. Page 6, line 25: delete the underscored material beginning with "or" and
24ending with "fund" on page 7, line 1.
18. Page 7, line 3: delete lines 3 to 13 and substitute:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,5,2 2" Section 7b. 8.35 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,5,93 8.35 (4) (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), any unspent and unencumbered moneys
4received by a candidate from the Wisconsin election campaign clean elections fund
5shall be immediately transferred to any candidate who is appointed to replace such
6candidate, upon filing of a proper application therefor under s. 11.50 (2). If there is
7no candidate appointed or if no proper application is filed within 7 days of the date
8on which the vacancy occurs
, such moneys shall revert to the state as provided in s.
911.50 (8)
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 8b 10Section 8b. 10.02 (3) (b) 2m. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,5,1911 10.02 (3) (b) 2m. At the September primary, the elector shall select the party
12ballot of his or her choice or the ballot containing the names of the independent
13candidates for state office
, and make a cross (8) in the square at the right of or
14depress the lever or button next to the candidate's name for each office for whom the
15elector intends to vote or insert or write in the name of the elector's choice for a party
16candidate, if any. In order to qualify for participation in the Wisconsin election
17campaign fund, a candidate for state office at the September primary, other than a
18candidate for district attorney, must receive at least 6% of all votes cast on all ballots
19for the office for which he or she is a candidate, in addition to other requirements.
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 8c 20Section 8c. 10.06 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,6,421 10.06 (1) (e) As soon as possible following the state canvass of the spring
22primary vote, but no later than the first Tuesday in March, the board shall send a
23type B notice certifying to each county clerk the list of candidates for the spring
24election. When no primary is held, this notice shall be sent under par. (c). The board

1shall also in any case send a certified list of candidates under s. 11.50 to the state
2treasurer pursuant to s. 7.08 (2) (c).
When there is a referendum, the board shall send
3type A and C notices certifying each question to the county clerks as soon as possible,
4but no later than the first Tuesday in March.
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 8d 5Section 8d. 10.06 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,6,106 10.06 (1) (i) As soon as possible after the state canvass, but no later than the
74th Tuesday in September, the board shall send a type B notice certifying the list of
8candidates and type A and C notices certifying each question for any referendum to
9each county clerk for the general election and a certified list of candidates under s.
1011.50 to the state treasurer pursuant to s. 7.08 (2) (c)
SB7-SSA1-SA12,6,12 119. Page 9, line 4: delete "An" and substitute "An Except as required under s.
1211.51 (2), an
SB7-SSA1-SA12,6,13 1310. Page 9, line 10: delete lines 10 to 14 and substitute:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,6,14 14" Section 17b. 11.06 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,6,1815 11.06 (1) (g) An Except as required under s. 11.51 (8), an itemized statement
16of every disbursement exceeding $20 in amount or value, together with the name and
17address of the person to whom the disbursement was made, and the date and specific
18purpose for which the disbursement was made.".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,6,19 1911. Page 11, line 4: delete lines 4 to 10.
SB7-SSA1-SA12,6,20 2012. Page 14, line 13: delete lines 13 to 18.
SB7-SSA1-SA12,6,21 2113. Page 16, line 3: delete lines 3 to 11.
SB7-SSA1-SA12,6,23 2214. Page 17, line 13: delete the underscored material beginning with
23"transferred" and ending with "fund," on line 14.
115. Page 20, line 24: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
2with page 21, line 7, and substitute:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,3 3" Section 41ag. 11.21 (15) of the statutes is repealed.".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,5 416. Page 21, line 22: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
5with page 22, line 2.
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,7 617. Page 24, line 4: delete the underscored material beginning with "A" and
7ending with "contributions." on line 10.
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,9 818. Page 24, line 18: delete the material beginning with "Section" on that line
9and ending with "2." on line 23 and substitute:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,10 10" Section 53ag. 11.26 (9) (c) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,1111 11.26 (9) (c)".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,12 1219. Page 24, line 24: after that line insert:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,13 13" Section 53b. 11.26 (10) and (13) of the statutes are repealed.".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,14 1420. Page 25, line 3: after that line insert:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,15 15" Section 54b. 11.26 (17) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,1816 11.26 (17) (a) For purposes of application of the limitations imposed in subs.
17(1), (2), and (9) and (10), the "campaign" of a candidate begins and ends at the times
18specified in this subsection.".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,19 1921. Page 25, line 20: after that line insert:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,20 20" Section 56t. 11.31 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,7,21 2111.31 (title) Disbursement levels and limitations; calculation.
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 56v 22Section 56v. 11.31 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
111.31 (1) Schedule. (intro.) The following levels of disbursements are
2established with reference to the candidates listed below. Except as provided in sub.
3(2), such
Such levels do not operate to restrict the total amount of disbursements
4which are made or authorized to be made by any candidate in any primary or other
SB7-SSA1-SA12,8,7 622. Page 26, line 13: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
7with page 27, line 11, and substitute:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,8,8 8" Section 61d. 11.31 (2) and (2m) of the statutes are repealed.".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,8,10 923. Page 27, line 20: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
10with page 28, line 2, and substitute:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,8,11 11" Section 64b. 11.31 (3) of the statutes is repealed.".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,8,12 1224. Page 28, line 5: delete "(1), (1m) and (2)" and substitute "(1) and (1m)".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,8,13 1325. Page 28, line 12: after "then" insert "the disbursement level of".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,8,15 1426. Page 28, line 14: delete the material beginning with "may" and ending
15with "plus" on line 16 and substitute "is increased by".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,8,16 1627. Page 28, line 22: delete "limitations" and substitute "limitations levels".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,8,17 1728. Page 29, line 12: delete lines 12 to 16 and substitute:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,8,18 18" Section 67b. 11.31 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,8,2119 11.31 (7) (b) Disbursements which are made before a campaign period for goods
20to be delivered or services to be rendered in connection with the campaign are
21charged against the disbursement limitation level for that campaign.".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,8,22 2229. Page 29, line 20: delete "limitation" and substitute "limitation level".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,8,23 2330. Page 29, line 21: before that line insert:
1" Section 69b. 11.31 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,9,62 11.31 (8) Certain contributions excluded. The limitations imposed levels
under this section do not apply to a gift of anything of value constituting
4a contribution made directly to a registrant by another, but the limitations levels
5shall apply to such gift when it is received and accepted by the recipient or, if received
6in the form of money, when disbursed.".
SB7-SSA1-SA12,9,8 731. Page 30, line 1: on lines 1 and 7, delete "limitations" and substitute
SB7-SSA1-SA12,9,10 932. Page 30, line 13: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
10with page 43, line 2, and substitute:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,9,11 11" Section 70b. 11.31 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,9,1512 11.31 (10) Surplus materials excluded. Disbursements constituting surplus
13materials acquired in connection with a previous campaign of a candidate are not
14subject to limitation by included in the levels specified in this section, if the materials
15were previously reported as a disbursement by that candidate.
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 71b 16Section 71b. 11.50 of the statutes is repealed.
SB7-SSA1-SA12, s. 97b 17Section 97b. 11.51 of the statutes is created to read:
SB7-SSA1-SA12,9,20 1811.51 Clean elections fund grants. (1) Any candidate for a state office other
19than district attorney may qualify to receive a grant from the clean elections fund by
20fulfilling the requirements of this section.
SB7-SSA1-SA12,9,23 21(2) In order to qualify to receive a grant from the clean elections fund, a
22candidate for one of the following offices shall obtain and deposit with the state
23treasurer the following specified number of contributions, in the amount of $5 each,

1to the clean elections fund, each of which shall be received from an individual who
2is identified in a report filed with the board as provided in s. 11.06 (1) (a):
SB7-SSA1-SA12,10,33 (a) Representative to the assembly, 300.