SB77-SSA1,1991,21 15(4m)Health insurance risk-sharing plan board study on plan efficiency.
16The health insurance risk-sharing plan board of governors under section 619.15 of
17the statutes, as affected by this act, shall study the operation of the health insurance
18risk-sharing plan under subchapter II of chapter 619 of the statutes, as affected by
19this act. On or before June 30, 1998, the board shall submit a report to the legislature
20in the manner provided under section 13.172 (2) of the statutes and to the governor
21regarding the cost efficiency of the plan, including evaluations of all of the following:
SB77-SSA1,1991,23 22(a) The impact on the plan of the greater use of managed care and case
23management for eligible persons.
SB77-SSA1,1991,25 24(b) The effect on the plan of the federal Health Insurance Portability and
25Accountability Act of 1996.
SB77-SSA1, s. 9128
1Section 9128.2 Nonstatutory provisions; investment board.
SB77-SSA1,1992,7 2(1m)Certain direct charges. Prior to the enactment of the 1999-2001
3biennial budget act, the investment board may not pay, as a direct charge to the funds
4under the board's management pursuant to section 25.18 (1) (a) or (m) of the statutes,
5expenses incurred in designing or installing computerized information systems,
6except for expenses relating to transfers between the board and 3rd parties of data
7relating to investment matters.
SB77-SSA1, s. 9131 8Section 9131.3 Nonstatutory provisions; justice.
SB77-SSA1,1992,15 9(1m)Prosecutors for sexually violent person commitment cases. Of the
10authorized FTE positions for the department of justice funded from the
11appropriation under section 20.455 (1) (a) of the statutes, 2.5 GPR project positions
12shall be used for the period ending on June 30, 1999, to provide 2.0 attorney positions
13and 0.5 paralegal position to assist district attorneys in prosecuting sexually violent
14person commitment proceedings under chapter 980 of the statutes, as affected by
15this act.
SB77-SSA1,1992,20 16(1t)Study of hazardous substance cleanup agreements. The department of
17justice shall review the effectiveness of section 292.11 (7) (d) and (e) of the statutes,
18as created by this act, and shall submit a report of its findings to the joint committee
19on finance and to the legislative standing committees with jurisdiction over
20environmental matters by January 1, 2000.
SB77-SSA1, s. 9132 21Section 9132. Nonstatutory provisions; legislature.
SB77-SSA1,1993,11 22(1g)Audit of the public employe training functions of the department of
23employment relations
. The joint legislative audit committee is requested to direct
24the legislative audit bureau to perform a financial and performance evaluation audit
25of the public employe training functions of the department of employment relations.

1The audit shall include an evaluation of whether the department of employment
2relations should offer training services to public employes. If the audit recommends
3that the department of employment relations continue to provide training services
4to public employes, the audit shall offer recommendations regarding what role the
5department should adopt in providing such training services and whether current
6law allows for the adoption of that role, whether departmental staff is required for
7providing the training services and how the training services may be reliably funded
8from fees paid by governmental agencies that contract with the department for
9providing the services. If the committee directs the legislative audit bureau to
10perform the audit, the bureau shall file its report as described under section 13.94
11(1) (b) of the statutes by September 1, 1998.
SB77-SSA1,1993,13 12(1h)A study of the feasibility of reopening the variable retirement
13investment trust to participants in the Wisconsin retirement system
SB77-SSA1,1993,20 14(a) The retirement research committee, with the cooperation of the
15department of employe trust funds and the investment board, is requested to study
16the feasibility and cost implications of reopening the variable retirement investment
17trust to participants in the Wisconsin retirement system who are currently
18prohibited from having their employe and employer retirement contributions
19credited to the variable retirement investment trust. The study shall include all of
20the following:
SB77-SSA1,1993,22 211. An assessment of the impact on employer required contributions as a result
22of reopening the variable retirement investment trust.
SB77-SSA1,1994,2 232. An examination of the impact on investments in the fixed retirement
24investment trust if assets are transferred from the fixed retirement investment trust

1to the variable retirement investment trust as a result of reopening the variable
2retirement investment trust.
SB77-SSA1,1994,5 33. An evaluation of whether the administrative workload in the department of
4employe trust funds and the investment board would increase as a result of
5reopening the variable retirement investment trust.
SB77-SSA1,1994,8 64. A review of the implications for participating employes who may elect to
7have their employe and employer retirement contributions credited to the variable
8retirement investment trust.
SB77-SSA1,1994,11 9(b) If the retirement research committee conducts the study specified in
10paragraph (a), the retirement research committee shall submit its report to the joint
11committee on finance by January 1, 1998.
SB77-SSA1,1994,19 12(1k)Reengineering of information systems in the department of
. If the department of administration or the department of corrections
14contracts for a consultant to study the reengineering of the information systems in
15the department of corrections, the department of corrections and the department of
16administration shall jointly submit the results of the study to the joint committee on
17information policy. The department of corrections and the department of
18administration may not implement any of the recommendations in the study unless
19the recommendations have been approved by the committee.
SB77-SSA1,1994,20 20(1t)Laptop computer acquisitions for assembly.
SB77-SSA1,1994,24 21(a) In this subsection, "master lease" means an agreement entered into on
22behalf of the state for the lease of goods and related services under which the state
23agrees to make periodic payments, which may provide for the state to acquire title
24to the goods upon compliance with the terms of the agreement.
1(b) The committee on organization of the assembly is requested to enter into
2a master lease for the acquisition of 100 laptop computers for assembly offices during
3fiscal year 1997-98. The costs of any such agreement shall be paid from the
4appropriation under section 20.765 (1) (d) of the statutes, as affected by this act,
5within the amounts budgeted for that appropriation in the schedule under section
620.005 (3) of the statutes.
SB77-SSA1,1995,7 7(1x)Consolidation of state centers for the developmentally disabled.
SB77-SSA1,1995,10 8(a) There is created a committee to develop and recommend a plan for the
9consolidation of the 3 state centers for the developmentally disabled. In developing
10and recommending the plan, the committee shall consider all of the following factors:
SB77-SSA1,1995,12 111. The availability of community-based support services for center residents
12in place of institutional care.
SB77-SSA1,1995,14 132. The effect that consolidation of the 3 state centers for the developmentally
14disabled will have on employment.
SB77-SSA1,1995,16 153. The fiscal effect that consolidation of the 3 state centers for the
16developmentally disabled will have on the state.
SB77-SSA1,1995,18 174. The ability of relatives of center residents to maintain contact with those
18residents if those residents are relocated as a result of the consolidation.
SB77-SSA1,1995,20 195. The impact on center residents of any relocation of center residents as a
20result of the consolidation.
SB77-SSA1,1995,22 216. Possible alternative uses of any state center for the developmentally
22disabled that is closed as a result of the consolidation.
SB77-SSA1,1996,2 23(b) The committee shall consist of the following members, none of whom may
24be a senator representing a senate district, or a representative to the assembly

1representing an assembly district, in which a state center for the developmentally
2disabled is located:
SB77-SSA1,1996,3 31. A member who is appointed by the governor.
SB77-SSA1,1996,4 42. The majority leader of the senate or his or her designee.
SB77-SSA1,1996,5 53. The senate minority leader or his or her designee.
SB77-SSA1,1996,6 64. The speaker of the assembly or his or her designee.
SB77-SSA1,1996,7 75. The assembly minority leader or his or her designee.
SB77-SSA1,1996,9 8(c) The committee shall elect a chairperson of the committee from among the
9members of the committee.
SB77-SSA1,1996,12 10(d) The committee may call upon any state agency or officer for the facilities
11and data of that agency or officer, and those agencies and officers shall cooperate with
12the committee to the fullest extent possible.
SB77-SSA1,1996,17 13(e) By January 1, 1998, the committee shall submit a report containing its
14findings, conclusions and recommendations for the consolidation of the 3 state
15centers for the developmentally disabled to the legislature in the manner provided
16under section 13.172 (2) of the statutes and to the governor. The committee
17terminates on submittal of the report as required under this paragraph.
SB77-SSA1,1996,22 18(f) The department of health and family services shall consolidate the 3 state
19centers for the developmentally disabled in accordance with the recommendation of
20the committee, unless the legislature, by joint resolution, rejects the
21recommendation of the committee within 60 days after the date on which the report
22of the committee is submitted to the legislature under paragraph (e).
SB77-SSA1,1997,9 23(g) If the committee recommends a plan for the consolidation of the 3 state
24centers for the developmentally disabled that involves relocating state center
25residents and if the legislature does not reject the plan under paragraph (f), the

1department of health and family services shall request the joint committee on
2finance to transfer moneys to the appropriation account under section 20.435 (5) (b)
3of the statutes, as created by this act, to fund the cost of relocating those residents.
4If the joint committee on finance determines that moneys are available to fund that
5cost, the joint committee on finance shall transfer not more than $600,000 in fiscal
6year 1998-99 to the appropriation account under section 20.435 (5) (b) of the
7statutes, as created by this act, and shall increase the expenditure authority under
8section 20.435 (2) (gk) of the statutes, as affected by this act, by not more than
9$1,450,000 in fiscal year 1998-99.
SB77-SSA1,1997,13 10(h) If the committee recommends a plan for the consolidation of the 3 state
11centers for the developmentally disabled that involves closing one or more of those
12state centers and if the legislature does not reject the plan under paragraph (f), the
13department of health and family services may do any of the following:
SB77-SSA1,1997,17 141. Notwithstanding sections 51.10 and 51.15 of the statutes and sections 51.13,
1551.20, 51.67 and 55.06 of the statutes, as affected by this act, refuse to admit new
16residents to a state center for the developmentally disabled that is recommended for
SB77-SSA1,1997,20 182. Transfer residents among the state centers for the developmentally disabled
19without providing the procedural protections specified in section 51.35 (1) of the
20statutes, as affected by this act.
SB77-SSA1,1997,22 213. Relocate individuals who are receiving services under section 51.06 (1) (d)
22of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB77-SSA1,1997,23 23(2a)Integrated legislative information system staff creation.
SB77-SSA1,1998,3 24(a)Positions and employes. All positions and incumbent employes holding
25positions in the legislature related to the functions of the integrated legislative

1information system staff on the effective date of this paragraph, as determined by
2the joint committee on legislative organization, are transferred to the integrated
3legislative information system staff.
SB77-SSA1,1998,8 4(b)Tangible personal property. On the effective date of this paragraph, all
5tangible personal property, including records, of the legislature relating to the
6functions of the integrated legislative information system staff, as determined by the
7joint committee on legislative organization, is transferred to the integrated
8legislative information system staff.
SB77-SSA1,1998,16 9(c)Contracts. All contracts entered into by the legislature in effect on the
10effective date of this paragraph that are primarily related to the functions of the
11integrated legislative information system staff, as determined by the joint committee
12on legislative organization, remain in effect and are transferred to the integrated
13legislative information system staff. The integrated legislative information system
14staff shall carry out any obligations under such a contract until modified or rescinded
15by the integrated legislative information system staff to the extent allowed under the
SB77-SSA1,1998,22 17(d)Pending matters. Any matter pending with the legislature on the effective
18date of this paragraph relating to the functions of the integrated legislative
19information system staff is transferred to the integrated legislative information
20system staff and all materials submitted to or actions taken by the legislature with
21respect to the pending matter are considered as having been submitted to or taken
22by the integrated legislative information system staff.
SB77-SSA1,1999,8 23(2g)Touring exhibit of Wisconsin state capitol. The joint committee on
24legislative organization, in cooperation with the state historical society of Wisconsin,
25shall establish a touring exhibit dealing with the history of the Wisconsin state

1capitol through photographs, videotapes and artifacts. For this purpose, the
2committee may authorize expenditure of not more than $100,000 in fiscal year
31997-98 from the appropriation under section 20.765 (1) (d) of the statutes, as
4affected by this act, within the amounts budgeted for that appropriation in the
5schedule under section 20.005 (3) of the statutes, to support production of the exhibit
6after the state historical society of Wisconsin notifies the cochairpersons of the
7committee that the society has received at least $100,000 in donations to finance the
SB77-SSA1,1999,15 9(2r)Residential schools. From the appropriation under section 20.865 (4) (a)
10of the statutes, the joint committee on finance shall supplement the appropriation
11to the department of public instruction under section 20.255 (1) (b) of the statutes,
12in an amount equal to $91,200 in each fiscal year of the 1997-99 fiscal biennium, if
13the joint committee on finance approves the applicable plan under Section 9140 (1)
14of this act. Notwithstanding section 13.101 (3) (a) of the statutes, the committee is
15not required to find that an emergency exists.
SB77-SSA1,1999,16 16(2z)Temporary assistance to needy families funding reserve.
SB77-SSA1,1999,19 17(a) During the 1997-98 fiscal year, from the appropriation under section
1820.865 (4) (m) of the statutes, as created by this act, the joint committee on finance
19shall allocate $14,000,000 to do any of the following:
SB77-SSA1,1999,22 201. Supplement payments under section 49.775 of the statutes, as created by
21this act, for the support of the dependent children of recipients under the federal
22supplemental security income program or under section 49.77 of the statutes.
SB77-SSA1,1999,23 232. Fund learning labs and customized labor training programs.
SB77-SSA1,2000,4 24(b) From the appropriation under section 20.865 (4) (m) of the statutes, the
25joint committee on finance shall supplement the appropriation to the department of

1health and family services under section 20.435 (7) (ed) of the statutes, as affected
2by this act, and the appropriation to the department of workforce development under
3section 20.445 (3) (dz) of the statutes, as affected by this act, for the purposes
4specified in paragraph (a) if all of the following occur:
SB77-SSA1,2000,6 51. The departments of health and family services and workforce development
6submit to the committee a joint request for the funds.
SB77-SSA1,2000,10 72. The committee approves the request, or the cochairpersons do not notify
8within 14 working days after the receipt of the request the secretaries of the
9departments that it has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the
SB77-SSA1,2000,16 11(c) If the department of health and family services certifies that federal law
12does not recognize payments made under section 49.775 of the statutes, as created
13by this act, as meeting maintenance-of-effort requirements under 42 USC 1382g,
14supplementation of the appropriation under section 20.435 (7) (ed) of the statutes,
15as affected by this act, shall take priority over supplementation of section 20.445 (3)
16(dz) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB77-SSA1,2000,19 17(d) Notwithstanding section 13.101 (3) (a) of the statutes, the committee is not
18required to find that an emergency exists to supplement the appropriations as
19provided in this subsection.
SB77-SSA1, s. 9135 20Section 9135.4 Nonstatutory provisions; Medical College of Wisconsin.
SB77-SSA1,2001,3 21(2z)Family practice residency program. Of the moneys appropriated to the
22Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc., under section 20.250 (1) (b) of the statutes,
23$136,400 in fiscal year 1997-98 and $181,900 in fiscal year 1998-99 may be expended
24only to fund 2 additional family practice physicians for the family practice residency
25program. The Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc., shall provide matching funds equal

1to 50% of any moneys expended under this subsection. The 2 family practice
2physicians shall be allocated to maximize the number of family practice residents in
3the program.
SB77-SSA1, s. 9137 4Section 9137. Nonstatutory provisions; natural resources.
SB77-SSA1,2001,16 5(1)Fish and game approval issuing system and campground reservation
. The department of natural resources may use the procedure under section
7227.24 of the statutes to promulgate rules under sections 27.01 (7) (e) 2., (7m) (c) and
8(11) (b) and 29.09 (3m) and (3r) of the statutes, as created by this act. If the
9department uses this procedure to promulgate any of these rules, the department
10shall promulgate the rules within 90 days after the effective date of this subsection.
11Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) and (3) of the statutes, the department is not
12required to make a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this
13subsection. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes, the
14effective period of a rule promulgated under this subsection is for one year after its
15promulgation and may not be further extended under section 227.24 (2) of the
SB77-SSA1,2001,20 17(1h)Water pollution credit trading pilot project. During the 1997-99 fiscal
18biennium, the department shall select an area within the Hay River Watershed that
19includes the city of Cumberland as the project area for the program under section
20283.84 of the statutes, as created by this act.
SB77-SSA1,2002,3 21(1i)Study of air emission fee cap. The department of natural resources, in
22consultation with the acid deposition research council, shall study the feasibility of
23raising the 4,000 ton cap on the amount of regulated air pollutants on which the
24department may charge air emission fees, under section 285.69 (2) (b) of the statutes,
25and using the increased fee revenue for enhanced monitoring of sulfur dioxide,

1nitrogen dioxide and mercury deposition in this state. The department shall submit
2a report of its findings and recommendations to the joint committee on finance no
3later than December 1, 1997.
SB77-SSA1,2002,21 4(3)Recreational boating project; High Cliff State Park. From the
5appropriation under section 20.370 (5) (cq) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the
6department of natural resources shall expend the amount that is necessary for the
7construction of breakwater structures in Lake Winnebago at the entrance of High
8Cliff State Park harbor to provide for boater safety, but the amount may not exceed
9$500,000. The department may either expend the amount directly or provide it as
10a grant to Calumet County. Notwithstanding section 30.92 (4) (b) 2. of the statutes,
11as affected by this act, neither the department nor Calumet County need contribute
12any moneys to match the amount expended from the appropriation under section
1320.370 (5) (cq) of the statutes, as affected by this act. Notwithstanding section 30.92
14(4) (a) of the statutes, the department may expend directly the amount authorized
15under this subsection even though Lake Winnebago is not an inland lake without a
16public access facility. The amount expended under this subsection shall be
17considered an expenditure for an inland water project as provided in section 30.92
18(4) (b) 6. of the statutes. This project need not be placed on the priority list under
19section 30.92 (3) (a) of the statutes. Section 20.924 (1) of the statutes, as affected by
20this act, does not apply to the construction of these breakwater structures. This
21subsection does not apply after June 30, 2000.
SB77-SSA1,2003,2 22(3g)Report on paving bicycle trails. By July 1, 1998, the department of
23natural resources shall submit a report to the legislature for distribution to the
24appropriate standing committees in the manner provided in section 13.172 (3) of the
25statutes on the feasibility of paving state bicycle trails, including factors such as the

1effects of paving on trail maintenance and usage and the applicability to Wisconsin
2of similar efforts in other states.
SB77-SSA1,2003,10 3(3x)Emergency rules for safe drinking water program. Using the procedure
4under section 227.24 of the statutes, the department of natural resources may
5promulgate rules for the program under section 281.61 of the statutes, as created by
6this act, for the period before the effective date of permanent rules for the program,
7but not to exceed the period authorized under section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the
8statutes. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a) and (2) (b) of the statutes, the
9department need not provide evidence of the necessity of preservation of public
10peace, health, safety or welfare in promulgating rules under this subsection.
SB77-SSA1,2003,11 11(6g)Brownfields study.
SB77-SSA1,2003,14 12(a) In this subsection, "brownfields" means abandoned, idle or underused
13industrial or commercial facilities or sites, the expansion or redevelopment of which
14is adversely affected by environmental contamination.
SB77-SSA1,2003,17 15(b) The department of natural resources, in cooperation with the departments
16of commerce, administration, revenue, transportation and agriculture, trade and
17consumer protection, shall do all of the following:
SB77-SSA1,2003,19 181. Study the means by which this state can increase the number of brownfields
19that are cleaned and returned to productive use.
SB77-SSA1,2003,21 202. Study the potential methods to provide long-term funding of brownfields
21financial assistance programs.
SB77-SSA1,2003,23 223. Study optional methods to clean up groundwater on a comprehensive, rather
23than property-by-property, basis.
SB77-SSA1,2003,25 244. Study the effectiveness of existing laws concerning the redevelopment of
15. Identify and evaluate additional legislative proposals to further the cleanup
2and redevelopment of brownfields.
SB77-SSA1,2004,6 3(c) The department of natural resources shall submit a report of the results of
4paragraph (b) and any recommendations to the joint committee on finance and to the
5legislative standing committees with jurisdiction over environmental matters no
6later than December 1, 1997.
SB77-SSA1,2004,15 7(7m)Information technology expenditure request. No later than the joint
8committee on finances' 3rd quarterly meeting held under section 13.10 of the
9statutes for the 1997-98 fiscal year, the department of natural resources shall
10submit a plan to expend money from the appropriation under section 20.370 (8) (mt)
11of the statutes, as affected by this act, to conform the department of natural
12resources' information technology to any guidelines and standards established
13under section 16.971 (2) (j) of the statutes by the division of technology management
14in the department of administration. The expenditure plan shall include all of the
15following information:
SB77-SSA1,2004,19 16(a) The unencumbered balance in the department of natural resources'
17appropriation account under section 20.370 (8) (mt) of the statutes, as affected by this
18act, broken down by the amounts allocated for car, truck, airplane, heavy equipment
19and radio pools.
SB77-SSA1,2004,23 20(b) The department of natural resources' proposed expenditure of excess funds
21from the appropriation account under section 20.370 (8) (mt) of the statutes, as
22affected by this act, to conform to the information technology guidelines established
23under section 16.971 (2) (j) of the statutes.
SB77-SSA1,2004,25 24(c) The department of natural resources' assessment of how a one-time
25expenditure of funds from this appropriation would affect the following:
11. The rates charged for car, truck, airplane, heavy equipment and radio pools.
SB77-SSA1,2005,4 22. The sufficiency of revenues credited to the appropriation account under
3section 20.370 (8) (mt) of the statutes, as affected by this act, to fund the projected
4expenditures from that appropriation.
SB77-SSA1,2005,7 5(d) A description of any proposed purchases of other equipment that would
6have to be foregone in order to make the proposed transfer from the appropriation
7account under section 20.370 (8) (mt) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB77-SSA1,2005,11 8(e) The programs within the department of natural resources that provided the
9revenue proposed to be expended under the plan and the programs within the
10department of natural resources that are proposed to be benefited by the
SB77-SSA1,2006,2 12(7n)Emergency rules; certified remediation professionals. By February 1,
131998, the department of natural resources shall promulgate emergency rules under
14section 227.24 of the statutes implementing section 292.85 of the statutes, as created
15by this act. The emergency rules shall authorize a person to become a certified
16remediation professional by certifying to the department that the person possesses
17the minimum education and experience required under the rule for certified
18remediation professionals. Notwithstanding section 292.85 (4) (c) of the statutes, as
19created by this act, the department is not required to publish notice of applications
20for certificates under the emergency rule. A certificate issued under the emergency
21rule is valid until such time, as determined by the department, that a person may
22become certified under permanent rules promulgated by the department or until the
23certificate is revoked. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes,
24the emergency rules may remain in effect for a period not to exceed 2 years.
25Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a) and (2) (b) of the statutes, the department

1need not provide evidence of the necessity of preservation of the public peace, health,
2safety or welfare in promulgating the rules under this subsection.
SB77-SSA1,2006,11 3(7x)Limit on clean water fund program assistance. Notwithstanding section
4281.58 (6) (b) and (7) of the statutes, as affected by this act, during the 1997-99 fiscal
5biennium, the department of natural resources and the department of
6administration may not provide financial assistance under the clean water fund
7program, except for a loan at the market interest rate, for a project for wastewater
8treatment work expansion and extension of sanitary sewer mains or interceptors of
9over one mile if the project serves a community with a population of less than 2,500
10that is located on STH 42 and on one of the outlaying waters specified in section 29.01
11(11) of the statutes.
SB77-SSA1,2007,3 12(8tt)Recreational boating project; Stockbridge Harbor. From the
13appropriation under section 20.370 (5) (cq) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the
14department of natural resources shall provide to Calumet County funding for the
15completion of Stockbridge Harbor on Lake Winnebago. Calumet County and the
16department shall contribute funding for the project. Calumet County shall
17contribute for the project the amount required by the department and approved by
18the Wisconsin waterways commission. If Calumet County conducts a boating safety
19enforcement and education program approved by the department, the department's
20contribution shall equal 90% of the project's costs or $630,000, whichever is less. If
21Calumet County does not conduct such a program approved by the department, the
22department's contribution shall equal 80% of the project's costs or $560,000,
23whichever is less. Calumet County's contribution may be in matching funds or
24in-kind contributions or both. The amount expended under this subsection shall be
25considered an expenditure for an inland water project as provided in section 30.92

1(4) (b) 6. of the statutes. This project need not be placed on the priority list under
2section 30.92 (3) (a) of the statutes. This subsection does not apply after June 30,