SB78-SA3,1,5 53. Page 2, line 4: on lines 4 and 7, after "fines," insert "forfeitures, costs,".
SB78-SA3,1,6 64. Page 2, line 11: after "973.05 (4)" insert "or 778.30 (1)".
SB78-SA3,1,7 75. Page 3, line 4: after that line insert:
SB78-SA3,1,8 8" Section 3g. 565.30 (5t) of the statutes is created to read:
SB78-SA3,1,109 565.30 (5t) Priority of withholding. The administrator shall withhold
10payments under this section from a winner of a lottery prize in the following order:
SB78-SA3,1,1111 (a) For any federal or state taxes required to be withheld under sub. (4).
SB78-SA3,1,1312 (b) For any delinquent state taxes, child support or debt owed the state required
13to be withheld under sub. (5).
1(c) For any child support, spousal support, maintenance or family support
2required to be withheld under sub. (5m).
SB78-SA3,2,43 (d) For any assignment of lottery prizes required to be withheld under sub.
SB78-SA3,2,5 56. Page 3, line 8: after " 973.05 (5) (a)" insert "or 778.30 (2) (a)".
SB78-SA3,2,6 67. Page 3, line 11: after " (c)" insert "or 778.30 (1) (c)".
SB78-SA3,2,7 78. Page 3, line 15: delete " department".
SB78-SA3,2,11 89. Page 3, line 16: delete lines 16 and 17 and substitute "court that issued the
9assignment. At the time of the submittal, the administrator shall charge the
10administrative expenses related to that withholding and submittal to the winner of
11the lottery
SB78-SA3,2,12 1210. Page 4, line 2: after that line insert:
SB78-SA3,2,13 13" Section 5m. 778.30 of the statutes is created to read:
SB78-SA3,2,19 14778.30 Collection of forfeitures and related charges by assignment. (1)
15In addition to the procedures under s. 23.795 or 345.47 or under this chapter for the
16collection of forfeitures, costs, assessments, surcharges or restitution payments if a
17defendant fails to pay the forfeiture, costs, assessment, surcharge or restitution
18payment within the period specified by the circuit court, the court may do any of the
SB78-SA3,3,220 (a) Issue a judgment for the unpaid amount and direct the clerk of circuit court
21to file and docket a transcript of the judgment, without fee. If the court issues a
22judgment for the unpaid amount, the clerk of circuit court shall send to the defendant
23at his or her last-known address written notification that a civil judgment has been
24issued for the unpaid forfeiture, costs, assessment, surcharge or restitution

1payment. The judgment has the same force and effect as judgments docketed under
2s. 806.10.
SB78-SA3,3,73 (b) Issue an order assigning not more than 25% of the defendant's commissions,
4earnings, salaries, wages, pension benefits, benefits under ch. 102 and other money
5due or to be due in the future to the clerk of circuit court for payment of the unpaid
6forfeiture, costs, assessment, surcharge or restitution payment. In this paragraph,
7"employer" includes the state and its political subdivisions.
SB78-SA3,3,108 (c) Issue an order assigning lottery prizes won by a defendant whose name is
9on the list supplied to the clerk of circuit court under s. 565.30 (5r) (a), for payment
10of the unpaid forfeiture, costs, assessment, surcharge or restitution payment.
SB78-SA3,3,1211 (d) A child support withholding assignment or order listed under s. 767.265 (4)
12has priority over any assignment under this section.
SB78-SA3,3,25 13(2) (a) 1. Upon entry of the assignment under sub. (1) (b), unless the court finds
14that income withholding is likely to cause the defendant irreparable harm, the clerk
15of circuit court shall provide notice of the assignment by regular mail to the
16last-known address of the person from whom the defendant receives or will receive
17money. If the clerk of circuit court does not receive the money from the person
18notified, the the clerk of circuit court shall provide notice of the assignment to any
19other person from whom the defendant receives or will receive money. Notice of an
20assignment under sub. (1) (b) shall inform the intended recipient that, if a prior
21assignment under sub. (1) (b) has been received relating to the same defendant, the
22recipient is required to notify the clerk of circuit court that sent the subsequent notice
23of assignment that another assignment has already been received. A notice of
24assignment shall include a form permitting the recipient to designate on the form
25that another assignment has already been received.
12. If, after receiving the annual list under s. 565.30 (5r) (a), the clerk of circuit
2court determines that a person identified in the list may be subject to an assignment
3under sub. (1) (c), the clerk shall inform the court of that determination. If the court
4issues an order under sub. (1) (c), the clerk of circuit court shall send the notice of that
5order to the administrator of the lottery division of the department of revenue,
6including a statement of the amount owed under the judgment and the name and
7address of the person owing the judgment. The court shall notify the administrator
8of the lottery division of the department of revenue when the judgment that is the
9basis of the assignment has been paid in full.
SB78-SA3,4,1110 3. Notice under this paragraph may be a notice of the court, a copy of the
11executed assignment or a copy of that part of the court order which directs payment.
SB78-SA3,4,1512 (b) For each payment made under the assignment under sub. (1) (b), the person
13from whom the defendant under the order receives money shall receive an amount
14equal to the person's necessary disbursements, not to exceed $3, which shall be
15deducted from the money to be paid to the defendant.
SB78-SA3,5,216 (c) A person who receives notice of the assignment under sub. (1) (b) shall
17withhold the amount specified in the notice from any money that person pays to the
18defendant later than one week after receipt of the notice of assignment. Within 5
19days after the day on which the person pays money to the defendant, the person shall
20send the amount withheld to the clerk of circuit court that provided the notice. If the
21person has already received a notice of an assignment under sub. (1) (b) related to
22the same defendant, the person shall retain the later assignment and withhold the
23amount specified in that assignment after the last of any prior assignments is paid
24in full. Within 10 days of receipt of the later notice, the person shall notify the clerk
25of circuit court that sent the notice that the person has received a prior notice of an

1assignment under sub. (1) (b). Section 241.09 does not apply to assignments under
2this section.
SB78-SA3,5,93 (d) If after receipt of notice of assignment under par. (a) 1. the person from
4whom the defendant receives money fails to withhold the money or send the money
5to the clerk of circuit court as provided in this subsection, the person may be
6proceeded against under the principal action under ch. 785 for contempt of court or
7may be proceeded against under this chapter and be required to forfeit not less than
8$50 nor more than an amount, if the amount exceeds $50, that is equal to 1% of the
9amount not withheld or sent.
SB78-SA3,5,1410 (e) If an employer who receives notice of an assignment under sub. (1) (b) fails
11to notify the clerk of circuit court within 10 days after an employe is terminated or
12after the employe temporarily or permanently leaves the employer's employment,
13the employer may be proceeded against under the principal action under ch. 785 for
14contempt of court.
SB78-SA3,5,18 15(3) Compliance by the person from whom the defendant receives money with
16the order under sub. (1) (b) operates as a discharge of the person's liability to the
17defendant as to that portion of the defendant's commissions, earnings, salaries,
18wages, benefits or other money so affected.
SB78-SA3,6,2 19(4) No employer may use an assignment under sub. (1) (b) as a basis for the
20denial of employment to a defendant, the discharge of an employe or any disciplinary
21action against an employe. An employer who denies employment or discharges or
22disciplines an employe in violation of this subsection may be fined not more than
23$500 and may be required to make full restitution to the aggrieved person, including
24reinstatement and back pay. Restitution shall be in accordance with s. 973.20. An

1aggrieved person may apply to the district attorney or to the department of workforce
2development for enforcement of this subsection.
SB78-SA3,6,3 3(5) (a) In this subsection, "payroll period" has the meaning given in s. 71.63 (5).
SB78-SA3,6,84 (b) If after an assignment of earnings is in effect the defendant's employer
5changes its payroll period, or the defendant changes employers and the new
6employer's payroll period is different from the former employer's payroll period, the
7clerk of circuit court may, unless otherwise ordered by a judge, amend the
8withholding assignment or order so that all of the following apply:
SB78-SA3,6,99 1. The withholding frequency corresponds to the new payroll period.
SB78-SA3,6,1110 2. The amounts to be withheld reflect the adjustment to the withholding
SB78-SA3,6,1412 (c) The clerk of circuit court shall provide notice of the amended withholding
13assignment or order under this subsection by regular mail to the defendant's
14employer and to the defendant.".
SB78-SA3,6,15 1511. Page 7, line 24: delete "sentences" and insert ", fines and forfeitures".
SB78-SA3,6,1616 (End)