AB133-ASA1,27,2222 8. One member who is a representative business and industry.
AB133-ASA1,27,2523 8m. Two members having experience in secondary vocational education and
24work-based learning who are not public officers and who do not possess the
25qualifications of the members under subds. 7. and 8.
19. One member, who is not a public officer and who does not possess the
2qualifications of the members under subds. 7. and 8., to represent the interests of the
AB133-ASA1,28,54 (c) The members of the board appointed under par. (b) 7., 8., 8m. and 9. shall
5be appointed by the governor to serve at the pleasure of the governor.
AB133-ASA1, s. 37g 6Section 37g. 15.227 (24) of the statutes is repealed.
AB133-ASA1, s. 38 7Section 38. 15.57 of the statutes is renumbered 15.57 (1).
AB133-ASA1, s. 39 8Section 39. 15.57 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,28,149 15.57 (2) If the secretary of administration determines that the federal
10communications commission has approved the transfer of all broadcasting licenses
11held by the educational communications board to the broadcasting corporation, as
12defined in s. 39.81 (2), this section does not apply on and after the effective date of
13the last license transferred as determined by the secretary of administration under
14s. 39.88 (2).
AB133-ASA1, s. 40g 15Section 40g. 15.675 of the statutes is renumbered 15.495 and amended to
AB133-ASA1,28,22 1715.495 Same; attached board. (1) Educational approval board. There is
18created an educational approval board which is attached to the higher educational
19aids board
department of veterans affairs under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of
20not more than 7 members, who shall be representatives of state agencies and other
21persons with a demonstrated interest in educational programs, appointed to serve
22at the pleasure of the governor.
AB133-ASA1, s. 40m 23Section 40m. 15.98 of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,28,25 2415.98 Public broadcasting transitional board; creation. (1) In this
1(a) "Broadcasting corporation" has the meaning given in s. 39.81 (2).
AB133-ASA1,29,22 (b) "Friends group" has the meaning given in s. 39.81 (5).
AB133-ASA1,29,4 3(2) There is created a public broadcasting transitional board consisting of the
4following members:
AB133-ASA1,29,55 (a) The secretary of administration or his or her designee.
AB133-ASA1,29,66 (b) The state superintendent of public instruction or his or her designee.
AB133-ASA1,29,77 (c) The president of the University of Wisconsin System or his or her designee.
AB133-ASA1,29,88 (d) The director of the technical college system or his or her designee.
AB133-ASA1,29,109 (e) The president of the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and
10Universities or his or her designee.
AB133-ASA1,29,1211 (f) Except as provided in sub. (4), the district director specified in s. 38.12 (3)
12(a) 1. of the Milwaukee Area Technical College district or his or her designee.
AB133-ASA1,29,1413 (g) One member of each house of the legislature from the political party with
14the most members in that house, appointed as are members of standing committees.
AB133-ASA1,29,1715 (h) One member of each house of the legislature from the political party with
16the 2nd most members in that house, appointed as are members of standing
AB133-ASA1,29,1918 (i) Two members appointed by the governor from a list of nominees submitted
19by the Wisconsin Public Radio Association, for 3-year terms.
AB133-ASA1,29,2220 (j) One member appointed by the governor from a list of nominees submitted
21by a friends group organized to raise funds for television station WHA, for a 3-year
AB133-ASA1,29,2523 (k) One member appointed by the governor from a list of nominees submitted
24by a friends group organized to raise funds for television stations WMVS and WMVT,
25for a 3-year term.
1(L) One member appointed by the governor who is a representative of public
2elementary and secondary schools, for a 3-year term.
AB133-ASA1,30,6 3(3) The appointment of the members specified in sub. (2) is subject to senate
4confirmation, except for the appointment of a member who holds an office specified
5in sub. (2) that is subject to senate confirmation and except for the members specified
6in sub. (2) (b), (g) and (h).
AB133-ASA1,30,11 7(4) If the district board governing the Milwaukee Area Technical College does
8not enter into an agreement with the broadcasting corporation under s. 38.125 (2)
9(a) by the date specified in s. 38.125 (2) (a) (intro.), the member specified under sub.
10(2) (f) shall vacate his or her membership and the governor shall appoint, subject to
11senate confirmation, an individual to serve as a member for a 3-year term.
AB133-ASA1,30,13 12(5) This section does not apply beginning on the first day of the 36th month
13commencing after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date].
AB133-ASA1, s. 40r 14Section 40r. 16.004 (13) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,30,2015 16.004 (13) Unfunded prior service for assistant district attorneys.
16Beginning in the 1999-2000 fiscal year and ending in the 2003-04 fiscal year, the
17department shall pay $80,000 in each fiscal year from the appropriation account
18under s. 20.475 (1) (d) toward the department's unfunded prior service liability under
19the Wisconsin retirement system that results from granting the creditable service
20under s. 40.02 (17) (gm).
AB133-ASA1, s. 41 21Section 41. 16.009 (2) (p) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,31,622 16.009 (2) (p) Contract with one or more organizations to provide advocacy
23services to potential or actual recipients of the family care benefit, as defined in s.
2446.2805 (4), or their families or guardians. The board and contract organizations
25under this paragraph shall assist these persons in protecting their rights under all

1applicable federal statutes and regulations and state statutes and rules. An
2organization with which the board contracts for these services may not be a provider,
3nor an affiliate of a provider, of long-term care services, a resource center under s.
446.283 or a care management organization under s. 46.284. For potential or actual
5recipients of the family care benefit, advocacy services required under this
6paragraph shall include all of the following:
AB133-ASA1,31,87 1. Providing information, technical assistance and training about how to obtain
8needed services or support items.
AB133-ASA1,31,109 2. Providing advice and assistance in preparing and filing complaints,
10grievances and appeals of complaints or grievances.
AB133-ASA1,31,1111 3. Providing negotiation and mediation.
AB133-ASA1,31,1312 4. Providing individual case advocacy assistance regarding the appropriate
13interpretation of statutes, rules or regulations.
AB133-ASA1,31,1614 5. Providing individual case advocacy services in administrative hearings and
15legal representation for judicial proceedings regarding family care services or
AB133-ASA1, s. 42 17Section 42. 16.0095 of the statutes is repealed.
AB133-ASA1, s. 43h 18Section 43h. 16.023 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,31,1919 16.023 (1m) (a) In this subsection:
AB133-ASA1,31,2420 1. "Land rights" means a holder's nonpossessory interest in land that imposes
21a limitation or affirmative obligation the purpose of which is to retain or protect
22natural, scenic or open space values of land, assuring the availability of land for
23agricultural, forest, wildlife habitat or open space use, protecting natural resources
24or maintaining or enhancing air or water quality.
AB133-ASA1,31,2525 2. "Political subdivision" means a city, village, town or county.
13. "Public funds" means funds of the United States, this state or of a political
2subdivision, or an instrumentality, agency or subunit of any of the foregoing.
AB133-ASA1,32,43 4. "Transaction" means a conveyance of land rights that uses public funds to
4accomplish the conveyance.
AB133-ASA1,32,85 (b) Not later than January 1, 2000, the council shall develop and distribute a
6form, that is in triplicate, to each register of deeds, the department of natural
7resources and the department of revenue that contains space for the following
AB133-ASA1,32,99 1. The name and address of each party that is involved in a transaction.
AB133-ASA1,32,1010 2. The date of the transaction.
AB133-ASA1,32,1111 3. The approximate size of the parcel to which the land rights relate.
AB133-ASA1,32,1312 4. The approximate total size of the parcel of which the land rights constitute
13a portion.
AB133-ASA1,32,1514 5. The classification of the parcel under s. 70.32 (2) (a) to which the land rights
AB133-ASA1,32,1616 6. The amount paid by the purchaser for the land rights.
AB133-ASA1,32,1817 7. The source of the public funds that were used in the conveyance of the land
AB133-ASA1,32,2319 (c) For a transaction that is completed after June 30, 2000, a person who is a
20party to a transaction, as a purchaser or purchaser's agent or as a seller or seller's
21agent, shall prepare and sign the form described in par. (b). The person who prepares
22and signs the form shall send one copy of the form to the council and record one copy
23with the register of deeds of the county in which the transaction is recorded.
AB133-ASA1,32,2524 (d) A register of deeds, the department of natural resources and the department
25of revenue shall make the form available to any person who requests one.
1(e) The council shall post the form on the Internet when a site for a statewide
2computerized land information system is created and makes such a posting possible.
AB133-ASA1, s. 43j 3Section 43j. 16.023 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,33,44 16.023 (3) Subsections (1) and to (2) do not apply after August 31, 2003.
AB133-ASA1, s. 44 5Section 44. 16.15 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
AB133-ASA1, s. 45m 6Section 45m. 16.18 of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,33,9 716.18 Management assistance grants to certain counties. (1) In this
8section, "eligible county" means a county that has a geographic area of less than 400
9square miles and that contains no incorporated municipal territory.
AB133-ASA1,33,12 10(2) An eligible county may apply to the department for a management
11assistance grant annually in each state fiscal year for the purpose of assisting the
12county in funding one or more of the following functions:
AB133-ASA1,33,1313 (a) Public security.
AB133-ASA1,33,1414 (b) Public health.
AB133-ASA1,33,1515 (c) Public infrastructure.
AB133-ASA1,33,1616 (d) Public employe training.
AB133-ASA1,33,1717 (e) Economic development.
AB133-ASA1,33,24 18(3) No eligible county may receive a grant under this section unless the county
19maintains its financial records in accordance with accounting procedures
20established by the department of revenue, and unless the county submits to the
21department a detailed expenditure plan that identifies how the grant proceeds are
22proposed to be expended and how the proposed expenditures will enable the county
23to meet its goals for execution of the functions specified in sub. (2) for which the grant
24is requested.
1(4) The department shall make grants to eligible counties from the
2appropriation under s. 20.505 (1) (ku).
AB133-ASA1,34,4 3(5) No county may receive a grant under this section in an amount exceeding
4$500,000 in any state fiscal year.
AB133-ASA1, s. 46 5Section 46. 16.22 of the statutes, as affected by 1999 Wisconsin Act .... (this
6act), is repealed.
AB133-ASA1, s. 47 7Section 47. 16.22 (title), (1) and (2) (intro.) and (a) to (g) of the statutes are
8renumbered 46.78 (title), (1) and (2) (intro.) and (a) to (g).
AB133-ASA1, s. 48 9Section 48. 16.22 (2) (h) of the statutes is renumbered 46.78 (2) (h) and
10amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,34,1311 46.78 (2) (h) From the appropriations under s. 20.505 (4) (j) and (p) 20.435 (3)
12(gb) and (p)
, award grants to persons providing national service programs, giving
13priority to the greatest extent practicable to persons providing youth corps programs.
AB133-ASA1, s. 49 14Section 49. 16.22 (2) (i) to (k) of the statutes are renumbered 46.78 (2) (i) to
AB133-ASA1, s. 50 16Section 50. 16.22 (2) (kL) of the statutes, as created by 1997 Wisconsin Act 237,
17section 4w, is renumbered 16.22 and amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,34,21 1816.22 Wisconsin promise challenge grants. From the appropriation under
19s. 20.505 (4) (1) (fm), the department shall award Wisconsin promise challenge
20grants and provide training and technical assistance under 1997 Wisconsin Act 237,
21section 9101 (1z) (b) and (h).
AB133-ASA1, s. 51 22Section 51. 16.22 (2) (L) and (3) of the statutes are renumbered 46.78 (2) (L)
23and (3).
AB133-ASA1, s. 51m 24Section 51m. 16.23 of the statutes is repealed.
AB133-ASA1, s. 52
1Section 52. 16.24 (title) and (1) of the statutes are renumbered 14.63 (title) and
2(1), and 14.63 (1) (b), as renumbered, is amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,35,63 14.63 (1) (b) "Institution of higher education" means a public or private
4institution of higher education that is accredited by an accrediting association
5recognized by the department state treasurer, and a proprietary school approved by
6the educational approval board under s. 39.51 45.54.
AB133-ASA1, s. 53 7Section 53. 16.24 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 14.63 (2), and 14.63 (2)
8(intro.) and (b), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,35,109 14.63 (2) Weighted average tuition; tuition unit cost. (intro.) Annually, the
10department state treasurer and the board jointly shall determine all of the following:
AB133-ASA1,35,1711 (b) The price of a tuition unit, which shall be valid for a period determined
12jointly by the department state treasurer and the board. The price shall be sufficient
13to ensure the ability of the department state treasurer to meet its his or her
14obligations under this section. To the extent possible, the price shall be set so that
15the value of the tuition unit in the anticipated academic year of its use will be equal
16to 1% of the weighted average tuition for that academic year plus the costs of
17administering the program under this section attributable to the unit.
AB133-ASA1, s. 54 18Section 54. 16.24 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 14.63 (3), and 14.63 (3) (a)
19(intro.) and (d), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB133-ASA1,35,2220 14.63 (3) (a) (intro.) The department state treasurer shall contract with an
21individual, a trust or a legal guardian for the sale of tuition units to that individual,
22trust or legal guardian if all of the following apply:
AB133-ASA1,35,2523 (d) The department state treasurer shall promulgate rules authorizing a
24person who has entered into a contract under this subsection to change the
25beneficiary named in the contract.
AB133-ASA1, s. 55
1Section 55. 16.24 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 14.63 (4) and amended to