AB133-SSA1,1562,21 17(2m) Partial community service jobs. Not later than the first day of the 3rd
18month beginning after the effective date of this subsection, the department of
19workforce development shall ensure that all Wisconsin works agencies are fully
20equipped to implement the prorated benefits specified in section 49.148 (1) (b) 1m.
21of the statutes, as created by this act.
AB133-SSA1,1563,3 22(2n) Reorganization of division of vocational rehabilitation. If, within the
231999-2001 fiscal biennium, the division of vocational rehabilitation submits to the
24secretary of workforce development a plan to reorganize the division, the secretary
25may not approve the plan unless the plan includes provisions to reduce supervisory

1staff, convert vacant supervisor positions to rehabilitation counselor positions for
2regions with high caseloads, and convert program assistant supervisor positions to
3support positions to provide additional support for rehabilitation counselors.
AB133-SSA1,1563,11 4(2p) Administration of medical assistance. On the effective date of this
5subsection, those portions of any contract entered into by the department of
6workforce development that relate to the administration of medical assistance, that
7are in effect on the effective date of this subsection, remain in effect and are
8transferred to the department of health and family services. The department of
9health and family services shall carry out any contractual obligations that relate to
10medical assistance under those contracts until the contracts expire or are modified
11or rescinded to the extent permitted under the contracts.
AB133-SSA1,1563,12 12(2xt) Transition to federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
AB133-SSA1,1563,13 13(a) Council on workforce investment.
AB133-SSA1,1563,18 141. `Functions.' During the period beginning on the effective date of this
15subdivision and ending on June 30, 2000, all functions of the governor's council on
16workforce excellence under the federal Job Training Partnership Act, 29 USC 1501
17to 1798, shall continue as the functions of the council on workforce investment
18established under 29 USC 2821.
AB133-SSA1,1563,23 192. `Members.' All members of the governor's council on workforce excellence
20who are serving in that capacity on the day before the effective date of this
21subdivision shall continue that service as members of the council on workforce
22investment established under 29 USC 2821, unless the governor appoints members
23to replace those members.
AB133-SSA1,1563,24 24(b) Local workforce development boards.
11. `Functions.' During the period beginning on the effective date of this
2subdivision and ending on June 30, 2000, all functions of a private industry council
3that is established under the federal Job Training Partnership Act, 29 USC 1501 to
41798, for a service delivery area designated under 29 USC 1511 shall continue as the
5functions of the local workforce development board that is established under 29 USC
for the identical local area designated under 29 USC 2831.
AB133-SSA1,1564,13 72. `Members.' All members of a private industry council that is established
8under the federal Job Training Partnership Act, 29 USC 1501 to 1798, for a service
9delivery area designated under 29 USC 1511 who are serving in that capacity on the
10day before the effective date of this subdivision shall continue that service as
11members of the local workforce development board that is established under 29 USC
for the identical local area designated under 29 USC 2831, unless the governor
13appoints members to replace those members.
AB133-SSA1,1564,19 143. `Assets and liabilities.' On the effective date of this subdivision, the assets
15and liabilities of a private industry council that is established under the federal Job
16Training Partnership Act, 29 USC 1501 to 1798, for a service delivery area
17designated under 29 USC 1511 shall become the assets and liabilities of the local
18workforce development board that is established under 29 USC 2832 for the identical
19local area designated under 29 USC 2831.
AB133-SSA1,1564,25 204. `Tangible personal property.' On the effective date of this subdivision, all
21tangible personal property of a private industry council that is established under the
22federal Job Training Partnership Act, 29 USC 1501 to 1798, for a service delivery
23area designated under 29 USC 1511 is transferred to the local workforce
24development board that is established under 29 USC 2832 for the identical local area
25designated under 29 USC 2831.
15. `Pending matters.' Any matter pending with a private industry council that
2is established under the federal Job Training Partnership Act, 29 USC 1501 to 1798,
3for a service delivery area designated under 29 USC 1511 is transferred to the local
4workforce development board that is established under 29 USC 2832 for the identical
5local area designated under 29 USC 2831. All materials submitted to or actions
6taken by that private industry council with respect to a pending matter are
7considered as having been submitted to or taken by that local workforce development
AB133-SSA1,1565,17 96. `Contracts.' All contracts entered into by a private industry council that is
10established under the federal Job Training Partnership Act, 29 USC 1501 to 1798,
11for a service delivery area designated under 29 USC 1511 that are in effect on the
12effective date of this subdivision remain in effect and are transferred to the local
13workforce development board that is established under 29 USC 2832 for the identical
14local area designated under 29 USC 2831. That local workforce development board
15shall carry out any obligations under such a contract unless the contract is modified
16or rescinded by the local workforce development board to the extent allowed under
17the contract.
AB133-SSA1,1566,9 18(3e) Unified program eligibility. The department of workforce development,
19in coordination with the departments of health and family services and public
20instruction, shall develop a proposal and implementation plan for a simplified and
21unified application process for medical assistance under subchapter IV of chapter 49
22of the statutes, badger care under section 49.665 of the statutes, the food stamp
23program under 7 USC 2011 to 2036, the school lunch program under section 115.34
24of the statutes and the supplemental food program for women, infants and children
25under section 253.06 of the statutes. Not later than July 1, 2000, the departments

1shall submit the proposal and implementation plan to the joint committee on finance.
2If, within 14 days after receiving the proposal, the cochairpersons of the committee
3do not notify the departments that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the
4purpose of reviewing the proposal and implementation plan, the departments shall
5implement the proposal in accordance with the implementation plan. If, within 14
6days after receiving the proposal and implementation plan, the cochairpersons of the
7committee notify the departments that a meeting has been scheduled for the purpose
8of reviewing the proposal and implementation plan, the departments may not
9implement the proposal except as approved by the committee.
AB133-SSA1,1566,17 10(3x) Distribution of technical preparation funding. From the appropriation
11under section 20.445 (7) (kb) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the governor's
12work-based learning board shall distribute $1,646,100 in fiscal year 1999-2000 to
13the technical preparation consortia established under section 118.34 (2) (b) of the
14statutes. Of that amount, the governor's work-based learning board shall distribute
15$70,000 to each of those consortia and shall distribute $526,100 to those consortia
16based on the number of 10th grade students in each consortium and the number of
17high schools located within the technical college district of each consortium.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9158 18Section 9158. Nonstatutory provisions; other.
AB133-SSA1,1566,19 19(2m) Educational approval board.
AB133-SSA1,1566,23 20(a) Assets and liabilities. On the effective date of this paragraph, the assets and
21liabilities of the higher educational aids board primarily related to the functions of
22the educational approval board, as determined by the secretary of administration,
23shall become the assets and liabilities of the department of veterans affairs.
AB133-SSA1,1567,3 24(b) Employe transfers. All incumbent employes holding positions in the higher
25educational aids board performing duties primarily related to the functions of the

1educational approval board, as determined by the secretary of administration, are
2transferred on the effective date of this paragraph to the department of veterans
AB133-SSA1,1567,94 (c) Employe status. Employes transferred under paragraph (b) have all the
5rights and the same status under subchapter V of chapter 111 and chapter 230 of the
6statutes in the department of veterans affairs that they enjoyed in the higher
7educational aids board immediately before the transfer. Notwithstanding section
8230.28 (4) of the statutes, no employe so transferred who has attained permanent
9status in class is required to serve a probationary period.
AB133-SSA1,1567,14 10(d) Tangible personal property. On the effective date of this paragraph, all
11tangible personal property, including records, of the higher educational aids board
12that is primarily related to the functions of the educational approval board, as
13determined by the secretary of administration, is transferred to the department of
14veterans affairs.
AB133-SSA1,1567,21 15(e) Contracts. On the effective date of this paragraph, all contracts entered into
16by the higher educational aids board that are in effect on the effective date of this
17paragraph and that are primarily related to the functions of the educational approval
18board, as determined by the secretary of administration, remain in effect and are
19transferred to the department of veterans affairs. The department of veterans
20affairs shall carry out any such contractual obligations until modified or rescinded
21by the department of veterans affairs to the extent allowed under the contract.
AB133-SSA1,1567,22 22(7tw) Special transfer aid report.
AB133-SSA1,1568,2 23(a) By May 1, 2000, the board of school directors of the school district operating
24under chapter 119 of the statutes shall submit a report to the joint committee on

1finance for its approval under paragraph (b). The report shall include all of the
AB133-SSA1,1568,4 31. A strategy for achieving the percentages specified under section 121.85 (6)
4(am) of the statutes, as created by this act.
AB133-SSA1,1568,6 52. A facility plan specifying the neighborhood schools that are needed, the
6location of specialty schools and the estimated cost of the facility plan.
AB133-SSA1,1568,8 73. Other means by which the pupil capacity of neighborhood schools will be
8expanded, which could include remodeling and use of nontraditional facilities.
AB133-SSA1,1568,11 94. Specific plans for establishing neighborhood schools and replicating or
10relocating specialty schools throughout the school district in order to increase the
11number of pupils attending neighborhood schools.
AB133-SSA1,1568,13 125. A description of the alternative settings, which are in compliance, as defined
13in section 115.33 (1) (a) of the statutes, that will be used for educating pupils.
AB133-SSA1,1568,16 14(b) The joint committee on finance shall review the report under paragraph (a)
15and may modify the report. The committee shall approve the report, and any
16modifications to the report, by September 1, 2000.
AB133-SSA1,1568,22 17(c) Notwithstanding section 121.85 (6) (ar) of the statutes, as created by this
18act, the department of public instruction may not distribute any aid under section
19121.85 (6) (ar) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the board of school directors
20of the school district operating under chapter 119 of the statutes in the 2000-01 fiscal
21year until the report is approved by the joint committee on finance under paragraph
AB133-SSA1,1568,23 23(7x) Trust lands in tax incremental district; governor's concurrence.
AB133-SSA1,1569,424 (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), the governor may not concur with the
25determination of the U.S. secretary of the interior, as described in 25 USC 2719 (b)

1(1) (A), that a gaming establishment on land acquired by the secretary in trust for
2an Indian tribe after October 17, 1988, would not be detrimental to the surrounding
3area if the land on which the gaming establishment is located, or is proposed to be
4located, is in a tax incremental district.
AB133-SSA1,1569,105 (b) The prohibition on concurrence under paragraph (a) does not apply if the
6governor determines that appropriate arrangements have been made to ensure that
7the life of the tax incremental district described in paragraph (a) will not be extended
8for a greater number of years than the district would have existed if the land on which
9the gaming establishment is located, or is proposed to be located, were not part of the
10tax incremental district.
AB133-SSA1,1569,20 11(8c) Report on environmental law enforcement training. The department of
12justice and the department of natural resources shall jointly review educational
13materials and training objectives prepared by the Midwest Environmental
14Enforcement Association. The review shall be conducted in consultation with
15instructors and other staff from law enforcement training academies. The
16department of justice and the department of natural resources shall jointly prepare
17a written report of their review and shall submit the report to the cochairpersons of
18the joint committee on finance for consideration at the 2nd quarterly meeting of the
19committee under section 13.10 of the statutes in the year 2000. The report shall
20include recommendations concerning all of the following:
AB133-SSA1,1569,23 21(a) Using the Roll Call Law format of the department of justice to produce an
22environmental law enforcement training video for distribution to law enforcement
23agencies and law enforcement training academies.
AB133-SSA1,1569,25 24(b) Developing an environmental law enforcement training seminar for
25presentation at regional training events.
1(c) Producing an environmental law enforcement training presentation in
2optical disk or electronic format.
AB133-SSA1,1570,4 3(d) Using techniques of distance education, as defined in section 24.60 (1g) of
4the statutes, to provide environmental law enforcement training.
AB133-SSA1,1570,8 5(e) Funding any environmental law enforcement training proposals under
6paragraphs (a) to (d) using law enforcement training funds from the department of
7justice and fish and wildlife funds and environmental funds from the department of
8natural resources.
AB133-SSA1,1570,9 9(8zo) Elected members, citizen members of local planning commissions.
AB133-SSA1,1570,13 10(a) Notwithstanding section 62.23 (1) (c), 1997 stats., an alderperson, village
11board member or town board member who is elected by his or her colleagues in April
121999 to serve on a city, village or town planning commission under section 62.23 (1)
13(b), 1997 stats., may serve on the planning commission until April 2000.
AB133-SSA1,1570,16 14(b) A citizen member of a city, village or town planning commission who is
15appointed under section 62.23 (1) (c), 1997 stats., may serve on the planning
16commission until the expiration of the term to which he or she was appointed.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9201 17Section 9201. Appropriation changes; administration.
AB133-SSA1,1570,22 18(2b) Reserve for canceled drafts. On the effective date of this subsection, all
19moneys that are reserved under section 20.912 (2), 1997 stats., for the payment of
20canceled checks, share drafts and other drafts under section 20.912 (3), 1997 stats.,
21shall revert to the fund from which the canceled checks, share drafts and other drafts
22were drawn and are available for appropriation.
AB133-SSA1,1571,2 23(2f) Federal interest reimbursement lapse. Notwithstanding section 20.001
24(3) (a) of the statutes, no later than the first day of the 2nd month beginning after
25the effective date of this subsection, there is lapsed to the general fund from the

1appropriation account under section 20.505 (1) (ma) of the statutes the amount
2determined by the secretary of administration under Section 9101 (19f) of this act.
AB133-SSA1,1571,10 3(2m) Transfer of funds for anti-drug enforcement; administration.
4Immediately before the transfer under section 20.505 (6) (j) 13. of the statutes, as
5created by this act, to section 20.505 (6) (k) of the statutes, as affected by this act,
6there is transferred from the appropriation account under section 20.505 (6) (k) of the
7statutes, as affected by this act, to the appropriation account under section 20.505
8(6) (j) of the statutes, as created by this act, an amount equal to 80% of the
9unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section 20.505 (6) (k),
101997 stats., at the end of the 1998-99 fiscal year.
AB133-SSA1,1571,16 11(2n) Transfer of funds for anti-drug enforcement; local assistance.
12Immediately before the transfer under section 20.505 (6) (j) 3. of the statutes, as
13created by this act, to section 20.505 (6) (kp) of the statutes, as affected by this act,
14the following amounts shall be transferred from the appropriation account under
15section 20.505 (6) (kp) of the statutes, as affected by this act, to the appropriation
16account under section 20.505 (6) (j) of the statutes, as created by this act:
AB133-SSA1,1571,18 17(a) An amount equal to 80% of the unencumbered balance in the appropriation
18account under section 20.505 (6) (g), 1997 stats., at the end of the 1998-99 fiscal year.
AB133-SSA1,1571,21 19(b) An amount equal to the moneys credited to the appropriation account under
20section 20.505 (6) (g), 1997 stats., between July 1, 1999, and the effective date of this
AB133-SSA1,1572,4 22(2p) Transfer of funds for anti-drug enforcement; state agencies.
23Immediately before the transfer under section 20.505 (6) (j) 14. of the statutes, as
24created by this act, to section 20.505 (6) (kt) of the statutes, as affected by this act,
25there is transferred from the appropriation account under section 20.505 (6) (kt) of

1the statutes, as affected by this act, to the appropriation account under section
220.505 (6) (j) of the statutes, as created by this act, an amount equal to 80% of the
3unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under section 20.505 (6) (h),
41997 stats., at the end of the 1998-99 fiscal year.
AB133-SSA1,1572,9 5(2x) Mobile home parks, dealers and salespersons. On the effective date of
6this subsection, the unencumbered balance in the appropriation account under
7section 20.505 (7) (jf) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 1999, is transferred
8to the appropriation account under section 20.143 (3) (j) of the statutes, as affected
9by the acts of 1999.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9202 10Section 9202. Appropriation changes; adolescent pregnancy
prevention and pregnancy services board.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9203 11Section 9203. Appropriation changes; aging and long-term care
AB133-SSA1, s. 9204 12Section 9204. Appropriation changes; agriculture, trade and
consumer protection.
AB133-SSA1,1572,15 13(1) Plant pest detection. The unencumbered balance in the appropriation
14account under section 20.115 (7) (j), 1997 stats., is transferred to the appropriation
15account under section 20.115 (7) (ja) of the statutes, as created by this act.
AB133-SSA1,1572,18 16(2) Agricultural chemical cleanup fund transfer. There is transferred from
17the agricultural chemical cleanup fund to the general fund $500,000 in fiscal year
181999-00 and $500,000 in fiscal year 2000-01.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9205 19Section 9205. Appropriation changes; arts board.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9206 20Section 9206. Appropriation changes; boundary area commission,
AB133-SSA1, s. 9207 21Section 9207. Appropriation changes; building commission.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9208
1Section 9208. Appropriation changes; child abuse and neglect
prevention board.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9209 2Section 9209. Appropriation changes; circuit courts.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9210 3Section 9210. Appropriation changes; commerce.
AB133-SSA1,1573,9 4(1) Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs transfer.
5On the effective date of this subsection, the unencumbered balance of the
6appropriation account of the department of commerce under section 20.143 (1) (f) of
7the statutes, as affected by this act, immediately before the effective date of this
8subsection is transferred to the appropriation account of the department of
9commerce under section 20.143 (1) (kr) of the statutes, as affected by this act.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9211 10Section 9211. Appropriation changes; corrections.
AB133-SSA1,1573,18 11(2g) Correctional officer training. Immediately before the transfer under
12section 20.505 (6) (j) 6. of the statutes, as created by this act, to section 20.410 (1) (kp)
13of the statutes, as affected by this act, there is transferred from the appropriation
14account under section 20.410 (1) (kp) of the statutes, as affected by this act, to the
15appropriation account under section 20.505 (6) (j) of the statutes, as created by this
16act, an amount equal to the moneys credited to the appropriation account under
17section 20.410 (1) (jp), 1997 stats., between July 1, 1999, and the effective date of this
AB133-SSA1, s. 9212 19Section 9212. Appropriation changes; court of appeals.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9213 20Section 9213. Appropriation changes; educational communications
AB133-SSA1, s. 9214 21Section 9214. Appropriation changes; elections board.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9215 22Section 9215. Appropriation changes; employe trust funds.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9216
1Section 9216. Appropriation changes; employment relations
AB133-SSA1, s. 9217 2Section 9217. Appropriation changes; employment relations
AB133-SSA1, s. 9218 3Section 9218. Appropriation changes; ethics board.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9219 4Section 9219. Appropriation changes; financial institutions.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9221 5Section 9221. Appropriation changes; governor.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9222 6Section 9222. Appropriation changes; Health and Educational
Facilities Authority.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9223 7Section 9223. Appropriation changes; health and family services.
AB133-SSA1,1574,11 8(1) Driver improvement surcharge lapse. Notwithstanding section 20.001 (3)
9(c) of the statutes, on June 30, 2000, there is lapsed to the general fund $850,000 from
10the appropriation account of the department of health and family services under
11section 20.435 (6) (hx) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 1999.
AB133-SSA1,1574,21 12(1w) State share of medical assistance payments. Notwithstanding section
1320.435 (7) (bd) of the statutes, as affected by this act, the department of health and
14family services may transfer from the appropriation under section 20.435 (7) (bd) of
15the statutes, as affected by this act, to the appropriation under section 20.435 (4) (b)
16of the statutes, as affected by this act, not more than $2,279,000 in fiscal year
171999-00 and not more than $6,958,300 in fiscal year 2000-01 for the purpose of
18funding the state share of medical assistance benefits for individuals who convert
19from the community options program under section 46.27 (7) of the statutes, as
20affected by this act, to the medical assistance purchase plan under section 49.472 of
21the statutes, as created by this act.
AB133-SSA1,1574,22 22(2g) Lapse of income augmentation receipts.
1(a) Notwithstanding section 20.001 (3) (c) of the statutes, by no later than 30
2days after the effective date of this paragraph, the secretary of administration shall
3lapse to the general fund $12,013,200 from the appropriation account to the
4department of health and family services under section 20.435 (8) (mb) of the
5statutes, as affected by the acts of 1999.
AB133-SSA1,1575,10 6(b) Notwithstanding section 20.001 (3) (c) of the statutes, by no later than June
730, 2001, the secretary of administration shall lapse to the general fund $6,100,000
8from the appropriation account to the department of health and family services
9under section 20.435 (8) (mb) of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 1999, in
10addition to the amount lapsed under paragraph (a).
AB133-SSA1, s. 9224 11Section 9224. Appropriation changes; historical society.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9225 12Section 9225. Appropriation changes; Housing and Economic
Development Authority.
AB133-SSA1,1575,20 13(1) Transfer from Wisconsin development reserve fund to environmental
On the effective date of this subsection, the executive secretary of the
15Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority shall transfer from the
16Wisconsin development reserve fund under section 234.93 of the statutes, as affected
17by this act, to the secretary of administration for deposit in the environmental fund
18$4,000,000 that was appropriated to the Wisconsin development reserve fund under
19the appropriation to the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
20under section 20.490 (5) (t), 1997 stats.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9226 21Section 9226. Appropriation changes; insurance.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9227 22Section 9227. Appropriation changes; investment board.
AB133-SSA1, s. 9228 23Section 9228. Appropriation changes; joint committee on finance.