SB45-SSA1-SA1,247,2117 e. A proposal to maintain any provision relating to a subject of collective
18bargaining on which the municipal employer was not required to bargain that
19existed in the previous collective bargaining agreement between the parties or that
20existed on the 90th day prior to the expiration of the previous collective bargaining
21agreement between the parties.
SB45-SSA1-SA1, s. 2035n 22Section 2035n. 111.70 (1) (nd) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,248,323 111.70 (1) (nd) "Qualified economic offer issues" means salaries, extra-duty
24pay, health insurance, major medical insurance, dental insurance, life insurance,
25disability insurance, vision insurance, long-term care insurance, worker's

1compensation and unemployment insurance, federal old-age, survivors, disability
2and health insurance under Titles II and XVIII of the federal Social Security Act,
3retirement contributions and supplemental retirement benefits.
SB45-SSA1-SA1, s. 2035p 4Section 2035p. 111.70 (4) (cm) 5s. of the statutes is renumbered 111.70 (4) (cm)
55s. a. and amended to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,249,256 111.70 (4) (cm) 5s. a. In a collective bargaining unit consisting of school district
7professional employes, the municipal employer or the labor organization may
8petition the commission to determine whether the municipal employer has
9submitted a qualified economic offer. The commission shall appoint an investigator
10for that purpose. If the investigator, using the methodology prescribed under subd.
finds that the municipal employer has submitted a qualified economic offer, the
12investigator shall determine whether a deadlock exists between the parties with
13respect to all economic issues
. If the municipal employer submits a qualified
14economic offer applicable to any period beginning on or after July 1, 1993 1999, no
15qualified economic offer issues are subject to interest arbitration under subd. 6. for
16that period. In such a collective bargaining unit, economic issues concerning the
17wages, hours or conditions of employment of the school district professional employes
18in the unit for any period prior to July 1, 1993, are subject to interest arbitration
19under subd. 6. for that period.
In such a collective bargaining unit, noneconomic
20issues other than qualified economic offer issues applicable to any period on or after
21July 1, 1993 1999, are subject to interest arbitration after the parties have reached
22agreement and stipulate to agreement on all qualified economic offer issues
23concerning the wages, hours or conditions of employment of affecting the school
24district professional employes in the unit for that period. In such a collective
25bargaining unit, if the commission's investigator finds that the municipal employer

1has submitted a qualified economic offer and that a deadlock exists between the
2parties with respect to all economic issues, the municipal employer may implement
3the qualified economic offer. On the 90th day prior to expiration of the period
4included within the qualified economic offer, if no agreement exists on that day, the
5parties are deemed to have stipulated to the inclusion in a new or revised collective
6bargaining agreement of all provisions of any predecessor collective bargaining
7agreement concerning qualified economic offer issues, or of all provisions of any
8existing collective bargaining agreement concerning qualified economic offer issues
9if the parties have reopened negotiations under an existing agreement, as modified
10by the terms of the qualified economic offer and as otherwise modified by the parties.
11In such a collective bargaining unit, on and after that 90th day, a municipal employer
12that refuses to bargain collectively with respect to the terms of that stipulation,
13applicable to the 90-day period prior to expiration of the period included within the
14qualified economic offer, does not violate sub. (3) (a) 4. Any such unilateral
15implementation after August 11, 1993 June 30, 1999, or the effective date of this
16subd. 5s. a., whichever is later
, during the 90-day period prior to expiration of the
17period included within a qualified economic offer, operates as a full, final and
18complete settlement of all qualified economic offer issues between the parties for the
19period included within the qualified economic offer. The failure of a labor
20organization to recognize the validity of such a lawful qualified economic offer does
21not affect the obligation of the municipal employer to submit qualified economic offer
22issues to arbitration under subd. 6. If the investigator determines that the municipal
23employer has not submitted a qualified economic offer, either the municipal
24employer or the labor organization may petition for arbitration under subd. 6. to
25resolve any dispute relating to qualified economic offer issues.
SB45-SSA1-SA1, s. 2035r
1Section 2035r. 111.70 (4) (cm) 5s. b. of the statutes is created to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,250,62 111.70 (4) (cm) 5s. b. In a collective bargaining unit consisting of school district
3professional employes, the impact of any change in any provision that existed in the
4previous collective bargaining agreement between the parties on which the
5municipal employer was not required to bargain is a mandatory subject of bargaining
6for purposes of subd. 6. d.
SB45-SSA1-SA1, s. 2035t 7Section 2035t. 111.70 (4) (cm) 8t. of the statutes is created to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,250,118 111.70 (4) (cm) 8t. `Methodology for determining qualified economic offers.' The
9commission shall prescribe by rule a methodology to be used in determining whether
10a collective bargaining proposal submitted by a municipal employer to a labor
11organization constitutes a qualified economic offer.".
SB45-SSA1-SA1,250,12 12865. Page 1093, line 2: after that line insert:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,250,13 13" Section 2037c. 111.91 (2) (r) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,250,1514 111.91 (2) (r) The requirements related to offering point-of-service coverage
15under s. 609.23.".
SB45-SSA1-SA1,250,16 16866. Page 1094, line 15: after that line insert:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,250,17 17" Section 2041r. 115.28 (27) of the statutes is repealed.".
SB45-SSA1-SA1,250,18 18867. Page 1094, line 22: after that line insert:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,250,19 19" Section 2042m. 115.28 (42) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,251,220 115.28 (42) Foreign language instruction grants. Beginning in the 2000-01
21fiscal year, award at least one grant in each fiscal year, on a competitive basis, to a
22school board or board of control of a cooperative educational service agency for the
23development and implementation of a foreign language instruction program in a
24public school in grades kindergarten to 6. The department shall award the grants

1from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (fL). The department shall promulgate
2rules to implement and administer this subsection.".
SB45-SSA1-SA1,251,3 3868. Page 1094, line 22: after that line insert:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,251,4 4" Section 2042m. 115.28 (42) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,251,105 115.28 (42) Clearinghouse for information about school safety. Act as a
6clearinghouse for information about school safety, including information about
7school safety plans; reducing disruptive and violent behavior in schools; integrating
8school-based programs to reduce violence with other programs to reduce violence;
9alternative education programs; behavioral issues related to children with
10disabilities; and training staff in classroom management.".
SB45-SSA1-SA1,251,11 11869. Page 1094, line 22: after that line insert:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,251,12 12" Section 2042m. 115.341 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,251,18 13115.341 School breakfast program. (1) From the appropriation under s.
1420.255 (2) (cm), the state superintendent shall reimburse each school board 10 cents
15for each breakfast served at a school that meets the requirements of 7 CFR 220.8 or
16220.8a, whichever is applicable, and shall reimburse each governing body of a
17private school 10 cents for each breakfast served at the private school that meets the
18requirements of 7 CFR 220.8 or 220.8a, whichever is applicable.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,251,22 19(2) If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cm) in any fiscal year is insufficient
20to pay the full amount of aid under this section, the state superintendent shall
21prorate state aid payments among the school boards and governing bodies of private
22schools entitled to the aid.".
SB45-SSA1-SA1,251,23 23870. Page 1094, line 22: after that line insert:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,251,24 24" Section 2042g. 115.31 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
1115.31 (1) (b) "Educational agency" means a school district, cooperative
2educational service agency, state correctional institution under s. 302.01, secured
3correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (15m), secured child caring institution,
4as defined in s. 938.02 (15g), the Wisconsin school for the visually handicapped
5Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Wisconsin school School
6for the deaf Deaf, the Mendota mental health institute, the Winnebago mental health
7institute, a state center for the developmentally disabled, a private school or a
8private, nonprofit, nonsectarian agency under contract with a school board under s.
9118.153 (3) (c).".
SB45-SSA1-SA1,252,10 10871. Page 1094, line 22: after that line insert:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,252,11 11" Section 2042t. 115.28 (44) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,252,1512 115.28 (44) Wisconsin Geographical education fund. Enter into an
13agreement with the National Geographic Society Education Foundation to establish
14the Wisconsin geographical education fund. The agreement shall require all of the
SB45-SSA1-SA1,252,1716 (a) That the National Geographic Society Education Foundation manage the
17Wisconsin geographical education fund.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,252,2018 (b) That the department award an initial grant of $500,000 from the
19appropriation under s. 20.255 (3) (eh) to the Wisconsin geographical education fund,
20to be matched by a grant from the National Geographic Society.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,252,2321 (c) That income and appreciation from the Wisconsin geographical education
22fund be used to award grants and support programs to improve geographical
23education in this state.
1(d) That the National Geographic Society Education Foundation annually
2submit to the department an audited financial statement of the Wisconsin
3geographical education fund prepared by an independent auditor and a report listing
4the names of grant recipients and the amounts and purposes of awards and other
5expenditures made from the Wisconsin geographical education fund.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,253,96 (e) That, if the Wisconsin geographical education fund is dissolved, the
7National Geographic Society Education Foundation shall return to the department
8the department's original grant under this subsection and any accumulated and
9unexpended income thereon.".
SB45-SSA1-SA1,253,12 10872. Page 1095, line 25: after "families" insert "if such families have incomes
11that are no more than 165% of the federal poverty line, as defined in 42 USC 9902
SB45-SSA1-SA1,253,13 13873. Page 1096, line 8: after that line insert:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,253,14 14" Section 2048m. 115.366 of the statutes is created to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,253,19 15115.366 Alternative education grants. (1) From the appropriation under
16s. 20.255 (2) (cf), the department shall award grants to school districts and consortia
17of school districts for alternative education programs, as defined by the department
18by rule. The department shall encourage rural school districts and consortia of
19school districts to apply for grants under this section.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,253,21 20(2) The department shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this
SB45-SSA1-SA1,253,22 22874. Page 1096, line 8: after that line insert:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,253,23 23" Section 2047g. 115.37 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
1115.37 Blind and visual impairment education council. (1) In this
SB45-SSA1-SA1,254,33 (a) "Council" means the blind and visual impairment education council.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,254,44 (b) "Visually impaired" has the meaning given in s. 115.51 (4).
SB45-SSA1-SA1,254,8 5(2) The state superintendent shall seek the advice of and consult with the
6council on issues related to persons who are visually impaired. The state
7superintendent and the director of the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually
8Impaired, or their designees, shall attend meetings of the council.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,254,9 9(3) The council shall do all of the following:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,254,1010 (a) Meet at least twice each year.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,254,1311 (b) Advise the state superintendent on such statewide services, activities,
12programs, investigations and research as in its judgment will benefit pupils who are
13visually impaired.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,254,1514 (c) Make recommendations for the improvement of services provided by the
15Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,254,1716 (d) Review the level and quality of services available to pupils in the state who
17are visually impaired and make recommendations about those services.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,254,1918 (e) Propose to the state superintendent ways to improve the preparation of
19teachers and other staff who provide services to pupils who are visually impaired.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,254,2220 (f) Propose to the state superintendent ways to improve coordination between
21the department and other agencies in providing services to persons who are visually
SB45-SSA1-SA1,254,23 23(4) The council may initiate consultations with the department.
1(5) The council shall have access to public files, public records and statistics
2kept in the department that relate to matters concerning children who are visually
SB45-SSA1-SA1,255,4 4875. Page 1097, line 2: after that line insert:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,255,5 5" Section 2053m. 115.435 of the statutes is created to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,255,8 6115.435 Supplemental aid. (1) A school district that satisfies all of the
7following criteria may apply to the department by October 15 of each school year for
8a grant to supplement aid under s. 121.08.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,255,109 (a) The school district had an enrollment in the previous school year of fewer
10than 500 pupils.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,255,1111 (b) The school district is at least 200 square miles in area.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,255,1412 (c) At least 65% of the real property in the school district is exempt from
13taxation under s. 70.11, owned by or held in trust for a federally recognized American
14Indian tribe or owned by the federal government.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,255,20 15(2) No later than June 30 of the current school year, the department shall, from
16the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (ad), pay each school district that satisfies the
17criteria under sub. (1) $350 for each pupil enrolled in the school district in the
18previous school year. If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (ad) is insufficient to
19pay the full amount under this subsection, the funds shall be prorated among the
20entitled school districts.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,255,22 21(3) The department shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this
SB45-SSA1-SA1,255,23 23876. Page 1097, line 2: after that line insert:
1" Section 2053b. Subchapter III (title) of chapter 115 [precedes 115.51] of the
2statutes is amended to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,256,33 CHAPTER 115
SB45-SSA1-SA1,256,75 STATE SCHOOLS school for the
6 deaf and STATE center for the
7 blind and visually impaired
SB45-SSA1-SA1, s. 2053c 8Section 2053c. 115.51 (1) of the statutes is repealed.
SB45-SSA1-SA1, s. 2053d 9Section 2053d. 115.51 (3) and (4) of the statutes are created to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,256,1010 115.51 (3) "Local educational agency" has the meaning given in s. 115.76 (10).
SB45-SSA1-SA1,256,13 11(4) "Visually impaired" means loss of vision or blindness as described in the
12rule promulgated by the state superintendent to define "visual impairments" for the
13purposes of s. 115.76 (5) (a) 4.
SB45-SSA1-SA1, s. 2053f 14Section 2053f. 115.52 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,256,20 15115.52 Wisconsin schools School for the visually handicapped and the
Deaf. (1) The object of the Wisconsin school for the visually handicapped and
Wisconsin school School for the deaf Deaf is to afford persons with visual
18impairments and persons
with hearing impairments a practical education and
19physical rehabilitation which may aid them to make a living, discharge their duties
20as citizens and secure to them all possible happiness.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,256,25 21(2) The state superintendent shall maintain and govern the school for the
22visually handicapped and the school
School for the deaf Deaf. The state
23superintendent may fix the period of the school year at the schools school at not less
24than 38 weeks, prescribe the school terms and confer diplomas upon meritorious
25pupils who have completed the prescribed curricula.
1(3) All the blind and the deaf residents of this state 6 to 20 years old, and for
2the duration of a school term all the blind or deaf residents of this state who become
321 years old during that school term, who are capable of receiving instruction shall
4be received and taught in the schools School for the Deaf free of charge. Like
5nonresident pupils also may be received upon payment in advance of the fees fixed
6by the state superintendent at an amount not less than $75 per month, but no
7nonresident shall be received to the exclusion of a resident pupil. The state
8superintendent also may admit pupils who are 21 years of age or older prior to the
9beginning of a school term upon the payment of fees fixed by the superintendent and
10upon the recommendation of the secretary of health and family services, the director
11of the technical college system or the superintendent of the school to which the pupil
12will be assigned
School for the Deaf. All pupils shall equally and freely enjoy the
13benefits and privileges of the schools school and have the use of the library and books
14of instruction and receive board, lodging and laundry, without discrimination. The
15schools school may provide transportation for resident pupils.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,257,22 16(5) The state superintendent may grant approval for the maintenance of a
17summer school at the school School for the deaf Deaf whenever it will be to the
18advantage of persons with hearing impairments and may grant approval for the
19maintenance of a summer school at the school for the visually handicapped whenever
20it will be to the advantage of children with visual impairments. There shall be a
21summer school each year at the school for the visually handicapped for adults with
22visual impairments
SB45-SSA1-SA1,258,2 23(6) The state superintendent may make charges for meals, living quarters,
24laundry and other services furnished to employes of the schools School for the Deaf
25and their families. The state superintendent also may make charges for services

1furnished to visitors at the schools school and participants in training programs and
SB45-SSA1-SA1,258,8 3(7) The Wisconsin school School for the deaf Deaf may provide instruction for
4preschool children with hearing impairments and their parents. The Wisconsin
5school for the visually handicapped may provide instruction for preschool children
6with visual impairments and their parents.
Such instruction or treatment shall be
7subject to the approval of, and shall comply with requirements established by, the
SB45-SSA1-SA1, s. 2053h 9Section 2053h. 115.525 of the statutes is created to read:
SB45-SSA1-SA1,258,12 10115.525 Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired. (1)
In this section, "center" means the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and
12Visually Impaired.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,258,15 13(1m) Purpose. The purpose of the center is to serve as a statewide educational
14resource relating to visual impairments to benefit all Wisconsin children who are
15visually impaired.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,258,19 16(2) Governance. The state superintendent shall maintain and govern the
17center. The state superintendent shall appoint an individual who has training and
18experience in educating pupils who are visually impaired to serve as the director of
19the center.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,258,21 20(3) Services. The center shall provide services that benefit children
21throughout the state who are visually impaired.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,259,322 (a) School. 1. `Residents 3 to 20 years old.' The center shall operate a school
23at which any resident of this state 3 to 20 years old who is visually impaired, and for
24the duration of a school term any resident of this state who is visually impaired and
25becomes 21 years old during that school term, shall be received and taught free of

1charge if the individualized education program for the resident under s. 115.787 and
2the educational placement under s. 115.79 specify the school operated by the center
3as the appropriate placement.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,259,94 2. `Residents 21 years old or older.' The state superintendent may admit to the
5school operated by the center a resident of the state who is visually impaired and is
621 years of age or older prior to the beginning of a school term upon the payment of
7fees fixed by the state superintendent and upon the recommendation of the secretary
8of health and family services, the director of the technical college system or the
9director of the center.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,259,1610 3. `Nonresidents.' A nonresident of this state, who is visually impaired, who
11either is 3 to 20 years old or becomes 21 years old during a school term, whose
12individualized education program under 20 USC 1414 (d) and educational placement
13specify the school operated by the center as the appropriate placement and who is
14capable of receiving instruction may be received at the school upon payment in
15advance of the fees fixed by the state superintendent, but no nonresident may be
16received to the exclusion of a resident pupil.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,259,1917 4. `Pupil use of residential facilities.' Except as provided in sub. (4), the director
18of the center shall make the residential facilities at the center available to all pupils
19received at the school operated by the center.
SB45-SSA1-SA1,259,2420 5. `School term.' The state superintendent shall fix the period of the school term
21at the school operated by the center at not less than 38 weeks, prescribe the school
22sessions and confer diplomas upon meritorious pupils who have completed the
23prescribed curriculum. Pursuant to a pupil's individualized education program
24under s. 115.787, a pupil may be placed at the school for less than a school term.