SB55-SSA1, s. 4032m 14Section 4032m. 978.13 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1272,2315 978.13 (1) (d) In counties having a population of 500,000 or more, the salary
16and fringe benefit costs of 2 clerk positions providing clerical services to the
17prosecutors in the district attorney's office handling cases involving the unlawful
18possession or use of firearms. The state treasurer shall pay the amount authorized
19under this paragraph to the county treasurer from the appropriation under s. 20.475
20(1) (f) pursuant to a voucher submitted by the district attorney to the department of
21administration. The amount paid under this paragraph may not exceed $51,300 in
22the 1999-2000 fiscal year and $64,000 in the 2000-01 fiscal year
the amount
23appropriated under s. 20.475 (1) (f)
SB55-SSA1, s. 4033g 24Section 4033g. 979.01 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
1979.01 (1m) The coroner or medical examiner receiving notification under sub.
2(1) shall immediately notify the attorney general and district attorney.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4033k 3Section 4033k. 979.015 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1273,9 4979.015 Subpoena for documents. Upon the request of the coroner, medical
5examiner, attorney general, or district attorney, a court shall issue a subpoena
6requiring the production of documents necessary for the determination of a
7decedent's cause of death. The documents may include the decedent's patient health
8care records and treatment records, as defined in ss. 51.30 and 146.81 (4). The
9documents shall be returnable to the officer named in the subpoena.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4033n 10Section 4033n. 979.02 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1273,21 11979.02 Autopsies. The coroner, medical examiner, attorney general, or
12district attorney may order the conducting of an autopsy upon the body of a dead
13person any place within the state in cases where an inquest might be had as provided
14in s. 979.04 notwithstanding the fact that no such inquest is ordered or conducted.
15The autopsy shall be conducted by a licensed physician who has specialized training
16in pathology. The attorney general or district attorney may move the circuit court
17for the county in which the body is buried for an order disinterring the body for
18purposes of autopsy. The order shall be granted by the circuit court upon a
19reasonable showing that any of the criteria specified in s. 979.04 exists. This section
20does not prevent additional autopsies or examinations of the body if there are
21unanswered pathological questions concerning the death and the causes of death.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034 22Section 4034. 979.025 of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-SSA1,1274,6 23979.025 Autopsy of correctional inmate. (1) Inmate confined to an
24institution in this state
. If an individual dies while he or she is in the legal custody
25of the department and confined to a correctional facility located in this state, the

1coroner or medical examiner of the county where the death occurred shall perform
2an autopsy on the deceased individual. If the coroner or medical examiner who
3performs the autopsy determines that the individual's death may have been the
4result of any of the situations that would permit the district attorney to order an
5inquest under s. 979.04 (1), the coroner or medical examiner shall follow the
6procedures under s. 979.04 (2).
SB55-SSA1,1274,177 (2) Inmate confined in an institution in another state. If an individual dies
8while he or she is in the legal custody of the department and confined to a correctional
9facility in another state under a contract under s. 301.07, 301.21, or 302.25, the
10department shall have an autopsy performed by an appropriate authority in the
11other state or by the coroner or medical examiner of the county in which the circuit
12court is located that sentenced the individual to the custody of the department. If
13the coroner or medical examiner who performs the autopsy in this state determines
14that the individual's death may have been the result of any of the situations that
15would permit the district attorney to order an inquest under s. 979.04 (1), the coroner
16or medical examiner shall forward the results of the autopsy to the appropriate
17authority in the other state.
SB55-SSA1,1274,1918 (3) Costs of an autopsy. The costs of an autopsy performed under sub. (1) or
19(2) shall be paid by the department.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034b 20Section 4034b. 979.04 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1275,1121 979.04 (1) If the attorney general or district attorney has notice of the death
22of any person and there is reason to believe from the circumstances surrounding the
23death that felony murder, first-degree or 2nd-degree intentional homicide,
24first-degree or 2nd-degree reckless homicide, homicide by negligent handling of a
25dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, homicide by negligent operation of a vehicle,

1homicide resulting from negligent control of a vicious animal , or homicide by
2intoxicated user of a vehicle or firearm may have been committed, or that death may
3have been due to suicide or unexplained or suspicious circumstances, the attorney
4general or
district attorney may order that an inquest be conducted for the purpose
5of inquiring how the person died. The attorney general or district attorney shall
6appear in any such inquest representing the state in presenting all evidence which
7that may be relevant or material to the inquiry of the inquest. The inquest may be
8held in any county in this state in which venue would lie for the trial of any offense
9charged as the result of or involving the death. An inquest may only be ordered by
10the attorney general or district attorney under this subsection or by the circuit judge
11under sub. (2).
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034c 12Section 4034c. 979.04 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1275,2113 979.04 (2) If the coroner or medical examiner has knowledge of the death of any
14person in the manner described under sub. (1), he or she shall immediately notify the
15attorney general and district attorney. The notification shall include information
16concerning the circumstances surrounding the death. The coroner or medical
17examiner may request the attorney general and district attorney to order an inquest
18under sub. (1). If the attorney general and district attorney refuses refuse to order
19the inquest, a coroner or medical examiner may petition the circuit court to order an
20inquest. The court may issue the order if it finds that the attorney general or district
21attorney has abused his or her discretion in not ordering an inquest.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034d 22Section 4034d. 979.04 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1276,423 979.04 (3) Subsequent to receipt of notice of the death, the attorney general or
24district attorney may request the coroner or medical examiner to conduct a
25preliminary investigation and report back to the attorney general or district

1attorney. The attorney general or district attorney may determine the scope of the
2preliminary investigation. This subsection does not limit or prevent any other
3investigation into the death by any law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over
4the investigation.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034f 5Section 4034f. 979.05 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1276,226 979.05 (2) The inquest shall be conducted before a jury unless the attorney
district attorney, coroner, or medical examiner requests that the inquest be
8conducted before only the judge or court commissioner only. If the inquest is to be
9conducted before a jury, a sufficient number of names of prospective jurors shall be
10selected from the prospective juror list for the county in which the inquest is to be
11held by the clerk of circuit court in the manner provided in s. 756.06. The judge or
12court commissioner conducting the inquest shall summon the prospective jurors to
13appear before the judge or court commissioner at the time fixed in the summons. The
14summons may be served by mail, or by personal service if the judge, court
15commissioner, attorney general, or district attorney determines personal service to
16be appropriate. The summons shall be in the form used to summon petit jurors in
17the circuit courts of the county. Any person who fails to appear when summoned as
18an inquest juror is subject to a forfeiture of not more than $40. The inquest jury shall
19consist of 6 jurors. If 6 jurors do not remain from the number originally summoned
20after establishment of qualifications, the judge or court commissioner conducting the
21inquest may require the clerk of the circuit court to select sufficient additional jurors'
22names. Those persons shall be summoned forthwith by the sheriff of the county.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034g 23Section 4034g. 979.05 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1277,1224 979.05 (3) The judge or court commissioner shall examine on oath or
25affirmation each person who is called as a juror to discover whether the juror is

1related by blood, marriage, or adoption to the decedent, any member of the decedent's
2family, the attorney general, district attorney, any other attorney appearing in the
3case, or any members of the office of the attorney general, district attorney, or of the
4office of any other attorney appearing in the case,; has expressed or formed any
5opinion regarding the matters being inquired into in of the inquest; or is aware of or
6has any bias or prejudice concerning the matters being inquired into in of the
7inquest. If any prospective juror is found to be not indifferent or is found to have
8formed an opinion which that cannot be laid aside, that juror shall be excused. The
9judge or court commissioner may select one or more alternate jurors if the inquest
10is likely to be protracted. This subsection does not limit the right of the attorney
11general or
district attorney to supplement the judge's or court commissioner's
12examination of any prospective jurors as to qualifications.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034h 13Section 4034h. 979.05 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1277,2014 979.05 (5) Prior to the submission of evidence to the jury, the judge or court
15commissioner may instruct the jury on its duties and on the substantive law
16regarding the issues which may be inquired into before the jury. The attorney
17general or
district attorney may, at any time during the course of the inquest, make
18statements to the jury relating to procedural or evidentiary matters that he or she
19and the judge or court commissioner deem appropriate. Section 972.12 applies to the
20conduct of the inquest jury.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034j 21Section 4034j. 979.05 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1277,2422 979.05 (6) The judge or court commissioner conducting the inquest may order
23that proceedings be secret if the attorney general or district attorney so requests or
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034m 25Section 4034m. 979.06 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
1979.06 (1) The judge or court commissioner may issue subpoenas for witnesses
2at the request of the coroner or medical examiner and shall issue subpoenas for
3witnesses requested by the attorney general or district attorney. Subpoenas are
4returnable at the time and place stated therein. Persons who are served with a
5subpoena may be compelled to attend proceedings in the manner provided in s.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034n 7Section 4034n. 979.06 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1278,158 979.06 (2) The judge or court commissioner conducting the inquest and the
9attorney general or district attorney may require by subpoena the attendance of one
10or more expert witnesses, including physicians, surgeons, and pathologists, for the
11purposes of conducting an examination of the body and all relevant and material
12scientific and medical tests connected with the examination and testifying as to the
13results of the examination and tests. The expert witnesses so subpoenaed shall
14receive reasonable fees determined by the attorney general or district attorney and
15the judge or court commissioner conducting the inquest.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034p 16Section 4034p. 979.07 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1279,217 979.07 (1) (a) If a person refuses to testify or to produce books, papers, or
18documents when required to do so before an inquest for the reason that the testimony
19or evidence required of the person may tend to incriminate him or her or subject him
20or her to a forfeiture or penalty, the person may be compelled to testify or produce the
21evidence by order of the circuit court of the county in which the inquest is convened
22on motion of the attorney general or district attorney. A person who testifies or
23produces evidence in obedience to the command of the court in that case is not subject
24to any forfeiture or penalty for or on account of testifying or producing evidence,

1except the person is subject to prosecution and punishment for perjury or false
2swearing committed in so testifying.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034r 3Section 4034r. 979.08 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1279,124 979.08 (1) When the evidence is concluded and the testimony closed, the judge
5or court commissioner shall instruct the jury on its duties and on the substantive law
6regarding the issues inquired into before the jury. The attorney general or district
7attorney shall prepare a written set of appropriate requested instructions and shall
8submit them to the judge or court commissioner who, together with the attorney
9general or
district attorney, shall compile the final set of instructions which that shall
10be given. The instructions shall include those criminal offenses for which the judge
11or court commissioner believes a reasonable jury might return a verdict based upon
12a finding of probable cause.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034t 13Section 4034t. 979.08 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1279,1614 979.08 (5) The verdict delivered by the inquest jury is advisory and does not
15preclude or require the issuance of any criminal charges by the attorney general or
16district attorney.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034u 17Section 4034u. 979.08 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1279,2318 979.08 (6) Any verdict so rendered, after being validated and signed by the
19judge or court commissioner, together with the record of the inquest, shall be
20delivered to the attorney general or district attorney for consideration. After
21considering the verdict and record, the attorney general or district attorney may
22deliver the entire inquest record or any part thereof to the coroner or medical
23examiner for safekeeping.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034v 24Section 4034v. 979.09 of the statutes is amended to read:
1979.09 Burial of body. If any judge or court commissioner conducts an
2inquest as to the death of a stranger or of a person whose identity is unknown or
3whose body is unclaimed, or if the attorney general or district attorney determines
4that no inquest into the death of such a person is necessary and the circuit judge has
5not ordered an inquest under s. 979.04 (2), the coroner or medical examiner shall
6cause the body to be decently buried or cremated and shall certify to all the charges
7incurred in taking any inquest by him or her and to the expenses of burial or
8cremation of the dead body. The If the district attorney or circuit court ordered the
charges and expenses shall be audited by the county board of the proper
10county and paid out of the county treasury. If the attorney general ordered the
11inquest, charges and expenses, except as provided under s. 979.11, shall be audited
12and paid by the department of justice.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034w 13Section 4034w. 979.10 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1280,2414 979.10 (2) If a corpse is to be cremated, the coroner or medical examiner shall
15make a careful personal inquiry into the cause and manner of death, and conduct an
16autopsy or order the conducting of an autopsy, if in his or her or the attorney general's
district attorney's opinion it is necessary to determine the cause and manner of
18death. If the coroner or medical examiner determines that no further examination
19or judicial inquiry is necessary he or she shall certify that fact. Upon written request
20by the attorney general or district attorney the coroner or medical examiner shall
21obtain the concurrence of the attorney general or district attorney before issuing the
22certification. If the coroner or medical examiner determines that further
23examination or judicial inquiry is necessary, he or she shall notify the attorney
24general and
district attorney under s. 979.04 (2).
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034y 25Section 4034y. 979.11 of the statutes is amended to read:
1979.11 Compensation of officers. The sole compensation of the coroner and
2deputy coroners for attendance at an inquest and for any preliminary investigation
3under this chapter at the direction of the attorney general or district attorney shall
4be a reasonable sum set by the county board for each day actually and necessarily
5required for the purpose, and a sum set by the county board for each mile actually
6and necessarily traveled in performing the duty. Any coroner or deputy coroner may
7be paid an annual salary and allowance for traveling expenses to be established by
8the county board under s. 59.22 which shall be in lieu of all fees, per diem and
9compensation for services rendered.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034ym 10Section 4034ym. 980.08 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-SSA1,1281,1111 980.08 (5m) (a) In this subsection:
SB55-SSA1,1281,1312 1. "Building complex" means a group of contiguous buildings under common
SB55-SSA1,1281,1514 2. "Sex offender registrant" means a person on probation, parole, or extended
15supervision who is required to register as a sex offender under s. 301.45.
SB55-SSA1,1281,2216 (b) The department or a county may not place a person who is on supervised
17release in a residential building or building complex that is within 2,500 feet of
18another residential building or building complex in which a sex offender registrant
19or another person on supervised release is placed. This subsection does not prohibit
20the department or county from placing a person who is on supervised release in the
21same residential building or building complex in which a sex offender registrant or
22another person on supervised release is placed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4034z 23Section 4034z. 992.14 of the statutes is created to read:
SB55-SSA1,1282,6 24992.14 Revenue limit agreement. Notwithstanding s. 121.91, if a school
25district held a referendum before February 5, 2001, to exceed its revenue limit under

1s. 121.91 (2m) (e), and the resolution adopted by the school board and referred to in
2the question submitted to the electors specified a mill rate to be used to calculate the
3revenue limit increase, the amount by which the school district's revenue limit is
4increased as a result of the referendum for each year specified in the referendum is
5the dollar amount agreed to by the department of public instruction and the school
6board of that school district.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4035 7Section 4035. 1997 Wisconsin Act 4, section 4 (1) (a), as last affected by 1999
8Wisconsin Act 9
, section 3261, is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1282,169[1997 Wisconsin Act 4] Section 4 (1) (a) Notwithstanding 1995 Wisconsin Act
, section 9126 (23) and (26v), the department of corrections may, from July 1, 1997,
11until July 1, 2001 2003, operate the secured correctional facility, as defined in section
12938.02 (15m) of the statutes, authorized under 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9126
13(26v), as a state prison named in section 302.01 of the statutes, as affected by this
14act, for the placement of prisoners, as defined in section 301.01 (2) of the statutes,
15who are not more than 21 years of age and who are not violent offenders, as
16determined by the department of corrections.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4036 17Section 4036. 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, section 1622d is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4037 18Section 4037. 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, section 1623d is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4038 19Section 4038. 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, section 1624d is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4039b 20Section 4039b. 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9101 (11m) is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1283,221[1997 Wisconsin Act 27] Section 9101 (11m) Report by land information
22board and Wisconsin land council.
No later than September 1, 2002 2006, the land
23information board and Wisconsin land council shall report to the legislature in the
24manner provided under section 13.172 (2) of the statutes and to the governor

1concerning the issue of continuation of their functions, including the feasibility of
2combination of their functions.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4039p 3Section 4039p. 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9123 (6) is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4039q 4Section 4039q. 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9123 (6m) is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4039r 5Section 4039r. 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9123 (10g) is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4040 6Section 4040. 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9423 (10f) is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4041b 7Section 4041b. 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9456 (3m) is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1283,168[1997 Wisconsin Act 27] Section 9456 (3m) Elimination of land information
9board and Wisconsin land council
. The treatment of sections 15.07 (1) (b) 16.,
1015.105 (16), 16.968 (by Section 142am), 20.505 (1) (title) (by Section 666h), 20.505
11(1) (ka) (by Section 669am), 23.27 (3) (a) (by Section 769ad), 23.325 (1) (a), 36.09 (1)
12(e), 36.25 (12m) (intro.), 59.43 (2) (ag) 1. and (e), 59.72 (1) (a) and (b), (3) (intro.), (a)
13and (b) and (5) and 92.10 (4) (a) of the statutes, the repeal of sections 16.966 (1), (2)
14and, (4) and (5), 16.967, 20.505 (1) (ie), (ig), (ij) and (ks), 23.32 (2) (d), 59.43 (1) (u) and
1559.72 (1) (am), (3) (c) and (4) of the statutes and Section 9101 (1) of this act take effect
16on September 1, 2003 2007.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4041m 17Section 4041m. 1997 Wisconsin Act 237, section 82er is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4041n 18Section 4041n. 1997 Wisconsin Act 237, section 9452 is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4042 19Section 4042. 1997 Wisconsin Act 252, section 51 is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4043 20Section 4043. 1997 Wisconsin Act 252, section 53 is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4044 21Section 4044. 1997 Wisconsin Act 252, section 201 (1) is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4045 22Section 4045. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 11ac is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4046 23Section 4046. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 593ac is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4046g 24Section 4046g. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 1278t is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4046j 25Section 4046j. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9123 (3) (a) is amended to read:
1[1999 Wisconsin Act 9] Section 9123 (3) (a) From the appropriations under
2section 20.435 (6) (a) of the statutes, as affected by this act, and section 20.435 (6) (n)

3appropriation account under section 20.435 (7) (md) of the statutes, the department
4of health and family services shall expend up to $398,000 in state fiscal year 2001-02
5and up to $38,000 in state fiscal year 2002-03 to
contract with counties or federally
6recognized American Indian tribes or bands to provide up to 4 demonstration projects
7in state fiscal year 2000-01, except that the department is not precluded from also
8awarding funds for this purpose under section 46.54 of the statutes, as affected by
9this act
. The demonstration projects shall be to provide mental health and alcohol
10or other drug abuse services under managed care programs to persons who suffer
11from mental illness, alcohol or other drug dependency, or both mental illness and
12alcohol or other drug dependency.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4046m 13Section 4046m. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9136 (10) is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4047 14Section 4047. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9201 (2m) is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4048 15Section 4048. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9201 (2n) is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4049 16Section 4049. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9201 (2p) is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4050 17Section 4050. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9211 (title) and (2g) are repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4051 18Section 4051. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9230 (title) and (1) are repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4052 19Section 4052. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9230 (2m) is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4053 20Section 4053. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9230 (3m) is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4054 21Section 4054. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9238 (title) and (1h) are repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4055 22Section 4055. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9239 (title) and (1h) are repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4056 23Section 4056. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9239 (2h) is repealed.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4057 24Section 4057. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9357 (3) is amended to read:
1[1999 Wisconsin Act 9] Section 9357 (3) Assignment of receiving and
2disbursing fees
. The treatment of sections 767.265 (1), (2h) (by Section 3059) and
3(2r) and 767.29 (1) (d) (intro.), 1. and 2. of the statutes and the amendment of section
4767.265 (1m)
of the statutes first apply applies to annual receiving and disbursing
5fees that are ordered on the effective date of this subsection.
SB55-SSA1, s. 4059b 6Section 4059b. 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9401 (2zt) is amended to read:
SB55-SSA1,1285,97[1999 Wisconsin Act 9] Section 9401 (2zt) Wisconsin land council. The
8treatment of section 20.505 (1) (ka) (by Section 519) of the statutes takes effect on
9September 1, 2003 2007.