October 23, 2003 - Offered by Representatives Owens, Krusick and Staskunas.
AB346-AA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
AB346-AA1,1,2 21. Page 2, line 16: after that line insert:
AB346-AA1,1,3 3" Section 2c. 812.35 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB346-AA1,1,114 812.35 (5) Upon Except as provided in sub. (7), after being served, the
5garnishee shall determine whether the garnishee may become obligated to the
6debtor for earnings earned within pay periods beginning within 13 weeks after the
7date of service. If it is unlikely that the garnishee will become so obligated, the
8garnishee shall send a statement of that fact to the creditor by the end of the 7th
9business day after receiving the earnings garnishment form under sub. (3). The
10creditor shall send a copy of this statement to the court within 7 business days after
11receipt of the statement.
AB346-AA1, s. 2g 12Section 2g. 812.35 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
1812.35 (6) If Except as provided in sub. (7), if the garnishee may become
2obligated to the debtor for earnings earned within pay periods beginning within 13
3weeks after the date of service, but one or more earnings garnishments against the
4debtor have already been served on the garnishee and not terminated, the garnishee
5shall retain the earnings garnishment form and place the garnishment into effect the
6pay period after the last of any prior earnings garnishments terminates. The
7garnishee shall notify the debtor of the amount of the garnishment and shall notify
8the creditor of the amount owed on the pending garnishments by the end of the 7th
9business day after receipt of the garnishment form under sub. (3). If, before the
10earnings garnishment takes effect, the garnishee determines that it is unlikely that
11the garnishee will continue to be obligated to the debtor for earnings, the garnishee
12shall notify the creditor and court under sub. (5) within 7 business days after making
13that determination.
AB346-AA1, s. 2m 14Section 2m. 812.35 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
AB346-AA1,2,2215 812.35 (7) (a) If the debtor is an unemancipated minor, the garnishment shall
16continue until the amount that the creditor is seeking in the garnishment is paid in
17full. The garnishee shall determine whether the garnishee may become obligated to
18the debtor for earnings earned after the date of service. If it is unlikely that the
19garnishee will become so obligated, the garnishee shall send a statement of that fact
20to the creditor by the end of the 7th business day after receiving the earnings
21garnishment form under sub. (3). The creditor shall send a copy of this statement
22to the court within 7 business days after receipt of the statement.
AB346-AA1,3,923 (b) If the garnishee may become obligated to the debtor for earnings earned
24within pay periods beginning after the date of service, but one or more earnings
25garnishments against the debtor have already been served on the garnishee and not

1terminated, the garnishee shall retain the earnings garnishment form and place the
2garnishment into effect the pay period after the last of any prior earnings
3garnishments terminates. The garnishee shall notify the debtor of the amount of the
4garnishment and shall notify the creditor of the amount owed on the pending
5garnishments by the end of the 7th business day after receipt of the garnishment
6form under sub. (3). If before the earnings garnishment takes effect the garnishee
7determines that it is unlikely that the garnishee will continue to be obligated to the
8debtor for earnings, the garnishee shall notify the creditor and court under par. (a)
9within 7 business days after making that determination.
AB346-AA1, s. 2p 10Section 2p. 812.40 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB346-AA1,3,23 11812.40 Stipulated extension. At any time while an earnings garnishment
12is in effect, the debtor and creditor, if the debtor is an adult or emancipated minor,
13may stipulate in writing to an extension of the earnings garnishment for additional
14pay periods. The extension may commence on the first day after the earnings
15garnishment ends and shall end within 13 weeks after the last day of the last pay
16period affected by the earnings garnishment. The garnishee shall be bound by the
17extension if a copy of the stipulation is delivered or mailed to the garnishee, together
18with an additional garnishee fee under s. 812.33, before the last day of the last pay
19period affected by the earnings garnishment or any prior stipulated extension of the
20earnings garnishment. A stipulated extension is void and the garnishee fee shall be
21refunded if, prior to the last day of the last pay period affected by the earnings
22garnishment, the garnishee is served under s. 812.35 (3) by a creditor seeking to
23satisfy a different judgment against the debtor.
AB346-AA1, s. 2r 24Section 2r. 812.44 (3) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB346-AA1,3,2525 812.44 (3) (form)
AB346-AA1,4,22 CIRCUIT COURT:.... County
AB346-AA1,4,44 A.B., Creditor
AB346-AA1,4,55 vs. File or Reference Number....
AB346-AA1,4,66 C.D., Debtor EARNINGS
AB346-AA1,4,77 and GARNISHMENT
AB346-AA1,4,88 E.F., Garnishee
AB346-AA1,4,1010 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, To the garnishee:
AB346-AA1,4,1211 The creditor has been awarded a court judgment that has not been paid. As a
12result, the creditor claims that a total of $.... is owed by the debtor, as follows:
AB346-AA1,4,1313 A. Unpaid balance on judgment $....
AB346-AA1,4,1414 B. Unpaid postjudgment interest $....
AB346-AA1,4,1615 C. Costs of this earnings garnishment
16 (estimated) $....
AB346-AA1,4,1717 TOTAL $....
AB346-AA1,4,2018 The creditor believes that you will owe the debtor for earnings within the next
1913 weeks, or if the debtor is an unemancipated minor, within any time. If the $15
20fee is tendered with these papers, you are directed by the court to do the following:
AB346-AA1,4,2523 1. Determine if you are likely to owe the debtor for earnings in pay periods
24beginning within the next 13 weeks, or if the debtor is an unemancipated minor,
25within any time
12. If you are not likely to owe the debtor for earnings in pay periods beginning
2within the next 13 weeks, or if the debtor is an unemancipated minor, within any
, send a statement stating that fact to the creditor by the end of the 7th business
4day after receiving the earnings garnishment forms.
AB346-AA1,5,96 3. Whenever you receive a debtor's answer form from the debtor, mail a copy
7of the answer form to the creditor by the end of the 3rd business day after receipt of
8that form. Include the date you received the answer form on the copy sent to the
AB346-AA1,5,1210 4. If the debtor's answer form claims a complete exemption or defense, do not
11withhold or pay to the creditor any part of the debtor's earnings under this
12garnishment unless you receive an order of the court directing you to do so.
AB346-AA1,5,2114 5. If the debtor's earnings are already being garnisheed when you receive this
15earnings garnishment, place this earnings garnishment into effect the pay period
16after the last of any prior earnings garnishments terminates. Notify the debtor of
17the amount of the garnishment and notify the creditor of the amount owed on the
18pending garnishments by the end of the 7th business day after you receive these
19forms. If there are no prior pending earnings garnishments against the debtor's
20earnings, place this earnings garnishment into effect the pay period after you receive
AB346-AA1,6,824 6. The garnishment of the earnings of employees of the state of Wisconsin and
25its political subdivisions and of unemancipated minors remain in effect until the

1judgment is satisfied. The garnishment of earnings of other employees will affect the
2debtor's earnings for all pay periods beginning within 13 weeks after you receive it,
3unless the debtor's earnings are already being garnisheed. If this earnings
4garnishment is delayed under paragraph 5, above, it will affect the debtor's earnings
5for all pay periods beginning within 13 weeks after the first day of the pay period that
6you put this earnings garnishment into effect. If the amount claimed by the creditor
7is fully paid before the end of the 13 weeks, this earnings garnishment will terminate
8at that point.
AB346-AA1,6,1210 7. Between 5 and 10 business days after each payday of a pay period affected
11by this earnings garnishment, pay the creditor 20% of the debtor's disposable
12earnings for that pay period. Payment is complete upon mailing.
AB346-AA1,6,2215 8. If the debtor has assigned his or her earnings for support by court order, those
16support payments take priority over this earnings garnishment. If 25% or more of
17the debtor's disposable earnings is assigned for support by court order, do not pay any
18part of the debtor's earnings to the creditor. Instead, send the creditor a statement
19of that fact by the end of the 7th business day after you receive these forms. If less
20than 25% of the debtor's earnings is assigned for support by court order, the amount
21the creditor must be paid is reduced so that the total of earnings assigned and
22garnisheed does not exceed 25% of the debtor's disposable earnings.
AB346-AA1,7,624 9. The debtor and creditor may agree in writing to extend this earnings
25garnishment for additional pay periods beginning within 13 weeks after this

1earnings garnishment would otherwise terminate if the debtor is an adult or an
2emancipated minor
. If you receive a written extension stipulation, and an additional
3garnishee fee for each extension, you must honor it unless a different garnishment
4against this debtor's earnings is served upon you before the extension takes effect.
5In that case, the extension is void and you must return the extension fee to the party
6who paid it to you.".
AB346-AA1,7,8 72. Page 5, line 7: delete "This" and substitute "This If you are an adult or an
8emancipated minor, this
AB346-AA1,7,11 93. Page 5, line 10: after "paid." insert "If you are an unemancipated minor, this
10earnings garnishment affects your earnings after it was served on the garnishee and
11until the amount that the creditor is seeking in the garnishment is paid in full.