2003 - 2004 LEGISLATURE
June 19, 2003 - Offered by Representative Miller.
SB44-AA16,1,21 At the locations indicated, amend the bill, as shown by senate substitute
2amendment 1, as follows:
SB44-AA16,1,3 31. Page 20, line 8: after that line insert:
SB44-AA16,1,4 4" Section 50d. 13.94 (12) of the statutes is created to read:
SB44-AA16,1,65 13.94 (12) Business subsidies report; compilation and summary. (a) In this
SB44-AA16,1,77 1. "Business" has the meaning given in s. 20.926 (2).
SB44-AA16,1,88 2. "Business subsidy" has the meaning given in s. 20.926 (3).
SB44-AA16,1,99 3. "Grantor" has the meaning given in s. 20.926 (4).
SB44-AA16,2,710 (b) Annually, by August 1, the legislative audit bureau shall publish a report
11that summarizes the business subsidies provided in the preceding year. The report
12shall include any information and analysis that the legislative audit bureau
13determines is relevant and will assist the legislature in evaluating the cost,

1effectiveness, and equity of investing public moneys in businesses and economic
2development. The report may include any information and data that is available to
3the legislative audit bureau and shall include the reports filed under s. 20.9265 (4)
4(b) and (c) and a compilation and summary of the reports filed under s. 20.9265 (4)
5(a). In each year after the year in which the legislative audit bureau receives the
6report under s. 66.1105 (13), the legislative audit bureau shall include a summary
7of that report in the report under this subsection.
SB44-AA16,2,108 (c) The portion of the report under this subsection that is the compilation and
9summary of the reports under s. 20.9265 (4) (a) shall include at least all of the
10following information:
SB44-AA16,2,1111 1. The total amount of business subsidies awarded in each county of the state.
SB44-AA16,2,1212 2. Distribution of business subsidies, categorized by subsidy amounts.
SB44-AA16,2,1413 3. Distribution of business subsidy amounts, categorized by the length of time
14over which the subsidy is provided.
SB44-AA16,2,1615 4. Distribution of business subsidies, categorized by type of subsidy, amount of
16subsidy, and public purpose.
SB44-AA16,2,1817 5. The percentage and number of recipients that reached their goals by the
18times specified in their subsidy agreements under s. 20.9265 (2) (a) 6.
SB44-AA16,2,2019 6. The percentage and number of recipients that reached their interim goals,
20if any.
SB44-AA16,2,2221 7. The percentage and number of recipients that did not reach their goals by
22the times specified in their subsidy agreements under s. 20.9265 (2) (a) 6.
SB44-AA16,2,2523 8. The total dollar amount of business subsidies provided to recipients that did
24not reach their goals by the times specified in their subsidy agreements under s.
2520.9265 (2) (a) 6.
19. The number of jobs created as a result of business subsidies, shown in
2separate wage bands, as defined in s. 20.926 (10).
SB44-AA16,3,43 10. Fringe benefits paid or otherwise provided as a result of business subsidies,
4shown in separate wage bands, as defined in s. 20.926 (10).
SB44-AA16,3,105 (d) The compilation and summary of the reports under s. 20.9265 (4) (a) shall
6be presented in a manner that allows for comparisons across time periods and among
7grantors and, in addition, shall include sufficient information to enable comparisons
8between wages paid and fringe benefits provided by new jobs created as a result of
9business subsidies and wages paid and fringe benefits provided by comparable jobs
10in each area in which the new jobs are created.
SB44-AA16,3,1711 (e) In addition to summarizing and compiling the reports specified in par. (b),
12the legislative audit bureau shall include in the report under this subsection a
13comparison and evaluation of the effectiveness of each business subsidy, or program
14under which business subsidies are provided, in achieving a public purpose and
15recommendations for improving the programs. The legislative audit bureau is not
16required to compare and evaluate under this paragraph the programs included in the
17reports filed under s. 20.9265 (4) (b) and (c).
SB44-AA16,3,2118 (f) The legislative audit bureau may develop a report form for the manual or
19electronic submission of the report required under s. 20.9265 (4) (a) to ensure that
20the appropriate data is collected to enable the legislative audit bureau to satisfy the
21requirements under this subsection.
SB44-AA16,3,2222 (g) The report under this subsection is open to public inspection.".
SB44-AA16,3,23 232. Page 83, line 9: after that line insert:
SB44-AA16,3,24 24" Section 279w. 20.001 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
120.001 Definitions and abbreviations. (intro.) In Except as otherwise
2provided, in
this chapter terms and abbreviations have the following meanings:".
SB44-AA16,4,3 33. Page 385, line 13: after that line insert:
SB44-AA16,4,4 4" Section 735rs. 20.926 of the statutes is created to read:
SB44-AA16,4,6 520.926 Definitions for business subsidy awards and reports. In this
6section and s. 20.9265:
SB44-AA16,4,7 7(1) "Agency" means a state agency or a local government agency.
SB44-AA16,4,8 8(2) "Business" means any of the following:
SB44-AA16,4,99 (a) A person engaged in a business enterprise for profit in this state.
SB44-AA16,4,1210 (b) An organization or enterprise operating not for profit in this state that has
11at least 100 full-time positions with a ratio of highest-paid to lowest-paid employee
12that exceeds 10 to one, determined on the basis of full-time equivalent positions.
SB44-AA16,4,14 13(3) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), "business subsidy" means any of the
SB44-AA16,4,1715 1. Public improvements that cost at least $25,000, that are made to buildings
16or lands owned by the state or a political subdivision, and that exclusively benefit a
17single business at the time that the improvements are made.
SB44-AA16,4,1918 2. Any of the following that has a cost to an agency or the state of at least
19$25,000 and that is given to a business by an agency:
SB44-AA16,4,2020 a. A grant.
SB44-AA16,4,2121 b. A contribution of personal or real property or infrastructure.
SB44-AA16,4,2422 2m. Any transfer of property to a business by an agency for at least $25,000
23below the property's acquisition cost or fair market value at the time of the transfer,
24whichever is greater.
13. A loan of at least $75,000 that is given to a business by an agency.
SB44-AA16,5,22 (b) "Business subsidy" does not include any of the following:
SB44-AA16,5,43 1. Assistance for the sole purpose of providing job readiness and training
SB44-AA16,5,55 2. Housing assistance.
SB44-AA16,5,66 3. Energy conservation assistance.
SB44-AA16,5,97 4. A reduction or deferral of any tax or fee, including tax credits under ch. 71,
8general tax reductions, and tax reductions resulting from conformity with federal
SB44-AA16,5,1110 5. General changes in the tax incremental financing laws and other general tax
11law changes.
SB44-AA16,5,1212 6. Worker's compensation and unemployment compensation.
SB44-AA16,5,1313 7. Payment to a person from an agency for the purchase of goods or services.
SB44-AA16,5,1414 7m. Payments made under ch. 32.
SB44-AA16,5,1715 8. Funds from bonds issued for the benefit of any institution, facility, or
16organization described in section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code that is
17exempt from federal taxation under section 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
SB44-AA16,5,1818 9. Assistance for a consortium, as defined in s. 560.60 (3).
SB44-AA16,5,1919 10. Any assistance provided by the University of Wisconsin System.
SB44-AA16,5,2120 11. Assistance provided by the department of transportation, except for
21assistance provided under s. 84.185 or any similar programs.
SB44-AA16,5,2322 12. Federal loan funds provided through the U.S. economic development
SB44-AA16,5,2524 13. Assistance provided by an agency under a statutory provision that
25identifies the specific recipient or the specific amount.
114. Loans and investments made by the investment board.
SB44-AA16,6,4 2(3m) "Development zone" means a development zone under ss. 560.71 to
3560.78, a development opportunity zone under s. 560.795, or an enterprise
4development zone under s. 560.797.
SB44-AA16,6,5 5(4) "Grantor" means an agency that awards or provides a business subsidy.
SB44-AA16,6,9 6(5) "Local government agency" means any political subdivision, housing
7authority created under ss. 66.1201 to 66.1211, redevelopment authority created
8under s. 66.1333, or community development authority created under s. 66.1335, or
9any entity created or authorized by any of them.
SB44-AA16,6,10 10(6) "Political subdivision" means a city, village, town, or county.
SB44-AA16,6,12 11(7) "Recipient" means a business that is benefited by a business subsidy under
12sub. (3) (a) 1. or that receives a business subsidy under sub. (3) (a) 2., 2m., or 3.