SB44-AA16,5,1313 7. Payment to a person from an agency for the purchase of goods or services.
SB44-AA16,5,1414 7m. Payments made under ch. 32.
SB44-AA16,5,1715 8. Funds from bonds issued for the benefit of any institution, facility, or
16organization described in section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code that is
17exempt from federal taxation under section 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
SB44-AA16,5,1818 9. Assistance for a consortium, as defined in s. 560.60 (3).
SB44-AA16,5,1919 10. Any assistance provided by the University of Wisconsin System.
SB44-AA16,5,2120 11. Assistance provided by the department of transportation, except for
21assistance provided under s. 84.185 or any similar programs.
SB44-AA16,5,2322 12. Federal loan funds provided through the U.S. economic development
SB44-AA16,5,2524 13. Assistance provided by an agency under a statutory provision that
25identifies the specific recipient or the specific amount.
114. Loans and investments made by the investment board.
SB44-AA16,6,4 2(3m) "Development zone" means a development zone under ss. 560.71 to
3560.78, a development opportunity zone under s. 560.795, or an enterprise
4development zone under s. 560.797.
SB44-AA16,6,5 5(4) "Grantor" means an agency that awards or provides a business subsidy.
SB44-AA16,6,9 6(5) "Local government agency" means any political subdivision, housing
7authority created under ss. 66.1201 to 66.1211, redevelopment authority created
8under s. 66.1333, or community development authority created under s. 66.1335, or
9any entity created or authorized by any of them.
SB44-AA16,6,10 10(6) "Political subdivision" means a city, village, town, or county.
SB44-AA16,6,12 11(7) "Recipient" means a business that is benefited by a business subsidy under
12sub. (3) (a) 1. or that receives a business subsidy under sub. (3) (a) 2., 2m., or 3.
SB44-AA16,6,16 13(8) "State agency" means any office, department, agency, institution of higher
14education, association, society, or other body in state government that is created or
15authorized to be created by the constitution or any law, including any authority
16created under ch. 231, 233, 234, or 237 but not including the legislature or the courts.
SB44-AA16,6,17 17(9) "Technology zone" means a technology zone under s. 560.96.
SB44-AA16,6,23 18(10) "Wage bands" means ranges of wages, with the lowest range beginning
19with the federal minimum wage and ending with the wage reflected by rounding the
20federal minimum wage up to the nearest whole dollar and subtracting one cent, and
21with each subsequent range beginning with the nearest whole dollar that is greater
22than the highest wage included within the previous range and ending with the wage
23reflected by adding 99 cents to that whole dollar.
SB44-AA16, s. 735rt 24Section 735rt. 20.9265 of the statutes is created to read:
120.9265 Business subsidies; awarding and reporting requirements. (1)
2Developing criteria; application requirements; public hearings; prohibitions. (a)
3Every grantor shall develop criteria for awarding business subsidies. The criteria
4shall set minimum requirements that a business must meet to be eligible for a
5business subsidy. The criteria shall provide that, if the public purpose for the subsidy
6is job creation, all jobs created as a result of the subsidy must provide compensation
7that is equal to at least 200% of the federal poverty line, as defined under 42 USC
(2), for a family of 2 persons. Compensation may include health insurance
9premiums paid by the employer on behalf of the employee, for purposes of
10determining whether this requirement is met.
SB44-AA16,7,1211 (b) No grantor may award a business subsidy until the grantor has developed
12the criteria required under par. (a).
SB44-AA16,7,2013 (c) A copy of the criteria developed under par. (a) shall be submitted along with
14the first annual report filed by the grantor under sub. (4). A copy of any changes to
15the original set of criteria developed under par. (a) shall be submitted along with the
16first annual report that is filed by the grantor after the changes are made. If in
17awarding a business subsidy a grantor deviates from the criteria developed under
18par. (a), the grantor shall document the reason for the deviation in writing and
19submit a copy of that documentation along with the first annual report that is filed
20by the grantor after the deviation occurs.
SB44-AA16,8,221 (cm) 1. Every applicant for a business subsidy shall reveal in the application
22whether, in the preceding 5 years, the applicant has been determined by an
23administrative proceeding, civil action, criminal action, or other legal proceeding to
24have violated any federal or state environmental or labor law. For purposes of this
25paragraph, issuance of an order or acceptance of an agreement requiring corrective

1action or a stipulated fine, forfeiture, or other penalty is considered a determination
2of a violation, regardless of whether there is a finding or admission of liability.
SB44-AA16,8,53 2. For a violation described in subd. 1. that resulted in a finding, the applicant
4shall describe the finding and the penalty assessed and shall specify the entity that
5made the finding and the location of the public records relating to the matter.
SB44-AA16,8,116 3. For a violation described in subd. 1. that resulted in an agreement for
7corrective action or a stipulated fine, forfeiture, or other penalty, the applicant shall
8provide a summary description of the violation that led to the agreement or
9stipulation and, if the agreement or stipulation is a public record, a summary
10description of the agreement or stipulation and the location of the agreement or
11stipulation as a public record.
SB44-AA16,8,2012 (d) 1. Except as provided in subds. 2. and 3., before awarding a business subsidy
13in the amount of $500,000 or greater to a subsidy applicant, a grantor shall hold at
14least one public meeting in the political subdivision in which the applicant proposes
15to conduct the project for which the subsidy will be used. The public meeting must
16be held at least 30 days before the final decision is made on whether to award the
17business subsidy to the applicant for the purpose of providing information, and
18receiving public comment, about the subsidy. The grantor shall give notice of the
19meeting in a manner that is likely to give notice in the political subdivision in which
20the applicant proposes to conduct the project for which the subsidy will be used.
SB44-AA16,8,2321 2. The requirement under subd. 1. does not apply if, under another process that
22is separate and distinct from the process under this section, at least one public
23hearing has been held with respect to the project for which the subsidy will be used.
13. The requirement under subd. 1. does not apply if the secretary of
2administration grants a waiver of the requirement because there is insufficient time
3to hold a public meeting.
SB44-AA16,9,64 (e) A grantor may not award to a business subsidy applicant a business subsidy
5in the form of a grant, a loan, or a contribution of personal or real property if any of
6the following applies:
SB44-AA16,9,117 1. The business subsidy will be used to subsidize any portion of the cost of
8moving the applicant's business operations from one political subdivision in this
9state to another political subdivision in this state. This subdivision does not apply
10if the governing body of the political subdivision from which the applicant intends
11to move consents to the move in writing, which may be by resolution.
SB44-AA16,9,1512 2. The business subsidy will be used to subsidize any portion of the cost of
13moving the applicant's business operations to this state from a state with which this
14state has entered into an agreement or compact related to businesses moving from
15one state to another, except as allowed under the terms of the agreement or compact.
SB44-AA16,9,1916 (f) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., a recipient may not apply for another
17business subsidy, and a grantor may not award another business subsidy to a
18recipient, if the recipient fails to submit a report required under sub. (3) (a) within
196 months of the time required for submitting such report under sub. (3) (b).
SB44-AA16,9,2220 2. A recipient that submits a report more than 6 months after the time required
21under sub. (3) (b) may apply for, and may be awarded, another business subsidy only
22upon the approval of the secretary of administration.
SB44-AA16,9,25 23(2) Subsidy agreement. (a) Whenever a grantor provides a business subsidy,
24the recipient shall enter into a subsidy agreement with the grantor. The subsidy
25agreement shall include all of the following:
11. A description of the subsidy, including the amount, or fair market value, and
2type of subsidy.
SB44-AA16,10,43 2. A description of a public purpose for the subsidy, other than expanding the
4property tax base.
SB44-AA16,10,55 3. A statement of why the subsidy is needed.
SB44-AA16,10,66 4. Specific measurable goals for the subsidy.
SB44-AA16,10,97 4m. If the public purpose for the subsidy is the creation or retention of jobs,
8specific measurable goals for the number of jobs to be created or retained and wage
9goals for the jobs to be created or retained.
SB44-AA16,10,1210 5. If the public purpose for the subsidy is the retention of jobs, the total number
11of jobs currently provided by the recipient and identification of the jobs that would
12be lost without the subsidy.
SB44-AA16,10,1413 6. The time by which the goals specified in subd. 4. and, if applicable, in subd.
144m. are to be achieved.
SB44-AA16,10,1615 7. A commitment to continue operations at the location where the subsidy is
16to be used for at least 5 years from the date of receiving the full amount of the subsidy.
SB44-AA16,10,2017 8. A description of any financial or other obligation of the recipient if the goals
18under subd. 4. or, if applicable, under subd. 4m. are not met by the time specified
19under subd. 6. or if the recipient ceases operations at the location before the time
20specified in subd. 7.
SB44-AA16,10,2121 9. The name and address of the recipient's parent corporation, if any.
SB44-AA16,10,2322 10. A list, by amount and provider, of all other public financial assistance for
23the project for which the subsidy will be used.
SB44-AA16,11,324 11. A commitment to ensure that, unless otherwise authorized by the grantor,
25any depreciable tangible personal property purchased with money obtained through

1the subsidy will remain in Wisconsin for at least 5 years or, if the property is mobile,
2the property's base of operations for at least 50% of its use will be at a location in
3Wisconsin for at least 5 years.
SB44-AA16,11,74 (b) A subsidy agreement under par. (a) shall be in writing and signed by both
5the recipient and the grantor. If the grantor is a local government agency that is not
6a political subdivision, the governing body of the political subdivision within which
7the local government agency operates must approve the agreement.
SB44-AA16,11,10 8(3) Reports of recipients. (a) Each recipient shall submit to its grantor, by
9the time required under par. (b), a report in a format specified by the grantor that
10provides the following information:
SB44-AA16,11,1111 1. The type, public purpose, and amount of the subsidy.
SB44-AA16,11,1312 2. The hourly wage of each job created or retained as a result of the subsidy,
13shown in separate wage bands.
SB44-AA16,11,1514 3. The sum of the hourly wages and cost of health insurance premiums paid by
15the recipient, shown in separate wage bands.
SB44-AA16,11,1716 4. A statement of the goals identified in the subsidy agreement under sub. (2)
17(a) 4. and a statement of the progress toward meeting those goals.
SB44-AA16,11,2118 4m. If the public purpose for the subsidy is the creation or retention jobs, a
19statement of the goals identified in the subsidy agreement under sub. (2) (a) 4m. and
20a statement of the progress toward meeting the job and wage goals or the date on
21which the job and wage goals were or are expected to be achieved.
SB44-AA16,11,2422 5. If the public purpose for the subsidy is the retention of jobs, the total number
23of jobs currently provided by the recipient, shown in separate wage bands, and the
24status of the jobs identified under sub. (2) (a) 5.
15m. If the public purpose for the subsidy is the creation of jobs, the total number
2of jobs currently provided by the recipient that satisfy the requirements under sub.
3(1) (a) compared to the average number of jobs provided by the recipient in the 12
4months preceding the period covered by this report that satisfied those
SB44-AA16,12,86 6. A statement of any financial or other obligation of the recipient under sub.
7(2) (a) 8. and a statement of the progress toward meeting the obligation or the date
8on which the obligation was or will be met.
SB44-AA16,12,99 7. The location of the recipient before receiving the business subsidy.
SB44-AA16,12,1010 8. The name and address of the recipient's parent corporation, if any.
SB44-AA16,12,1211 9. A list, by amount and provider, of all other public financial assistance for the
SB44-AA16,12,1313 10. Any other information requested by the grantor.
SB44-AA16,12,1814 (b) The recipient shall submit a report, as required under par. (a), as required
15by the grantor, but not more than 24 months after the subsidy is first provided.
16Annually thereafter, until the time specified in the subsidy agreement under sub. (2)
17(a) 6., the recipient shall submit a report, as required under par. (a), for the period
18since the previous report was submitted.
SB44-AA16,12,2419 (c) If a recipient fails to submit a report by the time the report is due, the grantor
20shall within 30 days after the due date notify the recipient that the report is overdue.
21If the report remains delinquent for 6 months after the due date, the grantor shall
22notify the department of administration and commence any action or proceedings to
23recover the subsidy that are specified in the subsidy agreement, and the recipient
24shall be ineligible for any other business subsidies, as provided in sub. (1) (f).
1(d) For each recipient, a grantor shall keep a centrally located and easily
2accessible file containing the recipient's application, all documents related to the
3application, the subsidy agreement entered into under sub. (2), and all reports
4submitted under this subsection. A grantor may satisfy this paragraph by posting
5the contents of the file on the grantor's public website.
SB44-AA16,13,13 6(4) Reports of grantors and the department of commerce. (a) Annually, no
7later than April 1, every grantor shall manually or electronically file with the
8legislative audit bureau a report that summarizes the information submitted to the
9grantor during the previous calendar year in the reports under sub. (3). If the
10grantor electronically files the report, it shall do so in a form and format acceptable
11to the legislative audit bureau. If the legislative audit bureau develops a report form
12under s. 13.94 (12) (f), a grantor shall use that form for submitting the information
13required under this subsection.
SB44-AA16,13,1814 (b) Notwithstanding s. 20.926 (3) (b) 13., an agency that provides assistance to
15a business under a statutory provision that identifies the specific recipient or the
16specific amount shall annually, no later than April 1, file with the legislative audit
17bureau a report on that assistance provided in the preceding calendar year. The
18report shall include all of the following information:
SB44-AA16,13,1919 1. The identity of the recipients of the assistance.
SB44-AA16,13,2020 2. The amount of assistance provided to each recipient.
SB44-AA16,13,2121 3. The statutory authority under which the assistance was provided.
SB44-AA16,14,222 (c) In addition to filing any report that is required under par. (a) or (b), the
23department of commerce shall annually, no later than June 1, file with the legislative
24audit bureau a report on the development zone programs under subch. VI of ch. 560

1and the technology zone program under s. 560.96 that includes all of the following
SB44-AA16,14,43 1. Identification of all development zones and technology zones in effect and the
4total amount of tax credits that may be claimed in each of those zones.
SB44-AA16,14,65 2. The total tax credits claimed, both in the previous calendar year and since
6the zone was designated, in each development zone or technology zone in effect.
SB44-AA16,14,117 3. A listing of every person in each development zone or technology zone in
8effect that has been awarded tax credits, together with an itemization of the total
9amount of such tax credits certified for each person, the total amount of such tax
10credits claimed by each person in the year of the report, and the aggregate total of
11all such tax credits claimed by each person.
SB44-AA16,14,1312 4. A public purpose, other than expanding the property tax base, for which each
13person listed in subd. 3. was certified for tax credits.
SB44-AA16,14,1514 5. The progress each person listed in subd. 3. has made in achieving the public
15purpose specified in subd. 4.
SB44-AA16,14,1716 6. The criteria used to measure the progress made in achieving the public
17purpose specified in subd. 4.
SB44-AA16,14,2018 7. The total number of jobs that have been created, both in the previous
19calendar year and since the zone was designated, in each development zone or
20technology zone in effect, shown in separate wage bands.
SB44-AA16,14,2321 8. The total number of jobs that have been retained, both in the previous
22calendar year and since the zone was designated, in each development zone or
23technology zone in effect, shown in separate wage bands.
1(5) Public record requirement. Business subsidy applications, all documents
2related to business subsidy applications, recipient reports under sub. (3), and
3grantor reports under sub. (4) are open to public inspection.
SB44-AA16,15,9 4(6) Responsibility for compliance and relation to other requirements. (a)
5If the agency that awards a business subsidy is different from the agency that
6provides the business subsidy, the agency that provides the business subsidy shall
7determine how the requirements under this section for the grantor of the business
8subsidy will be met, and may delegate the responsibility for any such requirement
9to the agency that awards the business subsidy.
SB44-AA16,15,1210 (b) A state agency that administers an economic development program under
11which a local government agency is the grantor of state funds shall ensure that the
12local government agency complies with this section.
SB44-AA16,15,1513 (c) The legislative audit bureau shall determine whether this section applies
14to an agency with respect to assistance provided by the agency in the event that there
15is disagreement or uncertainty over whether this section applies.
SB44-AA16,15,2316 (d) Except as provided in sub. (1) (d) 2., the requirements under this section
17related to awarding or providing a business subsidy, including the awarding criteria
18developed under sub. (1) (a), the subsidy agreement under sub. (2), and the recipient
19reporting requirements under sub. (3), are in addition to any other requirements
20with which an agency or recipient must comply with respect to the business subsidy.
21If a conflict exists between a requirement under this section and any other
22requirement with respect to a business subsidy, the requirement under this section
SB44-AA16,15,2524 (e) The department of administration shall annually notify all agencies of their
25responsibilities under this section.".
14. Page 598, line 9: after that line insert:
SB44-AA16,16,2 2" Section 1533m. 66.1105 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-AA16,16,103 66.1105 (13) The department of commerce, in cooperation with other state
4agencies and local governments, shall make a comprehensive report to the governor
5and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the legislature
6under s. 13.172 (2), at the beginning of each biennium, beginning with the 1977
7biennium, as to the effects and impact of tax incremental financing projects socially,
8economically, and financially. Beginning with the 2003 biennium, the department
9of commerce shall also provide a copy of the report to the legislative audit bureau for
10purposes of the report requirement under s. 13.94 (12).
SB44-AA16,16,12 115. Page 613, line 14: after that line, before the material inserted by senate
12amendment 119 to senate substitute amendment 1, insert:
SB44-AA16,16,13 13" Section 1580m. 71.07 (2dx) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-AA16,16,2314 71.07 (2dx) (a) 4. "Full-time job" means a regular, nonseasonal full-time
15position in which an individual, as a condition of employment, is required to work at
16least 2,080 hours per year, including paid leave and holidays, and for which the
17individual receives pay compensation that is equal to at least 150% of the federal
18minimum wage and receives benefits that are not required by federal or state law

19200% of the federal poverty line, as defined under 42 USC 9902 (2), for a family of
202 persons. Compensation may include health insurance premiums paid by the
21employer on behalf of the employee, for purposes of determining whether the
22compensation requirement is met
. "Full-time job" does not include initial training
23before an employment position begins.".
SB44-AA16,16,24 246. Page 655, line 2: after that line insert: