2003 - 2004 LEGISLATURE
June 19, 2003 - Offered by Representative Kreuser.
SB44-AA52,1,21 At the locations indicated, amend the bill , as shown by senate substitute
2amendment 1,
as follows:
SB44-AA52,1,4 31. Page 12, line 4: on page 1, line 2, of the material inserted by senate
4amendment 119 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete lines 2 and 3.
SB44-AA52,1,6 52. Page 12, line 14: after that line, on page 1, line 4, of the material inserted
6by senate amendment 119 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete lines 4 to 12.
SB44-AA52,1,8 73. Page 13, line 2: after that line, on page 2, line 1, of the material inserted by
8senate amendment 119 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete lines 1 to 13.
SB44-AA52,1,10 94. Page 14, line 6: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
10amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,1,12 115. Page 65, line 17: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
12amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,1,13 136. Page 170, line 11: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB44-AA52,2,2 17. Page 172, line 15: on page 4 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
2amendment 1, delete lines 18 to 20.
SB44-AA52,2,4 38. Page 172, line 15: on lines 15 and 17, delete "and commuter rail transit
4system", as inserted by senate amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,2,6 59. Page 172, line 19: delete "and commuter rail transit", as inserted by senate
6amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,2,8 710. Page 173, line 12: on page 4 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
8amendment 1, delete line 24.
SB44-AA52,2,10 911. Page 178, line 6: on page 5 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
10amendment 1, delete lines 1 to 3.
SB44-AA52,2,11 1112. Page 178, line 8: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB44-AA52,2,12 1213. Page 180, line 22: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB44-AA52,3,2 114. Page 181, line 3: on page 5 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
2amendment 1, delete lines 6 and 7.
SB44-AA52,3,4 315. Page 208, line 16: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
4amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,3,6 516. Page 210, line 16: on page 5 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
6amendment 1, delete lines 15 to 19.
SB44-AA52,3,8 717. Page 266, line 6: after that line, on page 5 of the material inserted by
8senate amendment 121, delete lines 20 to 22.
SB44-AA52,3,10 918. Page 275, line 5: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
10amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,3,11 1119. Page 304, line 21: after that line insert:
SB44-AA52,3,12 12" Section 418b. 20.395 (1) (dq) of the statutes is created to read:
SB44-AA52,3,1513 20.395 (1) (dq) Commuter rail transit system development grants, state funds.
14The amounts in the schedule for commuter rail transit system development grants
15under s. 85.064.
SB44-AA52, s. 419b 16Section 419b. 20.395 (1) (dv) of the statutes is created to read:
SB44-AA52,3,1917 20.395 (1) (dv) Commuter rail transit system development grants, local funds.
18All moneys received from any local unit of government or other source for commuter
19rail transit system development under s. 85.064, for such purposes.
SB44-AA52, s. 420b 20Section 420b. 20.395 (1) (dx) of the statutes is created to read:
120.395 (1) (dx) Commuter rail transit system development grants, federal
All moneys received from the federal government for commuter rail transit
3system development under s. 85.064, for such purposes.".
SB44-AA52,4,5 420. Page 305, line 8: after that line, on page 6 of the material inserted by
5senate amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete lines 6 to 22.
SB44-AA52,4,7 621. Page 305, line 8: after that line, on page 6 of the material inserted by
7senate amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete lines 23 and 24.
SB44-AA52,4,9 822. Page 305, line 8: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
9amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,4,11 1023. Page 305, line 9: on page 7 of the material inserted by senate amendment
11121 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete line 7.
SB44-AA52,4,12 1224. Page 307, line 19: after that line insert:
SB44-AA52,4,13 13" Section 429. 20.395 (4) (aq) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB44-AA52,4,2414 20.395 (4) (aq) Departmental management and operations, state funds. The
15amounts in the schedule for departmental planning and administrative activities
16and the administration and management of departmental programs except those
17programs under subs. (2) (bq), (cq), and (dq) and (3) (iq), including those activities in
18s. 85.07 and including not less than $220,000 in each fiscal year to reimburse the
19department of justice for legal services provided the department under s. 165.25 (4)
20(a) and including activities related to the transportation employment and mobility
21program under s. 85.24 that are not funded from the appropriation under sub. (1)
22(bs), (bv), or (bx), and the scholarship and loan repayment incentive grant program
23under s. 85.107, and the Type 1 motorcycle, moped, and motor bicycle safety program
24under s. 85.30
and to match federal funds for mass transit planning.
SB44-AA52, s. 430
1Section 430. 20.395 (4) (as) of the statutes is created to read:
SB44-AA52,5,42 20.395 (4) (as) Type 1 motorcycle, moped, and motor bicycle safety program. The
3amounts in the schedule for the Type 1 motorcycle, moped, and motor bicycle safety
4program under s. 85.30.".
SB44-AA52,5,5 525. Page 308, line 23: after that line insert:
SB44-AA52,5,6 6" Section 435b. 20.395 (5) (fq) of the statutes is created to read:
SB44-AA52,5,117 20.395 (5) (fq) Motor vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program;
8petroleum inspection fund.
From the petroleum inspection fund, the amounts in the
9schedule for administering the motor vehicle emission inspection and maintenance
10program, and to provide for contracts for the operation of inspection stations, under
11s. 110.20.".
SB44-AA52,5,13 1226. Page 309, line 12: on page 7 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
13amendment 1, delete line 13.
SB44-AA52,5,15 1427. Page 328, line 20: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
15amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,5,17 1628. Page 352, line 13: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
17amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,5,19 1829. Page 363, line 7: after that line, on page 8 of the material inserted by
19senate amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete lines 21 and 22.
SB44-AA52,5,21 2030. Page 363, line 7: after that line, on page 9 of the material inserted by
21senate amendment 121, delete lines 1 to 3.
SB44-AA52,5,23 2231. Page 364, line 4: delete the material inserted by senate amendment 121
23to senate substitute amendment 1.
132. Page 367, line 4: on page 9 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
2amendment 1, delete line 5.
SB44-AA52,6,4 333. Page 367, line 5: on page 9 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
4amendment 1, delete line 6.
SB44-AA52,6,6 534. Page 367, line 6: on page 9 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
6amendment 1, delete line 7.
SB44-AA52,6,8 735. Page 367, line 9: on page 9 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
8amendment 1, delete lines 8 and 9.
SB44-AA52,6,10 936. Page 367, line 10: on page 9 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
10amendment 1, delete line 10.
SB44-AA52,6,12 1137. Page 367, line 11: on page 9 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
12amendment 1, delete line 11.
SB44-AA52,6,14 1338. Page 369, line 16: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
14amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,6,16 1539. Page 371, line 8: after that line delete the material inserted by senate
16amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,6,18 1740. Page 411, line 21: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
18amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,6,20 1941. Page 413, line 19: after that line, on page 10 of the material inserted by
20senate amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete lines 11 to 13.
SB44-AA52,6,22 2142. Page 427, line 20: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
22amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
143. Page 437, line 5: on lines 5 and 6, delete the material inserted by senate
2amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1 and restore the material deleted
3by that amendment.
SB44-AA52,7,6 444. Page 438, line 10: delete the material inserted on that line by senate
5amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1 and substitute "after June 30,
SB44-AA52,7,8 745. Page 438, line 10: after that line, delete the material inserted by Item 50
8of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,7,10 946. Page 464, line 18: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
10amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,7,12 1147. Page 513, line 17: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
12amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.