SB44-AA52,6,4 333. Page 367, line 5: on page 9 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
4amendment 1, delete line 6.
SB44-AA52,6,6 534. Page 367, line 6: on page 9 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
6amendment 1, delete line 7.
SB44-AA52,6,8 735. Page 367, line 9: on page 9 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
8amendment 1, delete lines 8 and 9.
SB44-AA52,6,10 936. Page 367, line 10: on page 9 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
10amendment 1, delete line 10.
SB44-AA52,6,12 1137. Page 367, line 11: on page 9 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
12amendment 1, delete line 11.
SB44-AA52,6,14 1338. Page 369, line 16: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
14amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,6,16 1539. Page 371, line 8: after that line delete the material inserted by senate
16amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,6,18 1740. Page 411, line 21: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
18amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,6,20 1941. Page 413, line 19: after that line, on page 10 of the material inserted by
20senate amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete lines 11 to 13.
SB44-AA52,6,22 2142. Page 427, line 20: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
22amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
143. Page 437, line 5: on lines 5 and 6, delete the material inserted by senate
2amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1 and restore the material deleted
3by that amendment.
SB44-AA52,7,6 444. Page 438, line 10: delete the material inserted on that line by senate
5amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1 and substitute "after June 30,
SB44-AA52,7,8 745. Page 438, line 10: after that line, delete the material inserted by Item 50
8of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,7,10 946. Page 464, line 18: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
10amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,7,12 1147. Page 513, line 17: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
12amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,7,14 1348. Page 542, line 21: after that line, on page 12 of the material inserted by
14senate amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete lines 11 to 21.
SB44-AA52,7,16 1549. Page 588, line 4: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
16amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,7,18 1750. Page 588, line 21: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
18amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,7,20 1951. Page 596, line 10: delete the material inserted by senate amendment 121
20to senate substitute amendment 1 and substitute "If".
SB44-AA52,7,23 2152. Page 596, line 18: on lines 18 and 19, delete the material inserted by
22senate amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1 and restore the material
23deleted by that amendment.
153. Page 596, line 22: delete the material inserted after that line by senate
2amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,8,5 354. Page 598, line 6: after that line, on page 16, line 20, of the material
4inserted by senate amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete the
5material beginning with that line and ending with page 17, line 12.
SB44-AA52,8,8 655. Page 598, line 16: delete the material inserted on that line by senate
7amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1 and substitute "after June 30,
SB44-AA52,8,10 956. Page 719, line 25: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
10amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,8,12 1157. Page 724, line 8: on page 19 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
12amendment 1, delete line 20.
SB44-AA52,8,14 1358. Page 726, line 5: on page 19 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
14amendment 1, delete lines 21 to 24.
SB44-AA52,8,16 1559. Page 726, line 5: on page 20 of senate amendment 121 to senate substitute
16amendment 1, delete lines 1 to 6.
SB44-AA52,8,18 1760. Page 727, line 14: on page 20 of senate amendment 121 to senate
18substitute amendment 1, delete line 7.
SB44-AA52,8,20 1961. Page 728, line 8: on page 20 of the material inserted by senate amendment
20121 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete lines 8 to 10.
SB44-AA52,8,22 2162. Page 760, line 21: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
22amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
163. Page 793, line 17: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
2amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,9,4 364. Page 795, line 3: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
4amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,9,6 565. Page 861, line 25: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
6amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,9,8 766. Page 874, line 19: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
8amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,9,10 967. Page 910, line 16: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
10amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,9,12 1168. Page 911, line 7: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
12amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,9,14 1369. Page 912, line 20: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
14amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,9,16 1570. Page 975, line 4: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
16amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,9,18 1771. Page 976, line 18: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
18amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,9,20 1972. Page 1048, line 22: after that line delete the material inserted by senate
20amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,9,22 2173. Page 1054, line 7: after that line delete the material inserted by senate
22amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
174. Page 1074, line 2: after that line, on page 29 of the material inserted by
2senate amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete lines 13 to 18.
SB44-AA52,10,5 375. Page 1074, line 2: after that line, on page 29 of the material inserted by
4senate amendment 121 to senate substitute amendment 1, delete the material
5beginning with line 19 and ending with page 30, line 5.
SB44-AA52,10,7 676. Page 1083, line 7: delete lines 7 to 17, as affected by senate amendment
7121 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,10,9 877. Page 1096, line 18: on page 30 of senate amendment 121 to senate
9substitute amendment 1, delete line 7.
SB44-AA52,10,11 1078. Page 1099, line 24: on page 30 of senate amendment 121 to senate
11substitute amendment 1, delete lines 8 to 10.
SB44-AA52,10,13 1279. Page 1100, line 13: on page 30 of senate amendment 121 to senate
13substitute amendment 1, delete line 11.
SB44-AA52,10,15 1480. Page 1100, line 14: on page 30 of senate amendment 121 to senate
15substitute amendment 1, delete line 12.
SB44-AA52,10,17 1681. Page 1115, line 20: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
17amendment 119 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,10,19 1882. Page 1123, line 10: after that line, delete the material inserted by senate
19amendment 119 to senate substitute amendment 1.
SB44-AA52,10,21 2083. Page 1127, line 4: on page 31 of senate amendment 121 to senate
21substitute amendment 1, delete lines 6 to 9.