SB44-AA54,1,11 117. Page 361, line 3: after that line insert:
1" Section 661n. 20.835 (1) (db) of the statutes, as affected by 2003 Wisconsin
2Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
SB44-AA54,2,43 20.835 (1) (db) County and municipal aid account. Beginning in 2004, a sum
4sufficient to make payments to counties, towns, villages, and cities under s. 79.035.".
SB44-AA54,2,5 58. Page 361, line 4: delete lines 4 to 18.
SB44-AA54,2,6 69. Page 362, line 2: after " and" insert "county and".
SB44-AA54,2,8 710. Page 362, line 4: delete "79.04, 79.043, 79.044, 79.045," and substitute
8"79.035, 79.04,".
SB44-AA54,2,9 911. Page 362, line 10: after "and" insert "county and".
SB44-AA54,2,11 1012. Page 362, line 12: delete "79.03, 79.04, 79.043" and substitute "79.03,
1179.035, 79.04,".
SB44-AA54,2,12 1213. Page 362, line 13: delete "79.044, 79.045,".
SB44-AA54,2,13 1314. Page 695, line 12: delete lines 12 to 20.
SB44-AA54,2,14 1415. Page 696, line 1: on lines 1, 6 and 11, delete "79.043, 79.044, 79.045,".
SB44-AA54,2,16 1516. Page 697, line 13: on lines 13 and 17, delete "under ss. 79.043, 79.044,
1679.045" and substitute "and county under s. 79.035".
SB44-AA54,2,17 1717. Page 697, line 22: delete "ss. 79.035," and substitute "s. 79.035".
SB44-AA54,2,18 1818. Page 697, line 23: delete "79.043, 79.044, 79.045, and 79.046".
SB44-AA54,2,20 1919. Page 698, line 17: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
20with page 699, line 2.
SB44-AA54,2,21 2120. Page 699, line 19: delete lines 19 and 20.
121. Page 699, line 23: delete "and municipality" and substitute "and
SB44-AA54,3,3 322. Page 699, line 23: delete "county and" and substitute "county and".
SB44-AA54,3,4 423. Page 699, line 24: delete "municipal" and substitute "municipal".
SB44-AA54,3,6 524. Page 699, line 24: after "account" insert "and, for distributions in 2004,
6from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.835 (1) (t) and (u)
SB44-AA54,3,8 725. Page 700, line 2: on lines 2, 8 and 17, delete "and municipality" and
8substitute "and municipality".
SB44-AA54,3,10 926. Page 700, line 3: on lines 3, 14 and 19, delete "or municipality" and
10substitute "or municipality".
SB44-AA54,3,11 1127. Page 700, line 9: delete "or" and substitute "or".
SB44-AA54,3,12 1228. Page 700, line 10: delete "municipality's" and substitute "municipality's".
SB44-AA54,3,15 1329. Page 700, line 11: after "$20,000,000" insert "and the reduction to all such
14payments to municipalities in 2004 is an amount equal to 3.9% of the total of all
15payments to municipalities under ss. 79.03, 79.05, and 79.06 in 2003
SB44-AA54,3,17 1630. Page 700, line 12: delete "or municipality's" and substitute "or
SB44-AA54,3,19 1831. Page 703, line 5: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
19with page 711, line 12.
SB44-AA54,3,20 2032. Page 1079, line 7: delete lines 7 to 13.
SB44-AA54,3,21 2133. Page 1150, line 5: delete "(dd)" and substitute "(db)".
134. Page 1150, line 10: delete lines 10 and 11.