SB1-ASA3, s. 1 1Section 1. 5.02 (1s) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,7,32 5.02 (1s) "Board" means the elections government accountability and integrity
SB1-ASA3, s. 2 4Section 2. 5.05 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,7,6 55.05 (title) Elections Government accountability and integrity board;
6powers and duties.
SB1-ASA3, s. 3 7Section 3. 5.05 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,7,118 5.05 (1) General authority. (intro.) The elections government accountability
9and integrity
board shall have the responsibility for the administration of chs. 5 to
1012 and other laws relating to elections and election campaigns. Pursuant to such
11responsibility, the board may:
SB1-ASA3, s. 4 12Section 4. 5.05 (1) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
SB1-ASA3, s. 5 13Section 5. 5.05 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,8,714 5.05 (1) (b) In the discharge of its duties and upon after providing notice to the
15any party or parties being investigated who is the subject of an investigation,
16subpoena and bring before it any person in the state and require the production of
17any papers, books, or other records relevant to an investigation. A circuit court may

1by order permit the inspection, and copying of the accounts and the depositor's and
2loan records at any financial institution, as defined in s. 705.01 (3), doing business
3in the state to obtain evidence of any violation of ch. 11 upon showing by the board
4of probable cause to believe there is a violation and that such accounts and records
5may have a substantial relation to the violation. In the discharge of its duties, the
6board may cause the deposition of witnesses to be taken in the manner prescribed
7for taking depositions in civil actions in circuit court.
SB1-ASA3, s. 6 8Section 6. 5.05 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,9,79 5.05 (1) (c) Bring civil or criminal actions to require forfeitures for any violation
10of ch. 11 under s. 11.60. Forfeiture actions brought by the board may concern only
11violations with respect to reports or statements required by law to be filed with it,
12and other violations arising under elections for state office or statewide referenda

13chs. 5 to 12, subch. III of ch. 13, or subch. III of ch. 19. The board may compromise
14and settle any civil action or potential action brought or authorized to be brought by
15it under ch.11 which, in the opinion of the board, constitutes a minor violation, a
16violation caused by excusable neglect, or which for other good cause shown, should
17not in the public interest be prosecuted under such chapter. Notwithstanding s.
18778.06, an action or proposed action authorized under this paragraph may be settled
19for such sum as may be agreed between the parties. Any settlement made by the
20board shall be in such amount as to deprive the alleged violator of any benefit of his
21or her wrongdoing and may contain a penal component to serve as a deterrent to
22future violations. In settling actions or proposed actions, the board shall treat
23comparable situations in a comparable manner and shall assure that any settlement
24bears a reasonable relationship to the severity of the offense or alleged offense.
25Forfeiture actions brought by the board shall be brought in the circuit court for the

1county wherein the violation is alleged to occur. Whenever the board enters into a
2settlement agreement with an individual who is accused of a violation of chs. 5 to 12,
3subch. III of ch. 13, or subch. III of ch. 19 or who is investigated by the board for a
4possible violation of one of those provisions, the board shall reduce the agreement to
5writing, together with a statement of the board's findings and reasons for entering
6into the agreement and shall retain the agreement and statement in its office for
SB1-ASA3, s. 7 8Section 7. 5.05 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,9,179 5.05 (1) (e) Delegate to its executive director the authority to issue a subpoena
10under par. (b), apply for a search warrant under par. (b),
commence an action under
11par. (d), intervene in an action or proceeding under sub. (9), issue an order under s.
125.06, exempt a polling place from accessibility requirements under s. 5.25 (4) (a),
13exempt a municipality from the requirement to use voting machines or an electronic
14voting system under s. 5.40 (5m), approve an electronic data recording system for
15maintaining poll lists under s. 6.79, or authorize nonappointment of an individual
16who is nominated to serve as an election official under s. 7.30 (4) (e), subject to such
17limitations as the board deems appropriate.
SB1-ASA3, s. 8 18Section 8. 5.05 (1e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-ASA3,9,2019 5.05 (1e) Actions by the board. Any action by the board requires the
20affirmative vote of at least 4 members.
SB1-ASA3, s. 9 21Section 9. 5.05 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-ASA3,9,2422 5.05 (1m) Executive director; legal counsel. The board shall employ an
23executive director outside the classified service and shall employ legal counsel to
24perform legal services outside the enforcement division.
SB1-ASA3, s. 10 25Section 10. 5.05 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
15.05 (2m) Enforcement division. (a) The enforcement division, under the
2direction and supervision of the board, shall investigate and prosecute alleged
3violations of laws administered by the board pursuant to all statutes granting or
4assigning that authority or responsibility to the board.
SB1-ASA3,10,65 (c) 1. The board shall employ at least one full-time attorney and at least one
6full-time investigator within the enforcement division.
SB1-ASA3,10,197 2. a. Any person may file a complaint with the enforcement division alleging
8a violation of chs. 5 to 12, subch. III of ch. 13, or subch. III of ch. 19. The division may,
9on its own motion or upon direction of the board, investigate any potential violation
10of chs. 5 to 12, subch. III of ch. 13, or subch. III of ch. 19 whenever the division has
11a reasonable suspicion that a violation has occurred or is occurring. If the
12enforcement division finds, by a preponderance of the evidence, that a complaint
13filed with the division is frivolous, the division may order the complainant to forfeit
14not more than the greater of $500 or the expenses incurred by the division in
15investigating the complaint. The enforcement division may, in accordance with this
16paragraph, investigate or prosecute any civil or criminal violation of chs. 5 to 12,
17subch. III of ch. 13, or subch. III of ch. 19 in the name of the board. Only the
18enforcement division may investigate or prosecute civil or criminal violations of chs.
195 to 12, subch. III of ch. 13, or subch. III of ch. 19.
SB1-ASA3,11,2120 4. The administrator of the enforcement division shall make an initial
21determination as to whether there is a reasonable suspicion that a violation under
22subd. 2. has occurred or is occurring and whether an investigation of the suspected
23violation is appropriate. The administrator shall notify the board within 10 days of
24opening an investigation of any matter. If, within 10 days of receiving notification,
25any member of the board requests the chairperson to call a meeting of the board be

1held to discuss the investigation, and the member requests that the investigation be
2suspended until the meeting is held, the administrator shall suspend the
3investigation until the board directs the investigation to proceed. The chairperson
4of the board shall thereupon call a meeting of the board to discuss the investigation.
5If an investigation is suspended, the meeting shall be held within 10 working days,
6as defined in s. 227.01 (14), of receiving the request. If the board believes that there
7is reasonable suspicion that a violation under subd. 2. has occurred or is occurring,
8the board may elect to proceed with the investigation and may, in addition, elect to
9retain an investigator. If the board elects to retain an investigator, the administrator
10shall submit to the board the names of 3 qualified individuals to serve as an
11investigator. The board may retain one or more of the investigators. Each
12investigator who is retained by the board shall make periodic reports to the board,
13as directed by the board, but in no case may the interval for reporting exceed 90 days.
14If the board authorizes the administrator to investigate any matter without
15retaining an investigator, the administrator shall make periodic reports to the board,
16as directed by the board, but in no case may the reporting interval exceed 90 days.
17If, after receiving a report, the board does not vote to continue an investigation for
18an additional period not exceeding 90 days, the investigation is terminated at the end
19of the reporting interval. Unless an investigation is terminated by the board, at the
20conclusion of each investigation, the administrator of the enforcement division shall
21present to the board one of the following:
SB1-ASA3,11,2422 a. A recommendation to make a finding that probable cause exists to believe
23that one or more violations under subd. 2. have occurred or are occurring, together
24with a recommended course of action.
1b. A recommendation for further investigation of the matter together with facts
2supporting that course of action.
SB1-ASA3,12,43 c. A recommendation to terminate the investigation due to lack of sufficient
4evidence to indicate that a violation under subd. 2 has occurred or is occurring.
SB1-ASA3,12,145 5. The enforcement division may file a complaint against any person only upon
6authorization by the board. The enforcement division may request the assistance of
7special counsel to prosecute any action brought by the board. If the enforcement
8division requests the assistance of special counsel with respect to any matter, the
9administrator of the enforcement division shall submit to the board the names of 3
10qualified individuals to serve as special counsel. Any individual so appointed shall
11meet the qualifications prescribed in subd. 7. The board may retain one of the
12individuals to act as special counsel. The staff of the enforcement division shall
13provide assistance to the special counsel as may be required by the counsel to carry
14out his or her responsibilities.
SB1-ASA3,12,1915 6. Upon employment of any individual to serve as special counsel for the
16enforcement division, the administrator of the enforcement division shall certify the
17maximum amount provided in the employment contract to the secretary of
18administration, and direct the department of administration to pay special counsel
19bills related to that case within the certified amount.
SB1-ASA3,12,2420 7. Any individual who is appointed by the board to serve as special counsel shall
21be a retired judge of a court of record in this state or an attorney who, at the time of
22appointment, has senior status as a member of the state bar of Wisconsin, as defined
23by the supreme court. No individual who is appointed or retained by the board to
24serve as special counsel or as an investigator is subject to approval under s. 20.930.
18. Whenever the board authorizes commencement of a prosecution and the
2prosecution is not concluded in circuit court or settled within 6 months of the date
3of the board's action, the administrator of the enforcement division or any special
4counsel who is retained to conduct the prosecution shall not proceed with the
5prosecution or shall move to dismiss the prosecution unless the board authorizes the
6prosecution to proceed for an additional period, not to exceed 6 months.
SB1-ASA3,13,127 9. The board may, by rule, prescribe categories of civil offenses which the board
8will agree to compromise and settle without a formal investigation upon payment of
9specified amounts by the alleged offender. The board may authorize the
10administrator of the enforcement division to compromise and settle such alleged
11offenses in the name of the board if the alleged offenses by an offender, in the
12aggregate, do not involve payment of more than $500.
SB1-ASA3,13,1913 (d) No individual who serves as an employee in the enforcement division and
14no individual who is retained by the board to serve as an investigator or as special
15counsel may, while so employed or retained or for 12 months after ceasing to be so
16employed or retained, become a candidate, as defined in s. 11.01 (1), for state or local
17office. A filing officer shall decline to accept nomination papers or a declaration of
18candidacy from any individual who does not qualify to become a candidate under this
SB1-ASA3, s. 11 20Section 11. 5.05 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
SB1-ASA3, s. 12 21Section 12. 5.05 (3g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-ASA3,13,2322 5.05 (3g) Chief election officer. The board shall designate an employee of
23the board to serve as the chief election officer of this state.
SB1-ASA3, s. 13 24Section 13. 5.05 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
SB1-ASA3, s. 14 25Section 14. 5.05 (5s) (title), (d) and (e) of the statutes are created to read:
15.05 (5s) (title) Access to records. (d) If the board commences a prosecution
2of a person for an alleged violation of chs. 5 to 12, subch. III of ch. 13, or subch. III
3of ch. 19 as the result of an investigation, the person who is the subject of the
4investigation may authorize the board to make available for inspection and copying
5under s. 19.35 (1) records of the investigation pertaining to that person if the records
6are available by law to the subject person and the board shall then make those
7records available.
SB1-ASA3,14,98 (e) The following records of the board are open to public inspection and copying
9under s. 19.35 (1):
SB1-ASA3,14,1110 1. Any record containing a finding that a complaint does not raise a reasonable
11suspicion that a violation of the law has occurred.
SB1-ASA3,14,1312 2. Any record containing a finding, following an investigation, that no probable
13cause exists to believe that a violation of the law has occurred.
SB1-ASA3, s. 15 14Section 15. 5.05 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
SB1-ASA3, s. 16 15Section 16. 5.05 (11) of the statutes is repealed.
SB1-ASA3, s. 17 16Section 17. 5.052 of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-ASA3,14,20 175.052 Government accountability and integrity candidate committee.
18(1) The government accountability and integrity candidate committee shall
19organize whenever a vacancy occurs in the membership of the board that requires
20a nomination to be submitted to the governor under s. 15.60 (2).
SB1-ASA3,14,22 21(2) No person may be nominated by the committee unless the person receives
22the unanimous approval of the committee.
SB1-ASA3,14,24 23(3) Except as provided in sub. (4), the committee shall submit the following
24number of nominations:
1(a) To fill any vacancy if the member must be a retired judge of a court of record
2in this state, 2 nominations.
SB1-ASA3,15,43 (b) To fill one vacancy if the member must be a former elective official of a local
4governmental unit, 2 nominations.
SB1-ASA3,15,65 (c) To fill 2 vacancies, if both members must be former elective officials of local
6governmental units in this state, 3 nominations.
SB1-ASA3,15,77 (d) To fill one vacancy in any other position, 2 nominations.
SB1-ASA3,15,88 (e) To fill 2 vacancies in any other positions, 3 nominations.
SB1-ASA3,15,99 (f) To fill 3 vacancies in any other positions, 5 nominations.
SB1-ASA3,15,1010 (g) To fill 4 vacancies in any other positions, 6 nominations.
SB1-ASA3,15,13 11(4) If a nomination of the governor is rejected by the assembly or the senate,
12the committee shall submit an additional nominee to the governor from the same
13membership category as the original nominee.
SB1-ASA3, s. 18 14Section 18. 5.054 of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-ASA3,15,16 155.054 Duties of the executive director. The executive director of the board
SB1-ASA3,15,22 17(1) Assign work to the employees of the board as good management practices
18and the workload of the board require without respect to divisional structure, except
19that the executive director shall not reassign the administrator of the enforcement
20division or the attorney or investigator whose employment is required under s. 5.05
21(2m) (c) 1. to perform work outside the enforcement division if the enforcement
22division has work to be performed.
SB1-ASA3,15,24 23(2) Whenever a vacancy occurs on the board, call a meeting of the government
24accountability and integrity candidate committee.
1(3) Assist the government accountability and integrity candidate committee in
2the performance of its functions.
SB1-ASA3, s. 19 3Section 19. 5.06 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,16,114 5.06 (2) No person who is authorized to file a complaint under sub. (1), other
5than the attorney general or a district attorney,
may commence an action or
6proceeding to test the validity of any decision, action or failure to act on the part of
7any election official with respect to any matter specified in sub. (1) without first filing
8a complaint under sub. (1), nor prior to disposition of the complaint by the board. A
9complaint is deemed disposed of if the board fails to transmit an acknowledgment of
10receipt of the complaint within 5 business days from the date of its receipt or if the
11board concludes its investigation without a formal decision.
SB1-ASA3, s. 20 12Section 20. 5.07 of the statutes is repealed.
SB1-ASA3, s. 21 13Section 21. 5.08 of the statutes is repealed.
SB1-ASA3, s. 22 14Section 22. 5.081 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,16,20 155.081 Petition for enforcement of voting rights. The attorney general
16board shall accept a verified petition from any person alleging failure to comply with
17section 2 of the federal voting rights act, 42 USC 1973 (a) and (b). The attorney
board may commence an action or proceeding in any court of competent
19jurisdiction on behalf of any elector of this state whose rights under 42 USC 1973 (a)
20and (b) are violated.
SB1-ASA3, s. 23 21Section 23. 5.40 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,17,322 5.40 (7) Whenever a municipality adopts and purchases voting machines or an
23electronic voting system, or adopts and purchases a different type of voting machine
24or electronic voting system from the type it was previously using, the municipal clerk
25or executive director of the municipal board of election commissioners shall promptly

1notify the county clerk or executive director of the county board of election
2commissioners and the executive director of the elections government accountability
3and integrity
board in writing.
SB1-ASA3, s. 24 4Section 24. 5.62 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,17,95 5.62 (4) (b) The county board of election commissioners in counties having a
6population of more than 500,000 shall prepare the official primary ballot. The
7commissioners shall arrange the names of all candidates for each office whose
8nomination papers are filed at the county level, using the same method as that used
9by the elections government accountability and integrity board under s. 5.60 (1) (b).
SB1-ASA3, s. 25 10Section 25. 6.26 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,17,1711 6.26 (2) (b) The municipal clerk, board of election commissioners, or elections
12government accountability and integrity board may appoint any applicant who
13qualifies under this subsection, unless the applicant's appointment has been revoked
14by a municipality or by the board for cause. The municipal clerk, board of election
15commissioners, or elections government accountability and integrity board may
16revoke an appointment made by the clerk, board of election commissioners, or
17elections government accountability and integrity board for cause at any time.
SB1-ASA3, s. 26 18Section 26. 6.26 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,17,2219 6.26 (2) (c) No individual may serve as a special registration deputy in a
20municipality unless the individual is appointed by the municipal clerk or board of
21election commissioners of the municipality or the individual is appointed by the
22elections government accountability and integrity board to serve all municipalities.
SB1-ASA3, s. 27 23Section 27. 6.56 (2) to (5) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,18,1024 6.56 (2) Upon receipt of the list, the municipal clerk shall make a check to
25determine whether each person who has been allowed to vote under s. 6.55 (3) is

1properly registered. If so, the clerk shall correct the registration list. If the address
2on the registration list is not correct, the clerk shall correct the address. The clerk
3shall then notify the elector by postcard when he or she is properly registered. If such
4person is found not to be properly registered, the clerk shall send the person a 1st
5class letter with that information, containing a mail registration form under s. 6.30
6(4). The letter shall be marked in accordance with postal regulations to ensure that
7it will be returned to the clerk if the elector does not reside at the address given on
8the postcard. If such letter is returned undelivered, or if the U.S. postal service
9notifies the clerk of an improper address which was apparently improper on the day
10of the election, the clerk shall notify the district attorney board.
SB1-ASA3,18,24 11(3) Upon receipt of the list under sub. (1), the municipal clerk or board of
12election commissioners shall make an audit of all electors registering to vote at the
13polling place or other registration location under s. 6.55 (2) and all electors
14registering by agent on election day under s. 6.86 (3) (a) 2. The audit shall be made
15by 1st class postcard. The postcard shall be marked in accordance with postal
16regulations to ensure that it will be returned to the clerk or board of election
17commissioners if the elector does not reside at the address given on the postcard. If
18any postcard is returned undelivered, or if the clerk or board of election
19commissioners is informed of a different address than the one specified by the elector
20which was apparently improper on the day of the election, the clerk or board of
21election commissioners
shall change the status of the elector from eligible to
22ineligible on the registration list and mail the elector a notice of the change in status
23and provide the name to the district attorney for the county where the polling place
24is located
1(4) After each election, the municipal clerk shall carefully check to assure that
2no person has been allowed to vote more than once. Whenever the municipal clerk
3has good reason to believe that a person has voted more than once in an election, the
4clerk shall send the person a 1st class letter marked in accordance with postal
5regulations to ensure that it will be returned to the clerk if the elector does not reside
6at the address given on the letter. The letter shall inform the person that all
7registrations relating to that person may be changed from eligible to ineligible status
8within 7 days unless the person contacts the office of the clerk to clarify the matter.
9A copy of the letter and of any subsequent information received from or about the
10addressee shall be sent to the district attorney board.
SB1-ASA3,19,17 11(5) Whenever any letter or postcard mailed under this section is returned
12undelivered, or whenever the U.S. postal service notifies the clerk of an improper
13address which was apparently improper on the day of the election or whenever it
14otherwise appears that a person has voted who is not qualified or has voted more
15than once in an election, and the person has been permitted to vote after
16corroboration was made under s. 6.55 (2) or (3) or 6.86 (3) (a) 2., the name of the
17corroborator shall also be provided to the district attorney board.
SB1-ASA3, s. 28 18Section 28. 7.08 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,19,19 197.08 (title) Elections Government accountability and integrity board.
SB1-ASA3, s. 29 20Section 29. 7.08 (7) of the statutes is repealed.
SB1-ASA3, s. 30 21Section 30. 7.15 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,19,2322 7.15 (1) (g) Report suspected election frauds, irregularities or violations of
23which the clerk has knowledge to the district attorney board.
SB1-ASA3, s. 31 24Section 31. 7.21 (2m) of the statutes is repealed.
SB1-ASA3, s. 32 25Section 32. 7.23 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
17.23 (2) If there is a demand for a recount, notice of an election contest or any
2contest or litigation pending with respect to an election, materials may be destroyed
3and recorders, units or compartments may be cleared or erased only by order of the
4judge in whose court litigation is pending or if no litigation is pending, by order of any
5circuit judge for the affected jurisdiction. Upon petition of the attorney general or
6a district attorney or
board or the U.S. attorney for the affected jurisdiction, a circuit
7judge for the affected jurisdiction may order that specified materials not be destroyed
8or that specified recorders, units or compartments not be cleared or erased as
9otherwise authorized under this subsection until the court so permits. The governor
10may by order permit the clearing of voting machine recorders on machines needed
11to conduct a special election prior to the time authorized under this subsection,
12unless there is a demand for recount, notice of an election contest or a contest or
13litigation pending, or a court of record orders that the recorders not be cleared.
SB1-ASA3, s. 33 14Section 33. 7.31 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA3,20,1915 7.31 (5) The board shall conduct regular training programs to ensure that
16individuals who are certified by the board under this section are knowledgeable
17concerning their authority and responsibilities. The board shall pay all costs
18required to conduct the training programs from the appropriation under s. 20.510 (1)
SB1-ASA3, s. 34 20Section 34. 7.60 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: