SB40-SSA1-SA1,29,11 7150. Page 228, line 9: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
8$16,200 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $32,400 for the
9purpose of increasing the authorized FTE positions for the department of
10administration by 0.5 GPR assistant district attorney position for Rock County
11beginning January 1, 2008.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,29,16 12151. Page 228, line 9: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
13$16,200 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $32,400 for the
14purpose of increasing the authorized FTE positions for the department of
15administration by 0.5 GPR assistant district attorney position for St. Croix County
16beginning January 1, 2008.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,29,20 17152. Page 229, line 15: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
18$262,400 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $524,800 to
19increase funding for nursing home services to medical assistance recipients who are
SB40-SSA1-SA1,29,21 21153. Page 231, line 1: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-SSA1-SA1,29,22 22154. Page 235, line 10: after "Recycling" insert "and renewable energy".
1155. Page 238, line 23: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-SSA1-SA1,30,2 2156. Page 239, line 7: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-SSA1-SA1,30,5 3157. Page 239, line 14: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
4$2,458,000 to increase funding for space rental costs, maintenance, fuel and utilities,
5taxes, and fiber optics for the data center in Madison.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,30,6 6158. Page 239, line 22: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-SSA1-SA1,30,10 8159. Page 239, line 24: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
9$50,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by $50,000 for the
10purpose of increasing funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,30,11 11160. Page 245, line 18: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-SSA1-SA1,30,13 12161. Page 256, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
13$48,300 for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,30,14 14162. Page 265, line 7: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-SSA1-SA1,30,15 15163. Page 273, line 7: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-SSA1-SA1,31,4 2164. Page 273, line 11: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 2007-08 by
3$50,000 to fund improvements at the Cleghorn Community Center in Eau Claire
SB40-SSA1-SA1,31,6 5165. Page 273, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 2008-09 by
6$12,763,000 for the purpose of reflecting the change in funding source.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,31,7 7166. Page 274, line 1: before that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-SSA1-SA1,31,8 8167. Page 278, line 17: delete lines 17 and 18 and substitute: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-SSA1-SA1,31,9 9168. Page 279, line 10: delete lines 10 and 11 and substitute: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-SSA1-SA1,31,10 10169. Page 283, line 5: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-SSA1-SA1,31,11 11170. Page 283, line 14: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-SSA1-SA1,32,1 1171. Page 283, line 14: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB40-SSA1-SA1,32,2 2172. Page 286, line 2: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,32,3 3" Section 179j. 20.115 (1) (u) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,32,64 20.115 (1) (u) Recyclable and nonrecyclable products regulation. From the
5recycling and renewable energy fund, the amounts in the schedule for the
6implementation and enforcement of ss. 100.29, 100.295 and 100.33.".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,32,7 7173. Page 287, line 11: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,32,8 8" Section 183p. 20.115 (4) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,32,109 20.115 (4) (am) Buy local grants. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for
10buy local grants under s. 93.48.".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,32,11 11174. Page 287, line 12: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,32,12 12" Section 186m. 20.115 (4) (s) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,32,1513 20.115 (4) (s) Grazing lands conservation. From the agrichemical management
14fund, the amounts in the schedule for grants for the Wisconsin grazing lands
15conservation initiative under s. 93.60.".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,32,16 16175. Page 288, line 21: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,32,17 17" Section 193h. 20.115 (7) (va) of the statutes is amended to read:
120.115 (7) (va) Clean sweep grants. From the recycling and renewable energy
2fund, the amounts in the schedule for chemical and container collection grants under
3s. 93.55 and for household hazardous waste grants under s. 93.57.".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,33,8 4176. Page 289, line 13: delete that line and substitute "9, section 9110 (5), and
52003 Wisconsin Act 33, section 9109 (1d) and (2q), 2007 Wisconsin Act .... (this act),
6section 9108 (4u), 2007 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9108 (7f), 2007 Wisconsin
7Act .... (this act), section 9108 (8i), and 2007 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9108
; and for".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,33,9 9177. Page 290, line 16: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,33,10 10" Section 199j. 20.143 (1) (tm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,33,1411 20.143 (1) (tm) Wisconsin development fund grants and loans; recycling and
12renewable energy fund.
Biennially, from the recycling and renewable energy fund,
13the amounts in the schedule for grants and loans under ss. 560.126 and 560.61 (1)
14and for grants under 2007 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9108 (4v).
SB40-SSA1-SA1, s. 199k 15Section 199k. 20.143 (1) (um) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,33,1916 20.143 (1) (um) Wisconsin development fund, administration; recycling and
17renewable energy fund.
From the recycling and renewable energy fund, the amounts
18in the schedule for administering the programs under s. 560.126 and subch. V of ch.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,33,23 20178. Page 290, line 23: delete lines 23 and 24 and substitute "amounts in the
21schedule for grants and loans under s. 560.9803, for grants under s. 560.9805, and
22for the grant under 2007 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9108 (5i). All moneys
23received from the Wisconsin Housing and Economic".
1179. Page 293, line 24: delete the material beginning with that line and
2ending with page 294, line 4.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,3 3180. Page 294, line 10: delete lines 10 to 14.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,4 4181. Page 301, line 12: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,5 5" Section 236n. 20.255 (2) (af) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,86 20.255 (2) (af) Belmont school library aid. The amounts in the schedule for aid
7to the Belmont School District to create an online school library catalog. No moneys
8may be encumbered from this appropriation after June 30, 2008.".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,9 9182. Page 301, line 12: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,10 10" Section 236n. 20.255 (2) (bb) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,1211 20.255 (2) (bb) Aid for high poverty school districts. The amounts in the
12schedule for aid to high poverty school districts under s. 121.136.
SB40-SSA1-SA1, s. 236o 13Section 236o. 20.255 (2) (bb) of the statutes, as affected by this act, is repealed
14and recreated to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,1615 20.255 (2) (bb) Aid for high poverty school districts. A sum sufficient for aid to
16high poverty school districts under s. 121.136.".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,17 17183. Page 301, line 12: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,18 18" Section 236o. 20.255 (2) (be) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,2019 20.255 (2) (be) Supplemental special education aid. The amounts in the
20schedule for supplemental special education aid under s. 115.883.".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,21 21184. Page 301, line 12: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,22 22" Section 236n. 20.255 (2) (ae) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,34,2423 20.255 (2) (ae) Sparsity aid. The amounts in the schedule for sparsity aid to
24school districts under s. 115.436.".
1185. Page 301, line 23: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,35,2 2" Section 238b. 20.255 (2) (cr) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,35,53 20.255 (2) (cr) Aid for pupil transportation. The amounts in the schedule for
4the payment of state aid for transportation of public and private school pupils under
5subch. IV of ch. 121 and for assistance under s. 121.575 (3).".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,35,6 6186. Page 302, line 4: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,35,7 7" Section 239b. 20.255 (2) (cw) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,35,108 20.255 (2) (cw) Aid for transportation; youth options program. The amounts in
9the schedule for the payment of state aid for the transportation of pupils attending
10an institution of higher education or technical college under s. 118.55 (7g).".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,35,11 11187. Page 302, line 10: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,35,12 12" Section 240b. 20.255 (2) (cy) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,35,1513 20.255 (2) (cy) Aid for transportation; open enrollment. The amounts in the
14schedule to reimburse parents for the costs of transportation of open enrollment
15pupils under ss. 118. 51 (14) (b) and 118.52 (11) (b).".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,35,16 16188. Page 302, line 14: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,35,17 17" Section 241m. 20.255 (2) (dL) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,35,1918 20.255 (2) (dL) Grants for nursing services. The amounts in the schedule for
19grants to school districts for nursing services under s. 115.28 (46).".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,35,20 20189. Page 302, line 17: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,35,22 21" Section 242q. 20.255 (2) (vr) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin
22.... (this act), is repealed.
SB40-SSA1-SA1, s. 242s 23Section 242s. 20.255 (2) (vw) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act
24.... (this act), is repealed.
SB40-SSA1-SA1, s. 242u
1Section 242u. 20.255 (2) (vy) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act
2.... (this act), is repealed.".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,36,3 3190. Page 303, line 13: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,36,4 4" Section 242s. 20.255 (2) (u) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,36,85 20.255 (2) (u) La Causa Charter School. From the universal service fund, the
6amounts in the schedule for La Causa Charter School in the city of Milwaukee under
72007 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 9137 (7c) (a). No moneys may be
8encumbered from this appropriation after June 30, 2008.".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,36,9 9191. Page 310, line 8: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,36,10 10" Section 261r. 20.285 (1) (tb) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,36,1411 20.285 (1) (tb) Extension recycling education. From the recycling and
12renewable energy
fund, the amounts in the schedule for University of
13Wisconsin-Extension educational and technical assistance programs in recycling
14and recycling market development.
SB40-SSA1-SA1, s. 261t 15Section 261t. 20.285 (1) (tm) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,36,1916 20.285 (1) (tm) Solid waste research and experiments. From the recycling and
17renewable energy
fund, the amounts in the schedule for research into alternative
18methods of solid waste management and for administering solid waste experiment
SB40-SSA1-SA1,36,20 20192. Page 310, line 24: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,36,21 21" Section 263b. 20.292 (1) (fc) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,36,2422 20.292 (1) (fc) Driver education, local assistance. The amounts in the schedule,
23to be distributed to technical college districts for operating driver training programs
24under s. 38.28 (2) (c) and (g).".
1193. Page 311, line 5: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,37,2 2" Section 264b. 20.292 (1) (fg) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,37,43 20.292 (1) (fg) Chauffeur training grants. As a continuing appropriation, the
4amounts in the schedule for advanced chauffeur training grants under s. 38.29.".