2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
April 19, 2010 - Offered by Committee on Economic Development.
SB692-SA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
SB692-SA1,1,3 21. Page 2, line 14: after "560.295," insert "for taxable years beginning after
3December 31, 2009, and before January 1, 2012,".
SB692-SA1,1,4 42. Page 2, line 15: delete "in each taxable year for 2" and substitute "for".
SB692-SA1,1,5 53. Page 3, line 1: delete "consecutive years, beginning with".
SB692-SA1,1,6 64. Page 3, line 2: delete "5" and substitute "10".
SB692-SA1,1,7 75. Page 3, line 4: delete "6" and substitute "12".
SB692-SA1,1,9 86. Page 4, line 14: after "560.295," insert "for taxable years beginning after
9December 31, 2009, and before January 1, 2012,".
SB692-SA1,1,10 107. Page 4, line 15: delete "in each taxable year for 2" and substitute "for".
SB692-SA1,1,11 118. Page 4, line 16: delete "consecutive years, beginning with".
SB692-SA1,1,12 129. Page 4, line 17: delete "5" and substitute "10".
110. Page 4, line 19: delete "6" and substitute "12".
SB692-SA1,2,3 211. Page 6, line 5: after "560.295," insert "for taxable years beginning after
3December 31, 2009, and before January 1, 2012,".
SB692-SA1,2,4 412. Page 6, line 6: delete "in each taxable year for 2" and substitute "for".
SB692-SA1,2,5 513. Page 6, line 7: delete "consecutive years, beginning with".
SB692-SA1,2,6 614. Page 6, line 8: delete "5" and substitute "10".
SB692-SA1,2,7 715. Page 6, line 10: delete "6" and substitute "12".
SB692-SA1,2,9 816. Page 7, line 4: after "560.295," insert "for taxable years beginning after
9December 31, 2009, and before January 1, 2012,".
SB692-SA1,2,11 1017. Page 7, line 5: delete "in each taxable year for 2 consecutive" and
11substitute "for".
SB692-SA1,2,12 1218. Page 7, line 6: delete "years, beginning with".
SB692-SA1,2,13 1319. Page 7, line 7: delete "5" and substitute "10".
SB692-SA1,2,14 1420. Page 7, line 9: delete "6" and substitute "12".
SB692-SA1,2,16 1521. Page 12, line 23: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
16with page 13, line 2.