February 28, 2012 - Offered by Senator Moulton.
SB411-SA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
SB411-SA1,1,2 21. Page 3, line 15: delete lines 15 to 19 and substitute:
SB411-SA1,1,3 3"29.185 Wolf harvesting licenses. (1b) Definitions. In this section:
SB411-SA1,1,54 (a) "Federal endangered list" means the U.S. list of endangered and threatened
5species, as it applies to this state.
SB411-SA1,1,76 (b) "State endangered list" means the list of endangered and threatened
7Wisconsin species that is established under s. 29.604 (3) (a).
SB411-SA1,1,12 8(1m) Department authority. If the wolf is not listed on the federal endangered
9list and is not listed on the state endangered list, the department shall allow the
10hunting and trapping of wolves and shall regulate such hunting and trapping as
11provided in this section and shall implement a wolf management plan. In regulating
12wolf hunting and".
12. Page 5, line 24: delete "zones. The" and substitute "zones and shall identify
2the zones in its wolf management plan.".
SB411-SA1,2,3 33. Page 5, line 25: delete "total number of zones may not exceed 4.".
SB411-SA1,2,5 44. Page 6, line 5: delete the material beginning with "Notwithstanding" and
5ending with "ch. 227." on page 6, line 6.
SB411-SA1,2,6 65. Page 6, line 12: delete lines 12 to 15 and substitute:
SB411-SA1,2,10 7"(d) If the department closes a wolf harvesting zone to the hunting of coyotes
8during a season that authorizes hunting of deer with firearms, the department may
9reopen the zone to the hunting of coyotes if the department determines that the
10closure is no longer necessary to effectively manage the state's wolf population.
SB411-SA1,2,1311 (e) Notwithstanding ss. 29.014 and 227.10 (1), the opening and closing of wolf
12harvesting zones as authorized under pars. (c) and (d) need not be promulgated as
13rules under ch. 227.".
SB411-SA1,2,15 146. Page 8, line 19: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with
15page 9, line 5.
SB411-SA1,2,16 167. Page 9, line 11: after that line insert:
SB411-SA1,2,17 17" Section 13g. 29.563 (12) (c) 3g. of the statutes is created to read:
SB411-SA1,2,1818 29.563 (12) (3) (c) 3g. Wolf harvesting issued to a resident: $50.
SB411-SA1, s. 13r 19Section 13r. 29.563 (12) (c) 3r. of the statutes is created to read:
SB411-SA1,2,2020 29.563 (12) (c) 3r. Wolf harvesting issued to a nonresident: $250.".
SB411-SA1,2,21 218. Page 9, line 22: delete that line and substitute:
SB411-SA1,2,22 22"29.888 Wolf depredation program. (1b) In this section:
SB411-SA1,2,2323 (a) "Federal endangered list" has the meaning given in s. 29.185 (1b) (a).
SB411-SA1,2,2424 (b) "State endangered list" has the meaning given in s. 29.185 (1b) (b).
1(1m) The department shall administer".
SB411-SA1,3,8 29. Page 10, line 2: after "wolves." insert " The department may make payments
3for death or injury caused by wolves under this program only if the death or injury
4occurs during a period time when the wolf is not listed on the federal endangered list
5and is not listed on the state endangered list. The department may expend moneys
6under this program for its management and control activities only during a period
7of time when the wolf is not listed on the federal endangered list and is not listed on
8the state endangered list.".
SB411-SA1,3,9 910. Page 10, line 4: substitute "(1m)" for "(1)".
SB411-SA1,3,11 1011. Page 10, line 5: delete lines 5 to 7 and substitute "department determines
11that the amount available from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (fv) is".
SB411-SA1,3,12 1212. Page 10, line 22: after that line insert:
SB411-SA1,3,13 13" Section 18m. 71.10 (5) (am) of the statutes is repealed.".
SB411-SA1,3,15 1413. Page 10, line 23: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
15with page 11, line 8.
SB411-SA1,3,16 1614. Page 11, line 14: substitute "8th" for "4th".