SB209-SA1,7,10 1025. Page 30, line 4: delete "the development agreement or".
SB209-SA1,7,11 1126. Page 30, line 14: delete "development agreement or".
SB209-SA1,7,13 1227. Page 32, line 9: delete " The property" and substitute "Subject to the terms
13of any lease under s. 229.461 (3), the property
SB209-SA1,7,18 1428. Page 34, line 15: delete the material beginning with ", plus" and ending
15with "enhancement" on line 17 and substitute ". The district may receive additional
16proceeds from the bonds to pay issuance or administrative costs related to the bonds,
17to make deposits in reserve funds related to the bonds, to pay accrued or funded
18interest on the bonds, and to pay the costs of credit enhancement for the bonds".
SB209-SA1,7,19 1929. Page 36, line 6: after " bonds" insert "or any refunding bonds".
SB209-SA1,7,20 2030. Page 36, line 12: after "operating," insert "improving,".
SB209-SA1,7,21 2131. Page 36, line 13: after "operating," insert "improving,".
132. Page 36, line 15: after "facilities." insert "If the professional basketball
2team or its affiliate breaches the non-relocation agreement or lease under s. 229.461,
3the district is responsible for equipping, maintaining, operating, and repairing
4sports and entertainment arena facilities during the remainder of the lease, but only
5from moneys received from the parent company of the professional basketball team,
6the professional basketball team, or its affiliate resulting from the breach of the
7non-relocation agreement or lease.".
SB209-SA1,8,8 833. Page 38, line 1: delete "individual" and substitute "seller".
SB209-SA1,8,10 934. Page 39, line 13: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
10with page 45, line 12, and substitute:
SB209-SA1,8,11 11" Section 109m. 846.16 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-SA1,9,612 846.16 (1) The sheriff or referee who makes sale of mortgaged premises, under
13a judgment therefor, shall give notice of the time and place of sale in the manner
14provided by law for the sale of real estate upon execution or in such other manner
15as the court shall in the judgment direct; where the department of veterans affairs
16is also a party in the foreclosure action, the judgment shall direct that notice of sale
17be given by registered mail, return receipt requested, to the department at Madison,
18Wisconsin, at least 3 weeks prior to the date of sale, but such requirement does not
19affect any other provision as to giving notice of sale. The Except as provided in sub.
20(3) and s. 846.167, the
sheriff or referee shall, within 10 days thereafter, file with the
21clerk of the court a report of the sale, and shall also immediately after the sale first
22deduct any fee due under s. 77.22 (1); then deposit that fee, a return under s. 77.22
23and the deed with the clerk of the court for transmittal to the register of deeds; then
24deduct the costs and expenses of the sale, unless the court orders otherwise, and then

1deposit with the clerk of the court the proceeds of the sale ordered by the court. The
2sheriff may accept from the purchaser at such sale as a deposit or down payment
3upon the same not less than $100, in which case such amount shall be so deposited
4with the clerk of the court as above provided, and the balance of the sale price shall
5be paid to the clerk by the purchaser at such sale upon the confirmation thereof. If
6the highest bid is less than $100, the whole amount thereof shall be so deposited.
SB209-SA1,110m 7Section 110m. 846.16 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB209-SA1,9,108 846.16 (3) If the mortgaged premises are located in a county having a
9population of 750,000 or more, no later than 10 days after the sale of the mortgaged
10premises, the sheriff or referee shall do all of the following:
SB209-SA1,9,1111 (a) File a report of the sale with the clerk of court.
SB209-SA1,9,1212 (b) Deliver to the clerk of court all of the following:
SB209-SA1,9,1313 1. The deed to the mortgaged premises.
SB209-SA1,9,1514 2. After deducting the costs and expenses of the sale, unless the court orders
15otherwise, the proceeds of the sale ordered by the court.
SB209-SA1,111m 16Section 111m. 846.167 of the statutes is created to read:
SB209-SA1,9,19 17846.167 Confirmation of sale and transmittal of deed in populous
(1) In this section, "county" means a county having a population of
19750,000 or more.
SB209-SA1,9,21 20(2) If a sheriff or referee makes a sale of mortgaged premises located in a county
21under a judgment of foreclosure and sale, all of the following apply:
SB209-SA1,9,2422 (a) If the purchaser is not the judgment creditor, before the court may confirm
23the sale, the purchaser shall provide the judgment creditor with any information
24required for the judgment creditor to complete the real estate transfer return under

1s. 77.22 and, if applicable, any information required for a certificate, waiver, or
2stipulation required under s. 101.122.
SB209-SA1,10,43 (b) No later than 10 days after the court confirms the sale, the purchaser shall
4pay to the court all of the following:
SB209-SA1,10,55 1. The amount of the transfer fee under s. 77.22, if any.
SB209-SA1,10,66 2. The amount of the fee under s. 59.43 (2) to record all of the following:
SB209-SA1,10,77 a. The deed to the mortgaged premises delivered under s. 846.16.
SB209-SA1,10,98 b. Any other document required for the register of deeds to record the deed,
9including any certificate, waiver, or stipulation required under s. 101.122.
SB209-SA1,10,1210 (c) No later than 10 days after the court confirms the sale, the judgment creditor
11shall provide to the court the receipt for submitting a transfer return under s. 77.22
12and any certificate, waiver, or stipulation required under s. 101.122.
SB209-SA1,10,20 13(3) Upon the court confirming the sale of mortgaged premises located in a
14county and upon compliance by the purchaser with the terms of the sale and the
15payment of any balance of the sale price to be paid, unless otherwise ordered by the
16court, the clerk of the court shall transmit the deed to the mortgaged premises
17received under s. 846.16, the receipt for submitting a transfer return under s. 77.22,
18any certificate, waiver, or stipulation required under s. 101.122, the amount due
19under s. 59.43 (2) to record the deed and any other document required to record the
20deed, and the transfer fee, if any, to the register of deeds of the county.
SB209-SA1,112m 21Section 112m. 846.17 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB209-SA1,12,3 22846.17 Deed, execution and effect of. Upon any such sale being made the
23sheriff or referee making the same, on compliance with its terms, shall make and
24execute to the purchaser, the purchaser's assigns or personal representatives, a deed
25of the premises sold, setting forth each parcel of land sold to the purchaser and the

1sum paid therefor, which deed, upon confirmation of such sale, shall vest in the
2purchaser, the purchaser's assigns or personal representatives, all the right, title
3and interest of the mortgagor, the mortgagor's heirs, personal representatives and
4assigns in and to the premises sold and shall be a bar to all claim, right of equity of
5redemption therein, of and against the parties to such action, their heirs and
6personal representatives, and also against all persons claiming under them
7subsequent to the filing of the notice of the pendency of the action in which such
8judgment was rendered; and the purchaser, the purchaser's heirs or assigns shall be
9let into the possession of the premises so sold on production of such deed or a duly
10certified copy thereof, and the court may, if necessary, issue a writ of assistance to
11deliver such possession. Such deed or deeds so made and executed by the sheriff as
12above set forth shall be forthwith delivered by the sheriff to the clerk of the court to
13be held by the clerk until the confirmation of the sale, and upon the confirmation
14thereof the clerk of the court shall thereupon pay to the parties entitled thereto, or
15to their attorneys, the proceeds of the sale, and, except as provided in s. 846.167, shall
16deliver to the purchaser, the purchaser's assigns or personal representatives, at the
17sale such deed upon compliance by such purchaser with the terms of such sale, and
18the payment of any balance of the sale price to be paid. In the event of the failure
19of such purchaser to pay any part of the purchase price remaining to be paid within
2010 days after the confirmation of such sale, the amount so deposited shall be forfeited
21and paid to the parties who would be entitled to the proceeds of such sale as ordered
22by the court, and a resale shall be had of said premises, and in such event such deed
23so executed to the defaulting purchaser shall be destroyed by said clerk, and shall
24be of no effect. In the event that such sale is not confirmed by the court, the clerk shall
25forthwith refund to the purchaser at such sale the amount so paid or deposited by

1the purchaser, and shall likewise destroy such sheriff's deed so executed, and the
2same shall be of no effect, and a resale of the premises shall be had upon due notice
SB209-SA1,12,4 435. Page 45, line 13: delete lines 13 to 25.
SB209-SA1,12,5 536. Page 46, line 12: after that line insert:
SB209-SA1,12,8 6"(2m) Foreclosure process in populous counties. The treatment of sections
7846.16 (1) and (3), 846.167, and 846.17 of the statutes first applies to a foreclosure
8action commenced on the effective date of this subsection.".
SB209-SA1,12,9 937. Page 46, line 19: after that line insert:
SB209-SA1,12,12 10"(2m) Foreclosure process in populous counties. The treatment of sections
11846.16 (1) and (3), 846.167, and 846.17 of the statutes and Section 115 (2m) of this
12act take effect on the first day of the 5th month beginning after publication.".