SB82-SSA1,160,8 4968.245 Fine for nonattendance. Any person lawfully summoned to attend
5as a grand juror who fails to attend without any sufficient excuse shall pay a fine not
be fined not more than $40, which shall be imposed by the court to which
7the person was summoned shall impose and which shall be paid into the county
SB82-SSA1,537 9Section 537. 968.50 of the statutes is renumbered 968.252 and amended to
SB82-SSA1,160,13 11968.252 Report progress and return indictments. A grand jury may
12report progress and return indictments to the court from time to time during its
13session and until discharged.
SB82-SSA1,538 14Section 538. 968.505 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 968.262 (title).
SB82-SSA1,539 15Section 539. 968.505 of the statutes is renumbered 968.262 (1) and amended
16to read:
SB82-SSA1,160,2017 968.262 (1) When the grand jury is discharged , the clerk of the grand jury shall
18collect all transcripts of testimony, minutes of proceedings, exhibits , and other
19records of the grand jury, and, except as provided in sub. (2), shall deliver them as
20the jury directs either to the attorney general or to the district attorney, or upon.
SB82-SSA1,160,23 21(2) Upon approval of the court , the grand jury may direct its clerk to deliver
22them grand jury materials collected under sub. (1) to the clerk of the court, who shall
23impound them subject to the further order or orders of the court.
SB82-SSA1,540 24Section 540. 968.51 of the statutes is renumbered 968.275 and amended to
1968.275 Indictment not to be disclosed. No grand juror or officer of the
2court, if
If the court shall so order, shall orders, no grand juror or officer of the court
disclose the fact that any indictment for a felony has been found against that
4the grand jury has indicted
any person not in custody or under recognizance,
5otherwise than by issuing or executing process on such indictment, until such the
6person has been arrested.
SB82-SSA1,541 7Section 541. 968.52 of the statutes is renumbered 968.285 and amended to
SB82-SSA1,161,13 9968.285 Votes not to be disclosed. No grand juror may be allowed to state
10or testify
disclose in any court in what manner how he or she or any other member
11of the jury
grand juror voted or what opinion any grand juror expressed on any
12question before them, or what opinion was expressed by any juror in relation to the
the grand jury.
SB82-SSA1,542 14Section 542. 968.53 of the statutes is renumbered 968.295 and amended to
SB82-SSA1,162,6 16968.295 When testimony may be disclosed. Members of the grand jury and
17any grand jury reporter may be required by any court
Notwithstanding any oath or
18affirmation required under s. 968.165 or 968.185 (2), any court may require grand
19jurors and grand jury reporters
to testify whether the testimony of a witness
20examined before the jury is consistent with or different from the evidence given by
21the witness before the court; and they. Notwithstanding any oath or affirmation
22required under s. 968.165 or 968.185 (2), the court
may also be required require
23grand jurors and grand jury reporters also
to disclose the testimony given before the
24grand jury by any person upon a complaint against the person for perjury , or upon
25trial for the offense. Any If the court receives in evidence any transcript of testimony

1taken before the grand jury and certified by a , the grand jury reporter to have
2reporter's certification that the transcript has been carefully compared by the
3reporter with his or her minutes of testimony so taken and to be is a true and correct
4transcript of all or a specified portion of the transcript, may be received in evidence
shall have the same effect as the oral testimony of the reporter to the facts so
6certified, but the reporter may be cross-examined by any party as to the matter.
SB82-SSA1,543 7Section 543. 968.585 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,162,98 968.585 (4m) Any evidence obtained by a strip search in violation of sub. (2)
9or (3) is not admissible as evidence at trial.
SB82-SSA1,544 10Section 544. 968.585 (7) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,162,1111 968.585 (7) (cm) The person is committed under ch. 980.
SB82-SSA1,545 12Section 545. Subchapter VII (title) of chapter 968 [precedes 968.605] of the
13statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,162,1414 chapter 968
SB82-SSA1,162,1615 subchapter VII
16 seized property
SB82-SSA1,546 17Section 546. Subchapter VIII (title) of chapter 968 [precedes 968.705] of the
18statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,162,1919 chapter 968
SB82-SSA1,162,2120 subchapter VIII
21 Miscellaneous
SB82-SSA1,547 22Section 547. 968.705 (2), (3) and (6) of the statutes are created to read:
SB82-SSA1,162,2423 968.705 (2) (a) The subpoena shall designate that the responsive documents
24be provided to one of the following:
11. The law enforcement agency or law enforcement officer named in the
SB82-SSA1,163,43 2. The attorney general, the district attorney, the assistant attorney general,
4or the assistant district attorney, whichever requested the subpoena.
SB82-SSA1,163,55 3. The court.
SB82-SSA1,163,136 (b) If the documents are not returnable to the court, the person who requested
7the documents shall, within 5 days of receiving the responsive documents, make a
8return of the subpoena to the issuing court in the form of a written notice to the court
9that compliance with the subpoena has occurred and including a brief description of
10the nature and quantity of the documents received under the subpoena. The person
11designated in the subpoena to receive the documents shall maintain the original
12documents received and shall produce the documents, or any portion of the
13documents, to the court upon the court's order.
SB82-SSA1,163,23 14(3) A subpoena issued under sub. (1) shall be issued with all practicable secrecy
15and the request for the subpoena, any affidavit in support of the subpoena, any
16testimony in support of the request, and any other supporting documents may not
17be filed with the clerk or made public until the subpoena has been executed and
18returned to the court. The court that issued the subpoena may issue an order sealing
19the subpoena and the request for the subpoena, the affidavit in support of the
20subpoena, any testimony in support of the request, and any supporting documents
21upon which it is based. The court that issued the subpoena may issue an order
22prohibiting the person to which the subpoena is directed from disclosing the
23existence of the subpoena to any person other than the lawyer for the person.
1(6) Documents seized by or delivered to a law enforcement agency or officer
2under a subpoena under this section are considered seized property for the purposes
3of ss. 968.615 and 968.625.
SB82-SSA1,548 4Section 548. 968.71 of the statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,164,5 5968.71 Disclosure of depositor status. (1) In this section:
SB82-SSA1,164,76 (a) "Depository account" includes any monetary interest that a person
7maintains at a financial institution.
SB82-SSA1,164,88 (b) "Financial institution" has the meaning given in s. 214.01 (1) (jn).
SB82-SSA1,164,15 9(2) Upon the request of the district attorney and a showing that the information
10requested is relevant to a criminal investigation, the court shall issue an order
11requiring any financial institution to disclose to the district attorney whether the
12person named in the order has a depository account with the financial institution or
13whether the person had a depository account with the financial institution at a prior
14specified time. Any person who unlawfully violates such an order may be compelled
15to do so under ch. 785.
SB82-SSA1,549 16Section 549. Chapter 969 (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to
SB82-SSA1,164,1818 chapter 969
SB82-SSA1,164,2019 securing a defendant's
20 appearance; release
SB82-SSA1,550 21Section 550. 969.001 (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 969.30 (intro.) and
22amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,164,23 23969.30 Definitions. (intro.) In this chapter subchapter:
SB82-SSA1,551 24Section 551. 969.001 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 967.025 (1) and
25amended to read:
1967.025 (1) "Bail" means monetary conditions of release on bond.
SB82-SSA1,552 2Section 552. 969.001 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
SB82-SSA1,553 3Section 553. 969.01 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 969.31 (title).
SB82-SSA1,554 4Section 554. 969.01 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 969.31 (1) and amended
5to read:
SB82-SSA1,165,156 969.31 (1) Before conviction. Before conviction, except Except as provided in
7ss. 969.035 and 971.14 s. 969.43 or 971.81 (1r), a defendant arrested for a criminal
crime is eligible for release before conviction under reasonable conditions
9designed to assure ensure his or her appearance in court, protect members of the
10community from serious bodily harm, or prevent the intimidation of witnesses. Bail
11may be imposed at or after the initial appearance only upon a finding by the court
12that there is a reasonable basis to believe that bail is necessary to assure appearance
13in court. In determining whether any conditions of release are appropriate, the judge
14shall first consider the likelihood of the defendant appearing for trial if released on
15his or her own recognizance.
SB82-SSA1,555 16Section 555. 969.01 (2) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
SB82-SSA1,556 17Section 556. 969.01 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 969.31 (2) and
18amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,165,2419 969.31 (2) After conviction. Release pursuant to s. 969.02 or 969.03 may be
20allowed in the discretion of
In its discretion the trial court may allow release on
after conviction and prior to sentencing or the granting of probation. This
22paragraph does not apply to a conviction for a 3rd or subsequent violation that is
23counted as a suspension, revocation, or conviction under s. 343.307, or under s.
24940.09 (1) or 940.25 in the person's lifetime, or a combination thereof.
1Section 557. 969.01 (2) (b) and (c) of the statutes are consolidated, renumbered
2974.09 (1) (a) and amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,166,63 974.09 (1) (a) In misdemeanors, release may be allowed upon appeal in the
4discretion of the trial court. (c) In
and felonies, release may be allowed upon appeal
5in the discretion of the trial court pursuant to ss. 809.31, 969.32, 969.33, 969.37,
6969.38, 969.39, 969.40, 969.41, and 969.42
SB82-SSA1,558 7Section 558. 969.01 (2) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 974.09 (1) (b) and
8amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,166,109 974.09 (1) (b) The supreme court or a justice thereof or the court of appeals or
10a judge thereof may allow release after conviction pending appeal.
SB82-SSA1,559 11Section 559. 969.01 (2) (e) of the statutes is renumbered 974.09 (1) (c) and
12amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,166,1513 974.09 (1) (c) Any court or judge or any justice authorized to grant release after
14conviction for a misdemeanor or felony may, in addition to the powers granted in s.
15969.08 969.51, revoke the order releasing a defendant.
SB82-SSA1,560 16Section 560. 969.01 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 969.52 and amended to
SB82-SSA1,167,7 18969.52 Bail for witness Arrest of a witness and release on bond. If A
19judge may issue a warrant for the arrest of a person who is not in court, other than
20the defendant, if
it appears by from an affidavit or examination under oath that there
21is probable cause to believe that
the person's testimony of a person is material in any
a criminal proceeding and that it may become impracticable to secure the
23person's presence by subpoena, the judge may require such person to give bail for.
24Upon return of the warrant, the court may set conditions of release to secure
25person's appearance as a witness. If the witness is not in court, a warrant for the

1person's arrest may be issued and upon return thereof the court may require the
2person to give bail as provided in s. 969.03 for the person's appearance as a witness.

3If the person fails to give bail, the person may be committed satisfy the conditions
4of release, the court may commit the person
to the custody of the sheriff for a period
5not to exceed 15 days, within which time the person's deposition shall be taken as
6provided in
, upon notice to the parties under s. 967.04 967.21. After the deposition
7has been subscribed, the court shall discharge the witness
SB82-SSA1,561 8Section 561. 969.01 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 969.33 (1) (intro.) and
9amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,167,1810 969.33 (1) Considerations in setting conditions of release. (intro.) If bail is
11imposed, it shall be only in the amount found necessary to assure the appearance of
12the defendant. Conditions of release, other than monetary conditions, may be
13imposed for the purpose of protecting members of the community from serious bodily
14harm or preventing intimidation of witnesses. Proper considerations in
15determining whether to release the defendant without bail, monetary conditions, in
16fixing monetary conditions in a reasonable amount of bail or, or in imposing other
17reasonable conditions of release are: the, the court, judge, or justice may consider,
18without limitation, any of the following
SB82-SSA1,167,19 19(a) The ability of the arrested person to give bail, the.
SB82-SSA1,167,21 20(b) The nature, number, and gravity of the alleged offenses and the potential
21penalty the defendant faces, whether.
SB82-SSA1,167,22 22(c) Whether the alleged acts were violent in nature , the.
SB82-SSA1,167,24 23(d) The defendant's prior criminal record of criminal convictions and
24delinquency adjudications, if any, the.
SB82-SSA1,167,25 25(e) The character, health, residence, and reputation of the defendant, the.
1(f) The character and strength of the evidence which has been presented to the
2judge, whether.
SB82-SSA1,168,4 3(g) Whether the defendant is currently on probation, extended supervision or
4parole, whether.
SB82-SSA1,168,6 5(h) Whether the defendant is already on bail or subject to other release
6conditions in other pending cases, whether.
SB82-SSA1,168,8 7(i) Whether the defendant has been bound over for trial after a preliminary
8examination, whether.
SB82-SSA1,168,10 9(j) Whether the defendant has in the past forfeited bail bond or violated a
10condition of release or was a fugitive from justice at the time of arrest, and the.
SB82-SSA1,168,12 11(k) The policy against unnecessary detention of the defendant's a defendant
12pending trial.
SB82-SSA1,562 13Section 562. 969.02 (title), (1), (2), (3) (a), (b), (c) and (d), (4), (4m), (5), (7), (7m)
14and (8) of the statutes are repealed.
SB82-SSA1,563 15Section 563. 969.02 (2m) of the statutes is renumbered 969.33 (8) and
16amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,168,2017 969.33 (8) Credit cards accepted. The If the court imposes monetary
18conditions of release under this section, the
clerk of circuit court may accept, instead
19of cash,
a credit card or debit card, as defined in s. 59.40 (5) (a) and 1. and 2., instead
20of cash under sub. (2).
SB82-SSA1,564 21Section 564. 969.02 (3) (e) of the statutes is renumbered 969.33 (5) (g) and
22amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,169,323 969.33 (5) (g) If the person defendant is charged with violating a restraining
24order or injunction issued under s. 813.12 or 813.125, may require the person
25requiring the defendant to participate in mental health treatment, a batterer's

1intervention program, or individual counseling. The judge court shall consider a
2request by the district attorney or the petitioner, as defined in s. 301.49 (1) (c), in
3determining whether to issue an order under this paragraph.
SB82-SSA1,565 4Section 565. 969.02 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 969.38 (1) (a) and
5amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,169,136 969.38 (1) (a) When a the court enters a judgment of conviction is entered in
7a prosecution
for a fine or costs or both in a case in which a cash deposit had been
8made in accordance with sub. (2), on a secured appearance bond, the court shall apply
9the balance of such the deposit, after deduction of deducting the bond costs, shall be
10applied first
to the payment of any restitution ordered under s. 973.20 and then, if
11ordered restitution is satisfied in full, to the payment of the judgment. The court
12shall then return any remaining balance of the deposit to the person who made the
SB82-SSA1,566 14Section 566. 969.02 (7m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,169,1615 969.02 (7m) The restrictions on the application of cash deposits under subs. (6)
16and (7) do not apply if bail is forfeited under s. 969.13 969.42.
SB82-SSA1,567 17Section 567. 969.03 of the statutes is repealed.
SB82-SSA1,568 18Section 568. 969.035 of the statutes is renumbered 969.43, and 969.43 (4), (5),
19(7), (8) and (10), as renumbered, are amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,170,220 969.43 (4) If the court determines that the district attorney has complied with
21sub. (3), the court may order that the detention of a person who is currently in custody
22be continued or may issue a warrant commanding any law enforcement officer to
23bring the defendant without unnecessary delay before the court. When the
24defendant is brought before the court, he or she shall be given a copy of the documents

1specified in sub. (3) and informed of his or her rights under this section and s. 970.02
2(1) and (6)
SB82-SSA1,170,12 3(5) A pretrial detention hearing is a hearing before a court for the purpose of
4determining if the continued detention of the defendant is justified. A pretrial
5detention hearing may be held in conjunction with a preliminary examination under
6s. 970.03 971.042 or a conditional release revocation hearing under s. 969.08 (5) (b)
7969.51 (1), but separate findings shall be made by the court relating to the pretrial
8detention, preliminary examination, and conditional release revocation. The
9pretrial detention hearing shall be commenced within 10 days from the date the
10defendant is detained or brought before the court under sub. (4). The defendant may
11not be denied release from custody in accordance with s. 969.03 for more than 10 days
12prior to the hearing required by this subsection.
SB82-SSA1,170,15 13(7) If the court does not make the findings under sub. (6) (a) and (b) and the
14defendant is otherwise eligible, the defendant shall be released from custody with or
15without conditions in accordance with s. 969.03 ss. 969.31 to 969.33.
SB82-SSA1,170,20 16(8) If the court makes the findings under sub. (6) (a) and (b), the court may deny
17bail to the defendant for an additional period not to exceed 60 days following the
18hearing. If the time period passes and the defendant is otherwise eligible, he or she
19shall be released from custody with or without conditions in accordance with s. s.
ss. 969.31 to 969.33.
SB82-SSA1,170,22 21(10) The defendant may petition the court to be released from custody with or
22without conditions in accordance with s. 969.03 ss. 969.31 to 969.33 at any time.
SB82-SSA1,569 23Section 569. 969.04 of the statutes is renumbered 969.40 and amended to
1969.40 Surety may satisfy default. Any If a defendant fails to comply with
2the conditions of his or her bond, any
surety may, after default, pay to the clerk of the
the amount for which the surety was bound, or such lesser sum as the court,
4after notice and hearing, may direct, and thereupon be discharged.