AB86-ASA1,6,65 2. Contact with a client that may be reasonably interpreted by the client as
AB86-ASA1,6,77 3. Verbal behavior that is seductive or sexually demeaning to a client.
AB86-ASA1,6,88 4. Sexual exploitation of a client or former client.
AB86-ASA1,6,119 (b) Falsely advertise or provide false information about the complementary and
10alternative health care practitioner's degree, training, experience, or other
11qualification or about a complementary and alternative health care service.
AB86-ASA1,6,1212 (c) Violate a law relating to a dangerous drug or a controlled substance.
AB86-ASA1,6,1413 (d) Release a client's records or information about the client's transactions
14unless the release is authorized by the client in writing or otherwise provided by law.
AB86-ASA1,6,2015 (e) Give or receive, directly or indirectly, to or from any other person any fee,
16commission, rebate, or other form of compensation or anything of value for sending,
17referring, or otherwise inducing a person to communicate with a complementary and
18alternative health care practitioner in a professional capacity, or for any
19complementary and alternative health care service not actually rendered personally
20by the complementary and alternative health care practitioner.
AB86-ASA1,6,22 21(3) No person may act as a complementary and alternative health care
22practitioner if any of the following applies:
AB86-ASA1,6,2423 (a) The person is or was a health care professional and had his or her credential
24revoked or suspended, unless the credential was subsequently reinstated.
1(b) The person was convicted of a felony against a person and has not completed
2his or her sentence, including any probation, parole, or extended supervision.
AB86-ASA1,7,43 (c) The person was convicted of a felony, the circumstances of which relate to
4providing health care.
AB86-ASA1,7,55 (d) The person is an individual found incompetent, as defined in s. 54.01 (16).
AB86-ASA1,7,7 6461.04 Required disclosures. (1) A complementary and alternative health
7care practitioner shall provide to a client all of the following:
AB86-ASA1,7,98 (a) Reasonable notice of a change to complementary and alternative health care
9services provided.
AB86-ASA1,7,1110 (b) Reasonable notice of a change to a charge for a complementary and
11alternative health care service.
AB86-ASA1,7,1612 (c) Complete and current information concerning the complementary and
13alternative health care practitioner's assessment of the client and the recommended
14complementary and alternative health care service that is to be provided, including
15the expected duration of the service and access to the client's records and written
16information contained in the client's records.
AB86-ASA1,7,19 17(2) A complementary and alternative health care practitioner shall, before
18providing a complementary and alternative health care service, disclose to a client
19in a plainly worded written statement all of the following:
AB86-ASA1,7,2120 (a) The name, business address, and telephone number of the complementary
21and alternative health care practitioner.
AB86-ASA1,7,2422 (b) The fact that the complementary and alternative health care practitioner
23is not practicing under a health care license, certification, or registration granted by
24this state.
1(c) The nature of the complementary and alternative health care service to be
AB86-ASA1,8,63 (d) A list of any degree, training, experience, or other qualification the
4complementary and alternative health care practitioner has or holds regarding the
5complementary and alternative health care service to be provided, including the
6source and duration of the degree, training, experience, or other qualification.
AB86-ASA1,8,87 (e) The complementary and alternative health care practitioner's fees per unit
8of service and the method of billing for such fees.
AB86-ASA1,8,119 (f) A statement that the client has a right to reasonable notice of a change to
10complementary and alternative health care services provided or to a charge for a
11complementary and alternative health care service.
AB86-ASA1,8,1712 (g) A statement that the client has the right to complete and current
13information concerning the complementary and alternative health care
14practitioner's assessment and recommended complementary and alternative health
15care service that is to be provided, including the expected duration of the service to
16be provided and the client's right to be allowed access to the client's records and
17written information in the client's records.
AB86-ASA1,8,2118 (h) A statement that the complementary and alternative health care
19practitioner may not release a client's records or information about the client's
20transactions unless the release is authorized by the client in writing or otherwise
21provided by law.
AB86-ASA1,8,2322 (i) A statement that the client has a right to coordinated transfer if there is a
23change in the provider of complementary and alternative health care services.
1(j) The name, address, and telephone number of the department and a
2statement that the client may file a complaint with the department regarding
3conduct that violates this chapter.
AB86-ASA1,9,11 4(3) A complementary and alternative health care practitioner shall display a
5written notice containing all of the information that is required under sub. (2) in a
6prominent location where complementary and alternative health care services are
7provided. The notice shall be written in not less than 12-point font size, and the
8complementary and alternative health care provider shall make a reasonable
9accommodation to disclose the information in the notice to a client who cannot read,
10who has a communication impairment, or who does not read or speak English or the
11same language as the complementary and alternative health care practitioner.
AB86-ASA1,9,15 12(4) (a) A client shall sign a written acknowledgment stating that the client has
13been provided with the information described under subs. (1) and (2) before a
14complementary and alternative health care practitioner may provide a
15complementary and alternative health care service to the client for the first time.
AB86-ASA1,9,2216 (b) If the information that is described under sub. (1) changes after a client
17signs the written acknowledgment under par. (a), the client shall sign another
18written acknowledgement stating that the client has been provided with the
19up-to-date information described under subs. (1) and (2) before a complementary
20and alternative health care practitioner may provide a complementary and
21alternative health care service to the client for the first time after the information
AB86-ASA1,9,2523 (c) The complementary and alternative health care practitioner shall provide
24a client with a copy of a signed acknowledgement under par. (a) or (b) and shall
25maintain each signed acknowledgement for at least 2 years.
1(5) If a complementary and alternative health care practitioner does not
2possess a credential, the complementary and alternative health care practitioner
3shall in each advertisement made for a complementary and alternative health care
4service disclose that he or she has not been granted a license to practice a licensed
5health profession in this state.
AB86-ASA1,10,8 6(6) Subsections (2) to (5) do not apply to an employee of a licensed health care
7facility or an employee of or a person acting pursuant to the direction of a licensed
8health professional practicing within the scope of his or her practice.
AB86-ASA1,10,11 9461.05 Applicability. (1) Nothing in this chapter applies to, controls, or
10prevents any acts or persons that would otherwise already be exempt from
11professional practice acts.
AB86-ASA1,10,14 12(2) Nothing in this chapter limits the right of a person to seek relief for
13negligent or willful harm, or any other relief, against a complementary and
14alternative health care practitioner.
AB86-ASA1,10,17 15461.06 Enforcement. (1) If it appears upon the complaint of any person to
16the department that a complementary and alternative health care practitioner is
17violating this chapter, the department may investigate the alleged violation.
AB86-ASA1,10,20 18(2) If the department determines that a complementary and alternative health
19care practitioner has violated this chapter, the department may do any of the
AB86-ASA1,10,2321 (a) Provide a written notice to the complementary and alternative health care
22practitioner that requests that the complementary and alternative health care
23practitioner correct the activity that violates this chapter.
1(b) For a violation of this chapter other than a violation of s. 461.04, issue a
2cease and desist order that prohibits the complementary and alternative health care
3practitioner from engaging in conduct that violates chs. 440 to 480.
AB86-ASA1,11,64 (c) For a violation of this chapter other than a violation of s. 461.04, assess
5against the complementary and alternative health care practitioner a forfeiture of
6not more than $10,000 for each violation.
AB86-ASA1,2 7Section 2 . Effective date.
AB86-ASA1,11,88 (1) This act takes effect on January 1, 2022.