sr99(53)(53) Parliamentary inquiry: A request for an explanation of a legislative rule or proceeding. sr99(53m)(53m) Partisan caucus: A conference convened by 2 or more members of a political party to discuss business related to the organization or agenda of that party within the legislature or to discuss any matter pending in or proposed for introduction in the legislature. To facilitate bipartisan cooperation, the members who convened the conference may permit members of another political party to attend. sr99(54)(54) Passage: Final approval in the first house of a bill introduced in that house if referring to action of one house and final approval of both houses of a bill introduced in either house if referring to action of both houses [see also subs. (3) and (16)]. sr99(55)(55) Petition: A request that one of the houses take a particular course of action. sr99(56)(56) Point of order: A request that the presiding officer rule on some matter of parliamentary procedure. sr99(57)(57) Precedent: A previous ruling, decision, or action used to interpret legislative rules. sr99(57d)(57d) President: A member of the senate, elected by the membership to preside over the senate and carry out the duties as described in the senate rules, the joint rules, and the statutes. sr99(57m)(57m) President pro tempore: A member of the senate, elected by the membership to carry out the duties of the president in his or her absence until the return of the president or until a president is elected. sr99(57p)(57p) Presiding officer: The person presiding over the senate or assembly in daily session [see also subs. (11), (57d), and (57m)]. sr99(59)(59) Privileged motions and requests: A group of motions and requests relating to basic questions concerning the meetings, organization, rules, rights, and duties of the senate or assembly and its members and having the highest precedence for consideration. Privileged motions and requests take precedence over incidental, subsidiary, and main questions. sr99(60)(60) Proposal: A resolution, joint resolution, or bill put before a house for consideration. sr99(61)(61) Question: A statement before one of the houses for decision. sr99(62)(62) Quorum: A majority of the current senate membership, unless otherwise required by the state constitution. sr99(63)(63) Recess: A temporary suspension of business during a roll call day. sr99(64)(64) Reconsideration: A motion to nullify a decision and again consider and vote on the question involved. sr99(65)(65) Regular order of business: The regular sequence of deliberations on any legislative day. sr99(66)(66) Regular session: The biennial session of the legislature established by the constitution and by section 13.02 of the statutes. The Wisconsin legislature convenes in the capitol on the first Monday of January in each odd-numbered year at 2 p.m. to take the oath of office, to select officers, and to organize itself for the conduct of its business, but if the first Monday falls on January 1 or 2, the legislature organizes on January 3. Daily meetings begin in January of each year and continue throughout the biennial session until the final adjournment of the biennial session. sr99(67)(67) Rejection: An action for the adverse and final disposition of: a) a resolution or joint resolution for the biennial session of the legislature; b) an amendment or substitute amendment with regard to one specific document; c) the application of a motion to the current situation; and d) the report of a committee. sr99(68)(68) Remain informal: A temporary suspension of proceedings in one of the houses. sr99(69)(69) Request: A proposed action that does not require a vote because: a) unanimous consent has been asked for; or 1g) the presiding officer has the authority to take or order the requested action. sr99(70)(70) Rescind: An action by which one of the houses nullifies an action on a proposal so as to enable the house to again consider a proposal from a given stage. When a motion to rescind prevails, the house resumes its consideration of a proposal at the stage indicated in the motion. sr99(71)(71) Resolution: A proposal: expressing the opinion of one of the houses; changing the rules of one of the houses; or confirming a nomination for appointment. sr99(73)(73) Roll call day: A legislative day on which a roll call is taken. sr99(74)(74) Roll call vote: A vote on which each member voting is recorded by name. sr99(75)(75) Rules of procedure: The legislative rules that govern the conduct of legislative business. sr99(76)(76) Ruling: The presiding officer’s decision on a point of order. sr99(77)(77) Senate chamber: The entire area south of the northern-most doors of the senate, including the floor, staff lobby, parlor, press lobby, visitor’s galleries, and hallways, but excluding the offices of the senate officers. sr99(78)(78) Sergeant at arms: The officer elected by the members to perform and direct the police and custodial functions of one of the houses. sr99(79)(79) Sine die adjournment: The final adjournment of a biennial or special session. sr99(84)(84) Special session: The convening of the legislature by the governor to accomplish a special purpose for which convened. sr99(85)(85) Stage: One of the formal steps in the legislative process. sr99(86)(86) Standing committee: A permanent legislative committee. sr99(87)(87) Subsidiary motions: A group of motions that change, or delay or accelerate the consideration of, a proposal before a house. Subsidiary motions have lower precedence than privileged and incidental questions, but higher precedence than main motions. sr99(88)(88) Substitute amendment: An amendment that, if accepted, takes the place of the original proposal. The term more accurately describes a “substitute bill” or “substitute resolution.” sr99(90)(90) Suspension of the rules: A motion requiring the support of two-thirds of the members present and by which a special action on a specific proposal is accomplished despite the existence of a rule blocking the action. Any suspension of the rules is temporary. sr99(92)(92) Unanimous consent: A request for a specific purpose; if an objection is not heard, it is assumed that the request has the consent of the entire body. sr99(93)(93) Veto: The action by which a bill or a part thereof is rejected by the governor. sr99(94)(94) Voice vote: A vote taken by asking the members in favor of a question to say “aye” simultaneously and then the members opposed to likewise say “no.” Alphabetical Index
Revised by Legislative Reference Bureau
April 2023
Senate Rule
call of the senate 81 (1)
committee members not to be absent 23
granting of leave under call 85 (7)
leave of absence, members 16
members absent or not voting reported by chief clerk 72 (1)
missed roll calls 73m
motion to grant leave not debatable 68
number smaller than a quorum may compel
attendance of 15, 81 (1)
penalties 13n
position on issue, statement of, by absent member 75
temporary absence of president, president pro tem,
temporary presiding officer 2
under call of senate, prior leave expires upon return 85 (7)
Absentees during call, names to be read and entered
in journal 84
Act (definition) 99 (1)
Adjourn (definition) 99 (2)
call of senate expires as the result of, may be renewed 85 (6)
call of senate superseded by motion for 85 (1), (5)
honors, under 15th order of business 17 (1)(o)
is 16th order of business 17 (1)(p)
member’s limit to speak twice on question
continues through adjournment 59
motion to adjourn always in order, exceptions 64
motion to adjourn amendable only as to time 63 (1)(b)
motion to adjourn not debatable, may not be tabled 68
pending motion or question is lost by 59
precedence of motion for 63, 64
smaller number than quorum may adjourn 15, 85 (6)
Administrative rules, committee for review of
(see also ss. 13.56 and 13.565 stats.) 20 (3) bill to suspend rule, how placed in committee on
senate organization 41 (1)(d)
objection by standing committee to proposed rule,
president refers to JCRAR 46 (2)(am)
report concerning action (or inaction) on proposed rule 27 (2)
senate committee (JCRAR) may return proposal
referred by senate 20 (3)(b)
Administrative rules, review of:
bill to suspend proposed administrative rule: reference
to calendar after 30 days 41 (1)(d)
notice and report referred to committee
by president 46 (2)(am)
objection by standing committee to proposed rule,
president refers to JCRAR 46 (2)(am)
report concerning action (or inaction) on
proposed rule 17 (1)(f), 27 (2)
rereference to different standing committee 46 (2)(b)
Admission to senate floor:
contestants for seats admitted to 12
correspondents of news media admitted, limited to
press lobby while senate meeting in session;
recording by 11 (5), (7)
denied to person engaged in defeating or
promoting legislation 11 (3), (4)
disturbance on, and clearing of members and others 13