This bill specifies how an insurer must determine rates for certain motor
vehicle insurance policies. The bill applies specifically to those policies that cover
private passenger automobiles, motorcycles or mopeds, that do not cover more than
4 vehicles and that are issued to individuals who reside in a federal metropolitan
statistical area in this state that contains a 1st class city (Milwaukee). The insurer
must first divide the federal metropolitan statistical area into separate contiguous
areas, each containing at least one municipality, defined in the bill as a city, village
or town. The insurer must charge the same rate for the same or similar type of
coverage under all policies to which the bill applies and that are issued to insureds
residing in the same contiguous area. The insurer may establish no more than 2 rate
bands for each type of coverage under all of the policies to which the bill applies. The
bill specifies restrictions on how much the rates may differ from each other within
and between rate bands. After determining the rates according to the requirements
specified in the bill, an insurer may modify the rates for individual risks using factors
specified by the commissioner by rule. The factors are to include the driving safety
record and experience of the drivers of the insured vehicle, the value of the insured
vehicle and the number of miles that it is driven each year and any other factors that
the commissioner determines are relevant. The zip code of the insured or any other
driver of the insured vehicle may not be a basis for modifying a rate for individual
Current law specifies factors to be considered in determining whether
insurance rates in general comply with standards related to excessiveness,
inadequacy and unfair discrimination. Current law does not, however, enumerate
specific factors that may be used in determining auto insurance rates or place limits

on the range of rates that may be set. Current law does prohibit an insurer from
using odometer reading data collected in the course of an emissions inspection as a
factor in setting auto insurance rates, and does limit the range of rates that may be
charged to small employers for health insurance.
For further information see the local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB137, s. 1 1Section 1. 625.12 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB137,2,32 625.12 (1) (e) Subject to s. ss. 632.365 and 632.39, all other relevant factors,
3including the judgment of technical personnel.
AB137, s. 2 4Section 2. 625.12 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB137,2,135 625.12 (2) Classification. Risks Except as provided in s. 632.39, risks may be
6classified in any reasonable way for the establishment of rates and minimum
7premiums, except that no classifications may be based on race, color, creed or
8national origin, and classifications in automobile insurance may not be based on
9physical condition or developmental disability as defined in s. 51.01 (5). Subject to
10s. ss. 632.365 and 632.39, rates thus produced may be modified for individual risks
11in accordance with rating plans or schedules that establish reasonable standards for
12measuring probable variations in hazards, expenses, or both. Rates may also be
13modified for individual risks under s. 625.13 (2).
AB137, s. 3 14Section 3. 625.15 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB137,3,215 625.15 (1) Rate making. An insurer may itself establish rates and
16supplementary rate information for one or more market segments based on the
in accordance with s. 625.12 and, if the rates are for motor vehicle liability
18insurance, subject to s. 632.365
, or the insurer may use rates and supplementary rate
19information prepared by a rate service organization, with average expense factors

1determined by the rate service organization or with such modification for its own
2expense and loss experience as the credibility of that experience allows.
AB137, s. 4 3Section 4. 628.34 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB137,3,104 628.34 (3) (a) No insurer may unfairly discriminate among policyholders by
5charging different premiums or by offering different terms of coverage except on the
6basis of classifications related to the nature and the degree of the risk covered or the
7expenses involved, subject to s. ss. 625.12 (2), 632.39 and 632.365. Rates are not
8unfairly discriminatory if they are averaged broadly among persons insured under
9a group, blanket or franchise policy, and terms are not unfairly discriminatory
10merely because they are more favorable than in a similar individual policy.
AB137, s. 5 11Section 5. 632.39 of the statutes is created to read:
AB137,3,15 12632.39 Setting rates for certain motor vehicle insurance policies. (1)
13Scope. This section applies to every motor vehicle insurance policy that is issued or
14delivered to an individual who resides in the federal metropolitan statistical area in
15this state that contains a 1st class city.
AB137,3,16 16(2) Definitions. In this section:
AB137,3,1917 (a) "Federal metropolitan statistical area" means an area defined by the federal
18office of management and budget under 44 USC 3504 (d) (3) as a metropolitan
19statistical area or a primary metropolitan statistical area.
AB137,3,2120 (b) "Midpoint rate" means the arithmetic average of the lowest premium rate
21and the highest premium rate within a rate band.
AB137,4,222 (c) "Motor vehicle insurance policy" means an insurance policy issued or
23delivered in this state to an individual that provides motor vehicle physical damage
24or collision coverage or coverage for the insured's liability for loss or damage to a
25person or property resulting from a motor vehicle accident, or any combination of

1those types of coverage, and under which each motor vehicle designated as insured
2is any of the following types:
AB137,4,43 1. A private passenger automobile that is not used as a public or livery
4conveyance for passengers or rented to others.
AB137,4,65 2. Any other 4-wheel motor vehicle that is designed for travel on public roads
6and that has a load capacity of no more than 1,500 pounds.
AB137,4,77 3. A motorcycle or moped.
AB137,4,88 (d) "Municipality" means a city, village or town.
AB137,4,10 9(3) How rates may be determined. For all types of coverage under a policy that
10is subject to this section, an insurer shall determine initial rates as follows:
AB137,4,1411 (a) The insurer shall first divide the federal metropolitan statistical area
12specified in sub. (1) into separate contiguous areas. Each such contiguous area shall
13include one or more municipalities and may not include less than all of any
14municipality that is included in the contiguous area.
AB137,4,1715 (b) All motor vehicle insurance policies subject to this section, of all insureds
16residing within a contiguous area designated by the insurer under par. (a), shall
17constitute a class.
AB137,4,2018 (c) Except for modifications for individual risks as permitted by rule under sub.
19(4) (a), the insurer shall charge the same rate for the same or similar type of coverage
20under all policies within the same class.
AB137,4,2221 (d) For each type of coverage, the insurer may establish no more than 2 rate
22bands for all motor vehicle insurance policies subject to this section.
AB137,4,2423 (e) No rate within a rate band may vary from the midpoint rate within the rate
24band by more than 7.5% of that midpoint rate.
1(f) If the insurer establishes 2 rate bands for a type of coverage, the highest rate
2within one rate band may not vary from the highest rate within the other rate band
3by more than 15% of the higher of those 2 rates.
AB137,5,7 4(4) Rules for modifications for individual risks. (a) The commissioner shall
5promulgate rules specifying factors that an insurer, after determining rates as
6provided in sub. (3), may consider in modifying such rates for individual risks. The
7factors shall include all of the following:
AB137,5,98 1. Subject to s. 632.36 (1), the driving safety record, including accidents and
9tickets, of the drivers of the insured motor vehicle.
AB137,5,1010 2. The amount of driving experience of the drivers of the insured motor vehicle.
AB137,5,1111 3. The number of miles that the insured motor vehicle is driven each year.
AB137,5,1212 4. The value of the insured motor vehicle.
AB137,5,1413 5. Subject to par. (b), any other factors that the commissioner determines are
AB137,5,1615 (b) Rates determined under sub. (3) may not be modified on the basis of the zip
16code of the insured or the zip code of any other driver of the insured motor vehicle.
AB137,5,1917 (c) Notwithstanding sub. (3) (e) and (f), a rate determined under sub. (3) that
18is modified for individual risks in accordance with rules promulgated under par. (a)
19may fall outside a rate band established under sub. (3).
AB137,5,23 20(5) Rate service organizations. If an insurer uses rates for motor vehicle
21insurance policies that are prepared by a rate service organization designated under
22s. 625.15, rates filed by the rate service organization on behalf of the insurer must
23comply with this section.
1(6) Exceptions. This section does not apply to a motor vehicle insurance policy
2that insures more than 4 vehicles or that is issued under a risk-sharing plan
3established under s. 619.01 (1) or continued under s. 619.01 (6).
AB137, s. 6 4Section 6 . Nonstatutory provisions; insurance.
AB137,6,8 5(1)  The commissioner of insurance shall submit in proposed form the rules
6required under section 632.39 (4) (a) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the
7legislative council staff under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than the first
8day of the 10th month beginning after the effective date of this subsection.
AB137, s. 7 9Section 7. Initial applicability; insurance.
AB137,6,12 10(1)  This act first applies to rates and premiums for motor vehicle insurance
11policies, as defined in section 632.39 (2) (c) of the statutes, as created by this act, that
12are issued or renewed on the effective date of this subsection.
AB137, s. 8 13Section 8. Effective dates; insurance. This act takes effect on the first day
14of the 13th month beginning after publication, except as follows:
AB137,6,16 15(1) The treatment of section 632.39 (4) of the statutes and Section 6 (1) of this
16act take effect on the day after publication.
AB137,6,1717 (End)