AB659,8,1613 70.47 (10) (c) Subpoena such witnesses, except objectors who may testify by
14telephone, as it deems necessary to testify concerning the value of such property and,
15except in the case of an assessment made by a county assessor pursuant to s. 70.99,

16the expense incurred shall be a charge against the district.
AB659, s. 24 17Section 24. 70.48 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB659,9,11 1870.48 Assessor to attend board of review. The assessor or the assessor's
19authorized representative shall attend without order or subpoena all hearings before
20the board of review and under oath submit to examination and fully disclose to the
21board such information as the assessor may have touching the assessment and any
22other matters pertinent to the inquiry being made. All part-time assessors shall
23receive the same compensation for such attendance as is allowed to the members of
24the board but no county assessor or member of a county assessor's staff shall receive
25any compensation other than that person's regular salary for attendance at a board

1of review
. The clerk shall make all corrections to the assessment roll ordered by the
2board of review, including all changes in the valuation of real property. When any
3valuation of real property is changed the clerk shall enter the valuation fixed by the
4board in red ink in the proper class above the figures of the assessor, and the figures
5of the assessor shall be crossed out with red ink. The clerk shall also enter upon the
6assessment roll, in the proper place, the names of all persons found liable to taxation
7on personal property by the board of review, setting opposite such names respectively
8the aggregate valuation of such property as determined by the assessor, after
9deducting exemptions and making such corrections as the board has ordered. All
10changes in valuation of personal property made by the board of review shall be made
11in the same manner as changes in real estate.
AB659, s. 25 12Section 25. 70.50 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB659,9,21 1370.50 Delivery of roll. Except in counties that have a county assessment
14system under s. 70.99 and
in cities of the 1st class and in 2nd class cities that have
15a board of assessors under s. 70.075 the assessor shall, on or before the first Monday
16in May, deliver the completed assessment roll and all the sworn statements and
17valuations of personal property to the clerk of the town, city or village, who shall file
18and preserve them in the clerk's office. On or before the first Monday in April, a
19county assessor under s. 70.99 shall deliver the completed assessment roll and all
20sworn statements and valuations of personal property to the clerks of the towns,
21cities and villages in the county, who shall file and preserve them in the clerk's office.
AB659, s. 26 22Section 26. 70.57 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB659,9,2523 70.57 (1) The department of revenue before August 15 of each year shall
24complete the valuation of the property of each county and taxation district of the
25state. From all the sources of information accessible to it the department shall

1determine and assess by class the value of all property subject to general property
2taxation in each county and taxation district. If the department is satisfied that the
3assessment by a county assessor under s. 70.99 is at full value, it may adopt that
4value as the state's full value.
It shall set down a list of all the counties and taxation
5districts and opposite to the name of each county and taxation district the valuation
6determined by the department, which shall be the full value according to its best
7judgment. There shall also be prepared a list of all the counties of the state, with
8opposite the name of each county the valuation determined, which shall be certified
9by the secretary of revenue as the assessment of the counties of the state made by
10the department, and be delivered to the department of administration. In any case
11where the department, through mistake or inadvertence, has assessed to any county
12or taxation district, in the current year or in the previous year, a greater or less
13valuation for any year than should have been assessed, it shall correct the error by
14adding to or subtracting from (as the case may be) the valuation of the county or
15taxation district as determined by it at the assessment in the year after the error is
16discovered, the amount omitted from or added to the true valuation of the county in
17the former assessment in consequence of the error, and the result shall be taken as
18the full value of the county for the latter year and a final correction of the error.
AB659, s. 27 19Section 27. 70.64 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB659,11,1520 70.64 (6) Hearing. As soon as practicable, the commission shall set a time and
21place for preliminary hearing of such appeal. At least 10 days before the time set for
22such hearing, the commission shall cause notice thereof to be mailed by certified mail
23to the county clerk and to the attorney or the clerk of each town, city and village in
24whose behalf an appearance has been entered in the matter of such appeal, and to
25the clerk of each town, city or village which has not appeared, and mail a like notice

1to the clerk of the taxation district taking such appeal and to the department of
2revenue. The department of revenue shall be prepared to present to the commission
3at such time during the course of the hearings as the commission requires, the full
4value of all property subject to general property taxation in each town, village and
5city of the county, as determined by the department according to s. 70.57 (1) or in the
6case of a complaint by a taxation district under a county assessor such information
7as the department has in its possession
. Said hearing may be adjourned, in the
8discretion of the tax appeals commission, as often and to such times and places as
9may be necessary in order to determine the facts. If satisfied that no substantial
10injustice has been done in the taxation district assessment appealed from, the
11commission in its discretion may dismiss such appeal. If satisfied that substantial
12injustice has been done in the taxation district assessment, the commission shall
13determine to revalue any or all of the taxation districts in the county, which it deems
14necessary, in a manner which in its judgment is best calculated to secure substantial
AB659, s. 28 16Section 28. 70.75 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
AB659, s. 29 17Section 29. 70.85 (9) of the statutes is repealed.
AB659, s. 30 18Section 30. 70.99 of the statutes is repealed.
AB659, s. 31 19Section 31. 70.995 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB659,11,2320 70.995 (10) Municipalities, and counties with a county assessor system, shall
21have access to all manufacturing property for the purpose of making appraisals of
22valuation of such property and may employ appraisal personnel, who need not be
23certified under s. 70.05 (4), for such purpose.
AB659, s. 32 24Section 32. 70.995 (11) of the statutes is repealed.
AB659, s. 33 25Section 33. 73.03 (2a) of the statutes is amended to read:
173.03 (2a) To prepare, have published and distribute to each county having a
2county assessor system under s. 70.99 and to each
town, city and village in the state
3for the use of assessors, assessment personnel and the public detailed assessment
4manuals, except that if an assessor is hired by more than one county, town, city or
5village the department shall provide that assessor with only one cost component of
6the manual rather than providing the cost component of the manual to each county,
7town, city or village that hires that assessor. The manual shall discuss and illustrate
8accepted assessment methods, techniques and practices with a view to more nearly
9uniform and more consistent assessments of property at the local level. The manual
10shall be amended by the department from time to time to reflect advances in the
11science of assessment, court decisions concerning assessment practices, costs, and
12statistical and other information deemed valuable to local assessors by the
13department. The manual shall incorporate standards for the assessment of all types
14of renewable energy resource systems used in this state as soon as such systems are
15used in sufficient numbers and sufficient data exists to allow the formulation of valid
16guidelines. The manual shall incorporate standards, which the department of
17revenue and the state historical society of Wisconsin shall develop, for the
18assessment of nonhistoric property in historic districts and for the assessment of
19historic property, including but not limited to property that is being preserved or
20restored; property that is subject to a protective easement, covenant or other
21restriction for historic preservation purposes; property that is listed in the national
22register of historic places in Wisconsin or in this state's register of historic places and
23property that is designated as a historic landmark and is subject to restrictions
24imposed by a municipality or by a landmarks commission. The manual shall
25incorporate general guidelines about ways to determine whether property is taxable

1in part under s. 70.11 (8) and examples of the ways that s. 70.11 (8) applies in specific
2situations. The manual shall state that assessors are required to comply with s.
370.32 (1g) and shall suggest procedures for doing so. The cost of the development,
4preparation, publication and distribution of the manual and of revisions and
5amendments to it shall be borne by the assessment districts and requesters at an
6individual volume cost or a subscription cost as determined by the department. All
7receipts shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.566 (2) (hi). The
8department shall, on the 4th Monday in August, certify past-due accounts and
9include them in the next apportionment of state special charges to counties and
10municipalities under s. 70.60. If the department provides an assessment manual to
11an assessor who is hired by more than one unit of government, those units of
12government shall each pay an equal share of the cost of that manual. The
13department may provide free assessment manuals to other state agencies or
14exchange them at no cost with agencies of other states or of the federal government
15for similar information or publications.
AB659, s. 34 16Section 34. 73.03 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB659,13,2217 73.03 (11) To visit the counties in the state, unless prevented by other necessary
18official duties, for the investigation of the work and the methods adopted by local
19assessors, county assessors, boards of review, supervisors of equalization and county
20boards, in the assessment, equalization and taxation of property. The department
21of revenue and its district supervisory staff shall assist the county assessor in
22carrying out the assessor's duties.
AB659, s. 35 23Section 35. 73.06 (8) of the statutes is repealed.
AB659, s. 36 24Section 36. 73.09 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
173.09 (1) Local assessment personnel. The department of revenue shall
2establish by rule the level of certification under sub. (3), the continuing education
3requirements under sub. (4), examinations under sub. (5), and the requirements for
4and responsibilities associated with temporary certification under sub. (6) for all
5assessors and assessment personnel of each local unit of government and for county
6assessor systems under s. 70.99
AB659, s. 37 7Section 37. 74.37 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB659,14,108 74.37 (2) (a) A claim for an excessive assessment may be filed against the
9taxation district, or the county that has a county assessor system, which collected the
AB659, s. 38 11Section 38. 74.37 (2) (b) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB659,14,1512 74.37 (2) (b) 5. Be served on the clerk of the taxation district, or the clerk of the
13county that has a county assessor system,
in the manner prescribed in s. 801.11 (4)
14by January 31 of the year in which the tax based upon the contested assessment is
AB659, s. 39 16Section 39. 74.37 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB659,14,1917 74.37 (3) (b) The taxation district or county that has a county assessor system
18shall notify the claimant by certified or registered mail whether the claim is allowed
19or disallowed within 90 days after the claim is filed.
AB659, s. 40 20Section 40. 74.37 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB659,15,221 74.37 (3) (c) If the governing body of the taxation district or county that has a
22county assessor system
determines that a tax has been paid which was based on an
23excessive assessment, and that the claim for an excessive assessment has complied
24with all legal requirements, the governing body shall allow the claim. The taxation

1district or county treasurer shall pay the claim not later than 90 days after the claim
2is allowed.
AB659, s. 41 3Section 41. 74.37 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB659,15,64 74.37 (7) Compensation. If taxes are refunded under sub. (3), the governing
5body of the taxation district or county that has a county assessor system may proceed
6under s. 74.41.
AB659, s. 42 7Section 42. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the December 31 after
8publication, except as follows:
AB659,15,10 9(1) The treatment of section 20.835 (6) of the statutes takes effect on the July
101 of the year after publication.
AB659,15,1111 (End)