AB939,8,1210 (d) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, submits evidence satisfactory
11to the examining board that he or she has not been arrested for or convicted of a crime
12during the 5-year period immediately preceding the date of his or her application.
AB939,8,1513 (e) Submits evidence satisfactory to the examining board that he or she has not
14had a locksmith license, a professional locksmith license or a locksmith agency li
15cense denied, suspended or revoked.
AB939,8,17 16(2) Locksmiths. The examining board shall grant a locksmith license to an in
17dividual who does all of the following:
AB939,8,1918 (a) Submits an application to the examining board on a form prescribed by the
19examining board.
AB939,8,2020 (b) Pays the fee specified in s. 440.05 (1).
AB939,8,2221 (c) Submits evidence satisfactory to the examining board that he or she is a citi
22zen of the United States or is an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence.
AB939,8,2423 (d) Submits evidence satisfactory to the examining board that he or she is at
24least 18 years of age.
1(e) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, submits evidence satisfactory
2to the examining board that he or she has not been arrested for or convicted of a crime
3during the 5-year period immediately preceding the date of his or her application.
AB939,9,54 (f) Submits evidence satisfactory to the examining board that he or she satisfies
5one of the following:
AB939,9,76 1. He or she has been registered under sub. (1) and employed as an apprentice
7locksmith for at least 2 years.
AB939,9,98 2. He or she has completed a course of locksmithing education approved by the
9examining board.
AB939,9,1110 (g) Passes an examination conducted or authorized by the examining board
11that satisfies the requirements specified under s. 460.10 (1).
AB939,9,13 12(3) Professional locksmiths. The examining board shall grant a professional
13locksmith license to an individual who does all of the following:
AB939,9,1514 (a) Submits an application to the examining board on a form prescribed by the
15examining board.
AB939,9,1616 (b) Pays the fee specified in s. 440.05 (1).
AB939,9,1817 (c) Submits evidence satisfactory to the examining board that he or she is a citi
18zen of the United States or is an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence.
AB939,9,2019 (d) Submits evidence satisfactory to the examining board that he or she is at
20least 18 years of age.
AB939,9,2321 (e) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, submits evidence satisfactory
22to the examining board that he or she has not been arrested for or convicted of a crime
23during the 5-year period immediately preceding the date of his or her application.
AB939,9,2524 (f) Submits evidence satisfactory to the examining board that he or she has
25been licensed under sub. (2).
1(g) Passes 5 or more categories of an examination conducted or authorized by
2the examining board that satisfies the requirements specified under s. 460.10 (2).
3This paragraph applies beginning on the first day of the 37th month beginning after
4the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date].
AB939,10,8 5(4) Reciprocal licenses. The examining board shall grant a locksmith license
6or a professional locksmith license to an individual who is licensed, certified or regis
7tered as a locksmith in another state or territory of the United States if the individual
8does all of the following:
AB939,10,109 (a) Submits an application to the examining board on a form prescribed by the
10examining board.
AB939,10,1111 (b) Pays the fee specified in s. 440.05 (2).
AB939,10,1212 (c) Submits evidence satisfactory to the examining board of one of the following:
AB939,10,1613 1. That the requirements of the state or territory in which the individual is li
14censed, certified or registered are substantially equivalent to the requirements for
15licensure under sub. (2), if the individual is applying for a locksmith license, or sub.
16(3), if the individual is applying for a professional locksmith license.
AB939,10,2317 2. If the requirements of the state or territory in which the individual is li
18censed, certified or registered do not by themselves satisfy subd. 1., that the appli
19cant has qualifications in addition to those needed for licensure, certification or regis
20tration in the other state or territory that give the applicant qualifications that are
21substantially equivalent to the qualifications necessary to meet the requirements for
22licensure under sub. (2), if the individual is applying for a locksmith license, or sub.
23(3), if the individual is applying for a professional locksmith license.
AB939,10,25 24(5) Locksmith agencies. The examining board shall grant a locksmith agency
25license to a business entity that does all of the following:
1(a) Submits an application to the examining board on a form prescribed by the
2examining board.
AB939,11,33 (b) Pays the fee specified in s. 440.05 (1).
AB939,11,64 (c) Submits evidence satisfactory to the examining board that the individual
5who is the sole proprietor is licensed as a professional locksmith under sub. (3), if the
6business entity is a sole proprietorship.
AB939,11,127 (d) Submits evidence satisfactory to the examining board that at least one offi
8cer, director or manager who is responsible for the daily business of the corporation
9or limited liability company is licensed as a professional locksmith under sub. (3), if
10the business entity is a corporation or limited liability company. An officer, director
11or manager of a corporation or limited liability company may not be responsible for
12the daily business of more than one locksmith agency.
AB939,11,1613 (e) Submits evidence satisfactory to the examining board that each member of
14the firm, partnership or association is licensed as a professional locksmith under sub.
15(3), if the business entity is not a sole proprietorship, corporation or limited liability
AB939,11,2117 (f) Subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, submits evidence satisfactory
18to the examining board that no person who owns, manages, controls or has a financial
19interest in the business entity has been arrested for or convicted of a crime during
20the 5-year period immediately preceding the date of the application for a locksmith
21agency license.
AB939,12,2 22(6) Examination requirement for persons licensed under waiver provisions.
23(a) Locksmiths. A locksmith who is granted a license under 1995 Wisconsin Act ....
24(this act), section 7 (2) (a) , shall, no later than the first day of the 37th month begin
25ning after the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], pass an

1examination conducted or authorized by the examining board that satisfies the re
2quirements specified under s. 460.10 (1).
AB939,12,73 (b) Professional locksmiths. A professional locksmith who is granted a license
4under 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 7 (2) (b) , shall, no later than the first
5day of the 37th month beginning after the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor
6inserts date], pass 5 or more categories of an examination conducted or authorized
7by the examining board that satisfies the requirements specified under s. 460.10 (2).
AB939,12,9 8460.10 Examinations. (1) The examination required under s. 460.08 (2) (g)
9shall include all of the following topics:
AB939,12,1010 (a) Codes and code equipment.
AB939,12,1111 (b) Pin and disc tumbler cylinder servicing.
AB939,12,1212 (c) Blank key identification.
AB939,12,1313 (d) Key duplication and impressioning.
AB939,12,1414 (e) Professional lock opening techniques.
AB939,12,1515 (f) Lockset functions.
AB939,12,1616 (g) Servicing of locksets.
AB939,12,1717 (h) Basic master keying.
AB939,12,1818 (i) Cabinet, furniture and mailbox locks.
AB939,12,2019 (k) Applicable building and safety code provisions and the federal Americans
20with disabilities act of 1990, 42 USC 12101 to 12213.
AB939,12,22 21(2) The examination required under s. 460.08 (3) (g) shall include 5 or more of
22the following topics chosen by the individual who takes the examination:
AB939,12,2323 (a) Basic motor vehicle locks.
AB939,12,2424 (b) Advanced motor vehicle locks.
AB939,12,2525 (c) Automatic door closers.
1(d) High security cylinder servicing.
AB939,13,22 (e) Tubular cylinder servicing.
AB939,13,33 (f) Exit hardware.
AB939,13,44 (g) Keyless mechanical locks.
AB939,13,55 (h) Lever tumbler locks other than safe deposit lever tumbler locks.
AB939,13,66 (i) Motorcycle locks.
AB939,13,77 (j) Combination-type safe locks.
AB939,13,88 (k) Safe deposit locks.
AB939,13,99 (L) Time locks.
AB939,13,1010 (m) Lockset installation.
AB939,13,1111 (n) Advanced master keying.
AB939,13,1212 (p) Opening and servicing safes.
AB939,13,1313 (q) Installing and servicing vaults.
AB939,13,1414 (r) Best-style interchangeable cores.
AB939,13,1515 (s) Interchangeable cores other than best-style locks.
AB939,13,1616 (t) Electromagnetic access control.
AB939,13,1717 (v) Alarms.
AB939,13,1818 (w) Detention locks.
AB939,13,22 19460.12 Locksmith agency employe requirements. (1) A locksmith agency
20licensed under this chapter may not employ an individual to engage in the practice
21of locksmithing unless the individual is a registered apprentice, a locksmith or a pro
22fessional locksmith.
AB939,14,2 23(2) Upon employing an individual, a locksmith agency shall submit to the ex
24amining board the name, address and date of birth of the individual and other infor

1mation, as specified by the examining board by rule, sufficient to identify the indi
AB939,14,6 3(3) (a) A locksmith agency shall maintain a list of all employes hired and a list
4of all employes terminated during the previous month and, except as provided in par.
5(c), submit the lists to the examining board by the 10th day of the month immediately
6following the month for which the list was compiled.
AB939,14,87 (b) The locksmith agency shall retain copies of the lists required under par. (a)
8covering the immediately preceding 24-month period.
AB939,14,119 (c) A locksmith agency is not required to submit the applicable list under par.
10(a) if the locksmith agency did not hire or terminate an employe during the month
11covered by the list.
AB939,14,13 12(4) A locksmith agency shall maintain a record of each employe that contains
13all of the following information:
AB939,14,1614 (a) A photograph of the employe that was taken within 10 days of the date that
15the employe began employment with the locksmith agency. The photograph shall be
16replaced with a current photograph every 3 years.
AB939,14,1717 (b) An employe statement that contains all of the following:
AB939,14,1818 1. The employe's full name, date of birth and residence address.
AB939,14,2119 2. The name of the country of which the employe is a citizen and, if the employe
20is not a citizen of the United States, proof that the employe is an alien lawfully ad
21mitted for permanent residence.
AB939,14,2522 3. The business or occupation in which the employe was engaged for the 5-year
23period immediately preceding the date on which the employe executes the statement,
24the place in which the employe engaged in the business or occupation and, if applica
25ble, the names of the employe's employers during that period.
14. A statement that the employe has not had a license or employe registration
2under this chapter denied, revoked or suspended.
AB939,15,33 5. A list of the employe's criminal convictions, if any.
AB939,15,54 6. A statement as to whether the employe has ever been found incompetent un
5der ch. 880 and whether the employe has subsequently been found competent.
AB939,15,76 7. Any other information that the examining board may require by rule that
7bears on the employe's competency as an employe of a locksmith agency.
AB939,15,9 8460.13 Identification card. (1) The examining board shall issue an identifi
9cation card to every individual licensed or registered under this chapter.
AB939,15,10 10(2) An identification card issued under sub. (1) shall contain all of the following:
AB939,15,1111 (a) The individual's name.
AB939,15,1312 (b) Identification information of the individual, including height, weight and
13hair and eye color.
AB939,15,1414 (c) A recent photograph of the individual.
AB939,15,1515 (d) The signature of the individual.