SB161, s. 10 10Section 10. 118.37 (2) to (8) of the statutes are renumbered 118.55 (2) to (8),
11and 118.55 (7g), as renumbered, is amended to read:
SB161,5,2212 118.55 (7g) Transportation. The parent or guardian of a pupil who is
13attending an institution of higher education under this section and is taking a course
14for high school credit that is not comparable to a course offered in the school district
15may apply to the state superintendent for reimbursement of the cost of transporting
16the pupil between the high school in which the pupil is enrolled and the institution
17of higher education that the pupil is attending if the pupil and the pupil's parent or
are unable to pay the cost of such transportation. The state superintendent
19shall determine the reimbursement amount and shall pay the amount from the
20appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cw). The state superintendent shall give
21preference under this subsection to those pupils who are eligible for a free or
22reduced-price lunch under 42 USC 1758 (b).
SB161, s. 11 23Section 11. 118.37 (9) of the statutes is repealed.
SB161, s. 12 24Section 12. Subchapter II of chapter 118 [precedes 118.50] of the statutes is
25created to read:
1Chapter 118
SB161,6,32 Subchapter II
3 Enrollment options programs
SB161,6,4 4118.50 Definitions. In this subchapter:
SB161,6,5 5(1) "Attendance area" has the meaning given in s. 121.845 (1).
SB161,6,6 6(4) "Parent" includes a guardian.
SB161,6,21 7118.51 Interdistrict school choice. (1) Applicability; application
(a) Beginning in the 1996-97 school year, a pupil may attend a public
9school, including a prekindergarten, early childhood or school-operated day care
10program, outside his or her school district of residence under this section. The pupil's
11parent shall submit an application, on a form provided by the state superintendent,
12to the school board of the school district that the pupil wishes to attend by February
131 of the school year immediately preceding the school year in which he or she wishes
14to attend, and shall send a copy of the application to the school board of the school
15district of residence. The application may include a request to attend a specific
16school or program offered by the school district. By April 1 following receipt of the
17application, the school board shall notify the applicant, in writing, whether the
18application has been accepted. If the school board rejects an application, it shall
19include in the notice the reason for the rejection. By May 1 following receipt of a
20notice of acceptance, the pupil's parent shall notify the school board of the pupil's
21intent to attend school in the school district in the following school year.
SB161,7,222 (am) A school board may not act on any application received under par. (a) until
23after February 1. A school board shall act on applications in the order in which they
24were received, except that if a school board receives more applications for a

1particular grade or program than there are spaces available in the grade or program
2the school board shall determine which pupils to accept on a random basis.
SB161,7,63 (b) Annually by May 15, each school board of a school district that has accepted
4nonresident pupils under this section shall notify the school board of the school
5district of residence of the names of the pupils from the latter school district who will
6be attending the former school district in the following school year.
SB161,7,167 (c) 1. If a pupil's parent notifies the school board of a nonresident school district
8that the pupil intends to attend school in that school district in the following school
9year under par. (a), the pupil shall attend that school district in the following school
10year. If at any time the pupil wishes to reattend school in his or her school district
11of residence, the pupil's parent shall notify the school boards of the school districts
12of residence and of attendance by February 1 preceding the school year in which the
13pupil will begin reattending the school district of residence. If at any time the pupil
14wishes to attend school in a school district other than the school district that he or
15she is currently attending or his or her school district of residence, the pupil's parent
16shall follow the application procedure under par. (a).
SB161,7,1917 2. Notwithstanding subd. 1., a pupil attending school outside his or her school
18district of residence under this section may reattend school in his or her school
19district of residence at any time if the school boards of both school districts agree.
SB161,7,23 20(2) Acceptance criteria. (a) By December 1, 1995, each school board shall
21adopt a resolution specifying criteria for accepting and rejecting applications. If the
22school board wishes to revise the criteria, it shall do so by resolution. The criteria
23may include any of the following:
11. The availability of space in the school, program, class or grade. The school
2board may give preference in attendance at a school, program, class or grade to
3residents of the school district who live outside the school's attendance area.
SB161,8,54 2. Whether the pupil is involved in a disciplinary proceeding, as determined by
5the school board of the school district to which the pupil has applied.
SB161,8,96 (am) The criteria may not include academic achievement, athletic or other
7special ability, English language proficiency, the presence of a physical, mental,
8emotional or learning disability, previous disciplinary proceedings or anything else
9not specified in par. (a) 1. and 2., except as provided under par. (b).
SB161,8,1310 (b) 1. A school board shall reject an application if acceptance would violate a
11court-ordered plan, or a plan established under s. 121.85 (4), to reduce racial
12imbalance in the school district, or would be harmful to the efforts of the school board
13to achieve racial balance in the school district under s. 121.85 or 121.86.
SB161,8,1514 2. A school board shall give preference in accepting applications to siblings of
15pupils who are already attending public school in the school district.
SB161,8,1816 (c) 1. A school board may prohibit a resident pupil from attending school in
17another school district under this section if the school board determines that the
18pupil is involved in a disciplinary proceeding.
SB161,8,2319 2. A school board shall prohibit a resident pupil from attending school in
20another school district under this section if allowing such attendance would violate
21a court-ordered plan, or a plan established under s. 121.85 (4), to reduce racial
22imbalance in the school district, or would be harmful to the efforts of the school board
23to achieve racial balance in the school district under s. 121.85 or 121.86.
SB161,9,324 3. In the 1996-97 school year, the school board of the school district of residence
25may limit the number of resident pupils attending public school in other school

1districts to 5% of its membership. In the 1997-98 school year, the school board of the
2school district of residence may limit the number of resident pupils attending public
3school in other school districts to 10% of its enrollment.
SB161,9,8 4(3) Appeal of rejection. If an application is rejected under sub. (1) (a) or a pupil
5is prohibited from attending school in another school district under sub. (2) (c), the
6pupil's parent may appeal the decision to the state superintendent within 30 days
7after the decision. The state superintendent's decision is final and is not subject to
8judicial review under subch. III of ch. 227.
SB161,9,12 9(4) Rights and privileges of nonresident pupils. A pupil attending a public
10school outside of his or her school district of residence under this section has all of
11the rights and privileges of resident pupils and is subject to the same rules and
12regulations as resident pupils.
SB161,9,15 13(6) Transportation. The parent of a pupil attending a public school outside of
14the pupil's school district of residence under this section is responsible for
15transporting the pupil to and from school.
SB161,9,23 16(7) Tuition. The school board of the school district of residence shall pay to the
17school board of the school district of attendance, for each pupil attending a public
18school outside of his or her school district of residence under this section, tuition
19calculated under s. 121.83 for either the school district of residence or the school
20district of attendance, whichever is lower, or an amount agreed to by the school
21boards of the 2 school districts. The amount to be paid and a payment schedule shall
22be specified in a written agreement. If the school boards cannot agree on the amount
23of tuition, the state superintendent shall determine the amount.
SB161,9,25 24(8) Information. Each school board shall provide information about its schools
25and programs in the format and manner prescribed by the state superintendent. The

1school board may not provide information in a manner that is designed to recruit
2nonresident pupils to attend the school district under this section.
SB161,10,6 3118.52 Interdistrict enrollment options. (1) Beginning in the 1996-97
4school year, a pupil enrolled in a public school may attend a public school outside his
5or her school district of residence under this section for the purpose of taking one or
6more courses offered by the other school district, if all of the following apply:
SB161,10,87 (a) The pupil continues to attend public school in his or her school district of
8residence for at least one course.
SB161,10,109 (b) The school board of the other school district determines that there is space
10available in the course or courses.
SB161,10,1211 (c) The school board of the school district of residence determines that it does
12not offer, or have space available in, a comparable course or courses.
SB161,10,1513 (d) If the courses are offered in the high school grades, the school board of
14residence determines that the courses satisfy high school graduation requirements
15under s. 118.33 in that school district.
SB161,10,1716 (e) The pupil meets all of the prerequisites for the course or courses that apply
17to pupils who reside in the other school district.
SB161,10,20 18(2) Section 118.51 (1) to (4) applies to pupils under this section, except that if
19the school board of the other school district accepts the application the acceptance
20applies only for the following school year.
SB161,10,23 21(3) The parent of a pupil attending a public school outside of the pupil's school
22district of residence under this section is responsible for transporting the pupil to and
23from the course or courses that the pupil is attending.
SB161,11,3 24(4) The school board of the school district of residence shall pay to the school
25board of the other school district for each pupil attending one or more courses at a

1public school outside of his or her school district of residence under this section an
2amount equal to the cost of providing the course or courses to the pupil, calculated
3as determined by the state superintendent.
SB161,11,8 4118.53 Intradistrict enrollment options. (1) Beginning in the 1996-97
5school year, a pupil enrolled in a public school may attend a public school located
6within the pupil's school district of residence but outside the pupil's attendance area
7under this section for the purpose of taking one or more courses offered by the school
8if all of the following apply:
SB161,11,119 (a) The school board determines that there is space available in the course or
10courses. The school board shall reserve space in a course for pupils who reside in
11the attendance area for the school in which the course is offered.
SB161,11,1312 (b) The school board determines that the pupil meets all of the prerequisites
13for the course or courses.
SB161,11,17 14(2) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the school board shall establish policies
15and procedures for application, notification and acceptance or rejection and shall
16make information about the policies and procedures available to school district
SB161,11,1918 (b) 1. The school board may not reject an application based on the pupil's
19academic achievement.
SB161,11,2120 2. Section 118.51 (2) (b) 1. applies to the acceptance and rejection of applications
21under this section.
SB161,11,2322 3. Acceptance of an application under this section applies only to the following
23school year.
SB161,11,2524 4. The school board may reject an application if the pupil is involved in a
25disciplinary proceeding.
1(3) Section 118.51 (4) applies to pupils under this section.
SB161,12,3 2(4) Section 118.52 (3) applies to the transportation of pupils to and from courses
3under this section.
SB161,12,8 4118.54 School districts participating in a special transfer program. (1)
5If the school board of a school district participating in a program under s. 121.85 or
6121.86 determines that the application deadlines under s. 118.51 or 118.52 conflict
7with procedures necessary to implement the program under s. 121.85 or 121.86, the
8school board may modify the deadlines under ss. 118.51 and 118.52.
SB161,12,13 9(2) Notwithstanding ss. 118.51 (1) and 118.52 (2), the parent of a pupil who
10resides in a school district participating in a program under s. 121.85 or 121.86 shall
11submit the application to the school board of the school district of residence. If the
12school board of the school district of residence approves the application, it shall
13forward the application to the school district of attendance.
SB161,12,19 14(3) If the school board of a school district participating in a program under s.
15121.85 or 121.86 believes that any provision in ss. 118.51 to 118.53 is harmful to the
16program or to the school district's efforts to achieve racial balance, the school board
17may request the state superintendent to modify the provision. If the state
18superintendent determines that the provision is harmful to the program or to the
19school district's efforts, he or she shall modify the provision for that school district.
SB161,12,21 20118.56 State superintendent duties. The state superintendent shall do all
21of the following:
SB161,12,22 22(1) Promulgate rules to implement and administer this subchapter.
SB161,13,3 23(2) Annually evaluate the effects of the programs under ss. 118.51 to 118.53 and
24submit a report to the governor, and to the appropriate standing committees of the
25legislature under s. 13.172 (3), summarizing the results of the evaluation. The report

1shall specify the number of pupils attending a school outside of the pupil's school
2district of residence under ss. 118.51 and 118.52 by school, grade, ethnicity and
SB161, s. 13 4Section 13. 119.04 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB161,13,125 119.04 (1) Subchapters IV, V and VII of ch. 115, subch. II of ch. 118, ch. 121 and
6ss. 66.03 (3) (c), 115.01 (1) and (2), 115.28, 115.31, 115.33, 115.34, 115.343, 115.345,
7115.361, 115.364, 115.366, 115.38 (2), 115.40, 115.45, 118.01 to 118.04, 118.06,
8118.07, 118.10, 118.12, 118.125 to 118.14, 118.15, 118.153, 118.16, 118.162, 118.163,
9118.18, 118.19, 118.20, 118.24 (1), (2) (c) to (f), (6) and (8), 118.245, 118.255, 118.258,
10118.30 to 118.42, 120.12 (5) and (15) to (23), 120.125, 120.13 (1), (2) (b) to (g), (3), (14),
11(17) to (19), (26), (34) and (35) and 120.14 are applicable to a 1st class city school
12district and board.
SB161, s. 14 13Section 14. 119.24 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB161,13,19 14119.24 Admission of pupils. Each Subject to s. 118.51 (1) (c), each school
15under the jurisdiction of the board shall be open to pupils residing within the
16attendance district established for that school under s. 119.16 (2). A pupil residing
17in any such attendance district may attend a school in another attendance district
18with the written permission of the superintendent of schools or as provided in s.
SB161, s. 15 20Section 15. 120.12 (17) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB161,13,2521 120.12 (17) University of Wisconsin system tuition. Pay the tuition of any
22pupil enrolled in the school district and attending a center or institution within the
23university of Wisconsin system if the pupil is not participating in the program under
24s. 118.37 118.55, the course the pupil is attending at the university is not offered in
25the school district and the pupil will receive high school credit for the course.
SB161, s. 16
1Section 16. 121.05 (1) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB161,14,32 121.05 (1) (a) 5. Pupils attending an institution of higher education under s.
3118.37 118.55.
SB161, s. 17 4Section 17. 121.54 (10) of the statutes is created to read:
SB161,14,75 121.54 (10) Interdistrict school choice. A school board may elect to provide
6transportation, including transportation to and from summer classes, for any of the
7following pupils:
SB161,14,88 (a) Nonresident pupils accepted under s. 118.51 or 118.52.
SB161,14,99 (b) Resident pupils attending another school district under s. 118.51 or 118.52.
SB161,14,1210 (c) Pupils attending a public school located within the pupil's school district of
11residence but outside the pupil's attendance area under s. 118.53 who are not
12required to be transported under this section.
SB161, s. 18 13Section 18. 121.58 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB161,15,714 121.58 (2) (a) A school district which provides transportation to and from a
15school under ss. 121.54 (1) to (3), (5) and, (6) and (10) and 121.57 shall be paid state
16aid for such transportation at the rate of $30 per school year per pupil so transported
17whose residence is at least 2 miles and not more than 5 miles from the school
18attended, $45 per school year per pupil so transported whose residence is at least 5
19miles and not more than 8 miles from the school attended, $60 per school year per
20pupil so transported whose residence is at least 8 miles and not more than 12 miles
21from the school attended, $68 per school year per pupil so transported whose
22residence is at least 12 miles and not more than 15 miles from the school attended,
23$75 per school year per pupil so transported whose residence is at least 15 miles and
24not more than 18 miles from the school attended, and $85 per school year per pupil
25so transported whose residence is more than 18 miles from the school attended. Such

1state aid shall be reduced proportionately in the case of a pupil transported for less
2than a full school year because of nonenrollment. State aid for transportation shall
3not exceed the actual cost thereof. No state aid of any kind may be paid to a school
4district which charges the pupil transported or his or her parent or guardian any part
5of the cost of transportation provided under ss. 121.54 (1) to (3), (5) and, (6) and (10)
6and 121.57 or which wilfully or negligently fails to transport all pupils for whom
7transportation is required under s. 121.54.
SB161, s. 19 8Section 19. 121.58 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB161,15,229 121.58 (4) State aid for summer class transportation. Annually on or before
10October 1 of the year in which transportation is provided under s. 121.54 (4) or (10),
11the school district clerk shall file with the department a report, containing such
12information as the department requires, on transportation provided by the school
13board to and from summer classes. Upon receipt of such report and if the summer
14classes meet the requirements of s. 121.14 (1), state aid shall be paid for such
15transportation. A school district which provides such transportation shall be paid
16state aid for such transportation at the rate of $4 per pupil transported to and from
17public school whose residence is at least 2 miles and not more than 5 miles by the
18nearest traveled route from the public school attended, and $6 per pupil transported
19to and from public school whose residence is more than 5 miles by the nearest
20traveled route from the public school attended, if the pupil is transported 30 days or
21more. The state aid shall be reduced proportionately if the pupil is transported less
22than 30 days.
SB161, s. 20 23Section 20. 121.77 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB161,16,624 121.77 (1) Every elementary school and high school shall be free to all pupils
25who reside in the school district. If facilities are adequate, a school board, board of

1control of a cooperative educational service agency or county handicapped children's
2education board may admit
nonresident pupils who meet its entrance requirements.
3Nonresident pupils
are admitted, they shall have all the rights and privileges of
4resident pupils and shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as resident
5pupils, subject to s. 118.51 (4). The agency of service shall charge tuition for each
6nonresident pupil, except as provided in s. 121.78 (1g).
SB161, s. 21 7Section 21. 121.78 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 121.78 (1m), and 121.78
8(1m) (title) and (a), as renumbered, are amended to read:
SB161,16,169 121.78 (1m) (title) By agreement attendance out-of-state. (a) Upon the
10approval of the state superintendent, the a school board of the district of residence
11and the school board of the district of attendance may make a written agreement to

12may permit an elementary or high school a pupil to attend a public school, including
13an out-of-state school,
located outside the school district of residence, and the school
14district of residence
this state. The school board shall pay the tuition. The and the
15school district of residence shall be paid state aid as though the pupil were enrolled
16in the school district of residence.
SB161, s. 22 17Section 22. 121.78 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB161,16,2218 121.78 (1g) Interdistrict school choice. The school board of the school district
19of residence of a pupil who attends a public school in another school district under
20s. 118.51 shall pay to the school district of attendance the amount described under
21s. 118.51 (7). The school district of residence shall be paid state aid as though the
22pupil were enrolled in that school district.
SB161, s. 23 23Section 23. 121.81 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB161,17,1624 121.81 (2) (a) A pupil whose If a pupil's parent or legal custodian, who is a
25resident of this state but not a resident of the school district, misses the application

1deadline under s. 118.51 (1) (a) for the attendance of the pupil in another school
2district, the pupil's parent or legal custodian
may file with the school board of the
3other school district a written application for enrollment in the schools of the that
4school district. The application shall be accompanied by a written declaration of the
5parent or legal custodian that the parent or legal custodian will establish residence
6in the school district by a specified time. If facilities are adequate, the school board
7may permit the pupil to enroll in the schools of the school district, and may require
8prepayment of a tuition fee for 9 school weeks or may waive the tuition requirement
9for that pupil. If the parent or legal custodian establishes residence in the school
10district within such 9 school weeks, the school board shall refund the tuition fee. If
11such residence is not established there shall be no refund of the tuition fee but
12another written application for enrollment may be filed for the next succeeding 9
13school weeks and, upon prepayment of a tuition fee for such 9 school weeks, the school
14board may permit the pupil to reenroll. If the parent or legal custodian establishes
15residence in the school district within the second 9 school weeks, the school board
16shall refund the tuition fee for the second 9 school weeks.
SB161, s. 24 17Section 24. 121.84 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB161,17,2118 121.84 (1) (a) A school board may shall permit a pupil who is enrolled in a school
19under its jurisdiction and is a resident of the school district at the beginning of the
20school year to complete the school year at the school without payment of tuition, even
21though the pupil is no longer a resident of the school district.
SB161, s. 25 22Section 25. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after
23publication, except as follows:
1(1)  Public school choice. The treatment of sections 121.78 (1), 121.81 (2) (a)
2and 121.84 (1) (a) of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 1996.
SB161,18,33 (End)